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Blackpill Attention ItalianCels I Urgently Need Your Help (Translation Needed) (I believe I have discovered the Italian counterpart to this site)



Chair of the Beautification Committee
Apr 1, 2018
Can you translate this for me


Has anyone ever heard of this place?


@Pinkett Mouse
@Cybersex is our hope
I can understand some of it tbw. But not enough :feelsrope:
I'm Italian, that "unbruttoforum" is a fakecel forum full of 7/10 and 8/10 """"incels"""", just like the other """"incel"""" forum on forumfree, "ilforumdeibrutti".
The only Italian forum for blackpilled truecels is brutti.red, where I'm an admin.
I can understand some of it tbw. But not enough :feelsrope:


What I am curious to know is do I have fans?

Or do I have enemies?


I'm Italian, that "unbruttoforum" is a fakecel forum full of 7/10 and 8/10 """"incels"""", just like the other """"incel"""" forum on forumfree, "ilforumdeibrutti".
The only Italian forum for blackpilled truecels is brutti.red, where I'm an admin.



Ave, hail to Kaesar.

What do they think of me?
What do they think of me?
We don't talk about incels.is users even if some of us partecipate also in this community, we focus mainly about general inceldom, especially (obviously) about the problems we face in Italy, where probably are the most pretentious foid in all the world.
@Zesto this user named Diobrando stole your story and translated it in italian with Google translate. It's written in a very broken italian and most of the comments are complaints about the fact that the post is almost incomprehensible.
Some guys argued that the idea to ascend in Japan is pretty unrealistic (more or less the same stuff that some users tell you here).
Basically you haven't fans nor enemies.
@Zesto this user named Diobrando stole your story and translated it in italian with Google translate. It's written in a very broken italian and most of the comments are complaints about the fact that the post is almost incomprehensible.
Some guys argued that the idea to ascend in Japan is pretty unrealistic (more or less the same stuff that some users tell you here).
Basically you haven't fans nor enemies.


Thanks for the rundown based PastaCel.
The italian incel forum unbruttoforum.forumfree.it and ilforumdeibrutti.forumfree.it are full of fakecels, the real italian incels forum with full of truecels is brutti.red
I'm Italian, that "unbruttoforum" is a fakecel forum full of 7/10 and 8/10 """"incels"""", just like the other """"incel"""" forum on forumfree, "ilforumdeibrutti".
The only Italian forum for blackpilled truecels is brutti.red, where I'm an admin.

Italy must have some issues with so many incel sites. fuckin a.

I bet I could translate that stuff.
These italian incel sites have been known for a while now. I remember seeing people post about these guys on sluthate. Need a translator to read their sites though. Try google translation
holy fuck someone find the chinese equivalents
very old news. i think @Leucosticte wiki or the sluthate wiki links to this
no way, they aren't the most pretentious at all.
in Italy as long as you have a social circle you can get a cute girl even if you're kinda ugly.
most incels in Italy are friendless, not just ugly.
moreover, the average italian guy isn't as good looking as north europeans so it's easier to get a girlfriend there

so? this applies to america or anywhere else that isnt india or china but incel communities obviously exist in every language
Italy is the hell for the ugly men.
so? this applies to america or anywhere else that isnt india or china but incel communities obviously exist in every language
I'm saying that there are many italian ugly guys with cute/beautiful girlfriends.
I know ugly (and poor) italian guys with model girlfriends, I can post as many proofs as you want
Many italian guys date up when it comes to their girlfriends.

Whereas in most other places in the world the guy always date down and 2-3 points at the least.

Last but not least, italian girls don't sleep around as much as other girls from other countries because they are more conservative when it comes to sex. Majority of girls on tinder are foreigners.
Italian girls almost exclusively date a guy from a social circle, and almost never he's better looking than her. Most of the time the girl is better looking or at least on the same level.

Many italian incels are incels only because they are friendless, they have no social circle and in Italy without a social circle you're an incel by definition, no matter if you're ugly or beautiful

In Spain and Portugal, for example, it's the same exact thing. In France it's similar but already with some more differences .
North Europe/USA/UK is the opposite, the girl always date up and really a lot.....plus she's a slut who fucked tons of chad from tinder before settling down.
I'm saying that there are many italian ugly guys with cute/beautiful girlfriends.
I know ugly (and poor) italian guys with model girlfriends, I can post as many proofs as you want
Many italian guys date up when it comes to their girlfriends.

Whereas in most other places in the world the guy always date down and 2-3 points at the least.

Last but not least, italian girls don't sleep around as much as other girls from other countries. Majority of girls on tinder are foreigners.
Italian girls almost exclusively date a guy from a social circle, and almost never he's better looking than her. Most of the time the girl is better looking or at least on the same level.

Many italian incels are incels only because they are friendless, they have no social circle and in Italy without a social circle you're an incel by definition.

In Spain, for example, it's the same exact thing. In France it's similar but already with some more differences .
North Europe/USA/UK is the opposite, the girl always date up and really a lot.....plus she's a slut who fucked tons of chad from tinder before settling down.

all women are whores incliding italian women, you probably just listen to your mom or something
I'm saying that there are many italian ugly guys with cute/beautiful girlfriends.
I know ugly (and poor) italian guys with model girlfriends
I living in Italy and I never saw that. In Italy girl are very pretentious.
Wrong, just go on tinder in Italy and majority of girls in there are foreigners.
Italian girls date guys from their social circles and, I repeat, almost never the guy is better looking than the girl.
You can't compare that to US, Uk, North EUrope, Australia where girls do really date much better looking males and are crazy sluts and don't even hide it.
Wrong, just go on tinder in Italy and majority of girls in there are foreigners.
Italian girls date guys from their social circles and, I repeat, almost never the guy is better looking than the girl.
You can't compare that to US, Uk, North EUrope, Australia where girls do really date much better looking males and are crazy sluts and don't even hide it.


What the hell are you doing white knighting Italian roasties in my thread?

You're in the Phillipines go ascend with a flipfu.
View attachment 62730

What the hell are you doing white knighting Italian roasties in my thread?

You're in the Phillipines go ascend with a flipfu.
I'm not white knighting anything, just saying it's not true at all that italian girls are the most pretentious, it's plain bullshit
could post hundreds of proofs
I'm not white knighting anything, just saying it's not true at all that italian girls are the most pretentious, it's plain bullshit
could post hundreds of proofs


If she is white she's a whore it's that simple.
I'm Italian, that "unbruttoforum" is a fakecel forum full of 7/10 and 8/10 """"incels"""", just like the other """"incel"""" forum on forumfree, "ilforumdeibrutti".
The only Italian forum for blackpilled truecels is brutti.red, where I'm an admin.
lol this is mind blowing

God brando the return
Posted on 2/10/2018, 22:07


Volcel master race

Top User
Location: From a coffin that was buried 100 years ago

I remember it well.

I was 16 and my father told me that I had to check how this girl I grew up with when I thought I saw her in the neighborhood.

He met my father several times so he knew her. It was half a medita and a half Latin like me. He had a big face and was plump and wore glasses. She was also ugly, so I was never interested in her.

We went to the same elementary school and middle school, then we went to different high schools.

So, out of curiosity, I created an account on Facebook just to see how it was. He added me immediately and as soon as his private profile became available to me everything was revealed. Not just for her, but for Western women in general, everything changed for me that day.

I saw that he was coming out with this fat thug fuck. He looked like a member of the MS-13. It was so fucking fat that you could barely see his eyes but it was really damn dangerous. He was fucking disgusting with his dark, dirty skin (quality not just color).

The girl was so happy that I added it, but after seeing that I did not answer her and immediately deleted her Facebook account and never logged in again.

I spent the next few years hating all women. I was not even interested in any relationship, so I spent the rest of the high school without worrying about being an incel.

Only recently (in 2015) I discovered the yellow pill and I realized that there were women who were not animals. This was for me the most vital fuel and prompted me to start taking care of myself. Before I barely washed and brushed my teeth. I was a piece of obese shit. I thought there was nothing to live for and there was nothing good in life. I was really depressed too.

I discovered Japanese women and decided to devote my life to getting my personal waifu.

I brushed my teeth once a week and took a shower once or twice a month to take a shower every day of the week and brush my teeth and use mouthwash 3 times a day after every meal. I went to the dentist and I had my teeth repaired and whitened.

I went from 300 pounds to 155 pounds. I enrolled in college after going broke from the day I turned 18 and I started school at age 19.

Finally I had something to live for.

Now they weigh 155 pounds and I've been in the gym since July. I am a university student about to graduate next fall.

At this point, without the yellow pill, surely I would have bonded.

That's why it's so important to me. He gave me a reason to live when I had none before.

Pounds I think it's weight
classical italian couple from social circle

the guy is a skinny manlet who is a waiter at a restaurant



This was my favorite post in the whole thread.

Posted on 3/10/2018, 05:21 Posted on 3/10/2018, 05:21

Quote Quote
. .


Group Group Legend Legend Posts Posts 2,903 2,903 Reputation Reputation +1,041 +1.041 Location Location L' abisso The abyss
Status Status Anonymous Anonymous

If I understand correctly the story talks about a poor incel that is locked up in the fortress of waifu (girls in 2D, drawings) to defend themselves from the evil of 3D girls.(There are also many souls on this, thinking about it is a bit like Inception).Whoever thought that the story was one who wants to go to Japan to tow is completely wrong, there not only hate the traits of western incel but hate foreigners regardless.I'm going to go to Japan (in a couple of months) but certainly not to try the autochthonous.

Happy I am in my fortress of waifu.

but wait....that must be an exception, right? LOL you fool, I can post literally hundreds of examples about Italy


guy (and this is a good pic of him because he's uglier than this pic in real life, much uglier)

but wait....that must be an exception, right? LOL you fool, I can post literally hundreds of examples about Italy


guy (and this is a good pic of him because he's uglier than this pic in real life, much uglier)


Please stop.

You are making me want to vomit with these ugly pigs.

I imagine the only thing worse than their revolting appearance would be their putrid smells.
The only Italian forum for blackpilled truecels is brutti.red, where I'm an admin.

Damn, that's great boyo. Hope you modmog the mods here.
last one because I'm tired....but basically, as long as you have a social circle you'll almost surely date up there. All incels in Italy are friendless with no social circle. That's the real truth. And in South Europe is much the same thing.
Anglo countries are completely different because even if you have a social circle and some friends it's impossible to find a girlfriend, let alone date up.


guy skinnier than her (he's NW 3 now but still he's with her)

last one because I'm tired....but basically, as long as you have a social circle you'll almost surely date up there. All incels in Italy are friendless with no social circle. That's the real truth. And in South Europe is much the same thing.
Anglo countries are completely different because even if you have a social circle and some friends it's impossible to find a girlfriend, let alone date up.


guy skinnier than her (he's NW 3 now but still he's with her)



Shame on you for polluting my thread with this manjaw western filth.
sure, cope as much as you want
I can't stand bullshit, almost all couples in Italy the girl is better looking than the guy (sometimes a lot better), whereas in much the rest of the world is the exact opposite.
I know people looking worse than me with beautiful girlfriends over there, they wouldn't even get a landwhale in another country.
Social circle is everything there

I'll leave you another one to cope even more,


bye now
sure, cope as much as you want
I can't stand bullshit, almost all couples in Italy the girl is better looking than the guy (sometimes a lot better), whereas in much the rest of the world is the exact opposite.
I know people looking worse than me with beautiful girlfriends over there, they wouldn't even get a landwhale in another country.
Social circle is everything there

I'll leave you another one to cope even more,


bye now


Cope with what?

Filipino girls are much better than western roastie trash you crapped up my thread with.

Keep uploading those pics here, I will be happy to comfort the Filipino girls you have neglected when I make my visit to Manila.
View attachment 62751

Cope with what?

Filipino girls are much better than western roastie trash you crapped up my thread with.

Keep uploading those pics here, I will be happy to comfort the Filipino girls you have neglected when I make my visit to Manila.
filippino girls aren't as easy as people say, they are hypergamous whores
white guys are considered better racially there and they want to get with one because they are hypergamous just as american girls are with a chad.
most couples I see around are looksmatched so not bad as the anglo countries where the guy almost always date down, but still not as good as people say
filippino girls aren't as easy as people say, they are hypergamous whores
white guys are considered better racially there and they want to get with one because they are hypergamous just as american girls are with a chad.
most couples I see around are looksmatched so not bad as the anglo countries where the guy almost always date down, but still not as good as people say


Awalt my boyo.

Cute though.
I remember it well.

I was 16 and my father told me that I had to check how this girl I grew up with when I thought I saw her in the neighborhood.

He met my father several times so he knew her. It was half a medita and a half Latin like me. He had a big face and was plump and wore glasses. She was also ugly, so I was never interested in her.

We went to the same elementary school and middle school, then we went to different high schools.

So, out of curiosity, I created an account on Facebook just to see how it was. He added me immediately and as soon as his private profile became available to me everything was revealed. Not just for her, but for Western women in general, everything changed for me that day.

I saw that he was coming out with this fat thug fuck. He looked like a member of the MS-13. It was so fucking fat that you could barely see his eyes but it was really damn dangerous. He was fucking disgusting with his dark, dirty skin (quality not just color).

The girl was so happy that I added it, but after seeing that I did not answer her and immediately deleted her Facebook account and never logged in again.

I spent the next few years hating all women. I was not even interested in any relationship, so I spent the rest of the high school without worrying about being an incel.

Only recently (in 2015) I discovered the yellow pill and I realized that there were women who were not animals. This was for me the most vital fuel and prompted me to start taking care of myself. Before I barely washed and brushed my teeth. I was a piece of obese shit. I thought there was nothing to live for and there was nothing good in life. I was really depressed too.

I discovered Japanese women and decided to devote my life to getting my personal waifu.

I brushed my teeth once a week and took a shower once or twice a month to take a shower every day of the week and brush my teeth and use mouthwash 3 times a day after every meal. I went to the dentist and I had my teeth repaired and whitened.

I went from 300 pounds to 155 pounds. I enrolled in college after going broke from the day I turned 18 and I started school at age 19.

Finally I had something to live for.

Now they weigh 155 pounds and I've been in the gym since July. I am a university student about to graduate next fall.

At this point, without the yellow pill, surely I would have bonded.

That's why it's so important to me. He gave me a reason to live when I had none before.

Pounds I think it's weight
Btw if I have to rank western countries from worst to best for the average ugly guy is like that:

1) Anglo countries (US, UK, Australia ecc): incels born here are completely fucked. Girls are ugly on average, hypergamous as fuck, feminist as fuck, slutty af. Ugly inside and outside. Literally hell on earth. Everything bad for humanity is created somewhere here, like the #metoo movement and other disgusting shit that give girls power and a sense of entitlement over everything.

2) Central-North Europe (Scandinavia, Germany, Netherlands ecc): bad, but not as much as the anglo countries above. Guys here are usually good looking so competition is tough and girls are hypergamous almost as much as the anglo countries. They are also raging feminists who don't even hide anymore the fact they're sluts and want to sleep around.

3) South Europe: it's still bad because being an incel is bad everywhere but it's not as bad as the countries above. guys aren't as tall and robust and as squared faced as in the north europe (different phenotype), girls are decent looking and more conservative than girls from anglo or central-north europe. They're still liberal but not raging feminists like the scandi sluts or anglo sluts.
You don't hear as much crazy feminist shit stories coming from here compared to anglo or scandi countries.
They aren't as hypergamous as the others since the couples are either looksmatched or the girls are better looking (I know that now will arrive souther europeans to say it's bullshit but anyone well traveled can go and see it himself).
Most incels from these countries are either true subhumans or they lack a social circle so they can't get a girlfriend. But if they had a social circle they could probably get a nice cute girl. That's the difference that set it apart from anglo countries where even if you have a social circle it's impossible to get a nice cute girl and date up or even get your looksmatch.

I want to stress that in no way I'm whiteknighting souther european girls (JFL), I'm just saying that being an incel is not the same everywhere and in some countries is harder than others for cultural, historical, genetic, and political reason.
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I am Italian and shittysubhuman is 100% a roastie. Italian women are the most pretentious in Europe. We also lack ethnic foids to compensate. Most of our immigrants are young ugly males.
I am Italian and shittysubhuman is 100% a roastie. Italian women are the most pretentious in Europe. We also lack ethnic foids to compensate. Most of our immigrants are young ugly males.
sure, said the one who never left italy.
you're lucky to live there, trust me...it's much worse anywhere else.
I lived in Italy and lived in other places such as Germany, Australia, Netherlands and I can say without a doubt that italian men are on average worse looking and the couples the most looksmatched I saw.

but you can cope by saying italy is the worst place for incels and bla bla, hard to talk to people who never left their own country and believe they know the world
sure, said the one who never left italy.
you're lucky to live there, trust me...it's much worse anywhere else.
I lived in Italy and lived in other places such as Germany, Australia, Netherlands and I can say without a doubt that italian men are on average worse looking and the couple the most looksmatched I saw.

but you can cope by saying italy is the worst place for incels and bla bla, hard to talk to people who never left their own country and believe they know the world

I am an Italian curently working in France, but I've also worked in the UK and Germany. Most Italians get laid easily in North Europe with all types of women including Muslim women. I've Italian friends here who only date Turkish and Arabic girls. Italians are loved everywhere beside in Italy. Stop it now.
I am an Italian curently working in France, but I've also worked in the UK and Germany. Most Italians get laid easily in North Europe with all types of women including Muslim women. I've Italian friends here who only date Turkish and Arabic girls. Italians are loved everywhere beside in Italy. Stop it now.
Completely false. Most italian men never get laid in North Europe, that's only a stupid myth. Scandinavian men and German men MOG the hell out of italian guys in terms of height, frame, and angularity of face (ie dimorphism).
These are facts, not opinions
The only countries where italian guys get results are eastern european countries because they love to pay to seduce a girl and the girls from there love a guy who spend money on them.
But recently, as these countries are getting a bit richer, italians are getting less results even there because local girls have more local guys to choose from.
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Completely false. Most italian men never get laid in North Europe, that's only a stupid myth. Scandinavian men and German men MOG the hell out of italian guys in terms of height, frame, and angularity of face (ie dimorphism).
These are facts, not opinions
The only countries where italian guys get results are eastern european countries because they love to pay to seduce a girl and the girls from there love a guy who spend money on them.
But recently, as these countries are getting a bit richer, italians are getting less results even there because local girls have more local guys to choose from.

Keep coping roastie.


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