Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Anyone else never tried?

this applies to Chad. The rest of the population has to actually put in effort. You can deny it if you want, but we both know you're just making excuses to avoid trying.

thanks buddy :)

I should add that I have diagnosed AvPD... so yes, it's very difficult to apply IRL.


So your argument is that because i haven't spent as much time on the forum I'm a fakecel?

You're the fakecel, you got dates but spent more time on the forum than learning how to act on a date and take the necessary precautions.

Newsflash, a guy too retarded to know how to approach a foid isn't NT enough to charm her. He needs Chad looks. But autists are usually ugly too.

Wanting to get laid but not knowing how to = STILL incel. NOT volcel.
nice projection /
  • Volcel : Person who, for various reasons, is voluntarily abstinent and does not engage in sex.

LOL a volcel is not someone who has had it "easy in life"

A volcel = don't want to fuck landwhales.
Your delusional, if you have a date with her than she either 1) already has some sort of attraction or 2) is just using you for friendzone material.

So I think it has to be 2) unless you're that big of a retard that you can't hold a normal human conversation.

Get on some drugs.
yeah I'm sure you're a real expert on this seeing as you're still incel at 29 years old. Talking mad shit when you've never even been on a date before. You would choke under the pressure, I can guarantee it.

I'm on meds, they don't make a difference. Only thing that helps is alcohol and I can't exactly show up for a date wasted. Attraction can fade, it has an expiration date, even for people in relationships. What you fucking autists fail to understand is that looks will only get your foot in the door. Females have such a long checklist it's not even funny.

So your argument is that because i haven't spent as much time on the forum I'm a fakecel?
No, you're just an idiot.
Ideally it should. It just never does for me and is usually awkward. I don't have an exact script, but I definitely prepare for any conversation I have and work out most of what I'd like to say. Once I know someone better I don't have to do this as much, but I don't know many people beyond that point. I don't count internet friends as part of this, even though my only real friends are internet long-distance friends. Because in chat rooms or social media you have time to think of something to say without the same sort of awkard pauses.
yeah I'm the same way. I just can't be bothered anymore
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If you never tried then you are not an incel.
Not an incel. Just an idiot that can't google these things to figure it out himself.
So your argument is that because i haven't spent as much time on the forum I'm a fakecel?

You're the fakecel, you got dates but spent more time on the forum than learning how to act on a date and take the necessary precautions.

I have been on dates and have had sex, unlike you numb nuts. Go take your pills, rub one out and stfu bitch.
oh so you're just trolling then. Thought so.
oh so you're just trolling then. Thought so.

Not at all dumb fuck, you can be incel if you haven't had sex during a certain period of time.

God, look this shit up little boy.
I've only asked women out online. I've considered approaching them outside, in grocery stores, malls, etc... but have been discouraged by others, as they are not appropriate places to mingle with strangers.
Nah dude forget it you'll get the cops called on ya
I wish I would have just followed my middle school ways and secluded myself from everyone at school. Instead I tried to gain popularity in high school by trying this shit. All it's done is made me 10000000000000x more miserable
I tried few times in real life, also more in online dating. Today was last try. Didn't worked, so i gave up.
If you have to approach, it's over.
Also this. Chads getting femoid without even approaching, so why should i approach?
I've once been literally told that I am a 3/10, yes, she said exactly that
nah, that's too much work, especially with my brain fog. IMO conversation is supposed to flow naturally. There's nothing rewarding about socializing if you're reading a script
That´s one of the many things I hate about girl! Like all of the YouTube videos about how to approach and talk to girls, I mean how about just talking? But no girls need you to be special like they write in their description on dating apps "don´t write to me if you just ask how am I doing, or what I am doing" Girls are so damn picky it´s insane! Us men don´t care how a girl would approach us "if we were so lucky" we would be in heaven if they just showed us an ounce of interest but we have to become a whole other person to even be able to talk to them.
Me, since it's clearly useless.
Literally how do you go through life without having ever talked to a woman?

well obviously i did "Talk" to them, but never in a non-school setting, and besides even in a school setting they just gave me like one word answers, it wasn't even a convo. also i don't think saying "thanks" to a female cashier really counts either.
how can you call yourself an incel if you havent even tried.
I almost did once but I'm glad I didn't. I've since learned not to mistake attention whoring and pity for signs of interest.
Does online count? Occasionally I'll get one agree to meet me, but blow it every time with my shyness and awkwardness

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