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Experiment would ted bundy have succeed these days?

do you think ted bundy would be a chad today like he was then? do you think he'd deceive foids?

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Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
many say he was a chad for his time period. i guess thats true. by today's perspective, he's a normie. but pics of him are from his 30s not his late 20s. so it's unknown.

i think these days he'd be a normie and thus would struggle to kill stacys.
Criminals make girls wet ngl
Criminals make girls wet ngl
darktraidmaxxing only works if the foid knows youre evil. his victim didn't know he was evil until he began killing them
Nah. Only reason he gets attention now is serial killer retrospective halo. Without it he is mogged by many men
Nah. Only reason he gets attention now is serial killer retrospective halo. Without it he is mogged by many men
he was only chad for his time period. today he'd be normie
He was like chadlite for his time but rn he wil be 6 at best (since height also increased in US).

But I still think he would be sexually succesfull because he was just ultra NT and high IQ when meeting girls.

And I dont mean it in normal way, he was able to escape prison several times if I remember correctly. He was also invented various methods to convince girls he was harmless (like wearing plaster etc.)
He was like chadlite for his time but rn he wil be 6 at best (since height also increased in US).

But I still think he would be sexually succesfull because he was just ultra NT and high IQ when meeting girls.

And I dont mean it in normal way, he was able to escape prison several times if I remember correctly. He was also invented various methods to convince girls he was harmless (like wearing plaster etc.)
what was the average height back in the 70s? i thought it was like today?
he'd be high normie today, and would likely get laid
He looked better than the shitty pics that were took of him led people to believe. Also his psychopathy took him a long way, he was a GENUINE manipulator (unlike today's '' manipulator '' Chads that just have the gene halo). He was smart, ruthless and didn't hesitate to say exactly what the female wanted to hear. And, again, he looked better than people think.

I think he would do well with foids.
He looked better than the shitty pics that were took of him led people to believe. Also his psychopathy took him a long way, he was a GENUINE manipulator (unlike today's '' manipulator '' Chads that just have the gene halo). He was smart, ruthless and didn't hesitate to say exactly what the female wanted to hear. And, again, he looked better than people think.

I think he would do well with foids.

I think he'd have an easier time. Ted Bundy was active in the 70s, despite all the propaganda a lot of conservative dogma and social mores were still in place at the time. All these restrictions are gone now. If alive today Bundy would have been date raping and killing all over the world like an expat PUA guru.
I think he was a chad in his time but idk about today probably not
I think he'd have an easier time. Ted Bundy was active in the 70s, despite all the propaganda a lot of conservative dogma and social mores were still in place at the time. All these restrictions are gone now. If alive today Bundy would have been date raping and killing all over the world like an expat PUA guru.
he'd use tinder
He looked better than the shitty pics that were took of him led people to believe

Yup, pictures we seee of him are impromptu taken after/during his apprehension by dinosaur cameras, had he had access to self-care products and modern technology he would easily be a chad.

He had a multitude of women show up at his trial and write him love letters, how often do women write love letters? At the end of the day women’s opinion of attractiveness > looksmaxx autists.
Harder to be a serial killer these days with DNA advances and shit. I'm sure he could probably still charm foids to go with him though, so I'm guessing he'd kill a few but his kill count would be lower and he would be caught quicker.
Harder to be a serial killer these days with DNA advances and shit. I'm sure he could probably still charm foids to go with him though, so I'm guessing he'd kill a few but his kill count would be lower and he would be caught quicker.
actually getting away with murder is much more common now. people just moved to mass shooters
actually getting away with murder is much more common now. people just moved to mass shooters
Well in that sense yes, "Lone Wolf" spree killers are pretty difficult to stop.
do you remember kip kinkel?
Yeah, think I was about his age as well. Killed his parents and shot up his school and killed 2 there (I think?). Didn't he get expelled for having a gun and rather than face his parents he killed them out of some bizarre act of "Love?"
Yeah, think I was about his age as well. Killed his parents and shot up his school and killed 2 there (I think?). Didn't he get expelled for having a gun and rather than face his parents he killed them out of some bizarre act of "Love?"
i can't remember all the details but he had good taste in music
i can't remember all the details but he had good taste in music
Can't say I remember anything about his music tastes tbh, when that happened though I do remember thinking "Fuck, that dudes my age and he offed his parents!" As I was having a real hard time living with my bullying, tyrannical Manlet father and was planning on running away to my mum's to live with her (which I later did), and I did hate him that much that I remember been slightly in awe of Kip killing his dad, but knowing although I hated my father I would never actually kill him.
many say he was a chad for his time period. i guess thats true. by today's perspective, he's a normie. but pics of him are from his 30s not his late 20s. so it's unknown.

i think these days he'd be a normie and thus would struggle to kill stacys.
No because the bar for what’s considered chad has since been monumentally raised
Can't say I remember anything about his music tastes tbh, when that happened though I do remember thinking "Fuck, that dudes my age and he offed his parents!" As I was having a real hard time living with my bullying, tyrannical Manlet father and was planning on running away to my mum's to live with her (which I later did), and I did hate him that much that I remember been slightly in awe of Kip killing his dad, but knowing although I hated my father I would never actually kill him.
why did you get bullied?
Can't say I remember anything about his music tastes tbh, when that happened though I do remember thinking "Fuck, that dudes my age and he offed his parents!" As I was having a real hard time living with my bullying, tyrannical Manlet father and was planning on running away to my mum's to live with her (which I later did), and I did hate him that much that I remember been slightly in awe of Kip killing his dad, but knowing although I hated my father I would never actually kill him.
are you british?
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why did you get bullied?
No real reason, my father is basically just a very bad person who liked to rule with an iron fist. My brother, stepmother and I were basically servants to his every wanton need, and even then he would pick faults with whatever we done and punish us mercilessly for them. He spent 10 years in prison and was released when I was like 11, and my mum raised my brother and I until then but she was an alcoholic so he SOMEHOW (despite having done 10 years in prison and only been out a matter of months) won custody of my brother and I. Then proceeded to hate the fact that I was quite weedy and wanted to go back to my mum, plus I look quite similar in the face to her and it probably reminded him of her so I got singled out for extra beatings and just bore the brunt of his insane rage.

One favourite of his was every Sunday having a complete lockdown of the house and my brother, step-mother and I deep cleaning it from morning until night, having to take "mental pictures" of where every ornament was (there was cupboards full of these things, ornamental dogs, china, all that kind of shit) and polishing them all and putting them back in the EXACT same position, and if any of them were out of place we would get a severe beating. Also scrubbing inbetween the floorboards in the grooves with a toothbrush to get all of the dirt out, again, if they weren't gleaming it was another severe beating.

I think prison fucked him up for all that cleanliness shit, and he was fucked up before that anyway. So yeah, he was just a massive douchebag with smallman syndrome. I felt sorry for leaving my infant half-sister and slightly older brother there when I ran away at age 15, but if I didn't I would either have roped or done a "Kip Kinkel" (in minecraft). Plus they didn't get treated anywhere near as shit as I did so it wasn't so horrific for them.
No real reason, my father is basically just a very bad person who liked to rule with an iron fist. My brother, stepmother and I were basically servants to his every wanton need, and even then he would pick faults with whatever we done and punish us mercilessly for them. He spent 10 years in prison and was released when I was like 11, and my mum raised my brother and I until then but she was an alcoholic so he SOMEHOW (despite having done 10 years in prison and only been out a matter of months) won custody of my brother and I. Then proceeded to hate the fact that I was quite weedy and wanted to go back to my mum, plus I look quite similar in the face to her and it probably reminded him of her so I got singled out for extra beatings and just bore the brunt of his insane rage.

One favourite of his was every Sunday having a complete lockdown of the house and my brother, step-mother and I deep cleaning it from morning until night, having to take "mental pictures" of where every ornament was (there was cupboards full of these things, ornamental dogs, china, all that kind of shit) and polishing them all and putting them back in the EXACT same position, and if any of them were out of place we would get a severe beating. Also scrubbing inbetween the floorboards in the grooves with a toothbrush to get all of the dirt out, again, if they weren't gleaming it was another severe beating.

I think prison fucked him up for all that cleanliness shit, and he was fucked up before that anyway. So yeah, he was just a massive douchebag with smallman syndrome. I felt sorry for leaving my infant half-sister and slightly older brother there when I ran away at age 15, but if I didn't I would either have roped or done a "Kip Kinkel" (in minecraft). Plus they didn't get treated anywhere near as shit as I did so it wasn't so horrific for them.
why did your dad go to prison?
@FullTimeLoser only chad criminals
Your dad stole guns?
Well not stolen as such, he was a member of an illegal paramilitary organisation and he buried a whole cache of weapons other equipment in our garden. Don't know what the group was planning on doing with them, there was a whole guerrilla war going on in the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland where I grew up in the 80's and 90's. Literally, half of my friends dad's where locked up in prison with him for other paramilitary activities. I'm not sure how up on your history of Ireland and the troubles you are?

Well not stolen as such, he was a member of an illegal paramilitary organisation and he buried a whole cache of weapons other equipment in our garden. Don't know what the group was planning on doing with them, there was a whole guerrilla war going on in the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland where I grew up in the 80's and 90's. Literally, half of my friends dad's where locked up in prison with him for other paramilitary activities. I'm not sure how up on your history of Ireland and the troubles you are?

what country are you? England or Ireland? you said "mum" instead of "mom"
what country are you? England or Ireland? you said "mum" instead of "mom"
We say mum in The UK and Ireland. I currently live in England but grew up on the Northern Ireland border, my dad was a was a member of a paramilitary group which was engaged in guerrilla warfare against the British State with the goal of uniting Ireland.

Tbh Bro, they are my dad's belief's and certainly not mine. I moved to England to get away from that shit.
We say mum in The UK and Ireland. I currently live in England but grew up on the Northern Ireland border, my dad was a was a member of a paramilitary group which was engaged in guerrilla warfare against the British State with the goal of uniting Ireland.

Tbh Bro, they are my dad's belief's and certainly not mine. I moved to England to get away from that shit.
was ireland and northern ireland dangerous?
was ireland and northern ireland dangerous?
Northern Ireland was from mid 1960's-1998, especially the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland where I grew up. There was always explosions going off, mortar attacks on British Army Barracks and Police stations, people getting shot dead etc... There is still pockets of violence over there every now and then too, like I said I'm glad i'm away from all that, where I live now is chilled out.
Northern Ireland was from mid 1960's-1998, especially the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland where I grew up. There was always explosions going off, mortar attacks on British Army Barracks and Police stations, people getting shot dead etc... There is still pockets of violence over there every now and then too, like I said I'm glad i'm away from all that, where I live now is chilled out.
if thats northern ireland, then what about ireland?
if thats northern ireland, then what about ireland?
Ireland was largely unaffected by the violence, there was odd instances but they were very sporadic and nothing when compared to Northern Ireland.
Ireland was largely unaffected by the violence, there was odd instances but they were very sporadic and nothing when compared to Northern IIreland.
whats your dad and mom doing now?
whats your dad and mom doing now?
My mum phones me once a week and puts money in my account, I haven't spoke with my father, brother, half-sister or stepmother in many many years so fuck knows what they are all up to.
Absolutely, he'd be able to do it, though he might get less kills.

But for a moment just think of what it was like for him.

Imagine having a young attractive foid all to yourself and having complete control over it. Look at the fear in its eyes and the begging to not be beaten or tortured. Think of the pain it caused you by rejecting you and refusing to see your value. Its willingness to do whatever you want just to be let go. And then imagine its screams as you slice into its skin. Think of the taste of its flesh, so animal like. Its helplessness as it tries to fight the thick bonds placed on it, while you contemplate ending it's worthless existence.. And its eyes bulging out and face turning blue while its weak little lungs struggle to breathe, until its futile movements cease and it stills forever.

It must have been real fun, how I envy him.
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Absolutely, he'd be able to do it, though he might get less kills.

But for a moment just think of what it was like for him.

Imagine having a young attractive foid all to yourself and having complete control over it. Look at the fear in its eyes and the begging to not be beaten or tortured. Think of the pain it caused you by rejecting you and refusing to see your value. Its willingness to do whatever you want just to be let go. And then imagine its screams as you slice into its skin. Think of the taste of its flesh, so animal like. Its helplessness as it tries to fight the thick bonds placed on it, while you contemplate ending it's worthless existence.. And its eyes bulging out and face turning blue while its weak little lungs struggle to breathe, until its futile movements cease and it stills forever.

It must have been a real blast, how I envy him.
if his victims were male, the comments on youtube vids about ted bundy would be less angry
if his victims were male, the comments on youtube vids about ted bundy would be less angry
This is true and a real injustice, considering how worthless a woman's life is. A female is little more than a barely sentient beast.
This is true and a real injustice, considering how worthless a woman's life is. A female is little more than a barely sentient beast.
notice how on jeffrey dahmer videos comments are less hostile toward him
notice how on jeffrey dahmer videos comments are less hostile toward him
What if a serial killer were to murder all types, men, women, male and female children, which group of victims would get the most attention?
He probably wouldn't get away with murdering that many given improvements in forensic technology, but otherwise he still brutally mogs
He’s not a Chad level but he would absolutely deceive foids. Foids are fucking stupid as shit of course they would fall to his manipulation.
noodlewhore magnet

White coke
Ted would not have been as successful, because the sexual market is more competitive. And generally, cellphones make serial killing harder.
What if a serial killer were to murder all types, men, women, male and female children, which group of victims would get the most attention?
Ted would not have been as successful, because the sexual market is more competitive. And generally, cellphones make serial killing harder.
He probably wouldn't get away with murdering that many given improvements in forensic technology, but otherwise he still brutally mogs
Actually getting away with murder is more common today

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