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Ban Discussion Megathread

That is never what I've said, my entire point has always been that this site will go to shit if you keep banning the quality users
And my point is that the "quality" of a user is subjective, except for their ability to follow the rules.

If the community generally don't have an issue with member x breaking some minor rule, I can't for the life of me understand why any mod in their right mind would ban that user anyway.
1. The community is served by the rules in ways that are invisible to most because of how we do our job - we prevent infiltrators, we delete rule-breaking content, warnings up to 60% total are not visible, so on and so forth. Managing runaway LARPing alts and alts that serve to dodge warnings is one of those elements. Take a look at lookism to see what happens when alts run amok. I firmly believe that the prevention of alt abuse is an integral part of maintaining this site.

You look around you and see green pastures. We are spraying them with pesticide. You say, "look, the pictures are green, are you sure it wouldn't be better if you didn't spray pesticides on them?" You fail to recognize that the pastures are green because of the pesticide.

Similar to a strong pesticide, we don't distinguish between bugs big or small ("popular" or not). If they are a bug and behave in ways that affects the green pasture, as other bugs have before them, they are warned to not do it again. If they do it again, they are banned. Simple as that.

2. You act as if you speak for the community as a whole, but just from the responses in this thread it is evident that Zesto wasn't as universally loved and appreciated as you claim. Some people are clearly happy/relieved that he is gone. Why should we listen to one side over the other?

From the moderator perspective, he has received a lot of warnings and I personally have given him a lot of leeway because I sympathized with his excitement/hope/delusion/whatever you want to call it in regards to his Japan trip, his Littleboymaxxing, so on and so forth. I sent minor warnings, verbal warnings, and verbal warnings via PM that didn't go on his record. This is to say that he was already afforded more leeway than a brand new poster, but a line was drawn and he crossed it knowingly and willingly without explaining anything to anyone. Now he is making up stories on other sites and I imagine in discussions with his orbiters about it, including yourself. You're letting your personal bias blind you to the reality of the situation, which is that Zesto is no different from any other user when it comes to how the alt rules are implemented and how we moderate. Yes, yes, I know your point is that we should give him special treatment. I'm trying to make you understand why that is a moronic position to take.
And my point is that the "quality" of a user is subjective, except for their ability to follow the rules.

1. The community is served by the rules in ways that are invisible to most because of how we do our job - we prevent infiltrators, we delete rule-breaking content, warnings up to 60% total are not visible, so on and so forth. Managing runaway LARPing alts and alts that serve to dodge warnings is one of those elements. Take a look at lookism to see what happens when alts run amok. I firmly believe that the prevention of alt abuse is an integral part of maintaining this site.

You look around you and see green pastures. We are spraying them with pesticide. You say, "look, the pictures are green, are you sure it wouldn't be better if you didn't spray pesticides on them?" You fail to recognize that the pastures are green because of the pesticide.

Similar to a strong pesticide, we don't distinguish between bugs big or small ("popular" or not). If they are a bug and behave in ways that affects the green pasture, as other bugs have before them, they are warned to not do it again. If they do it again, they are banned. Simple as that.

2. You act as if you speak for the community as a whole, but just from the responses in this thread it is evident that Zesto wasn't as universally loved and appreciated as you claim. Some people are clearly happy/relieved that he is gone. Why should we listen to one side over the other?

From the moderator perspective, he has received a lot of warnings and I personally have given him a lot of leeway because I sympathized with his excitement/hope/delusion/whatever you want to call it in regards to his Japan trip, his Littleboymaxxing, so on and so forth. I sent minor warnings, verbal warnings, and verbal warnings via PM that didn't go on his record. This is to say that he was already afforded more leeway than a brand new poster, but a line was drawn and he crossed it knowingly and willingly without explaining anything to anyone. Now he is making up stories on other sites and I imagine in discussions with his orbiters about it, including yourself. You're letting your personal bias blind you to the reality of the situation, which is that Zesto is no different from any other user when it comes to how the alt rules are implemented and how we moderate. Yes, yes, I know your point is that we should give him special treatment. I'm trying to make you understand why that is a moronic position to take.
whatever. We're simply talking past each other. I've never made the claim that everything mods do is bad. Certainly, I appreciate your ability to purge this site of its normie/NT/foid elements. Although I'd very much want to see that treatment extended to one user in particular and I think everyone reading this knows whom I'm talking about, but that's neither here nor there. Even if I accept your portrayal, at the end of the day, it comes down to a wager; what does one prioritize, absolute quality or absolute consistency? Unfortunately, in cases like these, one necessarily rules out the other. I think you're taking yourselves way too seriously by attempting 100% consistency (as if that's desirable even)
Genuine question. If someone joins Looksmax from here after being banned or NOT being banned from here to deliberately "kick off" or "start shit" which they have taken over from another forum can they be banned on BOTH forums instantaneously & simultaneously? This would apply to Looksmax & Discord & here? Likewise if one states that they ascended there in a public message would that count for here although it would be polite of that user to PM the Mods to tell them of that Thread there over here though.

Personally I think they should but what sayeth you all. I'm asking here as I didn't want to unnecessarily create another thread in the Meta section.
Zesto was one of the most, if not the most appreciated user on this site. Do you deny this fact?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand your point is. Maybe you liked him but I just found his posts spammy and annoying.

Rules are meant to serve the members. If the community generally don't have an issue with member x breaking some minor rule, I can't for the life of me understand why any mod in their right mind would ban that user anyway

1. No the rules aren't meant to "serve the members", the rules are meant to uphold a standard, to separate the wheat from the chaff. The rules are meant to ensure that we have certain kinds of members, not just members period.

2. If the rules don't apply to everybody, then they shouldn't apply to anybody.

3. Please see the irony in that you are basically asking to make this site a popularity contest like were a bunch of normies. If we went by your ruleset we'd start seeing a trend of users making spammy troll posts all the fucking time to make people laugh, so they can get people to "like them", so they can become part of the "elite popular clique" and skirt the site rules.
1. No the rules aren't meant to "serve the members", the rules are meant to uphold a standard, to separate the wheat from the chaff. The rules are meant to ensure that we have certain kinds of members, not just members period.
Very blunt statement, would have to be elaborated upon

2. If the rules don't apply to everybody, then they shouldn't apply to anybody.

fake and gay egalitarian sentiment that takes real world application of said principle out of the equation completely

3. Please see the irony in that you are basically asking to make this site a popularity contest like were a bunch of normies. If we went by your ruleset we'd start seeing a trend of users making spammy troll posts all the fucking time to make people laugh, so they can get people to "like them", so they can become part of the "elite popular clique" and skirt the site rules.
caring about preserving the forum's quality by not banning its prime members over minor technicalities that bothered no one seems to me like a fairly logical and straight forward proposition. Of course, one would have to take this within reason as well. This homosexual veneer of fairness is nothing but an illusion. Common sense is always factored into the equation when making so called "callous rational decisions"
Very blunt statement, would have to be elaborated upon

Dude I'm confused now, what is there to elaborate on, I meant exactly what I said, how more specific can one get than the rules are there to uphold a standard for the forum, not just appease forum members, that's what I meant, isn't that obvious?

caring about preserving the forum's quality by not banning its prime members
Who defines which members are prime? (I think it should be the rules itself, looks like its doing a good job)

over minor technicalities that did not bother me, fuck everyone else that it bothered

seems to me like a fairly logical and straight forward proposition.
A rule set not being universally applied is now "logical", yeah makes perfect sense.

Of course, one would have to take this within reason as well. This homosexual veneer of fairness is nothing but an illusion. Common sense is always factored into the equation when making so called "callous rational decisions"

1. This is what happens when people string big words together without any thought behind it, it literally seems like you are making a joke and not an argument when you say - "homosexual vaneer of fairness", nobody can take that statement seriously. It sounds like a very "forced" sentence, like you were just looking for a chance to drop some "big words" in.

Is fairness homosexual?, if so are incels not gay for demanding that women fuck their looksmatch, so were gay in our pursuit to fuck women. Yeah your "brand" of logic is shining through here today

2. Please don't talk about common sense, you have none, you are literally here arguing that some members should be given special treatment because they are entertaining. That is not common sense, that will just end up creating a "forum culture" of memes and "low IQ" threads just about joking around, as many members do their best to climb the ladder to become a "popular poster".

The guys you are defending are just liked because they joke a lot, that's it, please understand that your idea of common sense is that people should be able to break forum rules because they are funny, then guys like you will go on a thread and rage about how Jeremy Meeks is a criminal but women give him a pass because he's good looking, how can you not see the inconsistency in your logic, to hate chad and women for taking part in a system that you are trying to replicate in this forum? (special treatment for popularity/people liking you)

I'm done replying, this is going nowhere, you aren't arguing with any logic now at all.
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Dude I'm confused now, what is there to elaborate on, I meant exactly what I said, how more specific can one get than the rules are there to uphold a standard for the forum, not just appease forum members, that's what I meant, isn't that obvious?

Who defines which members are prime? (I think it should be the rules itself, looks like its doing a good job)


A rule set not being universally applied is now "logical", yeah makes perfect sense.

1. This is what happens when people string big words together without any thought behind it, it literally seems like you are making a joke and not an argument when you say - "homosexual vaneer of fairness", nobody can take that statement seriously. It sounds like a very "forced" sentence, like you were just looking for a chance to drop some "big words" in.

Is fairness homosexual?, if so are incels not gay for demanding that women fuck their looksmatch, so were gay in our pursuit to fuck women. Yeah your "brand" of logic is shining through here today

2. Please don't talk about common sense, you have none, you are literally here arguing that some members should be given special treatment because they are entertaining. That is not common sense, that will just end up creating a "forum culture" of memes and "low IQ" threads just about joking around, as many members do their best to climb the ladder to become a "popular poster".

The guys you are defending are just liked because they joke lot, that's it, please understand that your idea of common sense is that people should be able to break forum rules because they are funny, then guys like you will go on a thread and rage about how Jeremy Meeks is a criminal but women give him a pass because he's good looking, how can you not see the inconsistency in your logic, to hate chad and women for taking part in a system that you are trying to replicate in this forum?

I'm done replying, this is going nowhere, you aren't arguing with any logic now at all.
the veneer is homosexual, in that it attempts to portray fairness while being something entirely different in its essence, subject to human whim same as everything else. It's basically another way of saying fake and gay. Don't get angry at me for lacking basic reading comprehension. Do you disagree with the assertion that the general perception of the forum's quality among its user base will decrease as the favorite users (as measured by the official .is poll) get banned one by one? I'm very much grounded in reality, unlike you who cling to abstract principles, at the detriment of everyone's ability to enjoy this forum really. If Zesto's bothering you, ignore him. He wasn't breaking any severe or even real rules during his stay here.
the veneer is homosexual, in that it attempts to portray fairness while being something entirely different in its essence. It's basically another way of saying fake and gay. Don't get angry at me for lacking basic reading comprehension. Do you disagree with the assertion that the general perception of the forum's quality among its user base will decrease as the favorite users (as measured by the official .is poll) get banned one by one? I'm very much grounded in reality, unlike you who cling to abstract principles, at the detriment of everyone's ability to enjoy this forum really. If Zesto's bothering you, ignore him. He wasn't breaking any severe or even real rules during his stay here.
this is getting out of control. you're so biased that you're like a drone, and your argument, to put it bluntly, is so braindead that this is nothing but clutter at this point. drop it, everyone.
Spammed threads which had only one or two pictures. And cherrypicking, yes.
I thought @SyrianEthnic is Hamudi, the Syrian subhuman can’t ban a legend in the incel sphere like that
@Zesto was 6'0 white passing spic (an actual spic isnt near 6'0 due to amerindian genes)

he's still on alt here i have profound proof as i contacted him through space and time on the transuniverse of youtube

whereas i am actully @Zesto but 5'3.5
Can I ask why @incelkingkong was banned?
No? Read the Op.

Will start warning people who ask why a ban from now on. It's been explained ad nauseam.
I thought you explained in the case of a perma-ban since the user can't be messaged anymore?
Yeah, but no one had said whether or not it was perm or temp when the other guy asked "why", and we can't tell most of the time.
Maybe (((Sergeant))) will only provide an explanation for permanently banned users?
@notafed better be temp or mods have explaining to do
nobody cared about me for the past 3 days

nice support thanks everyone
Perm. Ask yourself.
I was wondering how long it would take for him to get banned with that much confronting the mods all the time and creating low effort threads nonstop. Not much, kek.

I didn't dislike him though. Was funny sometimes.
lol @ zesto writing a novel for a ban appeal, cant even leave out his gay anime.jpg out of a ban appeal. please dont unban him i otherwise i might have to look into hiring a van. i want to shoot that fucker
@knajjd @Zesto deserves to be unbanned because it take a genuine person to make an effort to write a ban appeal in which he wants to be part this community again

but at the same time no he shouldnt be unbanned to assist his journey to the east and boymaxxing but if u dont unban him them he will find another outlet such as video games or something else with no future (his future is to work at a japanese corporation or some kind of ESL thing)

with mental illness with regards to zetso and other mentalcels, the perceived discrimination is compounded with justified traumatic life experiences althought @zetso indeed broke a rule, it was out of habit and escapisim

understand that if we didnt have these outlets we would indeed be wasting away our lives but @Zesto have a goal in mind and this forum provided a very positive forward outlook to assist in his goals and social interactions which may have decayed due to severe depression if he did not have another obsessive outlet

many ldars are there because they lack discipline due to weak parenting which in zetso's case he is a hapa which although does not directly suggest he grew up in a healthy envrionment it may have resulted in the consequences of zetso raised without a strong paternal figure to build up habits such as grit, discipline and habits

instead zetso utilized the forum as an escapism method to substitute for these qualities while making the effort irl to work on them, the issue is that he left too early without a strong plan or another outlet to focus his energies on (maybe ADHD or some compulsive disorder that many incels have due to many of us being observers) this resulted in him coming back because his character was weak as to no fault of his own

@Zesto should be unbanned because he tried his best to leave this forum and pursue his dreams but his upbringing and time as a NEET and depressed loser developed habits hard to get rid of. the internet is a place wherein many incels live their social lives on, you cant expect someone like zetso who developed strong bonds here and on other forums to let go these immediately, it's like telling someone they shouldn't do cocaine, it has to be gradually worn off
lol @ zesto writing a novel for a ban appeal, cant even leave out his gay anime.jpg out of a ban appeal. please dont unban him i otherwise i might have to look into hiring a van. i want to shoot that fucker
I'm kind of on the fence about his appeal. On one hand its pretty sad but there seems to be a manipulative edge to it
I'm kind of on the fence about his appeal. On one hand its pretty sad but there seems to be a manipulative edge to it

ya but u gotta admit that incels.is is a coping mechanism for many incels here, zetso does not have a clear agenda instead he is inwardly selfish not to the detriment of others. @Zesto writes some funny larp stories take it at whatever value but some information has to be flexibility or exaggerated so he doesn't get doxxed, i choose to be zetso because that is the identity he is comfortable in and wants overcome, everyone has different levels of discrimination and EQ levels

think about it like this, @zetso is an author a manga where he is the protagonist and just writing out his experiences where he becomes a strong superhero and wins in the end by overcoming his social issues, looks, problems and background, everything is obviously exaggerated for story board effect. one day he just stops and takes a vacation to actually change himself and tells his publisher to prevent him to drawing.

but during his vacation he realizes he has nothing else going for him in life so he rushes back to work on his life project but his publisher prevents him from breaking the schedule and he goes psychotic because he's gotten so used to working on his work that he can't cope with doing anything on his down time

@knajjd zesto lashing out against u guys is just us having a mental break down on the stop, zesto is directly apogizing as a result due to the circumstances that it happened in which shows some form of sincerity considering the quality of the ban appeals

this site is just a coping mechanism and keeping him banned will do more harm to what is possibily an incel with no other social outlets (where he gets the positivity and expression he gets now from the incel community) while allowing subversive forces such as IT to remain and leak us out

this forum is full of negativity and lacks other point of views @zetso is actively making a difference with his journey to the east and he will bring experience that many incels are unwilling to attempt and share about

i have similair experiences to zesto in that i was also hospitalized forcibly by my mother twice by having the cops called on me and put on medications (i can send pic proof, doxepin for severe depression and anxiety and colestipol for my heart disease due to my cholesterol levels that became damaging during my larping period when i played runescape 18 hrs a day)

due to this we probably had a history of severe distrust of authority figures such as yourself @knajjd and others irregardless of the situation due to our experiences being dismissed or being gaslighted but zetso realized he is in the wrong despite this which shows he is indeed trying to achieve bushido, or mastery of the blade

these have caused some side effects which is not really noticeable until the aftermath which may explain zetso behaviors which shows that zetso may be under the influence of anti-psychotics and going into readmission
ya but u gotta admit that incels.is is a coping mechanism for many incels here, zetso does not have a clear agenda instead he is inwardly selfish not to the detriment of others. @Zesto writes some funny larp stories take it at whatever value but some information has to be flexibility or exaggerated so he doesn't get doxxed, i choose to be zetso because that is the identity he is comfortable in and wants overcome, everyone has different levels of discrimination and EQ levels

think about it like this, @zetso is an author a manga where he is the protagonist and just writing out his experiences where he becomes a strong superhero and wins in the end by overcoming his social issues, looks, problems and background, everything is obviously exaggerated for story board effect. one day he just stops and takes a vacation to actually change himself and tells his publisher to prevent him to drawing.

but during his vacation he realizes he has nothing else going for him in life so he rushes back to work on his life project but his publisher prevents him from breaking the schedule and he goes psychotic because he's gotten so used to working on his work that he can't cope with doing anything on his down time

@knajjd zesto lashing out against u guys is just us having a mental break down on the stop, zesto is directly apogizing as a result due to the circumstances that it happened in which shows some form of sincerity considering the quality of the ban appeals

this site is just a coping mechanism and keeping him banned will do more harm to what is possibily an incel with no other social outlets (where he gets the positivity and expression he gets now from the incel community) while allowing subversive forces such as IT to remain and leak us out

this forum is full of negativity and lacks other point of views @zetso is actively making a difference with his journey to the east and he will bring experience that many incels are unwilling to attempt and share about

i have similair experiences to zesto in that i was also hospitalized forcibly by my mother twice by having the cops called on me and put on medications (i can send pic proof, doxepin for severe depression and anxiety and colestipol for my heart disease due to my cholesterol levels that became damaging during my larping period when i played runescape 18 hrs a day)

due to this we probably had a history of severe distrust of authority figures such as yourself @knajjd and others irregardless of the situation due to our experiences being dismissed or being gaslighted but zetso realized he is in the wrong despite this which shows he is indeed trying to achieve bushido, or mastery of the blade

these have caused some side effects which is not really noticeable until the aftermath which may explain zetso behaviors which shows that zetso may be under the influence of anti-psychotics and going into readmission
i'm happy to say that us moderators are above being swayed by cheap manipulation tactics such as sob stories. i'd already told him that i would think about giving him another chance months later and he simply didn't appreciate it because he thought he deserved nothing less than a get out of jail free card. he's fucked up big time and he will have to deal with the results of it.
i'm happy to say that us moderators are above being swayed by cheap manipulation tactics such as sob stories. i'd already told him that i would think about giving him another chance months later and he simply didn't appreciate it because he thought he deserved nothing less than a get out of jail free card. he's fucked up big time and he will have to deal with the results of it.
Some people are just too self-important for their own good
i'm happy to say that us moderators are above being swayed by cheap manipulation tactics such as sob stories. i'd already told him that i would think about giving him another chance months later and he simply didn't appreciate it because he thought he deserved nothing less than a get out of jail free card. he's fucked up big time and he will have to deal with the results of it.

I guess u gotta commit seppuku now @Zesto :feelshehe:

I will lop off your head with my katana

59/41 Zesto already has another alt :feelsgah:
I'm guessing you were zesto all along?:feelshehe:

:feelswhat: what makes you think I'm a 6'0 Caucasian Chad I am Zesto the 5'3.5 ethnic not @Zesto the degenerate

No one believed me when I said he was a Chad
@knajjd should keep this @Zesto guy banned before I slice his head off for betraying our low iq forum
Pretty much everyone transgresses the rules now and then, though, and that's a pretty petty violation, so in that kind of situation, it's just a question of whether you like him or not.
Actually it's exactly how we've handled the exact same situations in the past.
@WillyBlogAndFriends Temp or perm, and if perm, what happened?
Was he actually Zetos' alt?
He may not have realized it was going to play out that way, since not everyone is aware of the moderation practices for each type of situation. But, that's what happens when you skate close to the edge; eventually you'll miscalculate. Also, "Rules are for people who aren’t smart enough to make good decisions on their own, the narcissist believes, but they know they’re exceptional. And so the usual rules, laws, or policies don't apply to them."

That of course collides with a bureaucratic philosophy that rules should be applied uniformly. The narcissist sees himself as a high-performer who should be given more leeway based on his contributions.
It was very cut-and-dry. I appreciate the lawyering people have done for him (despite all of the things he has said on the sister site which was counter-productive to the cause at best), but it can't get more clear than it was.

I do agree with your latter part, though. A lack of objectivity makes people overestimate the value of their contributions, I think it happens to all of us once in a while to some extent.

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