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Ban Discussion Megathread

is it possible to still DM guys when perma banned?
What Ever Happened To @Dropbox Jones?
Lots of bannedcels browsing tonight
He is another chadcel larper who brags about his tinder matches

He is a mentalcel not a chadcel
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@FukkenLoser :f::feelsbadman::feelsrope:

He'us a good kid, autistic but he dindu nuffin wrong.
Quasi-neoreactionary libertarian
He got a warning for "bragging"
That's his second temp ban i've seen from bragging, how do you get 2 temps for blatant brags, you'd think by the second time it would be a perma, but nah, just let that warning level simmer down a little before slapping everyone across the face with another brag.
You'd think the mods would be on this shit by now, but evidently not.

Wouldn't surprise me if he had 3+ warnings for brags, i've seen two of them, so there has to be more.
Goodbye @FukkenLoser. Another Semen Retention Knight bites the dust. :feelsrope:
OP = Original Post = 1st post of this thread

Isn't @Leucosticte the most prominent user on this forum? He has a wikipedia page dedicated to him. I'd say he's some sort of a big shot despite not really being incel though.
That's his second temp ban i've seen from bragging, how do you get 2 temps for blatant brags, you'd think by the second time it would be a perma, but nah, just let that warning level simmer down a little before slapping everyone across the face with another brag.
You'd think the mods would be on this shit by now, but evidently not.

Wouldn't surprise me if he had 3+ warnings for brags, i've seen two of them, so there has to be more.

I've heard he is a bragcel but I haven't seen it. I've seen the post he got this most recent ban for and I didn't consider it to be a brag. Someone called him ugly and his response was "cope but I can't elab or I get warned." I know he calls himself a mentalcel which is fairly controversial on this site.
I'm neither coping nor trolling. Name one Chad. inb4 Orb because he was a miscer.

Note that unless a user is very prominent and creates big news with his ban, you should PM users yourself to find out why they were banned, as reasons are personal.

Isn't @Leucosticte the most prominent user on this forum? He has a wikipedia page dedicated to him. I'd say he's some sort of a big shot despite not really being incel though.


@Leucosticte is a representative of the incelosphere, whether we like him or not
Fair enough.
He is or was married, incited illegal discussion on incel websites, advertised repeatedly and incited others to do so as well after he was told to stop, had some other warnings in his profile, and this:

The topic is more complicated that this, obviously. That's the summary.
makes sence, thx for elab


Good bone structure =/= Chad. But the first guy is 7.5/10, there is something off about him. And the second guy could get the same rating if he cleaned up. I won't be responding anymore because this has nothing to do with the topic.
I've heard he is a bragcel but I haven't seen it. I've seen the post he got this most recent ban for and I didn't consider it to be a brag. Someone called him ugly and his response was "cope but I can't elab or I get warned." I know he calls himself a mentalcel which is fairly controversial on this site.
The first post I saw of him being a fucking bragposter was, if i'm remember correctly, when he made an entire post saying how he had a femoid ask for his number and he shot it down because "I don't wanna be an orbiter", pure autistic bragposting bullshit.

According to him that's not what got him banned the first time, but makes no difference in my eyes, if anything it's more egregious that he didn't get a big enough of a warning for that bragpost to at least temp ban him. And of course, brag posters and fakecels will always be repeat offenders. It's strange that the mods don't bother to harshly punish this shit the first time, let alone let users get away with it more than once, considering the whole VST case.
pure autistic bragposting bullshit.

I know you have me on your ignore list but I'm glad you can see through this bullshit. The amount of average-looking assholes thinking they're incel because they have to put more effort in than Chad to get a partner is Cho fuel.
I know you have me on your ignore list but I'm glad you can see through this bullshit. The amount of average-looking assholes thinking they're incel because they have to put more effort in than Chad to get a partner is Cho fuel.
I took you off my ignore list like 2 months ago dude. The only person I still have there is that fat faggot Brendio.
I got warned for being whitepilled though. :feelsrope: How do you justify this?

That's good to know. What's the deal with Brendio? (Feel free to PM.)
are you joking? you made a thread titled "NAWALT guys, based women exist too!!!" and posted a facebook comment of a female making fun of another female's makeup. this is not "whitepill" or any other pill for that matter, it's just mindless worship, the very definition of it. don't promote your "based unicorns" here and enable their attention whoring.
are you joking? you made a thread titled "NAWALT guys, based women exist too!!!" and posted a facebook comment of a female making fun of another female's makeup. this is not "whitepill" or any other pill for that matter, it's just mindless worship, the very definition of it. don't promote your "based unicorns" here and enable their attention whoring.

I wasn't talking about that thread. Besides, you weren't the mod who warned me, so calm down.
I wasn't talking about that thread. Besides, you weren't the mod who warned me, so calm down.
oh, i apologise to you for being hasty, then.
i couldn't notice any warning of yours that was relatively recent and had to do with anything like that, so i just assumed it was the last one which was sent by me.
oh, i apologise to you for being hasty, then.
i couldn't notice any warning of yours that was relatively recent and had to do with anything like that, so i just assumed it was the last one which was sent by me.

That's okay knajjd you know I do not have any ill feelings towards you! It was given to me by @blickpall. The thread was about me being able to befriend females (including attractive females) as a result of not being sexually attracted to them anymore, because I know my place as an ugly male (as experience has proven). I specifically explained this in my now-deleted thread. The whitepill in @SergeantIncel's words speaks of its first rule as letting go of sexual desire. https://incels.is/threads/the-whitepill-practical-guide.93906/

The Blackpill has shown irrefutably that certain men have extremely low chances of ever obtaining love from the opposite sex. Thus, in order to progress towards happiness, it is necessary to either find a way to finally get love, or to get rid of it altogether. We leave the latter to other threads and focus on the latter.

I'm not mad about the warning, I just think it's funny I was given one with the whitepill now existing, but then again this whitepill thread came a few weeks after my own thread. I'm just bringing it up in case I ever get to a 100% warning level, in the hopes of one warning being reversed since one of my warnings was given out unfairly, in hindsight.
great, i'm glad to hear that.
same thing, of course.

Awesome, bud! Btw, I'll PM you tomorrow about the bloc discord group, @Rice Cel told me about it. I can stay in touch with him that way.
Oops! We ran into some problems.
You may not start a conversation with the following recipients: @FukkenLoser

Is this one of those Hard Bans™ I hear about?
If user is an alt, he is known for sending Ip grabbers, thus no PM privilege.

IP/cookie grabbers? Oh d-d-d-dear...

I'm also now just noticing this.

Note that unless a user is very prominent and creates big news with his ban, you should PM users yourself to find out why they were banned, as reasons are personal.

Is this why I couldn't ask about @Zaetheus? Aw, I thought he was pretty prominent. Am I just biased?
Having a high post count doesn't imply 'being relevant' to the community.

It's not just the post count, I knew him as the 2d tiddy guy. Who always changed his avatar. I mean, I knew him. I guess that was just me.

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