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Ban Discussion Megathread

Nobody can guess if it's a message from him or a message from one of his ''friends'' so it's better no Zesto at all but why it's not in the ''rule'' section. Why there are rules not mentioned there hidden from users ?
1. Because some things are fairly common sense. As I explained to someone who was doing the same thing with another banned user, is it not common sense that when we ban a person from posting on the forum, it makes no sense for you to act as a proxy for their posts on the same forum? When we ban a user, one of the implied underlying reasons is that we do not want their content to appear on this site in the future, so by posting their content from them, you are undermining the ban.

2. Because if we wrote an autistic all-inclusive list of things not to do, it would be 10 pages long, no one would read it, and "clever" trolls like some of the rule lawyers we have on this site would still find loopholes in the wording or between the lines. It would be a never-ending project of adding and modifying the rules, which new members would obviously have to constantly make themselves aware of if they don't want to get warned.

3. There used to be an explicit rule stating that moderators are deemed fit to act at their own discretion when a situation presents itself that is not covered by the penumbra of the main rules. It seems that in an effort to simplify the rules for easy consumption, Serge has removed this clause and others from being explicitly stated. His reasoning is that it is common sense that in a site with moderation, we have the authority to make decisions on fringe cases. Just to be clear, this was in the original rules, or at least the ones that were in place sometime early this year. However, because they were removed, I presume it would be the "RREEEEEE" heard around the world from rule lawyers, whiners, and exception-beggers if Serge were to put it back in now, even though it is still technically in effect.

We discuss bans for a reason. We check each other's work in high-profile and borderline cases for a reason. We self-moderate, and I know for a fact that some of us openly admit bias in certain situations and ask for an unbiased member of the team to handle the situation. However, in cases like this, there is precedent, and it is cut and dry. I will try to find the conversation I had with that other user so that I can post what I sent to them, which made sense to them at the time.

Zesto is not coming back to this site, both because of his ban, his actions thereafter, and due to a voiced lack of desire to do so. His words/posts shouldn't perpetuate here now that he is gone, either.
So what ends up happening is that the precedents form of a body of rules anyway, for interpreting the rules that are explicitly set out. E.g., "You'll get warned if you're caught saying 'Go ER'" was an interpretation of an existing rule; people had to get warned before they realized that, even though there were a lot of people saying "Go ER," so that it might seem like the mods didn't mind it, that was just because it wasn't always getting reported, and you could get a warning if a mod saw you saying it.

So threads like this become a de facto setting forth of new rules, as people ask for clarifications, lay out their arguments, etc., and mods say how they're going to apply the short set of official rules. Either way, it ends up being a long list, where you either have to read a long list (if they were all laid down as official rules) or you have to read the ban discussion megathread or hang around the site long enough to get warned for overstepping various boundaries, or hear about warnings that people have been given, and thereby discover how the rules are going to get applied in each kind of case.

The U.S. Constitution is a pretty short document, but the case law is voluminous. E.g. the Fourth Amendment is only sentence, but at a law library, there will be two thick volumes of precedents about how to properly interpret it, that people are expected to know, since ignorance of the law is no excuse. The Fourth Amendment uses words like "unreasonable" and "properly" which is an invitation to use common sense, but in practice, one person's common sense can differ from another's, so what it comes down to is one has to learn what the founders' and judges' (or in our case, admins' and mods') philosophy and past decisions are and take one's cues from that.

Of course, some people have no need to know Fourth Amendment caselaw, because they don't do the kind of stuff that would attract attention from the cops anyway. Similarly, some people just by nature don't tend to say or do stuff that would overstep what mods consider the boundaries of what's acceptable, so they don't really need to know what all the rules and precedents and philosophies are.
If you're making a suggestion for what we should do in this case, I would appreciate if you summarized your argument.
(which is this thread; probably one of the purposes of having a cagethread to begin with is so that precedents and related discussions are seen by more people who want to know such things).
The chief purpose of this thread was to establish a standard for how people react to bans, which is to PM the user that was banned to find out why, or discuss bans in general instead of making mass threads about every high-profile ban.

knajjd v. Zesto
Not really a landmark case, as I said before. This has been how we have handled users with alts for quite some time, he is just the first to have actually gone ahead and made a new one (not counting other banned users like Kointo). A notable example of a user whose alt rights were taken away is theultimate341 because he was LARPing on his new alt, but basically no one heard about that (except people he undoubtedly complained to), because he never got banned for it and didn't make another alt, like a rational user. That's the real goal of the rules and their enforcement - for it to be mostly private and not a source of weeks of drama from overly dramatic individuals and orbiters.
The fascinating landmark case of knajjd v. Zesto and the circumstances surrounding it will undoubtedly be studied by students of incel law and culture for generations to come.
Do banned users get alerted when they're @'d? I assume that this is the case, but I'd like to confirm

thx in advance
Do banned users get alerted when they're @'d? I assume that this is the case, but I'd like to confirm

thx in advance
I personally have no idea. Wanna test it out?

Just kidding. @SergeantIncel ?
I break the rules (or at least I believe I do) all the time, but never get a warning for it. Any particular reason?
I break the rules (or at least I believe I do) all the time, but never get a warning for it. Any particular reason?
Low inhib af.

I'll look over your post history, thanks for the heads up.
I break the rules (or at least I believe I do) all the time, but never get a warning for it. Any particular reason?
After reviewing your history there was only one or two posts that even came close to breaking rules but they were obvious jokes or too vague to warrant any action.

You haven't triggered anyone into reporting you, most likely, or any reports that were filed against you were faulty, so that's why you don't get warned/banned.

Keep up the good work I guess?
Leucosticte banned? :feelsrope:

Temporary, right? He's still on the list.
After reviewing your history there was only one or two posts that even came close to breaking rules but they were obvious jokes or too vague to warrant any action.

You haven't triggered anyone into reporting you, most likely, or any reports that were filed against you were faulty, so that's why you don't get warned/banned.

Keep up the good work I guess?

Well shit, I don't even get a prize?
r.i.p. tranny smasher
@cucktearslol was pretty decent tbh. I've got 1 warning for cherry picking and I'm 16 so I reckon I'll last a while.
@cucktearslol was pretty decent tbh. I've got 1 warning for cherry picking and I'm 16 so I reckon I'll last a while.

Drop out of school. It will be the best decision you ever make.
Can I know why this guy was banned ?
I know it's probably for a long time but he pissed me off a little bit thinking that when he came to my city he was going to ascend just because he is black and ignore my advices when he make a threads for asking advice about my city
Bring back @Fontaine lol
Shame that @Zyros got banned. I enjoyed his high IQ posts.


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