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Serious A serious message to tall men here

I am right and i didnt say you dont have problems big man.

What i said is you can motivate yourself with abit of willpower to change your situation because you have the basis of what constitutes a chad or at least an attractive man to 90% of women.

Lets say i wana be a bodybuilder. I love bodybuilding so much. I can train for 10 years. Take all kind of PEDs and still i will never reach a level of genetic freakness like arnold or ronnie coleman.


Because i simply dont have the genetics for it.

You have the genetics. You have the height. Work on your shit.

Im not saying you gona drown in pussy. But at least you wont be an incel anymore and you will find alot of women ready to date you or have one night stands with you when you fix your shit. Especially short girls. They love you.
There’s not much I can fix though I don’t have the money for plastic surgery, there’s no cure for autism or any of my other mental issues I can’t raise my iq, and I don’t have the skills to get a six figure job, plus I’m almost 30 so im past my prime and I have missed out on many important mile stones ln my life and and yeah short girls love tall chads but they hate tall ugly subhumans like me and all of them would take a 5’7 pretty boy over and ugly orge like me given the option between the two.
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@VideoGameCoper @
Rabbi Schneerson
@Rabbi Schneerson i know both of you are above 6'. Dudes work on your shit.
Rabbi is a literal Tyrone, I've seen his face, he looks like TayK or kai cenat without the beard

Hes giga non-NT though which is the worst failo for a black
I'm 5'10 ogre with terrible proportions,

but if i was 6'1+ and nothing else changed I would probably at least be able to bag an LTB
I mean to be fair I could reverse the argument and say ive seen short dudes have no problem pulling girls. Im tall and would get bullied by socialmaxxed short chad
I’m 5’10 and I have nevER been able to pass as 6 ft, one of the requirements of being Chad is to be at least 6 ft.
Tallfag starts at 6', really more like 6'2 unless you're in Asia or some shithole.

I do admit height helps. Women have liked me only because of it. But, it's not enough to pull attractive women today or even your looksmatch.

Height helps a lot more with bullying and being respected.
the hoff GIF

Food Inspiration GIF by TLC Europe

It gets even wilder. When they met, my dad was a 6’1”, 230lb college athlete and amateur bodybuilder. My mom was 5’0” and averageish looking. Literally gigachad and a 3/10 wife. As they got older, my dad stayed strong and fit and ran marathons while my mom got obese.

People would make fun of me in school because my dad was jacked and my mom was fat, which people thought was funny. To this day, no one in the family really understands why my dad picked my mom, nor why they stayed together (she was always rude and demeaning to him, and they never really got along). I know this sounds like a LARP, but it’s my life. My mom has narcissistic tendencies despite having nothing to be narcissistic about, and my dad somehow has low-self esteem while being built like an NFL player.

I think the reason they stayed together is because my dad was diagnosed slightly retarded as a child, so he’s kinda just dumb. Not even saying that to be mean, but in the medical sense.

Anyways, I don’t understand people. I don’t understand life. I don’t understand this world. I’ve given up trying to make sense of any of it. I think homosapiens are a failed species.
Height should be considered relative to the location you are in. Whats "tall" for one country is mediocre average in another. I think that's much of the discrepancy seen here.
As someone said previously, These traits are multiplicative. You may have good score in one or two, but having zero in only one will screw you up.

There was a guy in my high school, 6ft 2in, but deformed face and he was socially awkward. No wonder he was single. He used to get some girls' attention but they just used to mock him.
Reading this made me realise even more how over it is
Yeah man. I am short, ethinic and barely, just barely speak english.

Meanwhile every mf here where i live is white, tall and speaks english as first language.
sorry if you are ugly and/or autistic enough then being over 6 feet tall isn't much use. Hate to burst your bubble.
Dude, I tend to agree, but height alone won't save me because apart from it, the rest of the aspects are negative, my physique, my face, my economy, status, sociability.

I am rejected enough to believe that I will continue to be in this situation, like, women don't even feel interested in talking to me.

I could try harder and change as a person, follow red pill advice,

But first of all, change doesn't happen overnight. I'm a late-onset virgin, khhv, and this is the only place in the world where I can feel like I truly belong and am understood, It's not like I'm rotting, i do heavy exercise, I play sports, cardio, I diet, I try to improve my future professionally and I have dreams but like in my current state I'm a complete failure, and I don't know man, I have a feeling that I'll continue to be like this even trying to improve

Second, I have friends who are much shorter than me who didn't have to make much of an effort, like they easily get intimate with women that makes me question the importance of height and being someone developed in life

But I will admit if I am such a disappointed guy with life even though I am 6"3 and I have never suffered from people looking down on me, being relatively well-liked, if I were a little shorter and less intelligent I would have probably killed myself
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6'2 is average height where i live. Compared to most zoomers today, it's even below average, i get height mogged daily when i'm waiting for the train to arrive, not only that i also get frame mogged.

You have to understand that the teens of today are alot taller than they were when i was a teen. It's because foids breed alot more with tall men now. They are modern eugenicists.
It's rare to see a short northern European male. Most of them are over 6ft or slightly below.
I was calling out how you were writing off 6'2 as "below average among zoomers", no stats adds credence to this
I was calling out how you were writing off 6'2 as "below average among zoomers", no stats adds credence to this
You don't need stats. You just have to get on the train platform and witness it for yourself, but you don't live where i live so it's hard for you to grasp the truth.
If you are 6'+ or 5'10+ (Easily larpable on tinder and irl as 6'. You can also wear shoe lifts). You have absolutely 0
Reasons to be here.
You don't need stats. You just have to get on the train platform and witness it for yourself, but you don't live where i live so it's hard for you to grasp the truth.
Even in curryland 6 feet is 1 in 5
Anecdotes are cope.
I actually believe him in this case. In USA, 6’0” just seems to be the norm among zoomers. Some other countries have even taller height averages from what I’ve heard
You re gaslighting yourself. You re a failed normie who doesnt wana work on himself
Nigger. I've seen @Blackboy.Belgrade's face and he'd still be here even if he was 6'4".
Face is law.
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Being 5'10 is not helping me much unless I measured it wrong and I'm 5'9 instead. I get height mogged a lot in public but I also at the same time mog a lot of people in height atleast slightly, so its hard to tell
if you are 6’3+ it’s nearly impossible to be a incel unless you have severe mental illness or look deformed. Wear some glasses if you have a really bad eye area and go to a club then you can slay.
average 2024cel:

>I'm 6'3 but totally a truecel
>it's over for me
>I'm 6'3 so foids tell me I don't look bad. why are they gaslighting me?
>even though I'm 6'3, I'm still truecel. because of my PERSONALITY. I'm totally non-NT, guys, I selfdiagnosed because I'm shy and quiet
I'm 6'1 in the United States, I can proclaim to you with certainty that in conjunction with my other genetic dealings and mental shortcomings, being my height has done little for me, I am in my 20's, you have to understand that zoomers are getting taller.

In my high school it wasn't uncommon for a foid to be 5'10 and a plethora of them were at least 5'8.

As for the men, breaking 6 foot was so typical, it lost all novelty, save for some guidos and spics who were for the most part exceptionally small.

There is sort of trifecta genetically, a dice roll in the mind of a foid, all within mere nanoseconds upon her gazing your flesh, for your odds of standing a chance, three genetic factors.


My face dude? Lmao from the front I look like a pig cause my nostrils are so upturned it's like everyone who looks at me gazes into my nostrils.

Absolutely no jawline, I've been 149lbs at my height and still looked like a bloated female.

I only have mild NCT but they are so prey it's to a point it is dysgenic.

Short Ramus, very uncanny looking.

Not to mention how fucked up my mind is and my "game" or "rizz" i've paid my dues, i've asked women out, I know how it goes.
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now ask how many of them have tried ascending. Most tallfags would ascend if they tried
I did. Been rejected on and offline 50+ times and never got a single match on any dating app with height in bio.

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