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Ban Discussion Megathread

haha just fucking lol at you wet wipes kissing his ass goodbye. he was a bragging twat good riddance

vst, zyros, tellem t makes at least 3 fakecels banned. cant believe people worship these people who look like gods and have already had sex before. boo fucking hoo. lowest T thread ever.
I'm suprised so many of you like Zyros. That guy was constantly lowkey bragging by posting his pics everywhere and it was obvious he wasn't an incel.

I think anyone who isn't an incel should be banned. This is incels.is, not blackpill.is. How can you guys be comfortable reading the posts of someone who probably just got done having sex with a random foid?
haha just fucking lol at you wet wipes kissing his ass goodbye. he was a bragging twat good riddance

vst, zyros, tellem t makes at least 3 fakecels banned. cant believe people worship these people who look like gods and have already had sex before. boo fucking hoo. lowest T thread ever.
Don't forget @whogivesafucc

But to be an incel you don't have to be a virgin, just someone who haven't had sex/relationships in a long time (the exact time varies) and, a definition that I prefer, someone who can't get sex despite trying CURRENTLY. An old boomer who's 50 and haven't had sex since he was 20 for example would be an incel by any means.
themisterpepsi left?
Similarly, some people just by nature don't tend to say or do stuff that would overstep what mods consider the boundaries of what's acceptable, so they don't really need to know what all the rules and precedents and philosophies are. The rules exist because some people do have a nature to overstep those boundaries but can still make good contributions to the site if they are aware of the limits and conform themselves to them.

Beautifully put.
I'll never understand the concept of being a fanboi of a poster on the Internet that you have no idea what he's like in real life or if he's even who he claims to be. If someone posts something that I strongly agree with, I'll say so, but there's no logic behind fanboiing because I might disagree with him on the next topic.

However, if we are going to be fans of our fellow posters, wouldn't it make more sense to be a fan of someone who's an actual truecel? This is a forum for incels, after all. It's not blackpilledchads.net. I find it ironic and frankly sad that the two recent bans that have caused the most mourning are @Zyros and @Fontaine, both of whom were rightly banned for the unforgivable crime of bragging. Zyros was so in-your-face with his bragging that he didn't even bother to make a different name on looksmax for his slayer stories. And what bothered me the most about Fontaine was that he would make intelligent blackpilled posts talking about the importance of lookism, but in his very next post go bluepill and go on and on about pershunahliteeeee. The whole thing seemed like some kind of bait-and-switch, and it didn't surprise me when he ended up getting banned for claiming that he ascended with an 8/10 Stacy by charming her with his pershunahliteeeee.

Looks like halo effect is stronger than we all thought, even among the supposedly blackpilled. People want to like and be liked by good-looking people, and on an incel board, no one is better looking than the fakecels.
Looks like halo effect is stronger than we all thought, even among the supposedly blackpilled. People want to like and be liked by good-looking people, and on an incel board, no one is better looking than the fakecels.
I'll never understand the concept of being a fanboi of a poster on the Internet that you have no idea what he's like in real life or if he's even who he claims to be. If someone posts something that I strongly agree with, I'll say so, but there's no logic behind fanboiing because I might disagree with him on the next topic.

However, if we are going to be fans of our fellow posters, wouldn't it make more sense to be a fan of someone who's an actual truecel? This is a forum for incels, after all. It's not blackpilledchads.net. I find it ironic and frankly sad that the two recent bans that have caused the most mourning are @Zyros and @Fontaine, both of whom were rightly banned for the unforgivable crime of bragging. Zyros was so in-your-face with his bragging that he didn't even bother to make a different name on looksmax for his slayer stories. And what bothered me the most about Fontaine was that he would make intelligent blackpilled posts talking about the importance of lookism, but in his very next post go bluepill and go on and on about pershunahliteeeee. The whole thing seemed like some kind of bait-and-switch, and it didn't surprise me when he ended up getting banned for claiming that he ascended with an 8/10 Stacy by charming her with his pershunahliteeeee.

Looks like halo effect is stronger than we all thought, even among the supposedly blackpilled. People want to like and be liked by good-looking people, and on an incel board, no one is better looking than the fakecels.
Do you think everyone here are trolling? You can get to know people better if you read their incels posts than anything else. People pour their hearts out and say things they would never do irl.
I'm so happy that Zyros is finally banned. God damn, it took so long though.
However, if we are going to be fans of our fellow posters, wouldn't it make more sense to be a fan of someone who's an actual truecel? This is a forum for incels, after all. It's not blackpilledchads.net. I find it ironic and frankly sad that the two recent bans that have caused the most mourning are @Zyros and @Fontaine, both of whom were rightly banned for the unforgivable crime of bragging.
This goes back to my shocking epiphany that good-looking and high IQ NT people mog ugly truecel autists even here, of all places.
What can I say, I'm really glad Zyros got finally banned, got tired of his repetitive humble-bragging/flexing-on-incels posts he titled [Blackpills].

I can see why many people got upset tho. They just liked zyros because they got used to him and got fooled by his looks halo.
Why the mods dont ban all These countless here users who create Posts and threads about how many escorts they already fucked if bragging is so bad?

No wait, i got it wrong

Ive had meaned that if someone gets asked here if he's still a virgin and he would respond that he got sucked off by a drunk landwhale in a club once, would you also consider this as bragging?

Escort sex is not considered bragging except in rare circumstances. For example I recall there was a guy here who kept bragging endlessly about all the porn stars he had fucked. That was bragging. Otherwise saying "I went to a hooker and this is what happened" is perfectly fine.

This is an incel website. If you want a mixed Chad/incel dynamic there are lots of other websites that provide that including looksmax.org.

If you are aware of any other incels.is user that is openly and widely bragging about being currently sexually successful, you can report that as always.
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Escort sex is not considered bragging except in rare circumstances. For example I recall there was a guy here who kept bragging endlessly about all the porn stars he had fucked. That was bragging. Otherwise saying "I went to a hooker and this is what happened" is perfectly fine.

This is an incel website. If you want a mixed Chad/incel dynamic there are lots of other websites that provide that including looksmax.org.

If you are aware of any other incels.is user that is openly and widely bragging about being currently sexually successful, you can report that as always.

Ok, now Show me one post on where he bragged on this site and NOT on lookism or looksmax
Ok, now Show me one post on where he bragged on this site and NOT on lookism or looksmax
he’s been warned 7 times for brags/selfies in the past. of course you don’t see them, they’ve been deleted.
Ok, now Show me one post on where he bragged on this site and NOT on lookism or looksmax
he’s been warned 7 times for brags/selfies in the past. of course you don’t see them, they’ve been deleted.

This. Not to mention all the extra super humble passive aggressive brags he would push into every one of his posts.

- Implying he's "short" and talking about how great it would be to be "tall" even though he's 5'11" which is taller than at least 70-80% of men in the world.
- Claiming he's "only 5/10" and talking about how amazing it would be to be 7+ or 8+ even though he's objectively a 7/10 at least and way better looking than average 5/10 men.
- Talking about how ~5 girls that he fucked in one night all randomly run into him at once at a bar but this is just a "small thing" and "now imagine if I was a Chad!" even though this is so Chadded most men could never experience this in 100 lifetimes.

The man was a walking living breathing humblebrag, and most of the time, there was nothing even remotely humble about it. He clearly enjoyed the attention. He definitely seemed to enjoy baiting people with comments like the above.

Furthermore, to your point of whether or not he bragged on looksmax or here (in fact he bragged in both places), it is irrelevant because he made his identity shared and readily identifiable on both sites. What do you think should happen if Dan Bilzerian signs up on incels.is with the username "DanBilzerian" to start posting "Brutal Lookspill" threads in between his instagram posts of this:


Would the fact that he's bragging all over Instagram and not this site make his presence here then okay? Could he just keep doing that and posting here at the same time to "have his cake and eat it too"? Do you actually want guys who routinely brag about fucking models and/or having FWBs posting on incels.is, ie. the largest and most reputable incel forum on the Internet? Does that make sense to you?

The only way a Chad is permitted on this site is if he never brags or identifies himself as a Chad. Because then he is indistinguishable from the rest of us. Low tier Chads are much like women in environments like this. They love the attention being the "alpha" of the group provides them. This site is not here to facilitate that or provide them with incel orbiters.

If you want a site where every Chad can come online and boast about it for everyone to see, or boast offsite but in a way that clearly links them back to this site (so everyone can intentionally know about it), then again looksmax.org would be a better site for you. That is entirely permitted there, and Zyros remains allowed to post there.

I just looked over there and he's making one of his classic humblebrag threads as we speak. Maybe you can go be sad with him about the "bittersweet" nature of being better looking than only 70-80% of the male population and only fucking 7/10 girls instead of a 9/10 girls.
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This. Not to mention all the extra super humble passive aggressive brags he would push into every one of his posts.

- Implying he's "short" and talking about how great it would be to be "tall" even though he's 5'11" which is taller than at least 70-80% of men in the world.
- Claiming he's "only 5/10" and talking about how amazing it would be to be 7+ or 8+ even though he's objectively a 7/10 at least and way better looking than average 5/10 men.
- Talking about how ~5 girls that he fucked in one night all randomly run into him at once at a bar but this is just a "small thing" and "now imagine if I was a Chad!" even though this is so Chadded most men could never experience this in 100 lifetimes.

The man was a walking living breathing humblebrag, and most of the time, there was nothing even remotely humble about it. He clearly enjoyed the attention. He definitely seemed to enjoy baiting people with comments like the above.

Furthermore, to your point of whether or not he bragged on looksmax or here (in fact he bragged in both places), it is irrelevant because he made his identity shared and readily identifiable on both sites. What do you think should happen if Dan Bilzerian signs up on incels.is with the username "DanBilzerian" to start posting "Brutal Lookspill" threads in between his instagram posts of this:


Would the fact that he's bragging all over Instagram and not this site make his presence here then okay? Could he just keep doing that and posting here at the same time to "have his cake and eat it too"? Do you actually want guys who routinely brag about fucking models and/or having FWBs posting on incels.is, ie. the largest and most reputable incel forum on the Internet? Does that make sense to you?

The only way a Chad is permitted on this site is if he never brags or identifies himself as a Chad. Because then he is indistinguishable from the rest of us. Low tier Chads are much like women in environments like this. They love the attention being the "alpha" of the group provides them. This site is not here to facilitate that or provide them with incel orbiters.

If you want a site where every Chad can come online and boast about it for everyone to see, or boast offsite but in a way that clearly links them back to this site (so everyone can intentionally know about it), then again looksmax.org would be a better site for you. That is entirely permitted there, and Zyros remains allowed to post there.

I just looked over there and he's making one of his classic humblebrag threads as we speak. Maybe you can go be sad with him about the "bittersweet" nature of being better looking than only 70-80% of the male population and only fucking 7/10 girls instead of a 9/10 girls.
Fucking B A S E D. Putting @RageAgainstTDL the incel back in incels.is.
Seriously, I argued this point about off-site bragging numerous times, and how easy of a rule it is to exploit. I feel like allowing users like Zyros to openly brag off-site, ontop of his already existent humble bragging on-site, goes against the spirit of the rule when it comes to bragging.
Fucking B A S E D. Putting @RageAgainstTDL the incel back in incels.is.
Seriously, I argued this point about off-site bragging numerous times, and how easy of a rule it is to exploit. I feel like allowing users like Zyros to openly brag off-site, ontop of his already existent humble bragging on-site, goes against the spirit of the rule when it comes to bragging.

Agreed, so glad Zyros got dealt with.
Fucking B A S E D. Putting @RageAgainstTDL the incel back in incels.is.
Seriously, I argued this point about off-site bragging numerous times, and how easy of a rule it is to exploit. I feel like allowing users like Zyros to openly brag off-site, ontop of his already existent humble bragging on-site, goes against the spirit of the rule when it comes to bragging.
True. Never mind the fact he looked normie++ facially.

He posted stories about going to clubs and parties. He was framecel, but hardly truecel.
Seems like another chadcel larper bites the dust, the mods are finally doing their work for once.
i think its cause he necroposted
You mean you can't bring back old threads?

Can't blame him, it's a nice way to postmaxx and necroing a fun thread would seem legit.

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