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Ban Discussion Megathread

The OG Novembercels (aside from the mods) will be extinct within a few months at this rate
This will not happen, I will not allow, relax.

This may happen just when (if) i ascend one day so i think i will ask to be banned and move to looksmax.org
This will not happen, I will not allow, relax.

This may happen just when (if) i ascend one day so i think i will ask to be banned and move to looksmax.org
I could be wrong, but from the looks of things 2017cels are dropping like flies
We got 1 confirmed vote for bringing back a confirmed braggart. Any other takers?

I had no idea he was bragging. Was it about his dick size again? Little 9 inch bastard that he is! Kek.
Why is @everythingislava banned? Is it permanent? Sorry if already asked, I didn't see it.

He just started following me :feelsbadman:
Those OG's dug their own graves. They know the rules, they've survived this far. If they get banned it's because they didn't care.
I'm not saying they didn't , I've noticed that a few have gotten somewhat reckless as of late. Even if they do get banned, they always seem to come back one way or another however. I imagine that's not helping matters all too much
Even if they do get banned, they always seem to come back one way or another however. I imagine that's not helping matters all too much

@catfishman23 is the best example of this to me on this site, the guy can do no wrong, he's invincible. He's admitted to having sex with at least 35 women, has bragged about it on multiple occasions, especially on discord, has been caught virgin shaming, is notorious for spouting blue pilled rhetoric basically saying - "sex only matters if it is accompanied by female validation", etc.

Exhibit A - 34+ Lay count + Virgin shaming


Exhibit B - Always getting banned (also take a look at his definition of fakecel that leaves a nice loophole for him to be incel)


Exhibit C - Bonus JFL

I keep seeing him get banned every once in a while and then poof, he's back again, like he has an endless supply of get out of jail free cards, I've seen this dude with a line across his name on more than 5 different occasions after he came back from being banned. Each time I say to myself - "well he finally crossed the line this time", but he always comes back.

At first I thought he was requesting the bans but that can't be true because once you do this too much, the mods don't let you back in, you can only request a ban 1 or 2 times maybe before they refuse indefinitely to let you back in. Either catfishman is secretly a mod himself, or he has some "pull" over the mods for some reason.

I was so frustrated after seeing this shit I even made a thread about it - https://incels.is/threads/why-hasnt...rs-like-him-users-with-high-lay-counts.37560/

After a while I just gave up, and realized that some members are basically "staples" in the community, it doesn't matter what they do, as long as they don't cross too far of a blatant line, like in @Genecel case of showing a video of him having sex JFL, then they won't ever be permabanned. I would not be surprised if I checked his name right now and he was currently banned JFL, there have been many times where I have randomly checked his profile and seen him banned once again after coming back, knowing full well he would be back, its inevitable.

At this point I don't even care if he gets banned anymore because I've just accepted it, it doesn't matter, whenever he says something blue pilled I just try to look the other way, sometimes i'll argue, but even that is becoming bothersome.
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Well this will be fun to watch
Catfishman is the best example of this to me on this site, the guy can do no wrong, he's invincible. He's admitted to having sex with at least 35 women, has bragged about it on multiple occasions, especially on discord, has been caught virgin shaming, is notorious for spouting blue pilled rhetoric basically saying - "sex only matters if it is accompanied by female validation", etc.

Exhibit A - 34+ Lay count + Virgin shaming


Exhibit B - Always getting banned (also take a look at his definition of fakecel that leaves a nice loophole for him to be incel)


Exhibit C - Bonus JFL

I keep seeing him get banned every once in a while and then poof, he's back again, like he has an endless supply of get out of jail free cards, I've seen this dude with a line across his name on more than 5 different occasions after he came back from being banned. Each time I say to myself - "well he finally crossed the line this time", but he always comes back.

At first I thought he was requesting the bans but that can't be true because once you do this too much, the mods don't let you back in, you can only request a ban 1 or 2 times maybe before they refuse indefinitely to let you back in. Either catfishman is secretly a mod himself, or he has some "pull" over the mods for some reason.

I was so frustrated after seeing this shit I even made a thread about it - https://incels.is/threads/why-hasnt...rs-like-him-users-with-high-lay-counts.37560/

After a while I just gave up, and realized that some members are basically "staples" in the community, it doesn't matter what they do, as long as they don't cross too far of a blatant line, like in @Genecel case of showing a video of him having sex JFL, then they won't ever be permabanned. I would not be surprised if I checked his name right now and he was currently banned JFL, there have been many times where I have randomly checked his profile and seen him banned once again after coming back, knowing full well he would be back, its inevitable.

At this point I don't even care if he gets banned anymore because I've just accepted it, it doesn't matter, whenever he says something blue pilled I just try to look the other way, sometimes i'll argue, but even that is becoming bothersome.

JFL @ talking shit about him and not tagging him @catfishman23
Well this will be fun to watch
JFL, the post will be dismissed or ignored, catfishman has veto power. Also he's toned down on the things I pointed out above, so he definitely will get a pass now, at least that's what I'm assuming, I don't use the discord, who knows, maybe he is still saying that same kind of stuff on discord idk. I got those images when they were posted by another user who was likely more angry than me to catalog this stuff.

My anger for catfishman started after I saw that users post JFL.
JFL @ talking shit about him and not tagging him @catfishman23

Done, I edited it, doesn't make a difference though, this has happened before, he already knows what I think, I don't want or expect anything to be done about it now, that time has passed and he likely avoids saying stuff like that in discord, but the point is, he could probably get away with it even now JFL.

Well I'm off to play some Grim Dawn now, i'll come back to see the shit show later, that's if I don't get myself banned from this very post, for the harsh crime of criticizing a known "untouchable" JFL.
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those screenshots are from outside the website (also outside the official discord) from a fight started specifically to bait him to brag, no less. the third pic was some random off tinder or something, which he eventually got ghosted by. the last warning he's been given for a brag was a whopping 50%, you imagine what he'll get next. this entire post consists of assumptions and other horseshit written by someone who doesn't have access to all the information.
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JFL, the post will be dismissed or ignored, catfishman has veto power. Also he's toned down on the things I pointed out above, so he definitely will get a pass now, at least that's what I'm assuming, I don't use the discord, who knows, maybe he is still saying that same kind of stuff on discord idk. I got those images when they were posted by another user who was likely more angry than me to catalog this stuff.

My anger for catfishman started after I saw that users post JFL.
I give the mods a bit more credit, I doubt they outright ignore your post and if they dismiss it, I imagine they'll put some effort into doing so. I haven't seen catfish man bragging or anything like that (not counting what you've just recently presented, though I do remember you posting those photos a few days ago) so my opinion on him is neutral. However, I'm not in support of people coming back from permabans multiple times. I could see one time in certain situations, but anymore than that only encourages high status members to ignore the rules
JFL, the post will be dismissed or ignored, catfishman has veto power. Also he's toned down on the things I pointed out above, so he definitely will get a pass now, at least that's what I'm assuming, I don't use the discord, who knows, maybe he is still saying that same kind of stuff on discord idk. I got those images when they were posted by another user who was likely more angry than me to catalog this stuff.

My anger for catfishman started after I saw that users post JFL.

Done, I edited it, doesn't make a difference though, this has happened before, he already knows what I think, I don't want or expect anything to be done about it now, that time has passed and he likely avoids saying stuff like that in discord, but the point is, he could probably get away with it even now JFL.

Well I'm off to play some Grim Dawn now, i'll come back to see the shit show later, that's if I don't get myself banned from this very post, for the harsh crime of criticizing a known "untouchable" JFL.

High T
Ironically I'm right now expecting to be banned at this point for having to gall to be honest and state my points

in a fight started specifically to bait him to brag

This is like someone saying - "well he knew I had a gun, maybe he shouldn't have aggravated me into shooting him"

If he was incel, he wouldn't have that much to brag about to begin with. This is the weirdest half assed excuse I've ever seen. Its the "baiters" fault that catfishman isn't incel, he should have known better not to "bait" a normie with a sex life into admitting to this. Oh yeah Knajjd that makes perfect sense.

I guess that registration trick you guys implemented into the site to catch females where they identify as one is bad, because you are "baiting" them into admitting they are women............... nah that's different I guess (your logic is off and inconsistent)

those screenshots are outside the website

So by that logic any user can post an image or video of themselves showing that they are chad, but as long as its not on this specific website its not grounds for being banned, you do realize you've now set the precedent and rule set for the ultimate troll fest?.

this entire post consists of assumptions and other horseshit written by someone who doesn't have access to all the information.

Sounding rather defensive there mate JFL. Also I think you are misusing the word assumptions, context doesn't matter here, even when you presented the information I was missing it doesn't change my points, please explain how the context you just established makes any difference to my points JFL.

1. He's still a guy with a 35+ lay count
2. He's still a virgin shamer
3. He still has said and continues to basically say that - "sex only matters if its accompanied by female validation"
4. He's still been banned multiple times and came back

What has changed here Knajjd, exactly nothing.

Like i've said before, I don't expect anything to come of us. No point banning him for past offenses that would just be spiteful, I'm just putting this out there so that if he does it again mods can't just skirt by on excuses.
he isn't truecel, that much is known already. he doesn't claim otherwise and never has. he hasn't posted those quotes in the forum or any other official platform and that is what matters. if he'd claimed to have gotten laid while talking about being incel here, sure, he'd have been banned, but that is not the situation. you can hate him for bragging about his alleged past if you'd like, certainly, but as long as it's not here, why on earth would he be punished on the forum for what he's bragged about on some lookism-tier discord server???

again, if they're LARPing otherwise on the forum, they'd be banned. catfishman has never claimed to be some sort of KHHV truecel.

all of his bans so far were temporary, of course he's come back. report him if he breaks the rules on the forum and he'll be punished like anyone else. come on, your post is an emotional trainwreck.
can a mod, admin, or janitor be banned?
your post is an emotional trainwreck.

You need to google "emotional", you clearly don't know what the word means, I logically dismantled all the points you made, points you are conveniently pretending didn't exist like:

1. "Well he was baited into admitting he isn't incel so its not his fault" - makes no sense logically because now its the fault of the "baiter" for getting someone to virgin shame JFL

2. "Well it wasn't on this specific website so it doesn't count" - leaves a loophole for trolls to link to other sites where they boast

Don't try to dance around those points like they don't exist, if you aren't going to address them, then why even bother to address me, it just looks fake.

report him if he breaks the rules on the forum and he'll be punished like anyone else

Please refer to points 1 and 2 above to see why this point you make here is pointless, I like how you make sure and specify - "on the forum" JFL. This is a ridiculous loophole.

Thanks for taking your time to even address me, but there are gaping holes in everything you're saying here, and trying to insert unsubstantiated "slick disses" like "you're being emotional" doesn't do well to hide them.

Anyways this is my last reply on this issue, I'm sure you have more important things to do than argue with some random site member.
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You need to google "emotional", you clearly don't know what the word means, I logically dismantled all the points you made, points you are conveniently pretending didn't exist like:

1. "Well he was baited into admitting he isn't incel so its not his fault" - makes no sense logically because now its the fault of the "baiter" for getting someone to virgin shame JFL

2. "Well it wasn't on this specific website so it doesn't count" - leaves a loophole for trolls to link to other sites where they boast

Don't try to dance around those points like they don't exist, if you aren't going to address them, then why even bother to address me, it just looks fake.

Please refer to points 1 and 2 above to see why this point you make here is pointless

1. What if its a case where he was "baited", then he'd get a pass

2. If he does it on another site, he gets a pass

Thanks for taking your time to even address me, but there are gaping holes in everything you're saying here, and trying to insert unsubstantiated "slick disses" like "you're being emotional" doesn't do well to hide them.

Anyways this is my last reply on this issue, I'm sure you have more important things to do that argue with some random site member.

i've never said that it's not his fault, or that people "baited" into talking about their experiences here, on THIS forum would be given a free pass for it, jesus christ. read it again. i was simply elaborating on the exact situation in those screenshots. it wasn't even an incel server, let alone an official one. there's absolutely zero reason for him to be warned here for bragging about his past in another, totally random place that has zero connection to incels.is since he doesn't claim to be a virgin or anything like that here.

as long as they don't claim to be some sort of über KHHHHVHHJSHDGSGHDHVV truecel here, sure, they can talk about their past all they want outside of here. people only get banned for what they do outside of this forum if they are LARPing as something else here. such are the rules. but, if they linked to other websites on this forum where they talk about it they'd of course be banned for it. that's just a "rules lawyering" attempt and is the same thing as bragging here.
it isn't temporary. he attempted to evade his temporary ban, and so it's now permanent.

I didn't follow the thread when I posted that, I just replied to blickpall. Mfw I make a joke and it's actually right. Was his face shown in the video? Because if not and they were only seeing a dick then I don't think he doesn't deserve to be classified as incel. But that's not what the ban is about, it's about bragging. Understandable. Still it poses a thought-provoking question.
So by that logic any user can post an image or video of themselves showing that they are chad, but as long as its not on this specific website its not grounds for being banned, you do realize you've now set the precedent and rule set for the ultimate troll fest?.
Lel, that happens all the time. Surely you've seen my millions of posts calling out fakecels, right?
They get brushed off by the mod team because "they're not screenshots from this website or the official discord".

I could PM you on discord a video of me fucking 12 rich, blonde, white stacies, and you literally wouldn't be able to do a damn thing to get me banned here. Such are the rules of incels.is.
I could PM you on discord a video of me fucking 12 rich, blonde, white stacies, and you literally wouldn't be able to do a damn thing to get me banned here. Such are the rules of incels.is.

JFL a sad truth
Lel, that happens all the time. Surely you've seen my millions of posts calling out fakecels, right?
They get brushed off by the mod team because "they're not screenshots from this website or the official discord".

I could PM you on discord a video of me fucking 12 rich, blonde, white stacies, and you literally wouldn't be able to do a damn thing to get me banned here. Such are the rules of incels.is.
do you have trouble with your eyesight or is it just your reading comprehension? kindly re-read my post however many times it takes you to understand it, because you've failed to.
do you have trouble with your eyesight or is it just your reading comprehension? kindly re-read my post however many times it takes you to understand it, because you've failed to.
Back to the old avatar thx.
If a person claims to be incel and is proven not to be, we ban them. You simply have a personal, more inclusive definition of fakecel which collides with the majority of user's own definition.
If you sent such a video you'd be hard banned, because you would have been lying here, to my knowledge.
Using myself is a bad example, but you get the point.
If someone like Zyros were to PM every incels.is user he could find on discord, with videos of him fucking blonde White stacies, or if someone who doesn't claim to be KHHV did so, you guys wouldn't ban them.

do you have trouble with your eyesight or is it just your reading comprehension? kindly re-read my post however many times it takes you to understand it, because you've failed to.
I guess in Turkey they don't really teach reading comprehension or manners do they?
I wasn't responding to you, I was responding in general to the fact that what I said is true. It is a fact that if some normie here were to PM users offsite with videos of them fucking roasties, they would not be able to get banned for it, at least not with the current precedent.

If I were responding to you and what you said I would've quoted your comment, but I was responding to BlkPillPres's comment.
Using myself is a bad example, but you get the point.
If someone like Zyros were to PM every incels.is user he could find on discord, with videos of him fucking blonde White stacies, or if someone who doesn't claim to be KHHV did so, you guys wouldn't ban them.

I guess in Turkey they don't really teach reading comprehension or manners do they?
I wasn't responding to you, I was responding in general to the fact that what I said is true. It is a fact that if some normie here were to PM users offsite with videos of them fucking roasties, they would not be able to get banned for it, at least not with the current precedent.

If I were responding to you and what you said I would've quoted your comment, but I was responding to BlkPillPres's comment.
on an unofficial discord, sure. it's another platform. has nothing to do with here unless they were specifically aiming for totally random incels.is users to harass them with the videos. then the guy would likely be permabanned, it's pretty much an attack on the website itself at that point and shows that they don't belong here, holding contempt for incels.
@Zaetheus ?
He's gone for a month and if he doesn't come back with a good appeal (whatever that means these days) then he's gone for good
:f: @Zesto !!! You will be missed brother...:feelsbadman:
Wait, what's going on? Zesto left days ago, he never signed back in ever since. How did he get banned? I could've sworn he was not banned yesterday.
Just came to :f: the fallen brothers, good night sweet princes
Not after his ban appeal.
ban appeals aren't "get out of jail free" cards to use on demand. the fact is that he did something that i'd specifically told him not to. the best he can do in an appeal would be "i'm sorry, i won't do it again", etc. etc. which really is relatively meaningless. if he does get a second chance, it'll be many, many months later.

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