"he hadn't claimed to be incel"
my right side is fucking incel tier as shit to the point where i'd rather burn it and hide it with bandages than to show it"
rly meks u think

A 4-day ban for saying "My girl loves my curved dick" IS a slap on the wrist. Hell, I got a 2 day ban once from you for NECROING a thread, people don't even get warned for that nowadays, and he gets 2 days more for bragging about his girlfriend and how she loves his dick? JFL.
Like I said, I believe the mod team needs to re-evaluate how harsh it is on bragging. You shouldn't be able to get away with saying "my girl loves my curved dick" as a first offense, let alone as a second.
"Waaah, waaah, stop criticizing our moderation, how dare you not let us go unchallenged!"
I'm discussing the ban of a user, would you prefer I make the 999th "Free "x" poster" and comment consisting solely of

or some other emote in this thread? Oh, maybe I should quote a post and add no text under it, not even a particularly constructive post either, just another "Free x poster" meme.
If you're concerned about spam of this thread i'd argue posts that add nothing to the "
discussion" in the "Ban
discussion megathread" would be far more worrying than my posts you don't like because they add too much discussion.
When a better alternative shows up i'll move there, but until then, or until you find some way to ban me, you're gonna have to deal with me bitching about your awful moderation. I don't even know why you and Sarge constantly bitch about my bitching, not even a plurality of my posts are about the moderation of this website, let alone majority.