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Ban Discussion Megathread

Mods are killing this site by banning all the funcels
It’s just a temp ban thankfully.

Nigga needs to be more careful in the future. :feelsbadman:
Thankfully why???

That guy dont even use WORDS in his posts, he just spam all the forum with the same unfunny memes.

If Nausea got permed due to extreme spam, that guy should be too.
Thankfully why???

That guy dont even use WORDS in his posts, he just spam all the forum with the same unfunny memes.

If Nausea got permed due to extreme spam, that guy should be too.

At least nausea gave us "better incel than cuck," all ritalincel does is posting the same good song, over and over again.
Thankfully why???

That guy dont even use WORDS in his posts, he just spam all the forum with the same unfunny memes.

If Nausea got permed due to extreme spam, that guy should be too.
I think he’s cool. Yeah his posts are very similar and he rarely derails from his usual routine but same goes with most of the forum tbh. We all have our own posting “style” and typical remarks we make.

And he offers some lighthearted relief from the usual doom and gloom. Maybe I have a poor sense of humor but I find him quite amusing. I’ve laughed at a few of his posts.
At least nausea gave us "better incel than cuck," all ritalincel does is posting the same good song, over and over again.

Nausea became literally incomprehensible towards the end, Ritalin isn't nearly that bad
you've received 2 brag warnings in 18 days, one of which involved you making a blatant brag thread just to announce how you're "not incel in terms of looks but still feel like shit due to the sub8 rule", the other for a post talking about how "your girl loves your curved dick". now, another thread about how you'd have been chad and mog everybody had only your face been more symmetrical. what's more, i'd booted you from the discord server a month ago for bragging there as well. you simply can't seem to stop bragging your looks and talking about your sexual experiences, so it's off to looksmax.org for you.
See, this is just further proof this website is WAY too lenient on bragging.

How the fuck does a guy brag about not being incel in terms of looks, get a warning for it, and then come back with another post saying "my girl loves my curved dick" and not receive a perma-ban on the spot?

Nevermind the fact that you guys know this faggot had a history of bragging on the discord server. And yet this guy continued to claim to be incel apparently, yet you guys said "non-incels who claim to be incel will get banned for being fakecels", yet this guy apparently had a girlfriend and claimed incel. Top fucking kek.

If the guy hadn't made yet another bragpost after the curved dick post he would still be posting here.
I feel like the mod team should really re-evaluate how harsh a punishment bragging should invoke. I believe it's the 2nd most egregious rule to break here, second only to targeted attacks of users, you shouldn't be able to get away with saying even 1/4th of the shit VST said in his time here, and you most definitely shouldn't be able to get away with saying "my girl loves my curved dick" and only get a slap on the wrist.
See, this is just further proof this website is WAY too lenient on bragging.

How the fuck does a guy brag about not being incel in terms of looks, get a warning for it, and then come back with another post saying "my girl loves my curved dick" and not receive a perma-ban on the spot?

Nevermind the fact that you guys know this faggot had a history of bragging on the discord server. And yet this guy continued to claim to be incel apparently, yet you guys said "non-incels who claim to be incel will get banned for being fakecels", yet this guy apparently had a girlfriend and claimed incel. Top fucking kek.

If the guy hadn't made yet another bragpost he would still be posting here.
I feel like the mod team should really re-evaluate how harsh a punishment bragging should invoke. I believe it's the 2nd most egregious rule to break here, second only to targeted attacks of users, you shouldn't be able to get away with saying even 1/4th of the shit VST said in his time here, and you most definitely shouldn't be able to get away with saying "my girl loves my curved dick" and only get a slap on the wrist.
you don't know what you're talking about, as always. he hadn't claimed to be incel in his application (the opposite, in fact) or anywhere else, and the discord violation was pretty light. people get a couple of chances to reform, that is how it is. even he had waited for his warning level to go to 0% to brag again, he'd have received a 100% outright for being a repeat offender. also, a 4-day ban is not a "slap on the wrist", it's literally the most severe punishment you can get other than a permaban.

this thread is not purely a "complain about moderation/rules" thread, stop using it as such. once upon a while is one thing but this is literally all you do at this point and it creates 2 page arguments without fail and clutters this place, making it harder for people to see what the thread is primarily meant for. really, kindly log off and find yourself another community if you hate this place so much.
you don't know what you're talking about, as always. he hadn't claimed to be incel in his application (the opposite, in fact) or anywhere else, and the discord violation was pretty light. people get a couple of chances to reform, that is how it is. even he had waited for his warning level to go to 0% to brag again, he'd have received a 100% outright for being a repeat offender. also, a 4-day ban is not a "slap on the wrist", it's literally the most severe punishment you can get other than a permaban.
"he hadn't claimed to be incel"
"my right side is fucking incel tier as shit to the point where i'd rather burn it and hide it with bandages than to show it"
rly meks u think:waitwhat::waitwhat::waitwhat:

A 4-day ban for saying "My girl loves my curved dick" IS a slap on the wrist. Hell, I got a 2 day ban once from you for NECROING a thread, people don't even get warned for that nowadays, and he gets 2 days more for bragging about his girlfriend and how she loves his dick? JFL.

Like I said, I believe the mod team needs to re-evaluate how harsh it is on bragging. You shouldn't be able to get away with saying "my girl loves my curved dick" as a first offense, let alone as a second.

this thread is not purely a "complain about moderation/rules" thread, stop using it as such. once upon a while is one thing but this is literally all you do at this point and it creates 2 page arguments without fail and clutters this place, making it harder for people to see what the thread is primarily meant for. really, kindly log off and find yourself another community if you hate this place so much.
"Waaah, waaah, stop criticizing our moderation, how dare you not let us go unchallenged!"
I'm discussing the ban of a user, would you prefer I make the 999th "Free "x" poster" and comment consisting solely of :soy: or some other emote in this thread? Oh, maybe I should quote a post and add no text under it, not even a particularly constructive post either, just another "Free x poster" meme.

If you're concerned about spam of this thread i'd argue posts that add nothing to the "discussion" in the "Ban discussion megathread" would be far more worrying than my posts you don't like because they add too much discussion.

When a better alternative shows up i'll move there, but until then, or until you find some way to ban me, you're gonna have to deal with me bitching about your awful moderation. I don't even know why you and Sarge constantly bitch about my bitching, not even a plurality of my posts are about the moderation of this website, let alone majority.
Honestly I think moderation here is the best I've seen of any incel space. Braincels is truly terrible, I'd rather be here.
Cuckkit moderation isn't a hard standard to surpass.
"he hadn't claimed to be incel"
"my right side is fucking incel tier as shit to the point where i'd rather burn it and hide it with bandages than to show it"
rly meks u think:waitwhat::waitwhat::waitwhat:

A 4-day ban for saying "My girl loves my curved dick" IS a slap on the wrist. Hell, I got a 2 day ban once from you for NECROING a thread, people don't even get warned for that nowadays, and he gets 2 days more for bragging about his girlfriend and how she loves his dick? JFL.

Like I said, I believe the mod team needs to re-evaluate how harsh it is on bragging. You shouldn't be able to get away with saying "my girl loves my curved dick" as a first offense, let alone as a second.

"Waaah, waaah, stop criticizing our moderation, how dare you not let us go unchallenged!"
I'm discussing the ban of a user, would you prefer I make the 999th "Free "x" poster" and comment consisting solely of :soy: or some other emote in this thread? Oh, maybe I should quote a post and add no text under it, not even a particularly constructive post either, just another "Free x poster" meme.

If you're concerned about spam of this thread i'd argue posts that add nothing to the "discussion" in the "Ban discussion megathread" would be far more worrying than my posts you don't like because they add too much discussion.

When a better alternative shows up i'll move there, but until then, or until you find some way to ban me, you're gonna have to deal with me bitching about your awful moderation. I don't even know why you and Sarge constantly bitch about my bitching, not even a plurality of my posts are about the moderation of this website, let alone majority.
"my right side is incel tier" doesn't mean "i am incel". "incel tier" just means "ugly as fuck".

i cannot see any warning i've sent you for necrobumping, ever. i've only ever given you one severe warning (40%) and it was for reposting a cherrypick thread that i had deleted in the past. now that i've checked your history, you are of course wrong yet again. it was sent by another mod because you had necrobumped a blatantly rule breaking racebait thread from February. your warning level was at 50% and so even the slightest warning was enough to push it onto 70% and give you a 2 day temporary ban. it was due to your high warning level, not the severity of the warning itself.

well, your "challenges" are pathetically biased, weak and chock full of assumptions and accusations on your part, so it's just mindless misinformation and flinging as much crap as you can at us while praying at least some of it sticks, not "criticism". in the previous post, you were claiming that we didn't ban a guy who LARPed about being incel, when he had never done so. in this one, you're accusing me of something i haven't done and attempting to argue that the guy was LARPing as an incel simply because he called half of his face "incel tier" in a post of his.
jesus, take a look at your emotional ramblings. leave the "challenging" to someone more fit for it than yourself.

do not expect to get away with a only verbal warning like this post of mine for making shit up in the future.
i cannot see any warning i've sent you for necrobumping, ever. i've only ever given you one severe warning (40%) and it was for reposting a cherrypick thread that i had deleted in the past. now that i've checked your history, you are of course wrong yet again. it was sent by another mod because you had necrobumped a blatantly rule breaking racebait thread from February. your warning level was at 50% and so even the slightest warning was enough to push it onto 70% and give you a 2 day temporary ban. it was due to your high warning level, not the severity of the warning itself.
Regardless of who it was I got a warning for necroing a thread.
I don't know what you mean by "Necrobumping", it wasn't a "bump" post, I responded to the thread because I saw it and agreed with it. I didn't say "bump" or reply with just an empty box quoting. Regardless of the content of the thread is irrelevant, I didn't make the thread, I simply agreed with it. You guys sure didn't care that it was supposedly a "racebait" thread months before I replied to it.

In fact that brings up another grievance about how selective certain rules are applied on this website, but i'll save that rant for another day.

well, your "challenges" are pathetically biased, weak and chock full of assumptions and accusations on your part, so it's just mindless misinformation and flinging as much crap as you can at us while praying at least some of it sticks, not "criticism".
"Waaah waah waah, stop challenging my authority Bronze!" is all I hear. Of course you don't like what I have to say, i'm criticizing you, no one likes being criticized, it's apart of life.

Also lel, "bias" is not a word you can use fairly. We're all biased here smart guy. You're biased towards your decisions and rules, and i'm biased by my own personal opinions, and my personal opinion is that your moderation is awful and i'm going to keep speaking my opinion until it becomes against the rules to speak my mind about how god awful the rules on this website are. Don't like it? Don't read it! I'm sure even the mods have an ignore button.

When I speak out about something I don't like I reason out why I don't like it. Dismiss my reasons all you want, my criticisms of your moderation aren't unfounded, which is why I have many people that agree with me. Some who agree so strongly with me they've set out to other websites as a result, there's a long list of people who think the moderation here is garbage, the rules are inconsistent and the website isn't really and "incel" website.

jesus, take a look at your emotional ramblings. leave the "challenging" to someone more fit for it than yourself.
I'm glad you dropped your petty accusation that my discussion of bans in the ban discussion megathread is "clutter". And i'm the emotional one, kek.

The fact that the user in question didn't get banned far earlier for his excessive bragpost is retarded and only justifies my complaints of this website's moderation.
Regardless of who it was I got a warning for necroing a thread.
I don't know what you mean by "Necrobumping", it wasn't a "bump" post, I responded to the thread because I saw it and agreed with it. I didn't say "bump" or reply with just an empty box quoting. Regardless of the content of the thread is irrelevant, I didn't make the thread, I simply agreed with it. You guys sure didn't care that it was supposedly a "racebait" thread months before I replied to it.

In fact that brings up another grievance about how selective certain rules are applied on this website, but i'll save that rant for another day.

"Waaah waah waah, stop challenging my authority Bronze!" is all I hear. Of course you don't like what I have to say, i'm criticizing you, no one likes being criticized, it's apart of life.

Also lel, "bias" is not a word you can use fairly. We're all biased here smart guy. You're biased towards your decisions and rules, and i'm biased by my own personal opinions, and my personal opinion is that your moderation is awful and i'm going to keep speaking my opinion until it becomes against the rules to speak my mind about how god awful the rules on this website are. Don't like it? Don't read it! I'm sure even the mods have an ignore button.

When I speak out about something I don't like I reason out why I don't like it. Dismiss my reasons all you want, my criticisms of your moderation aren't unfounded, which is why I have many people that agree with me. Some who agree so strongly with me they've set out to other websites as a result, there's a long list of people who think the moderation here is garbage, the rules are inconsistent and the website isn't really and "incel" website.

I'm glad you dropped your petty accusation that my discussion of bans in the ban discussion megathread is "clutter". And i'm the emotional one, kek.

The fact that the user in question didn't get banned far earlier for his excessive bragpost is retarded and only justifies my complaints of this website's moderation.
TL;DR. your objections have been noted, we appreciate the suggestion, blah blah blah. off you go now.
Why is @SOCIALSUICIDE banned?
Get fucked zesto you anime spamming tosspot
Rest in shit you cunt :feelsohh:
ban evasion alt of a bragger from months ago.
He did nothing wrong he didn't break any rules, can't you unban him ? Maybe he wasn't an alt.
He did nothing wrong he didn't break any rules, can't you unban him ? Maybe he wasn't an alt.
there's no such thing as a "maybe" when you manage to get permabanned. why on Earth would you want a bragger and LARPer to be unbanned? look at this asshole's violation. you should be grateful that i got rid of a pest.
you've had three brag threads you've created in the very same day that you were warned for before this, one outright saying that you could have had sex with a "Becky" (a 5/10, as you define it in the thread) but you chose not to because you want a "Stacy". that ban expires, and what you do is create a thread about how a female is currently taking pictures of you and is staring at you. you know it is against the rules, and yet you continue making threads that focus only and ONLY on you receiving positive female attention in a community mainly populated by those that have received no positive attention from females to speak of in their entire lives. you're either a troll or an incorrigible bragger, both of which are not welcome here.
there's no such thing as a "maybe" when you manage to get permabanned. why on Earth would you want a bragger and LARPer to be unbanned? look at this asshole's violations. you should be grateful that i got rid of a pest.
But it's not confirmed that they are the same person. Unless you have other ways to find out.
But it's not confirmed that they are the same person. Unless you have other ways to find out.
people don't get permabanned on a mere whim. if that had been the case, i'd have gotten rid of him ages ago. there's no question about it, that's the guy.
Damn, the night shift looks like it was rough.
Who the fuck was @SOCIALSUICIDE an alt of? Can’t think of any femine men that were braggers? Also why did you guys ban him 2 months later?

This is a more informal announcement, but a requested ban (and subsequent unban) will no longer count towards the "1 unban" total we have in the ban appeal section, as long as that unban was done six (6) or more months ago.

In other words, if I was unbanned 7 months ago because I had a requested ban, my unban chance is back.
If the same scenario happened 2 months ago, I have no unbans left.
If the unban was for breaking the rules and giving a second chance, nothing of the above applies, there's no unbans left.

If in doubt, just use common sense.

So, Tellem T can back?? :ha..feels::ha..feels::ha..feels:
Thank you based mods for finally banning that cucktears tier cuck @Hozo

I hope he gets back to cucktears, he'll be happier there.
what happened to my nigga @notafed

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