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You can't truly be a Christian and fully be an incel at the same time (and why I disagree with Maslow's hierarchy of needs) or, surfing the Kali Yuga

I don't want casual sex. I prefer sex after marriage.
Christianity is the most cucked, and idiotic religion in human history.
The summary explores the conflict between casual sex and love, particularly within the context of Christianity, which emphasizes sexuality within marriage. The narrative contrasts Christian teachings with the perspective of inceldom, highlighting differing attitudes toward bodily desires. The discussion delves into the influence of biology, asserting that being fully incel involves recognizing biological realities about sex, modern dating, and life. It contends that biology shapes beliefs, including religious ones, and ultimately asserts Nature as the ultimate force, contrasting it with Christian beliefs in a transcendent God. The summary concludes with a reference to Elliot Rodger, challenging the normative narrative of misogyny in his life and emphasizing a broader discontent with humanity.
Intemicy doesn't always eqate to casual sex, intemacy means having a w0men.

Meaning getting married and having kids. When you want to f*ck a w0men you want to imregnate her, thats build in your DNA.
So wouldn’t we be MORE likely to be Christians since we actually live all that sexual piety stuff unlike the average person?
You are a special kind of retard if you are incel and still love God that prepared this awful fate for you, if he exists he should be your enemy number one that need to get neutralized asap.
Not trying to be mean, since Lordship Salvation (the idea that one has to live in sinless perfection or close to it to be saved) is a common mistake even many Christians make, but that's extremely easy to understand/explain, OP.

1. according to the bible, Adam's original sin cursed the ground especifically

Genesis 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

2. we are made from the ground, therefore, our flesh is cursed

Genesis 2:7 7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This is why people have a myriad of sinful impulses, including the desire for fornication, despite it being against God's will.

3. no one (bar Jesus of course) has ever perfectly obeyed the law and no one will ever be saved through obeying the law. This is abundantly clear throughout the new testament:

Romans 3:

20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

Also, you're right, every single biblical character bar Jesus/God/the Holy Ghost is most definitely a sinner, even the apostles. Paul wrote about it:

Romans 7:

14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.

15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.

16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.

17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

(This is basically the life of all Christians.)

4. the purpose of God's law that no one could fulfill:

Galatians 3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

5. does that mean we should sin? No, of course we must strive not to, this is abundant in Paul's letters:

Romans 6:15 What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

6. why try to obey the law the best you can then? A: out of love for God and there will be rewards for it:

1st Corinthians 3:

13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.

14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

tl;dr: You may not believe the bible, but still, OP's claim (you can't be a Christian and an incel) is demonstrably false and even someone who knows as little theology as me can easily refute it. We're all sinners, believers and unbelievers, men and women, Chads and incels.

(And I must add that it's very disappointing to me that such a weak thread to attack harmless Christcels with that cheap, demonstrably false understanding of the bible gets pinned while this forum is infested with the much more pernicious and unbelonging feminist agecucks and the admin/mods do nothing about it despite almost 90% of the users hating those sons of the devil).
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Sem ttulo

Cursed thread btw :feelswhere:
How did you formulate this response? Have you read the Bible and kept notes and quotes nearby?
No, I don't have notes for any of that. I just remembered the verses, googled them and copied and pasted them along with the thread.
(And I must add that it's very disappointing to me that such a weak thread to attack harmless Christcels with that cheap, demonstrably false understanding of the bible gets pinned while this forum is infested with the much more pernicious and unbelonging feminist agecucks and the admin/mods do nothing about it despite almost 90% of the users hating those sons of the devil).
I wasn't going to respond, because I don't like debating American easy believist Southern independent fundamentalist Baptists. You clearly do not understand half of the Bible verses you just quoted, so let me school you on some basic Pauline/biblical theology:

(1) When Paul speaks of speaks of "deeds of the law" or "following the law," he's referring to the Mosaic covenant (i.e., observing holidays, Sabbath, and circumcision). He's not speaking of "good-works" (i.e., charity to poor, etc.) more generally.

(2) You read Genesis 3 into Genesis 2. You never read backwards into the text; that's a basic rule of biblical exegesis. We're not, according to the Bible, corrupted because we were formed from the ground. When God saw creation he saw that it was good. We're cursed because of the fall (proof text: Romans 5:12, 17), or as Paul puts it, the first transgression of Man (eating from the forbidden Tree).

I would recommend studying basic theology and actually reading the Bible instead of throwing together a hodgepodge of verses that you don't understand. You didn't refute anything I said, you just made a weird misunderstood gospel presentation.
So wouldn’t we be MORE likely to be Christians since we actually live all that sexual piety stuff unlike the average person?
You have 11.5 thousand posts on this website. You would, of all people, know that almost everyone who uses this website is depraved. No pious Christian studies the blackpill, because they have two different attitudes towards the body/flesh, as I explained in my original post.
(1) When Paul speaks of speaks of "deeds of the law" or "following the law," he's referring to the Mosaic covenant (i.e., observing holidays, Sabbath, and circumcision). He's not speaking of "good-works" (i.e., charity to poor, etc.) more generally.
I actually agree. According to the bible, saved people do have the fruits of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, etc. But there's a difference between showing these due to the work of the Holy Spirit and sinless perfection (which is clearly impossible while in the flesh).

When someone gets saved, they get the Holy Spirit, but the flesh of sin stays the same. It's a battle between both. I don't consider myself an "easy believist" because I do believe a change occurs when one gets saved, it's just not something as extreme as Lordship Salvationists make it look. Sinless perfection will only come in the glorified body, this is kinda clear tbh.

(2) You read Genesis 3 into Genesis 2. You never read backwards into the text; that's a basic rule of biblical exegesis.
Said who? Lol.

We're not, according to the Bible, corrupted because we were formed from the ground. When God saw creation he saw that it was good. We're cursed because of the fall (proof text: Romans 5:12, 17), or as Paul puts it, the first transgression of Man (eating from the forbidden Tree).
Yeah but you're just being nitpicky there. Yeah it was the fall, but it cursed the earth and our flesh along with it. That's why we lust for sinful things against the will of God. I was just making a point about this fact.

Overall, the premise of the thread is that one can't be fully incel and a Christian at the same time because incels want sex and Christianity says fornication is bad.

1. as a Christian, of course I'd prefer to have married a Christian virgin when I myself was younger, but sadly, we live in shitty perilous times and feminism destroyed marriage in the west, so tough luck

2. your dichotomy of one's either accepting christianity and its morals or desiring fleshy things is false. In reality, all Christians have the two natures (carnal and spiritual). You said, for instance:

Christians hate fleshly desires, incels love them;

This is not how a saved person, nor human emotions overall for that matter, work. People obviously have ambivalent feelings towards things, particularly sex.

I for instance lust for sex, fornication and plenty of sexual sin, just like any other person. But at the same time, I know for a fact fornication, adultery, etc, are immoral and the bible is right in pointing it out. God stipulated a correct way for sex to be used. I fully accept that.

A lot of people have ambivalent feelings about their desires, not only Christians about sinful stuff. I'd bet most masochists, hybristophiliacs, pedophiles and even homosexuals don't like feeling such desires and would opt out of them if magically given the chance.

Even if your ideal of "super pious Christian who never sins" existed in real life, he could still be an incel for not being able to attract a wife. I didn't see you pointing out how such guy wouldn't be incel.

Everything you wrote about biology by the end of your OP is moot, of course this world is unjust and shitty, it's cursed by sin. The bible itself says Satan is in control right now. So we have these 80/20 rules, promiscuity just as we also have food chains and many other bad evil things. So what? God's promise in the bible was never to fix it right now (it will be fixed in the future), it was an spiritual promise of salvation of the soul for Christians.

The blackpill is basically about looks trumping the type of shit red-and bluepillers say for actual attraction. Even in the bible we have plenty of examples of this in action, like the people of Israel choosing Saul to be the king because he was handsome and tall. So what?

1 Samuel 16:7

King James Version

But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

How does recognizing that this world, nature, biology, etc, are all in an evil, defective, fallen state (which the bible itself says) go against one's Christian faith, which is based on spiritual promises for the future, not some magical fixing of this shitty unjust world full of sin right now?
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Said who? Lol.

1. according to the bible, Adam's original sin cursed the ground especifically

Genesis 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

2. we are made from the ground, therefore, our flesh is cursed

Genesis 2:7 7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This is why people have a myriad of sinful impulses, including the desire for fornication, despite it being against God's will.

You started with a verse that is chronologically later in the book of Genesis then read it back into Genesis 2:7.
1. according to the bible, Adam's original sin cursed the ground especifically

Genesis 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

2. we are made from the ground, therefore, our flesh is cursed

Genesis 2:7 7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This is why people have a myriad of sinful impulses, including the desire for fornication, despite it being against God's will.

You started with a verse that is chronologically later in the book of Genesis then read it back into Genesis 2:7.
I know, what I meant was, who stipulated that rule? I just explained things in a certain order, could've been the opposite, who cares man.
I know, what I meant was, who stipulated that rule? I just explained things in a certain order, could've been the opposite, who cares man.
Because you draw wrong conclusions. I wasn't nitpicking, that's just a basic rule of exegesis. You don't start later in the story then work backwards, you start at the beginning and go forwards.
OP have yo ever heard of the poor man and the rich man parable?
Bible also says to be fruitful and multiply and calls relationship of a man and woman sacred and compares it to Jesus relation to Church. Having kids calls blessing. Most of us here would be more than happy with one decent foid. Wanting to have a wife and sex is not sinful.
I appreciate the attempt at some higher IQ discussion on this cesspool, but this is a retarded schizo post. You're defining inceldom and the blackpill in an asinine way that is meant to contradict Christianity. For instance, "Christianity teaches us to hate our bodily impulses of union with woman (think of injunctives against lusting after any woman, etc.), except through marriage with ONE woman, while inceldom teaches us sex with wom(a/e)n is a natural desire in every man-in other words, Christianity hates the body, inceldom loves it." Not only does "inceldom" say nothing about hedonistic worship of bodily desires, but Christianity teaches that lustful temptation is natural and that sex between married man and woman is an expression of Godly love. Marriage is literally a sacrament, afterall. There's also "Compare this to blackpilled inceldom, where reciprocal love and sex with a female is the highest goal in life, not apokatastasis or union with God" which essentially claims that the blackpill is foid worship and therefore you cannot worship both God and women. This is a definition you've constructed to purposely oppose Christianity. We are incels, meaning we desire sexual relationships but cannot obtain them. That is the one commonality we have while everything else is debatable. The blackpill is only an arugment that attractiveness is the most important role in relationships.

Then you have multiple paragraphs dedicated to explaining the scientific blackpill (which you call nature and biology) and posit its somehow in opposition to God, at one point dismissing Christianity's success as a mere accident brought by nature. Christians obviously acknowledge that the universe exists and that we all exist within it. Believing that "nature" has doomed you to be in an incel is not inconsistent with the belief that God made this "nature" which doomed you. You fail to address this, instead concluding with an incoherent mess of determinism and nihilism.

There's also plenty of other nonsense such as "Males want to have sex with multiple hot females across all species of living creature," which is scientifically incorrect, or "Casual sex and love is what we all desire," with some of us just wanting a loving wife.
I appreciate the attempt at some higher IQ discussion on this cesspool, but this is a retarded schizo post. You're defining inceldom and the blackpill in an asinine way that is meant to contradict Christianity. For instance, "Christianity teaches us to hate our bodily impulses of union with woman (think of injunctives against lusting after any woman, etc.), except through marriage with ONE woman, while inceldom teaches us sex with wom(a/e)n is a natural desire in every man-in other words, Christianity hates the body, inceldom loves it." Not only does "inceldom" say nothing about hedonistic worship of bodily desires, but Christianity teaches that lustful temptation is natural and that sex between married man and woman is an expression of Godly love. Marriage is literally a sacrament, afterall. There's also "Compare this to blackpilled inceldom, where reciprocal love and sex with a female is the highest goal in life, not apokatastasis or union with God" which essentially claims that the blackpill is foid worship and therefore you cannot worship both God and women. This is a definition you've constructed to purposely oppose Christianity. We are incels, meaning we desire sexual relationships but cannot obtain them. That is the one commonality we have while everything else is debatable. The blackpill is only an arugment that attractiveness is the most important role in relationships.

Then you have multiple paragraphs dedicated to explaining the scientific blackpill (which you call nature and biology) and posit its somehow in opposition to God, at one point dismissing Christianity's success as a mere accident brought by nature. Christians obviously acknowledge that the universe exists and that we all exist within it. Believing that "nature" has doomed you to be in an incel is not inconsistent with the belief that God made this "nature" which doomed you. You fail to address this, instead concluding with an incoherent mess of determinism and nihilism.

There's also plenty of other nonsense such as "Males want to have sex with multiple hot females across all species of living creature," which is scientifically incorrect, or "Casual sex and love is what we all desire," with some of us just wanting a loving wife.
this is the most coherent critique of what i read....

i disagree with
but Christianity teaches that lustful temptation is natural
because lust as opposed to sexual desire is a distinction made in the bible...

which essentially claims that the blackpill is foid worship and therefore you cannot worship both God and women.
this is not what i said... nor does any logical corollary follow to this from what i said...

"Casual sex and love is what we all desire," with some of us just wanting a loving wife.
(casual sex) and (love) not casual (sex and love) if u know what i mean...

Then you have multiple paragraphs dedicated to explaining the scientific blackpill (which you call nature and biology) and posit its somehow in opposition to God, at one point dismissing Christianity's success as a mere accident brought by nature. Christians obviously acknowledge that the universe exists and that we all exist within it. Believing that "nature" has doomed you to be in an incel is not inconsistent with the belief that God made this "nature" which doomed you. You fail to address this, instead concluding with an incoherent mess of determinism and nihilism.
i got this from camille paglia, sexual personnae.... nature as the final master--earth cult--versus god as the final master--sky cult--is a distinction made between pre-christian (& even pagans concomitant with christian society)pagans and Christianity. i may have been a little facetious here.... god is inherently unfalsifiable, i was just tracing two different attiutdes vis-a-vis the body between the blackpill and Christianity..... this is solved by saying god is above nature, but it's the theological/social attitude towards the body that the christian writers take up that i critique, not necessarily a god existing outside of time and nature as such.
this is not what i said... nor does any logical corollary follow to this from what i said...
"Christianity consistently tells us to "keep it in your pants" and orient your eyes towards the things of heaven. Compare this to blackpilled inceldom, where reciprocal love and sex with a female is the highest goal in life, not apokatastasis or union with God." You're stating that blackpilled inceldom necessitates prioritizing love and sex with a female as the highest goal in life, therefore one cannot be a Christian because that would mean prioritizing union with God over foids. Putting the pursuit of foids over God is a form of foid worship, is it not?
"Christianity consistently tells us to "keep it in your pants" and orient your eyes towards the things of heaven. Compare this to blackpilled inceldom, where reciprocal love and sex with a female is the highest goal in life, not apokatastasis or union with God." You're stating that blackpilled inceldom necessitates prioritizing love and sex with a female as the highest goal in life, therefore one cannot be a Christian because that would mean prioritizing union with God over foids. Putting the pursuit of foids over God is a form of foid worship, is it not?
I'm not going to argue with you anymore, because I've repented and am now a Christian. I regret making the original post.
Can I message you? Used to be a mudslime, but finding appeal in the type of Christianity Nick Fuentes propagates? If that's not you or if that interpretation is twisted, then I take it back. Hey, I can swap knowledge about how anti-Christian Islam is in exchange?
High IQ. I read every word.
No Christianity for your face
Uhhh based??? God forgives all. What denomination?
I consider myself a member of the pre-denominational apostolic, "little c" catholic, holy, church as well as someone who believes in the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Very good post
Are you part of a religion ?
Christians hate fleshly desires, incels love them; we are subjects of Nature, not some God outside of Nature.
Whether you love them or not doesn’t change the fact you are incel.
Spitting facts
Great post, aesthetic_recon. Another high IQ user. @Fat Link Can you pin this post?

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