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Ban Discussion Megathread


Finally less pollution retardadism in this forum. Now there is only one more left :D

Finally less pollution retardadism in this forum. Now there is only one more left :D
67400479 0484 46F5 973E F3AD604938F5
The Zesto ban was so surprising. I knew he would get banned for spam eventually but I didn't expect this. Too bad its permanent I really wanted to see if he would ascend in Japan or not.
he got banned because he was too controversial. They had to get rid of him to make sure the official blackpill dogma of this site was reinforced properly. They caught him on a minor technicality and perma'd him for it. There is no way in hell any of this can possibly be justified. He was hands down the best poster of this forum, yet no exception was made for him. And then you have literal retards like @notafed that barely have two brain cells to rub together that get warned willy nilly, but only ever receive minor slaps on the wrist from the moderators. You mean to seriously tell me the guy who constantly talks about going on shooting sprees in public is somehow more worthy of staying on this forum than the honorable Zesto? The mod who banned Zesto knew full well about his Japan trip that was scheduled to occur the following month. I don't think it's a coincidence that he got banned at this moment. I'm not saying notafed should be permanently, or even temporarily banned for publicly voicing his homicidal fantasies, but if Zesto got permanently banned, why the fuck is this imbecile still allowed to operate under relative freedom? Something isn't adding up. I don't care if this is considered worship, I liked Zesto as a friend and to think he's left us permanently really is a blow to everyone, even his haters. He left this forum with a dark hole that wont be refilled without him


Finally less pollution retardadism in this forum. Now there is only one more left :D

Truly a worthy cause of celebration. By allah i hope the yakuza sort him out when he gets there and that will be the last we hear of such heresy that is the chinkpill.

he got banned because he was too controversial. They had to get rid of him to make sure the official blackpill dogma of this site was reinforced properly. They caught him on a minor technicality and perma'd him for it. There is no way in hell any of this can possibly be justified. He was hands down the best poster of this forum, yet no exception was made for him. And then you have literal retards like @notafed that barely have two brain cells to rub together that get warned willy nilly, but only ever receive minor slaps on the wrist from the moderators. You mean to seriously tell me the guy who constantly talks about going on shooting sprees in public is somehow more worthy of staying on this forum than the honorable Zesto? The mod who banned Zesto knew full well about his Japan trip that was scheduled to occur the following month. I don't think it's a coincidence that he got banned at this moment. I'm not saying notafed should be permanently, or even temporarily banned for publicly voicing his homicidal fantasies, but if Zesto got permanently banned, why the fuck is this imbecile still allowed to operate under relative freedom? Something isn't adding up. I don't care if this is considered worship, I liked Zesto as a friend and to think he's left us permanently really is a blow to everyone, even his haters. He left this forum with a dark hole that wont be refilled without him


he got banned because he was too controversial. They had to get rid of him to make sure the official blackpill dogma of this site was reinforced properly. They caught him on a minor technicality and perma'd him for it. There is no way in hell any of this can possibly be justified. He was hands down the best poster of this forum, yet no exception was made for him. And then you have literal retards like @notafed that barely have two brain cells to rub together that get warned willy nilly, but only ever receive minor slaps on the wrist from the moderators. You mean to seriously tell me the guy who constantly talks about going on shooting sprees in public is somehow more worthy of staying on this forum than the honorable Zesto? The mod who banned Zesto knew full well about his Japan trip that was scheduled to occur the following month. I don't think it's a coincidence that he got banned at this moment. I'm not saying notafed should be permanently, or even temporarily banned for publicly voicing his homicidal fantasies, but if Zesto got permanently banned, why the fuck is this imbecile still allowed to operate under relative freedom? Something isn't adding up. I don't care if this is considered worship, I liked Zesto as a friend and to think he's left us permanently really is a blow to everyone, even his haters. He left this forum with a dark hole that wont be refilled without him

I was pretty neutral towards the modding up until this point. Seems zesto was permed due to a misunderstanding or a personal issue/bias
he got banned because he was too controversial. They had to get rid of him to make sure the official blackpill dogma of this site was reinforced properly. They caught him on a minor technicality and perma'd him for it. There is no way in hell any of this can possibly be justified. He was hands down the best poster of this forum, yet no exception was made for him. And then you have literal retards like @notafed that barely have two brain cells to rub together that get warned willy nilly, but only ever receive minor slaps on the wrist from the moderators. You mean to seriously tell me the guy who constantly talks about going on shooting sprees in public is somehow more worthy of staying on this forum than the honorable Zesto? The mod who banned Zesto knew full well about his Japan trip that was scheduled to occur the following month. I don't think it's a coincidence that he got banned at this moment. I'm not saying notafed should be permanently, or even temporarily banned for publicly voicing his homicidal fantasies, but if Zesto got permanently banned, why the fuck is this imbecile still allowed to operate under relative freedom? Something isn't adding up. I don't care if this is considered worship, I liked Zesto as a friend and to think he's left us permanently really is a blow to everyone, even his haters. He left this forum with a dark hole that wont be refilled without him

I was pretty neutral towards the modding up until this point. Seems zesto was permed due to a misunderstanding or a personal issue/bias
what are you talking about? he did something that he was SPECIFICALLY TOLD not to do, or that he would be permabanned on his main account. were we to give him a free pass simply because he had a lot of posts? you're the one who is biased here, and it really is quite funny that you can't recognise it.
And you base yourself on absolutely nothing. If you want your word to be ever taken seriously don't go around making ignorant claims.
Clique > reason. Tribalism at its finest. "Ooga booga, anime friend no bad, yeti and mcdaddy bad. Anime friend no do wrong ever. I no see posts where anime friend do bad, cannot be that mcdaddy delete post."
Clique > reason. Tribalism at its finest. "Ooga booga, anime friend no bad, yeti and mcdaddy bad. Anime friend no do wrong ever. I no see posts where anime friend do bad, cannot be that mcdaddy delete post."
whether he did something which objectively deserved the ban or not is to me irrelevant. Short of him bragging about ascension, he shouldn't have been banned, in my opinion. I explicitely said in my original post on this thread that I believed an exception should've been made for him. As such, I'm wholly consistent. The fact that Zesto was one of the favorite posters should have been factored into the equation when considering his ban. A lot of people, myself included, were really looking forward to his Japan trip. I can only express my deepest regret that the quality of this forum will continue to decrease as the best posters get banned one by one. I don't want to be disrespectful either as I did respect the moderating team prior to this incident, but this seems like too far
whether he did something which objectively deserved the ban or not is to me irrelevant. Short of him bragging about ascension, he shouldn't have been banned, in my opinion. I explicitely said in my original post on this thread that I believed an exception should've been made for him. As such, I'm wholly consistent. The fact that Zesto was one of the favorite posters should have been factored into the equation when considering his ban. A lot of people, myself included, were really looking forward to his Japan trip. I can only express my deepest regret that the quality of this forum will continue to decrease as the best posters get banned one by one. I don't want to be disrespectful either as I did respect the moderating team prior to this incident, but this seems like too far
he was told not to do something, and he did it anyway. broke the rules. so, you're asking us to apply the rules differently towards different members simply because you like them / they have a lot of posts which is an absolutely horrible argument. wtf? are you joking???

he's on looksmax.org, go talk to him there.
The fact that Zesto was one of the favorite posters should have been factored into the equation when considering his ban.
Not sure if I'm being trolled or not right now.

I guess I'll make sure to consult you next time we are thinking of banning someone?
The fact that Zesto was one of the favorite posters should have been factored into the equation when considering his ban.
Lel, why would this ever be the case? "Hey, you're popular, we can't perma-ban you!" sounds like the dumbest shit ever. I don't even think he, or any of the other "Free X" posters are popular, they just have a clique that loves them a lot.

Having some popularity shouldn't mean you get away with stuff that other users would be banned for, that's retarded.
Having some popularity shouldn't mean you get away with stuff that other users would be banned for, that's retarded.
Yet we see this argument from orbiters over and over. Then, of course @DeformAspergerCel goes into a different thread and talks about how he is scared that he will get banned for saying that. JFL@the state of orbiters. That is one hell of a cope to choose.
Lel, why would this ever be the case? "Hey, you're popular, we can't perma-ban you!" sounds like the dumbest shit ever. I don't even think he, or any of the other "Free X" posters are popular, they just have a clique that loves them a lot.

Having some popularity shouldn't mean you get away with stuff that other users would be banned for, that's retarded.

Okay, and then the quality of this forum will keep decreasing as the unrelenting hordes of normfags continue to flood this forum by the month. For me, it's more important that the general quality of this forum is upheld (a way of not upholding said quality would be to ban those users that are the most appreciated by the community) than that the rules of this forum are autistically upheld to the nth degree. Obviously, one would have to apply common sense and not let the quality posters get away with anything. In the case of Fontaine for instance, wherein he made a thread bragging about ascension, I believe the ban was completely justified, however much I enjoyed his threads.
Yet we see this argument from orbiters over and over. Then, of course @DeformAspergerCel goes into a different thread and talks about how he is scared that he will get banned for saying that. JFL@the state of orbiters. That is one hell of a cope to choose.
not afraid of anything. It would be unfortunate if I got banned though.
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unrelenting hordes of normfags
Report them?

(a way of not upholding said quality would be to ban those users that are the most appreciated by the community)
Plenty of people disliked Zesto. So, who are we supposed to listen to in this popularity contest?

The truth is that he had to be warned numerous times to not make every single post/thread/subject a platform for discussing his Japan trip or waifus. He only became an okay poster after being warned to stop spamming the same shit in every thread. This is your ideal of a good poster?

the rules of this forum is autisticly upheld to the nth degree
"I support some rules but not others when they apply to my buddies." You're entitled to your opinion but perhaps you should admit to yourself that you are terribly biased. Zesto had racked up more than a dozen warnings, and was told not to do what he did. He did it anyway, quite blatantly, despite knowing full well that he can't do that. He ran out of second chances. It's as simple as that. The fault lies entirely with him, not anyone else.
he was told not to do something, and he did it anyway. broke the rules. so, you're asking us to apply the rules differently towards different members simply because you like them / they have a lot of posts which is an absolutely horrible argument. wtf? are you joking???

he's on looksmax.org, go talk to him there.
It's not about what's objectively right or wrong. To me the matter is quite simple. He was one of the favorite posters, yet you people permanently banned him for a minor technicality. The quality of the forum is my, and probably most posters' main priority, not whether certain people post on alts (heaven forbid) despite being told not to, or not. This wasn't anything but a display of power, and it will permanently damage the forum, if not for the act itself, then for the fact that one of the best posters is gone
It's not about what's objectively right or wrong. To me the matter is quite simple. He was one of the favorite posters, yet you people permanently banned him for a minor technicality. The quality of the forum is my, and probably most posters' main priority, not whether certain people post on alts (heaven forbid) despite being told not to, or not. This wasn't anything but a display of power, and it will permanently damage the forum, if not for the act itself, then for the fact that one of the best posters is gone
he was one of YOUR favorite posters. there were many people who disliked him. there were many people that considered him to be a low quality poster, just read through the last few pages of this thread. as blickpall said, "who are we supposed to listen to in this popularity contest?"

to me the matter is quite simple: nobody is big and bad enough to be exempt from the rules. everyone is expected to behave themselves. i'd specifically informed him that violating the alt restriction would earn him a permanent ban, and he did not care about it. giving him a free pass would be very, very unfair towards everybody else that we've banned for the same thing. read what blickpall told you over, and over, and over, and over until you understand why you're wrong. your "don't ban people i like, afford them special privileges over 'lowly' members" argument is so pants-on-head tier low IQ that i don't want to bother wasting my time addressing it again. you really should stop before you embarass yourself further.
he was one of YOUR favorite posters. there were many people who disliked him. there were many people that considered him to be a low quality poster, just read through the last few pages of this thread. as blickpall said, "who are we supposed to listen to in this popularity contest?"

to me the matter is quite simple: nobody is big and bad enough to be exempt from the rules. everyone is expected to behave themselves. i'd specifically informed him that violating the alt restriction would earn him a permanent ban, and he did not care about it. giving him a free pass would be very, very unfair towards everybody else that we've banned for the same thing. read what blickpall told you over, and over, and over, and over until you understand why you're wrong. your "don't ban people i like, afford them special privileges over 'lowly' members" argument is so pants-on-head tier low IQ that i don't want to bother wasting my time addressing it again. you really should stop before you embarass yourself further.
1. That's a low IQ representation of my argument otherwise known as a "strawman"
2. Suit yourself. I'll start hanging out on looksmax more
@Zesto is gone? For good or just for now?

It's kind of out there how almost everyone I remember talking to winds up banned at one point or another.
@Ritalincel back in the cage again? :feelsbadman:
I too also wanna know what happened to @Zesto. Did he get banned for his intent to ascend? How do we know he'll even pull it off?
I too also wanna know what happened to @Zesto. Did he get banned for his intent to ascend? How do we know he'll even pull it off?
violated "don't use alts from now on". this is given to certain people who are deemed to have abused the privilege.
Amazingly, there needs to be a statement it seems:

We will never make warning / ban exceptions because a user is popular, is liked, or has many posts.

We will never unban users because other users post "free X / unban X".
Bears shit in the woods. :feelskek:
Amazingly, there needs to be a statement it seems:

We will never make warning / ban exceptions because a user is popular, is liked, or has many posts.

We will never unban users because other users post "free X / unban X".

free ritalancel
i never got the reason as to why @Xenocel got banned?
does ritalincel watch anime? it seems like he has that avi just to halomaxx
#je suis ritalin

Free @Ritalincel

Yes, I agree his comments are not very descriptive. But they are terse and to-the-point. He is also a vigilant cuck spotter and annihilator. If all OG posters who have been here since the fall of /r/incels are getting banned like this, this site will die out. Because there are too many nofappers, standardcels and """mentalcels""" on this forum. @Ritalincel is one of the few old truecels still left here.

Free @Ritalincel

Yes, I agree his comments are not very descriptive. But they are terse and to-the-point. He is also a vigilant cuck spotter and annihilator. If all OG posters who have been here since the fall of /r/incels are getting banned like this, this site will die out. Because there are too many nofappers, standardcels and """mentalcels""" on this forum. @Ritalincel is one of the few old truecels still left here.

lol did you not read @blickpall comment? everytime you say "free banned user" they add an extra day to there time
Free @Ritalincel

Yes, I agree his comments are not very descriptive. But they are terse and to-the-point. He is also a vigilant cuck spotter and annihilator. If all OG posters who have been here since the fall of /r/incels are getting banned like this, this site will die out. Because there are too many nofappers, standardcels and """mentalcels""" on this forum. @Ritalincel is one of the few old truecels still left here.


Free him

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