Autism (with normal IQ) is even more detrimental to one's employment prospects than being a literal retard with low IQ. A few links to check this thing yourself that I found with a few seconds' Google-ing: A proclamation...
NT black people have it difficult in this world compared to white people. But guess who has it even worse? Autistic people. Only up to 15% of black people in America are unemployed, sometimes less than 10%, compared to 85% of autists who graduated college being unemployed past college, compared...
85~90% of autistics are unemployed and will never be able to have careers,
2/3 of autistic men die without even one relationship from start to finish,
And the autism suicide rate is 15x the general population's. Everyone thinks it's okay to discriminate against autistics, there is nothing good about this disorder. Nothing will ever change because this is the way I was born. I will never find love and will never be able to connect with others like they can with each other because of this retarded disorder.
90% of autistic kids get bullied in school and one study found that 63% of all bullied kids were Aspergers.
But NT doesn't matter bro, it's just all about face, race, and height! -