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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Ban Discussion Megathread

Fair enough.
He is or was married, incited illegal discussion on incel websites, advertised repeatedly and incited others to do so as well after he was told to stop, had some other warnings in his profile, and this:

The topic is more complicated that this, obviously. That's the summary.
Now brags anywhere on the internet count here? Better be careful, boyos.
But thats how Zyros got banned
Yeah, that's what started this new era here apparently.

But Zyros bragged here as well (humble-bragged at least). Leucosticte never did it as far as I know (I could be wrong though).
That's okay knajjd you know I do not have any ill feelings towards you! It was given to me by @blickpall. The thread was about me being able to befriend females (including attractive females) as a result of not being sexually attracted to them anymore, because I know my place as an ugly male (as experience has proven). I specifically explained this in my now-deleted thread. The whitepill in @SergeantIncel's words speaks of its first rule as letting go of sexual desire. https://incels.is/threads/the-whitepill-practical-guide.93906/

I'm not mad about the warning, I just think it's funny I was given one with the whitepill now existing, but then again this whitepill thread came a few weeks after my own thread. I'm just bringing it up in case I ever get to a 100% warning level, in the hopes of one warning being reversed since one of my warnings was given out unfairly, in hindsight.

Wtf is a whitepill?

I know he was banned for more reasons than this one post, but these all sound ripped right out of the fantasy of the truest of truecels. That gun story, my God, I've seen 9Gag memes with less irony. No way he expected anyone to believe that. Probably figured "Well it's not on Incels.is, so who cares if I tell these few white lies?"
Death upon braggers
Wtf is a whitepill?
Check the URL I linked.
The fact I wrote that changes nothing of the basic philosophy and rules of the site. Making a thread about befriending girls, some hot, is a soft brag.
Moreover, I said forget about girls, not befriend them. (Nothing wrong about doing so, but my thread is irrelevant).

Gay. :(
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We don't pursue people on other sites, but if you're using the same username and bragging this heavily about romance / sex, then something needs to change.
I'm glad the mod team is behind enforcing the rule this way now. I always found it so stupid how non-incels could just brag about all their sexual exploits in very clear view of every other user here, and get away with it, so long as it wasn't on this site in particular. Whether that be on looksmax, another "incel" website, or on an incel discord server, they could rub our noses in their bullshit and nothing would happen to them.

I definitely like the way it is now, where even though we know non-incels are on this website, they at least won't get the ability to constantly taunt the rest of us off-site with bullshit like that. Still not a fan of the blackpilled normie rule, but this is the best possible change you could make without getting rid of the rule alltogether.
We don't pursue people on other sites, but if you're using the same username and bragging this heavily about romance / sex, then something needs to change.
So, Catfishman should be banned too, because he is famous here for already have fucked 35 different woman in the past and publicly bragged about this.
So, Catfishman should be banned too, because he is famous here for already have fucked 35 different woman in the past and publicly bragged about this.

I saw those screenshots... brags about having sex with 35 women and calls others a virgin. :feelsree:
So bragging doesn't go as hard on you as some might think. Cat Man would be banned if he were actually not incel right now, but he is incel. It's just he used to not be incel. So his only recent crime is being an asshole.
So bragging doesn't go as hard on you as some might think. Cat Man would be banned if he were actually not incel right now, but he is incel. It's just he used to not be incel. So his only recent crime is being an asshole.
Except he's not an incel.
So bragging doesn't go as hard on you as some might think. Cat Man would be banned if he were actually not incel right now, but he is incel. It's just he used to not be incel. So his only recent crime is being an asshole.

He would definitely be banned if he was actively bragging about fucking girls at the present. This should be common sense.

If I were to rank a hierarchy of bragging I would put it like this:

1) Bragging about actively currently being sexually successful - MAJOR problem. This is an incel site, and that by definition excludes you from the conversation if you intentionally make it widely known.

2) Bragging about a past history of sexual success - MODERATE problem. People should have enough respect and decency for others in the community not to do this. But having had sex once 20 years ago for example doesn't mean you can't be an incel now, so I don't consider it disqualifying in the same way unless it's intentional, gratuitous, and repeated despite warnings. Normies can become incel due to many factors like getting older, fatter, uglier, or dating just becoming harder. See my sig for an example of what's happened to ethnic men and their celibacy rates in the past 15 years. No doubt many ethnic normies have now become ethnic incels. If a past history of sex is disqualifying from participating on the site, this site would then effectively be a "virgins only" site, and although most virgins are incels, that's not actually what "incel" means. You don't have to be a virgin to be an incel.

3) Bragging about a positive attribute - MILD-MODERATE problem. People don't come on here to feel inferior. We already feel inferior enough. So no one wants someone coming on here bragging about how incredibly handsome/tall/ripped/brilliant/rich they are constantly. If it's just a passing mention no big deal. But if you're trying to rub it in everyone's face every chance you get, then yeah we have a problem.

4) "Bragging" about minimal things - MINIMAL problem. eg. having female friends, getting a few matches on Tinder, a girl talking to you once, etc. I call this "bragging" because I don't even really consider it bragging, since none of it implies you aren't an incel or are trying to make other people feel bad by mentioning it. Someone mentioned for example that fukmylyf had claimed a girl came up to him and talked to him once on looksmax.org. Who gives a shit? If you're an autistic male, for example, is that gonna stop you from being incel? Obviously not. She'll figure out your autism in 1 minute and that will be it. This type of minor stuff is only a problem if people are being very petty or intentionally making comments to bait other users. And then it is really more of a "bait" problem than a "brag" problem.
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He would definitely be banned if he was actively bragging about fucking girls at the present. This should be common sense.

If I were to rank a hierarchy of bragging I would put it like this:

1) Bragging about actively currently being sexually successful - MAJOR problem. This is an incel site, and that by definition excludes you from the conversation if you intentionally make it widely known.

2) Bragging about a past history of sexual success - MODERATE problem. People should have enough respect and decency for others in the community not to do this. But having had sex once 20 years ago for example doesn't mean you can't be an incel now, so I don't consider it disqualifying in the same way unless it's intentional, gratuitous, and repeated despite warnings. Normies can become incel due to many factors like getting older, fatter, uglier, or dating just becoming harder. See my sig for an example of what's happened to ethnic men and their celibacy rates in the past 15 years. No doubt many ethnic normies have now become ethnic incels. If a past history of sex is disqualifying from participating on the site, this site would then effectively be a "virgins only" site, and although most virgins are incels, that's not actually what "incel" means. You don't have to be a virgin to be an incel.

3) Bragging about a positive attribute - MILD-MODERATE problem. People don't come on here to feel inferior. We already feel inferior enough. So no one wants someone coming on here bragging about how incredibly handsome/tall/ripped/brilliant/rich they are constantly. If it's just a passing mention no big deal. But if you're trying to rub it in everyone's face every chance you get, then yeah we have a problem.

4) "Bragging" about minimal things - MINIMAL problem. eg. having female friends, getting a few matches on Tinder, a girl talking to you once, etc. I call this "bragging" because I don't even really consider it bragging, since none of it implies you aren't an incel or are trying to make other people feel bad by mentioning it. Someone mentioned for example that fukmylyf had claimed a girl came up to him and talked to him once on looksmax.org. Who gives a shit? If you're an autistic male, for example, is that gonna stop you from being incel? Obviously not. She'll figure out your autism in 1 minute and that will be it. This type of minor stuff is only a problem if people are being very petty or intentionally making comments to bait other users. And then it is really more of a "bait" problem than a "brag" problem.

He'd be banned for bragging about present/recent conquests not because of the brag itself, but because it would evidence that he's presently not incel though, right? Like confessing to being a drug dealer. In the eyes of the tax man, the drug dealing is pretty bad but what's REALLY bad is that the drug dealer isn't paying taxes.
he posted a thread,bragged about ascending and said mods "now you can ban me" lol
That fucking bitch, I knew he was a cunt since the beginning. He can rot in hell.
He'd be banned for bragging about present/recent conquests not because of the brag itself, but because it would evidence that he's presently not incel though, right? Like confessing to being a drug dealer. In the eyes of the tax man, the drug dealing is pretty bad but what's REALLY bad is that the drug dealer isn't paying taxes.

Well yeah, that's why it's a major violation. Not only is it bragging, it's violating the "everyone should behave indistinguishably as incels since this is an incel forum" rule. And it's hard to come back from. Once you tell everyone you're an active slayer and everyone knows, you can't really take it back or just say "sorry" and it disappears. Having the continued presence of admitted slayers on an incel forum is fundamentally harmful to the forum in a greater way than just bragging of any kind usually can be.
2) Bragging about a past history of sexual success - MODERATE problem.

I would consider this a major problem as well. If you had sexual success even if it was in the past, you have still achieved a lot more than us truecels have. Us truecels will never be able to experience this. Unless the person has acquired a deformity that caused him to be an incel then it's a different story.
If a user brags about romantic or sexual experiences on other sites under the same identity they use on incels.is, and this comes to light, then the mod team can take action based on this information and its context.
A concern with this may be that some people will realize they can get rid of an enemy they have here, by joining another site they're aware the staff have been known to regularly check, pose as that person under an account using their same name and avatar they use here, and then deliberately brag about something there they know would get that user banned back on this site. Followed by taking a screenshot and sending it and a hyperlink over to staff here.

Although it's unlikely people will go to such lengths in a community still this small and tight-knit, hopefully it's a possibility staff already know to be vigilant in regard.

The crux to this likely already obvious point is this:...Even if the staff were able to see through the false veneer of such attempts the vast majority of the time, it would be unfortunate if even one instance of a wrongful ban were to result.
I would consider this a major problem as well. If you had sexual success even if it was in the past, you have still achieved a lot more than us truecels have. Us truecels will never be able to experience this. Unless the person has acquired a deformity that caused him to be an incel then it's a different story.

The moderation cannot be "incel validators" who audit everyone by investigating them on the Internet and forcing them to submit pictures to prove if they are incel or not. No one would want to be on a site like that either. Balding and getting older/fatter are two common ways of becoming incel when starting out as a low tier normie. You can easily lose 2-3 points of SMV that way and drop from say a 4/10 to a 2/10.

A concern with this may be that some people will realize they can get rid of an enemy they have here, by joining another site they're aware the staff have been known to regularly check, pose as that person under an account using their same name and avatar they use here, and then deliberately brag about something there they know would get that user banned back on this site. Followed by taking a screenshot and sending it and a hyperlink over to staff here.

Although it's unlikely people will go to such lengths in a community still this small and tight-knit, hopefully it's a possibility staff already know to be vigilant in regard.

The crux to this likely already obvious point is this:...Even if the staff were able to see through the false veneer of such attempts the vast majority of the time, it would be unfortunate if even one instance of a wrongful ban were to result.

That's a fair point, and we will keep it in mind. But people are worrying and thinking way more about this than they have to. No one wants the admin/moderation team to be the online Incel Gestapo, investigating and seeking out claims of "fakecels" throughout the far reaches of the Internet. For the most part, if you are: (1) Not actually actively fucking women ie. really incel, and/or (2) Not trying to become famous for your slaying capacity, you do not have anything to worry about. It's been rare on this site when this has actually been an issue.
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i wont forget
If you're an autistic male, for example, is that gonna stop you from being incel? Obviously not. She'll figure out your autism in 1 minute and that will be it.
shit hit way too close home fam
Sorry if this isn't the right place to put this, but I've been curious - if a rule-abiding user has requested a ban for the second time, and therefore permanent for good, are they allowed to make a new account?
free tellem t tbh
So glad that the mods wont unban him.
You faggots would ask for any "popular" user to be unbanned even if they had taken a shit in your mouth, which Tellem-T metaphorically did with the shit he said about the incel community during his ban.

Goes to show the Halo effect when you're good looking.
So glad that the mods wont unban him.
You faggots would ask for any "popular" user to be unbanned even if they had taken a shit in your mouth, which Tellem-T metaphorically did with the shit he said about the incel community during his ban.

Goes to show the Halo effect when you're good looking.

Tellem-T produced top tier content. His mental break downs are unmatched
Tellem-T produced top tier content. His mental break downs are unmatched
He's a Tyrone that bragged after getting banned whilst shitting on all of us hard.

But nah, lets welcome him back because "he made le epik fake breakdowns XXXD"
Free everybody
That'd be kinda fun to witness ngl
I miss Saint Hamudi. Please mods forgive him and let him in here again.

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