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Ban Discussion Megathread

This thread caused me to stay away.
What the fuck why is Frail perma banned? I felt like there was something missing from this site and then I remembered.

and no I can't ask him
Illegal activity.
Hasn't he discussed partaking in illegal activity (drug dealing mostly, iirc) before, though? Was something different this time or did he have warnings about it already?
Hasn't he discussed partaking in illegal activity (drug dealing mostly, iirc) before, though? Was something different this time or did he have warnings about it already?
Going into details would be counterproductive. Just let it drop.
RIP VST. At least now he'll have some more free time to give attention to his harem. :feelswhere:
Yea. @Solitarian_Walker's avatar.

What the fuck is Chad doing here? Seriously...
Why is Weed on here FFS with that face and not slaying? I heard he's over average height...
What the fuck is Chad doing here? Seriously...
Why is Weed on here FFS with that face and not slaying? I heard he's over average height...
he had sex already with a girl but says it doesn’t count, fakecel logic
he had sex already with a girl but says it doesn’t count, fakecel logic

Truly utterly bizarre.

Ps I don't hate those dudes or even dislike them but why are they here. They're literally Chads or the very definition of them.
DAMN, always thought that was some random model, no wonder he brags a lot and is able to grope a girl and then have her chase after him JFL, I shouldve known right when he made that post that hes a major fakecel

Good to see him banned tho, he cant even appeal, thank you mods
this could've been avoided if mods listened to me and havent been too lenient with him

how the fuck he got only 20% for his tinder brag is beyond me. It's from ryo too. Serge and knajid woulda made sense but I'd expect better judgement from ryo. 20 for such a bragging post is nothing.

You post a pic a tranny, you get 50%
you mock incels and brag, you get 20%
judging by your past experience and amount of "success" in forum moderation and administration, i think we're a little better off not taking advice from you.
this could've been avoided if mods listened to me and havent been too lenient with him

how the fuck he got only 20% for his tinder brag is beyond me. It's from ryo too. Serge and knajid woulda made sense but I'd expect better judgement from ryo. 20 for such a bragging post is nothing.

You post a pic of a tranny, you get 50%
you mock incels and brag, you get 20%
just be buddy buddy with mods in discord and you don’t have to worry about them giving you warnings or going through your posts to find something to give a warning for
13k got nuked as well, oh well
no shit I left the discord when the top posters were weed and vst posting his tinder
dunno when that was, but this current discord's rules are the same as incels.is's. you usually get banned instantly after just one chance, no matter whatever rule you may have broken, so that is inaccurate for this one at least.
Dudes dudes what happened?
Please tell me 13k isn´t permabanned
@13k is back now. Happy to report.
You'd be better off actually

In the forums I moderated, fakecels or any nonvirgins for that matter aren't allowed.
But then again your only standard for "success" is traffic and being a huge free-for-all cesspool.
After having a discussion with the rest of the moderator team, we agreed to undelete this post and remove this warning.

I don't think your post was out of line or against the rules expressly. There was a hint of misinformation but to me it sounds more like hyperbole. Let me explain as best I can.

From what I know, traffic is not a measuring stick for this site. Serge is losing money by hosting this site, ads or not. That was always the case and never the motivation behind hosting it. Traffic at its current rate, to my knowledge, is not a factor in our "success." Our success, in my opinion and if I can speak for the rest of the moderation team, is providing an active community for any man who identifies as incel, as long as they don't break our common sense rules.

VST was a frequent sore spot for us. The moderation team debated what is "fair" many times concerning him. One member of the team had brought up evidence that we were too lenient on him, as well as his pattern of violation, and from that point onward we unilaterally agreed to be more strict with his conduct. That is what led to his ban not long after.

If you consider the volume of complaints/reports we get on a regular basis, many of which are based on personal vendettas (as @RageAgainstTDL recently mentioned in a thread relevant to moderation, in response to @fukmylyf ) then you have to accept that while we are doing our best to enforce the rules fairly, there may be cases of people skirting the rules or people who are unpopular or people who superficially may seem like a "fakecel" but we can only fairly action based on their posts on the site, while considering the personal vendettas that may be at play. In other words, we try to enforce equally as best as a group of individuals united by a codex can. We are usually more concerned with being TOO strict, and we self-regulate internally a lot, whether it is through discussions about specific cases or about overarching rules (I recently brought up @Anger 's suggestion to punish "fakecel" behavior more harshly as one example, another would be the reversal of your ban and the undeletion of the post I am responding to). We aren't perfect, but we truly feel that we do have the community's best interests in mind.

If you think that you can do a better job, no one is stopping you, and in previous discussions with the moderation team here, we have agreed that the more sites, the more niches for incels of all persuasions, the better. If you think we can do a better job, suggest a concrete set of rule changes or suggestions that we can follow, because that is the only metric by which we normally operate. There are users we ALL don't like - but we also remind ourselves that this is not unexpected given that we run an incel site. We are a community of unlikable people. Unless they directly break the rules, they don't get banned for simply being unlikable. As such, people you may think are "fakecels" are still here; meanwhile, other users may dislike you or your posts and that doesn't factor into your presence or absence here as well. At the end of the day, we have to take people at their word that they are incels, because while we do filter shitty applications, instaban obvious trolls and braggarts, etc. we cannot ban people who may just rub off the wrong way. Just to be clear, VST was not one of those cases. That was a situation of someone abusing the moderation system we have in its inherent leniency with expiring warnings, which MANY users (and many of whom I am sure you consider to be "truecels" or at least good members) benefit from.

Your suggestion (a permanent warning) was discussed among the moderation team. We also discussed other alternatives, and settled on one that we use for frequent violators. It has yielded results.

To summarize, I would like to say that we appreciate constructive feedback and we do our best to keep moderation equal, fair, and standardized, so I don't think we deserve the hyperbole you are presenting here as a long-time member.

The above are all my personal thoughts, except when I refer to conferences between myself and the rest of the moderation team.
this could've been avoided if mods listened to me and havent been too lenient with him

how the fuck he got only 20% for his tinder brag is beyond me. It's from ryo too. Serge and knajid woulda made sense but I'd expect better judgement from ryo. 20 for such a bragging post is nothing.

Yeah, in hindsight that should have been a much harsher warning. Funny enough he tried to argue that wasn't bragging. Another time I warned him for making a thread bragging about getting a tinder match, from a "qt" who was "his looks match". That's a double, possibly a triple brag depending on how you look at it.

>getting a tinder match in the first place
>said tinder match is a "qt girl"
>saying that the qt girl was his "looks match"

Pretty much an open and shut case of bragging...yet he STILL whined and argued when warned.

Every time he got a warning, no matter how obvious the rule violation was, he whined and argued about it via PM. Every. Single. Time. Believe me, that shit got old fast.

That's tripping me out as well smh. I always dismissed his avi as just some random Chad meme. To think that larper was posting amongst us as if we were his equals on this sacred incel forum is beyond reprehensible. I wish a fakecel wall of shame was implemented somewhere on here tbh
Rip @Varys , you will never make it to Japan !!!
Probably got banned for spamming tbh. I've seen him spamming in every thread.
@Varys (Zesto alt) was given an 80% warning by @Ryo_Hazuki allegedly for talking about his “2D mommygf"(elab tbh)
@Varys (Zesto alt) was given an 80% warning by @Ryo_Hazuki allegedly for talking about his “2D mommygf"(elab tbh)
that is completely inaccurate. ryo hasn't sent him any warnings, let alone an 80%.

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