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Ban Discussion Megathread

@Zyros rest in farts my nigga. Vampires never die.
@Zyros banned, yet another Nov2017Cel gone, at this rate. there all gonna be gone.. hmmm:feelshmm::feelshmm::feelshmm::feelshehe::feelshehe::feelshehe:
Zyros. Great poster. I will miss him, hope he stays active in Looksmax.org.

Nah I'm glad that boasting blue piller is gone, JFL @ anyone acting like he was anything but a larp
Shame that @Zyros got banned. I enjoyed his high IQ posts.

@Zyros rest in farts my nigga. Vampires never die.
This tbh.

A welcome surprise tbh.
Wonder what he got banned for, humblebragging with his pics again? Requested ban?
Over for draculacels
@Zyros banned, yet another Nov2017Cel gone, at this rate. there all gonna be gone.. hmmm:feelshmm::feelshmm::feelshmm::feelshehe::feelshehe::feelshehe:
Probably temporary or requested since his profile is still viewable.
Gambler and Zyros are gone. Two Paragons of r/incels lost in time, like tears in rain.
So @Zyros permabanned. Mixed feelings about this, I'm curious to see the reason more than anything.
Gambler and Zyros are gone. Two Paragons of r/incels lost in time, like tears in rain.
Oh noooo, two good-looking non-incels are gone, whatever will the incel community do?
This is proof that the halo effect is real.
Damn zyros is dead now, they're all dropping like flies.

There won't be any 2017 OGcels by late 2019
@RageAgainstTDL response is based. Best mod incels.is has by FAR.
@RageAgainstTDL response is based. Best mod incels.is has by FAR.
I like him a lot as well. One of the highest IQ and highest quality content users as well. Low inhib for banning Zyros without a specific occurrence now as well.

Damn zyros is dead now, they're all dropping like flies.

There won't be any 2017 OGcels by late 2019
The original users were just the ones who were on r/incels, not a big deal IMO. I never used Reddit, so I only knew about this forum around January, and only decided making an account in May.
@RageAgainstTDL response is based. Best mod incels.is has by FAR.
Holy shit that response was fucking based.
I'm a bit more receptive to the idea of the blackpilled normie rule after reading that, even if I still don't think it's ideal. Because one of my key problems with it is that normies seems to get away with these humblebrags, and often times, even outright brags, without even so much as a slap on the wrists.

Zyros was one of the bigger examples of this. Constantly posting his pics, constantly trying to get everyone's attention and then pretending to be innocent, constantly letting us know that he was out partying and clubbing the night before, constantly telling us that he knows a certain blackpill from personal experience (Read: He fucked chicks dude!), etc...
It was ridiculous, man. He never let anyone forget that he was a fucking Chad.
Holy shit that response was fucking based.
I'm a bit more receptive to the idea of the blackpilled normie rule after reading that, even if I still don't think it's ideal. Because one of my key problems with it is that normies seems to get away with these humblebrags, and often times, even outright brags, without even so much as a slap on the wrists.

Zyros was one of the bigger examples of this. Constantly posting his pics, constantly trying to get everyone's attention and then pretending to be innocent, constantly letting us know that he was out partying and clubbing the night before, constantly telling us that he knows a certain blackpill from personal experience (Read: He fucked chicks dude!), etc...
It was ridiculous, man. He never let anyone forget that he was a fucking Chad.
But he was not a chad, he is only 6/10.

One of the reasons why i liked Zyros here is that he was a living proof of how "Sub8 law" is something completelly out of reality. He was only 6/10 (with a 14yo frame) and has a decent performance with females.
I'll meet you halfway- he's a 7/10. 6/10 in my ratings is just "above average", he's more than "above average".
7/10 is chadlite tier bro, he is not chadlite because he has a very big nose and he isnt even white.

Do a tinder experiment with him, you will see how bad he performs in a place where sub8 law applies in fact.
7/10 is chadlite tier bro, he is not chadlite because he has a very big nose and he isnt even white.

Do a tinder experiment with him, you will see how bad he performs in a place where sub8 law applies in fact.
He'll perform poorly because of his shitty hair, he has next to no good photos of him regularly.

This is 7/10 though.
Regardless, we're getting a bit off topic...

What was the inciting post for his ban? Or was this one of those "He's offended so many times that the ban hammer finally came down"?
What was the inciting post for his ban? Or was this one of those "He's offended so many times that the ban hammer finally came down"?
Posts on Looksmax were the nail in the coffin considering he was using the same name. You can't brag there but remain here, that is the precedent that is set.
I understand why zyros got banned. But why wait until now? Why wasn't he banned within the first few months of the forums existence when the rules became finalized?
I understand why zyros got banned. But why wait until now? Why wasn't he banned within the first few months of the forums existence when the rules became finalized?

JFL that's the shit I kept asking.

In which sense he was a bluepiller/LARPer??

What made him blue pilled is that on multiple occasions I've argued with him claiming that not only female validation is important, but its more important than sex, so you should never pay for sex, you should only have sex if you can first get female validation, in other words - "Fuck the rest of you guys, remain sexually starved while I come here everyday to boast, you have to get sex "the right way" else it doesn't count"

Another blue pilled concept he has is that your virginity is only lost of the woman who had sex with you actually liked you, in other words you could fuck 100 prostitutes but you'd still be a virgin.

Are you noticing a reoocurring theme yet. He claims to be black pilled but his belief system for sex puts all the power in women's hands and it pedestalizes them, he has essentially made women the gate keeper for all his sexual prospects. Like I keep saying over and over about black pilled normies, they have innate blue pilled concepts that are permanently inscribed into their psyche because they've had years of romantics successes, and they've formed habits and beliefs based on those successes, so when they come on here preaching these ridiculous blue pilled concepts and rules, from their perspective its black pilled. They don't see how they contradict themselves in both disperaging women and then at the same time pedestalizing and over valuing them.

What made him a larper, the image I posted is exhibit A of that, its why he likely got banned recently, everybody saw the larp, he's coming here preaching his "I'm just one of you guys" BS, and in his real life he's slaying, he was just coming here pretending to be one of us, he never was, he was always a high tier normie who got laid often, whoever fell for his shit must feel stupid - "oh I trust him, he's just a "black pilled normie", that's totally not an oxymoron" JFL.

I'm just waiting for the next guy to slip up, he is literally the same shit like Zyros, but unlike Zyros he's a lot more careful, I guarantee you he's a member of looksmax.org, but he's under a different username, so he can boast in private and then come here and larp as one of us. This "we allow black pilled normies" BS had to stop, I've been saying this shit for months and only just recently did Zyros prove my point, these guys don't belong here, this place is just a visit to the zoo for them, they get to come here and look down on all the animals and offer tips to
"help us evolve to their level".

Good riddance.
I don't like the banning of Zyros. He was a good poster and I don't think he ever bragged here. I think he said that he was incel until 22, that means he spent the great majority of his life as incel and "ascended" when his best years were already gone. Do we really have to exclude people who are blackpilled and have been incels almost their entire lives?
Goodnight sweet prince @Zyros. You will be missed.
What made him blue pilled is that on multiple occasions I've argued with him claiming that not only female validation is important, but its more important than sex, so you should never pay for sex, you should only have sex if you can first get female validation, in other words - "Fuck the rest of you guys, remain sexually starved while I come here everyday to boast, you have to get sex "the right way" else it doesn't count"

Another blue pilled concept he has is that your virginity is only lost of the woman who had sex with you actually liked you, in other words you could fuck 100 prostitutes but you'd still be a virgin.

??? There is nothing bluepilled in this way of thinking, quite the opposite.

Its a blackpill consense that validation is WAYS more important than only sex, 90% of the active members here believe in it including mods like knajid and Ryo_Hazuki. Otherwise inceldom wouldnt be a big problem, it would be resolved by money, lol.

But if you should pay for sex only depends on you. Anyways, Zyros is correct, if you never got CONSENSUAL sex, without betabuxxing or escortcelling, then yes, you are virgin.

Are you noticing a reoocurring theme yet. He claims to be black pilled but his belief system for sex puts all the power in women's hands and it pedestalizes them, he has essentially made women the gate keeper for all his sexual prospects. Like I keep saying over and over about black pilled normies, they have innate blue pilled concepts that are permanently inscribed into their psyche because they've had years of romantics successes, and they've formed habits and beliefs based on those successes, so when they come on here preaching these ridiculous blue pilled concepts and rules, from their perspective its black pilled. They don't see how they contradict themselves in both disperaging women and then at the same time pedestalizing and over valuing them

But woman ARE the gate keepers for sexual and romantic prospects, woman are the SELECTOR gender. This is basic blackpill, there is nothing wrong in this concept. It has nothing to do with blackpilled or bluepilled normies.

What made him a larper, the image I posted is exhibit A of that, its why he likely got banned recently, everybody saw the larp, he's coming here preaching his "I'm just one of you guys" BS, and in his real life he's slaying, he was just coming here pretending to be one of us, he never was, he was always a high tier normie who got laid often, whoever fell for his shit must feel stupid - "oh I trust him, he's just a "black pilled normie", that's totally not an oxymoron" JFL.

No man, Zyros never claimed to be incel here, in any moment. At least i never saw this and always say the contrary.

Anyways, althought i always liked him due to the fact that he is a living proof of how Sub8 law is a retarded shit and how he demolished the patriarchy cels coping here, his ban was correct. He bragged alot on looksmax.org, his presence couldnt keep being accepted here.
I cant believe that @Zyros is now banned forever :(

Just because he was "bragging" a Little bit

I think it's a unfair ban

he never used to brag here, at least i cant remember

I dont get it, i mean If a 0/10 incel would create a post About how he was in a club and got sucked off by a extreme drunk and intoxicated landwhale, would you also call that bragging?
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I dont get it, i mean If a 0/10 incel would create a thread About how he was in a club and got sucked off by a extreme drunk and intoxicated landwhale, would you also call that bragging?
are you joking? of course it’d be bragging.
Why the mods dont ban all These countless here users who create Posts and threads about how many escorts they already fucked if bragging is so bad?
are you joking? of course it’d be bragging. such blatant and mindless bragging, in fact, that he’d likely be warned more severely than usual.

No wait, i got it wrong

Ive had meaned that if someone gets asked here if he's still a virgin and he would respond that he got sucked off by a drunk landwhale in a club once, would you also consider this as bragging?
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Just because he was "bragging" a Little bit

If a 0/10 incel would create a thread About how he was in a club and got sucked off by a extreme drunk and intoxicated landwhale, would you also call that bragging?



The guy should have never been allowed on the site to begin with JFL.
Why the mods dont ban all These countless here users who create Posts and threads about how many escorts they already fucked if bragging is so bad?

No wait, i got it wrong

Ive had meaned that if someone gets asked here if he's still a virgin and he would respond that he got sucked off by a drunk landwhale in a club once, would you also consider this as bragging?
sure. no mention of romantic/sexual experiences, ever, in any sort of situation is allowed. though I don’t see how this relates to the case of zyros at all. he’s always talked about having dozens upon dozens upon dozens of slays and “FWBs”. this is not even comparable to what you’re talking about.
View attachment 70144



The guy should have never been allowed on the site to begin with JFL.

These pics are extremly cherrypicked

And i was not Talking About Zyros when i said that it cant be considered real bragging if a 0/10 gets randomly sucked off by a drunk landwhale and admits it to a other user who asks him here how he lost his virginity
sure. no mention of romantic/sexual experiences, ever, in any sort of situation is allowed. though I don’t see how this relates to the case of zyros at all. he’s always talked about having dozens upon dozens upon dozens of slays and “FWBs”. this is not even comparable to what you’re talking about.

But did he talked About the slays here? Or only on lookism?

I could also heavily cherry pick and Morph some pics of me and post them on any other social media or forum while i would be bragging About how much i slay

But that doesnt mean that it's really true
By the way, this here are some non-frauded pics of him
(some of them are even from 2016 i think)

I cant really recognize a slayer
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These pics are extremly cherrypicked

And i was not Talking About Zyros when i said that it cant be considered real bragging if a 0/10 gets randomly sucked off by a drunk landwhale and admits it to a other user who asks him here how he lost his virginity

But did he talked About the slays here? Or only on lookism?

I could also heavily cherry pick and Morph some pics of me and post them on any other social media or forum while i would be bragging About how much i slay

But that doesnt mean that it's really true
View attachment 70147View attachment 70148View attachment 70149By the way, this here are some non-frauded pics of him
(some of them are even from 2016 i think)

I cant really recognize a slayer

He still looks like a slayer in those pics tbh.

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