retarded faggot
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- Jun 5, 2024
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high effort post, well done friend
It critiques historical and modern socio-economic structures through the lens of the "blackpill" ideology, suggesting that societal collapse is inevitable if current trends continue. The author posits that the "blackpill" movement offers the only viable solution to restore order and prosperity, by radically re-organizing society and controlling women's role within it.
The Blackpill isn't an ideology. Or a movement for that matter. The blackpill is just observable reality. Stop trying to make this into something that it isn't.and meet this bluepilled tale of the nihilistic Blackpillism with a manifesto of the ideology itself.
Did you read through all of that? If you did, thanks for your service, and, is it worth the time reading?Problem with going to an "older system" is that people dont want to, as theyre accustomed different lifestyle. It would need a total collapse like ww3 or years of hunger and poverty to see such system as improvement. To voluntary support it and implement it there must be something that scares them more. I don't think that full on enslaving and redistribution of foids will ever happen no matter what. "freedom" is tightly tied to being "advanced and civilized". Great majority of people dont want such thing. Realistically men who get 0 pussy are a small number, and normies are happy as long as they get something.
Yeah, it took a time, though im not sure i understood everything. Us overthrowing and resetting the society is not realistic, its just a dream.Did you read through all of that? If you did, thanks for your service, and, is it worth the time reading?
Terrible format.
But it should be. Why separate observation from ideological dogmas? If it wouldn't be separated, everyone noticing the reality will automatically also notice the ideology attached to it.Those are a lot of words.
The Blackpill isn't an ideology. Or a movement for that matter
This, we simply don't have the numbers for thatUs overthrowing and resetting the society is not realistic, its just a dream.
As I mentioned, in these days even normies don't get any pussy. We as the proletariat are the majority.This, we simply don't have the numbers for that
Cope tbh. Sure, the average normie isn't fucking a different Stacy every week but that doesn't mean he gets zero pussy kek. Incels are a minority, even in the worst cases i wouldn't say they exceed 10% of the male population, which translates to 5% of the general population. That's nothing.in these days even normies don't get any pussy
In the west most young men don't get any.Cope tbh. Sure, the average normie isn't fucking a different Stacy every week but that doesn't mean he gets zero pussy kek. Incels are a minority, even in the worst cases i wouldn't say they exceed 10% of the male population, which translates to 5% of the general population. That's nothing.
In the west most young men don't get any.
Ain't gonna read, cuz i was not taged.It is high time that Blackpillists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this bluepilled tale of the nihilistic Blackpillism with a manifesto of the ideology itself.
I.Bourgeois and Proletarians
The proper existence of any society is based on the order introduced through the equal redistribution of the foid resource.
This state of affairs has historically been maintained by two main factors: social pressure and religious pressure.
It was first achieved during the Neolithic, when only the communities introducing it were capable of building and developing a society.
They completely knocked out primitive groups of backward hunter-gatherers, creating the first civilizations.
Even in theoretically polygamous cultures, inequalities in redistribution were limited only to a very narrow group of nobles, which did not affect the situation as a whole, due to the acquisition of the foid resource through conquests.
Societies that departed from redistribution in one way or another, collapsed, collapsing under their own weight or being torn apart by external forces.
Developed state creations departed from universal redistribution over time for religious or cultural reasons, among others, leading to the degradation of their political and social systems.
The demolition by ancient empires of the most important of their pillars led to their trampling by hordes of barbarians, as happened during the Arab conquest of Sasanian Persia or the Germanic conquest of Rome.
These events led to the Islamic Golden Age, but Europe remained in the Middle Ages because the Catholic Church was not dependent on the state and had too much autonomy.
With the end of the Middle Ages, ideas began to emerge proclaiming the need to reject the old order and establish human freedom as a supreme value.
However, these movements were wrong in two places;
-they advocated the rejection of the entire cultural heritage of past generations, including the systems of redistribution of foid resource, necessary to maintain order,
-mistakenly suspected the foid cattle of belonging to the human race.
At this point, the natural foids hypergamy, no longer under social pressure would have been released if not the religion and decentralization of the world at that time.
At the end of the 18th century, the French Revolution broke out, the people, enamored of liberalism, declared war on one of the last bastions of the old order - the church and the monarchy, which was in symbiosis with it.
This event became the vestibule to today's rampant degeneration.
The French Revolution, along with the shattering of the old order, created a new one, within which human society is divided into three main states, membership in which is determined by the amount of foid resource received:
-bourgeoisie (chads, chadlites),
-middle class (all levels of normies)
-proletariat (everyone below the low tier normies).
At that time, the bourgeoisie did not have access to the entire foid resource, thanks to too few chads in rural areas, the middle class got its already very small share, and the proletariat preyed on the leftovers left by the two earlier groups, or got its share in isolated communities i.e. the countryside.
Of course, neither this division nor its proportions were allowed to persist for long, due to the unchained hypergamy.
The Industrial Revolution was a powerful blow to the non-bourgeois classes, as a result of which large concentrations of people grew even faster, and the countryside, through depopulation, significantly lost its importance.
The marginalization of the countryside meant the depletion of the middle class, suffocated by the growing monopoly of the bourgeoisie.
This caused the ranks of the proletariat to swell with what is lower in the pyramid of hypergamy i.e. LTNs.
The First World War finally put an end to the monarchies that had escaped revolution, thus leaving the radicals room to operate.
After the tragedy of the Great War, the hitherto blind nations of Europe finally realized the gravity of the situation.
The once healthy fabric of society at this point was already in an advanced stage of decay.
The search for culprits began, and totalitarianism gained popularity. It was unfortunate that the new systems were looking for enemies where there were none.
According to the communists, capitalists are responsible for this state, according to the fascists, Jews and socialists.
Liberals, on the other hand, preferred (as is also the case today) to remain blind to the reality around them and carefully cultivate their ignorance.
When the new ideologies were well established, instead of uniting against the burden of the hypergamy, they threw themselves at each other's throats, accusing each other of the way the world looked at the time.
Of course, the fratricidal struggles did not bring any positives, bringing only a new regime, which from then on is to oppress the entire civilized world, liberalism, the bourgeois-foid dictatorship.
The new, form of government, coupled with the spread of the Internet, abolished geographic barriers condemning the middle class to a relatively quick death, with all of the foid resource owed to it according to previous allocations going into the hands of the still insatiable bourgeoisie.
The leftovers left exclusively to the proletariat now went to bourgeois capital, the monopoly was absolutized.
Only three social class remains:
-the bourgeois clique, which oppresses all the rest,
-the proletariat bribed by the bourgeois remnants to defend its interests,
-the proper proletariat, enslaved by the bourgeoisie, the greater part of which is also indoctrinated with bourgeois propaganda, bluepill.
Redistribution of the foid resource for the duration of its freshness takes place only among the bourgeoisie holding a monopoly over the process.
As a result of the first phase of redistribution, there are a few or even a dozen foids per bourgeois (with foids "consent," of course, but it's hard to talk about consent in the case of animals guided only by innate hypergamous instinct).
Sometimes in the initial stage of redistribution of the resource, a phenomenon known as betabuxxing occurs, when the proletarian theoretically receives the resource before the rest of his class.
Practically, this means that the resource is further exploited by the bourgeoisie and the proletarian in such a case simply sponsors the whole process.
Such disparities would be objectionable to the proper proletariat were it not for the creation of bluepill by the liberal government for the purpose of stifling any liberation movement.
Bluepill refers to all the propaganda whitewashing the bourgeois-foid regime and the system while insulting the proper proletariat.
When the first phase of redistribution passes, all excess of the foid resource are 'given' (left over) for distribution to the exploited class, so the second and final phase of redistribution takes place.
It is carried out solely out of fear of an armed uprising of the proletariat, which would mean the end of monopoly and an equitable distribution of the resource.
This is reminiscent of the dispensing of bread to the starving Roman plebs by disgustingly rich state dignitaries.
it true, that in the second phase of redistribution, theoretically every proletarian has access to the resource, but hypergamy, no longer eradicated by anyone, stands in the way.
A relatively small and increasingly shrinking fraction of the proletariat manages to get their part.
Bribed with this dubious 'gift' from their overlords, a group of the oppressed class becomes a fanatically blinded, bluepill propagandists defending the bourgeois monopoly.
That part of the foid resource which, while abbadoned for the proletariat, abhors the entirety of the oppressed class, while at the same time being unable to remain any longer in the bourgeois monopoly falls into all sorts of degenerations.
This is where phenomena such as sodomy and dogpill come from, although they sometimes happen in the first stage.
II.The foid question
Cogito ergo sum - "I think, therefore I am". ~ Descartes
Considering the nature of the foids is not too different from considering the instinct of an animal.
Exceptionally cunning and deceitful in its behavior - but still an animal.
The feature that distinguishes humans from non-human beings is the use of reason outside the narrow framework set by the reptile brain, creating and pursuing higher goals.
Foids aren't human, but rather a cattle to be a resource for the higher race.
The sole motive of their parasitic existence is to chase the bourgeoisie, all their actions are only half-measures leading to it.
Even the more advanced foid behavior is only aimed at finding a partner belonging to the bourgeoisie, implicitly the whole process is to sponsor the proletariat, directly (betabuxxing) or not (taxes for the regime).
Despite many physiological similarities, these cattle differ drastically from human beings in the mental field.
This contrast is strongly evident if only when observing their reactions to their environment.
The foids' reactions to stimuli (mainly to various social classes, well seen in the era of unfettered hypergamy) have been described in detail by the blackpillers.
According to them, foids have the ability to feel only two emotions: disgust and desire.
Looking at their existence, one can see quite quickly that with their entire being they idolize the bourgeoisie, at every turn and in every possible form.
On the other hand, foids feel disgust and unbridled hatred for all classes lower in the pyramid of hypergamy lower than the bourgeoisie.
In other words, these barbaric cattle with their entire being seek the destruction of the proletarian class by any means available.
At this point it is worth adding the obvious, in the sphere of foid preoccupations lie only innate human physical characteristics, mainly height and cranial structure.
Consequently, it is impossible to change the social class to a higher one.
Even if, by some miracle, they managed to kill off the entirety of the proletariat, the remaining bourgeoisie would be divided by the foid hypergamy into exactly the same social classes that exist today, the proletariat would form anew.
Hypergamy is a phenomenon in which an ever-smaller group of people is coveted by the foids, as a result of which an ever-larger portion of the bourgeoisie cannot count on the allocation of the foid resource from the first phase and joins the ranks of the proletariat.
It is part and parcel of the foids' existence, as it is the most deeply ingrained instinct in these animals.
Once someone draws out their filthy nature, they become public enemy number 1 in the eyes of a bluepill-indoctrinated society.
Quite amusingly, the bluepillers then do not attempt to refute his rationale (which, for obvious reasons, is impossible), but try to ridicule him by pointing out that he belongs to the proper proletariat, thus conceding his point.
The foids, by their very nature, scorn logic and morality.
Civilization and the lack of restrictions with which the foid resource is subjected are two opposing ideas.
Any community that rejected the latter automatically despised the former as well.
To see this you don't need to look at modern history at all, ancient Rome already demonstrated this process.
The Republic itself, after all, was founded by the proletarians of the time; after all, one of the most important events in its formative period was Kidnapping of the Sabine Foids, what was the capture and redistribution of foids among Roman citizens.
Under the Senate, the foid nature was very well known, and the laws regulating them were adhered to.
The head of the family (Pater familias) had total authority over its inferior parts.
He was also responsible for issuing his foid offspring to somoebody (redistribution), so hypergamy was out of the question in such an arrangement.
When the Christian era arrived and earlier cultural achievements were discarded, the decline of Roman society began.
It was not until after the Council of Nicea that the foid question was solved in christianity, when it was too late for it.
The old order was shaken, bringing only corruption and degeneration.
The Roman citizen had nothing to fight for any longer, the state offered him no rational prospects for living within its structures.
The resemblance to those events is clearly visible today..
Seeing what the lack of restrictions over these cattle leads to, the ultimate solution to the foid question is their equal redistribution among the general populace, not only part of it.
Mankind has a right because it has an obligation.
Consequently, it has every right to exercise total control over the foids and their redistribution.
Any means of chastening the foid cattle, including the less subtle ones, are not so much morally neutral as unequivocally good.
Humanity has a right, becasue it has a aduty.
As the superior race, it has the duty to civilize the inferior foid race by enforcing patriarchy on them and expelling hypergamy.
Thereby human race have right to have total power on foids and use them for what they were made for.
III.Proletarians and Blackpillists
Faced with an increasingly inefficient propaganda system, an ever-increasing number of proletarians are beginning to recognize their plight.
This gives rise to an obvious questioning of the current distorted notion of the social contract, which resembles the medieval feudal system.
At the very top sits the king - the government.
He is surrounded by a disgustingly rich but sparse nobility - the bourgeoisie.
The knights are all government-related agencies ready to attack the lower classes.
The proletariat, bribed and sympathetic to the government, corresponds to the militia, whose members are ready to throw themselves at the throats of their recent brethren for the pittance given to them by the mighty.
At the bottom is the most oppressed class, the peasantry - the proper proletariat.
They work for the mighty, being left with nothing themselves.
In the past, the church made sure that the serfs' peasants accepted the unjust social order through religion.
Today, all public institutions do this through bluepill.
Blackpill is the idea about throwing off the yoke of the bourgeoisie and breaking the shackles of hypergamy from the hands of the proletarians.
It's about tearing down the present arrangement in which the bourgeoisie, through the mediation of the government, exploits the oppressed proletariat.
The road to world revolution leads over the dead body of the bourgeoisie.
For the moment, revolution is probably not possible, but hypergamy is increasingly beginning to afflict even the bourgeoisie itself, and the whole situation is waking up more people from bluepill lethargy.
The only thing that separates the people from the overthrowing the bourgeoisie along with their property is the blissful ignorance of the people themselves.
That's why it's necessary to carry the light of blackpill to the unenlightened proletarians, who will be (if current trends hold, in the near future) vanguards of the revolution.
All bourgeois expropriated foid capital will be equally redistributed among the proletariat.
The new system will be a dictatorship of the proletariat, the interest of the majority will be its goal.
Newly created foid resource will be properly conserved and prepared, to be eventually issued to the general public, the citizen will get his due upon reaching the appropriate age.
When the resource would be ready for redistribution, the proletarian will get his allotment from an goverment mandated office specially created for this purpose.
The foid cattle should be taught no more than basic knowledge: counting to 100, language (without reading and writing), household duties and satisfying its owner.
A society based on such a model will supplant societies based on the exploitation of the lower classes.
When this happens, the blackpillist system will be established internationally.
Instead of fighting over religion or nationality, proletarians should unite under the banner of blackpill.
The basis of the Western economy is the labor of the proletarians, they are the ones who make this failing mechanism still work.
Without the exploitation of the proletariat, the current rotten system would collapse in the blink of an eye.
This is why it is so important for the regime to instill bluepill into the next generations.
Recent trends, however, show that the government is not omnipotent and is gradually losing strength.
The weapon wielded against the proletarians, the bluepill, is proving increasingly ineffective, the proletarian fetters are rusting.
The days of bourgeois monopoly are coming to an end.
IV.Critique of redpill
Redpill is an intermediate stage between blackpill and bluepill.
The movement notes some foid nature problems, but instead of offering actual solutions it either prefers to accept these absurdities or tries to implement old schemes that no longer work.
One can compare redpillers to conservatives, failing to understand that the world no longer works the way it did in past centuries and trying to smash their heads against the wall.
Redpillers often emphasize material resources, believing that having the aforementioned guarantees social advancement.
They push out of their consciousness the fact of betabuxxing and the second phase of redistribution, reacting with aggression and insults to any attempt to reason with them.
This often leads to situations in which a redpilled proletarian becoming a betabuxx believes he has cheated the system.
Redpillers also often raise the issue of religion, considering it an infallible signpost that is the cure for all the ills of modern times.
On the face of it, this is true, religion provides legitimacy to actions that prevent hypergamy and foids debauchery, which, as I mentioned earlier, are obstacles to civilization.
The fact is that in the societies of highly developed countries, especially Protestant ones, religion no longer enjoys even the slightest authority and remains a curiosity rather than an actual moral guide and no longer exists in social thought.
It is naive to think that the faith of a few individuals directly guarantees them any results.
In order for religion to actually work, the greater part of society must be fervently, if only under duress, believed, so that the social pressure caused by religious moral principles has room to maneuver.
Any system based on religion is doomed to failure, for religion has human ignorance and gullibility as the foundation of its views.
A system based on such principles has no right to work when subjected to the development of human thought, which is an inevitable consequence of technological development.
Without a widely respected and recognized religion, the only tool that can solve the foid question is blackpill.
Another absurdity of redpill is the so-called gymmaxxing, another attempt to cheat the system.
It assumes that through physical development one can move up the hypergamy ladder.
Of course, by acting in this way one can only reverse the lowering of one's position by obesity, nothing more.
Unfortunately, there is no gym for height, jawline, canthal tilt or chin protrusion.
Gymcel instead of climbing up the class ladder, merely sponsors equipment manufacturers (or the gym owner).
With his behavior, he resembles a leper spending days in prayers to his God, supposed to miraculously cure him.
The next superstition of redpillers is the belief in the relevance of the game.
This is where redpillers show their ignorance, rejecting facts, logic and blackpillistic teachings.
How is 'game' supposed to matter at all, when the foid reptile brain decides a person's attractiveness in a split second?
In summary, redpill selects some truths from blackpill, then distorts them to fit under their delusional views.
This mainly benefits self-appointed coaches and other more clever individuals with questionable moral values, doing business on people's gullibility.
Redpillers are useful idiots.
V.Countering the criticism of blackpill
Of course, blackpill as a noble, class-liberationist idea has a mass of enemies.
From blue and redpill reactionaries, to the bourgeoisie.
For obvious reasons, they can't challenge blackpillsts claims, so they have to use ad hominem and manipulation.
In the following section, I will refute all attempts to attack blackpill.
Claim: blackpill is bad because it is illegal!
Answer: Following this logic, things like slavery, the Holocaust and war crimes are good because they were legal at the time they occurred.
Claim: Blackpillers instead of fighting for their own only complain!
Answer: Before solving a problem one must first diagnose it. The self-liberation struggle of the economic proletariat also began by noticing the crimes and abuses committed by the capitalists.
Claim: Blackpill is surrender!
Answer: On the contrary, it shows the contrast between social classes and on the basis of it gives motivation to act and organize.
Claim: Blackpill offers no solutions!
Answer: This is patently untrue, blackpillers put forward precise and even ready-to-implement solutions.
Claim: Blackpill is bad because its supporters hate women!
Answer: If the truth that blackpill proclaims is a reason for hatred, that hatred is justified and rational.
Claim: Blackpill is bad because it doesn't take care of women freedom!
Answer: The priority of the human race in the first place is the interests of itself, not other races. In particular, if the well-being of another race is an obstacle to the human species. Survival and development are more valuable than mindless and baseless altruism.
Claim: After all, women didn't do anything wrong!
Answer: Foids, by their existence, contribute nothing to society except their biological traits (which are also denied to the society recently), while reaping enormous benefits and privileges from being in its structures. Moreover, with their hypergamy they destroy societies, they are like a cancer on healthy tissue. Such a situation is called parasitism. A parasite, after all, also does nothing out of malice, yet harms higher beings with its existence. The foids will be replaced by artifficial wombs in near future, but for now their harmful actions can be minimized.
Claim: If it was as bad as the blackpillists claim, the system would have collapsed long ago!
Answer: What keeps the current abomination alive is the proletariat's ignorance of its position.
Responsible, of course, is the bluepill propaganda spread by regime loyalists.
Every blackpilled proletarian is a blow aimed at bourgeois-foid Babylon.
Claim: If blackpill is true, why was it created relatively recently!?
Answer: It happened because relatively recently hypergamy has been fully unleashed, and the filthy foid nature can be viewed and described in its true form.
Claim: Hypergamy is good because it occurs in nature!
Answer: Rape is a thing that occurs in nature as often as hypergamy.
Moreover, unlike hypergamy, it is not an act that is aimed against human society and its progress, leaving decision-making in this matter for foid cattle only leads to Fisherian Runaway effect.
Leaving aside the subject of rape, following this way of reasoning one can come to the conclusion that Jeremy Meeks is more valuable individual than Tesla or Kant.
VI.On the superiority of blackpillistic ideals over peri-Christian morality
When I write about peri-Christian morality I mean all types of ethics growing out of the foundation of Christian beliefs, including those that reject Christianity per se while retaining attitudes based on it, including liberalism.
It is true that the first and fundamental goal of all species, including humanity, is survival.
However, mankind, as a race superior to animals, also has another goal closely correlated with this pursuit, progress.
The progress of the human race, in addition to being a value in itself, has, as I mentioned, an impact on the original goal of human society i.e. to ensure human existence, after all, technology has allowed humanity to surpass animals in the food chain.
Any attempt to sabotage the latter, and thus also the original purpose of the human race, is an attack on the entire existence and well-being of humanity.
In a well-functioning system, there is no place for such acts.
Christianity forbids the general public to inflict due punishment on such terrorists, but relies on rehabilitation.
Unfortunately, the foids whenever circumstances permit, sabotage the development of the human race through their hypergamy.
Therefore, it is impossible to resocialize them or change their behavior, because by their very definition, whenever the opportunity arises they will, like a cancer consuming the body, destroy any manifestation of civilization.
However, if one were to apply peri-Christian morality, one might conclude that altruism toward the individual is more important than the good of the whole.
It contradicts the predetermined purpose of the human race, and does not even make sense when a supernatural element (God) is applied.
If one were to assume, as Christianity wants, that the highest value is the well-being of the individual, then it is logical that the well-being of several individuals is better than the well-being of a single individual.
This is where peri-Christian morality does a vicious circle, because in the end it still leads to the fact that the most important thing is the well-being of the general public, which by its very definition is a collection of individuals.
Even if for a moment one were to consider foid resource as a full-fledged part of the human race, their freedom stands in opposition to human progress, thus sabotaging its existence.
Consequently, the morally correct thing to do is to incapacitate them at the very least.
But why should we allow a part of society to parasitize in a state of incapacitation?
A better option is to redistribute them among the proletariat.
The proletariat, as the crushing majority of the human race, is the most valuable social element in the pursuit of the previously mentioned goal.
Such a procedure, would raise the prosperity of the proletariat, thereby raising its productivity, the consequence of which would be a sharp increase in the overall well-being of the human race.
Even personifying the foid cattle and adopting a peri-Christian morality, blackpillism comes out as the most moral and beneficial system for the society as a whole.
Proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.
They have a world to win.
Proletarians of All Countries, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
@WØLF @lazy_gamer_423 @FucktheFBI @TrollPILLER @Indari @Friezacel @The Enforcer @Ericfffc @decafincel @Moroccancel2- @Hikikomori_cel @tayhrdl @darkdoomer @dp92 @Bastardily @autisticmanchild @Incel called Chad @Chromium @SandNiggerKANG @Subhuman Niceguy @Only In Death @wasted12years @Yournotcolder @Norville Wood @SociallyStupid @Adolf Kitler @entombed @hollowcel @weaselbomber @JudeoBiden @Kamanbert @TheJester @Wizardmaxxer @Babica Yaga @MoggedByALoli @Saigon Depression @iambored330 @ethniccel1 @kangarooc3l @drowningindenial @copemaxx9002 @K1ng N0th1ng @Multicell @NeverGetUp36 @comradespiderman29 @BasedAdam @Acorn @RealSchizo @Da_Yunez @Immolator @theautismcel @La Grande Infamie @Ihnevitable @Cock'nBalls @slavcel11 @XtremeMax @blackraven @BricABrac @highschoolcel @dead.ahead @M3llow3lectrician @partycat @NarcoCasino @SupremeFroggy @Agent47 @RopeMaXXer @caineturbat2003 @chii333 @Natey Nate @NoIdeaWhatToDo @PLA1092 @trognarukk @Wok22 @starcrapoo @Ahnfeltia @smegma producer @lonelysince2006 @Mistake @T. Normanno @JuliusEvola @Grim Reaper @Pinpoint @wereq @ReplaceMyJuice @Master @Messy Jackdaw @ddking0001 @ItsovERfucks @3mori @Incel Rap Genius @Ron.Belgrade @LostSoulUK @IncelGolem @lennox @Diomedes_1112 @faded @Made_In_Azania @Mecoja @trollingthunder @Nagger @stevens @bacon @Thaway @XimoCel @GloriousFight @Uninvited @Blinkycel @wastedcodeine @InceldianWarrior @shitsucks123 @Jørmungandr @tulasdanslos @TheCatMan @Roscomnadzor @SnakeCel @AsakuraHao @incelmadara @palmenkot @gotet @tomcat6 @Incline @WeirdoDesperado @Ricordanza @xkcdCleftcel @Devilspawncel @Quoj @Eventy @svgmn1 @ONION BURPS @Initium @Rabbi Schneerson @Cautious Raven @BoliMeKurac @solblue @VideoGameCoper @WorthlessSlavicShit @pyromancer1234 @GooberMcKee @glowIntheDark @sultryloser @Blackpillapologist @LifeMaxxer @Lizard King @outerdarkness @Persecuted @facecelvqf @manletcel1488 @Pesttanz @misanthropist @Zoomercel1488 @TBIcel @Garbage Life @VersoffenerAssi @Cayden Zhang @Monke @worrycel @lolol124 @blackpillednigga @abajojo @foidrapist69 @PriestBP @Rensudesu @gymtard @TheNEET @UglyDumbass @BornToLose @Runt171 @CRYSTAL METH @fantasycel @IGiveUp @sadlife99 @CMD @UnderdevelopedSlav @gymcellragefuel @based_meme @anandkonda @Pancakecel @RegularManlet @To koniec @Fatass3000 @Grim_Reaper @VictimofBpillReaper @CopingForBrutality @Fire. @Chudpreet @My Name Jeff @Seahorsecel @ElTruecel @Pajeetsingh @SupremeSaint @Aquiline
It is high time that Blackpillists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this bluepilled tale of the nihilistic Blackpillism with a manifesto of the ideology itself.
I.Bourgeois and Proletarians
The proper existence of any society is based on the order introduced through the equal redistribution of the foid resource.
This state of affairs has historically been maintained by two main factors: social pressure and religious pressure.
It was first achieved during the Neolithic, when only the communities introducing it were capable of building and developing a society.
They completely knocked out primitive groups of backward hunter-gatherers, creating the first civilizations.
Even in theoretically polygamous cultures, inequalities in redistribution were limited only to a very narrow group of nobles, which did not affect the situation as a whole, due to the acquisition of the foid resource through conquests.
Societies that departed from redistribution in one way or another, collapsed, collapsing under their own weight or being torn apart by external forces.
Developed state creations departed from universal redistribution over time for religious or cultural reasons, among others, leading to the degradation of their political and social systems.
The demolition by ancient empires of the most important of their pillars led to their trampling by hordes of barbarians, as happened during the Arab conquest of Sasanian Persia or the Germanic conquest of Rome.
These events led to the Islamic Golden Age, but Europe remained in the Middle Ages because the Catholic Church was not dependent on the state and had too much autonomy.
With the end of the Middle Ages, ideas began to emerge proclaiming the need to reject the old order and establish human freedom as a supreme value.
However, these movements were wrong in two places;
-they advocated the rejection of the entire cultural heritage of past generations, including the systems of redistribution of foid resource, necessary to maintain order,
-mistakenly suspected the foid cattle of belonging to the human race.
At this point, the natural foids hypergamy, no longer under social pressure would have been released if not the religion and decentralization of the world at that time.
At the end of the 18th century, the French Revolution broke out, the people, enamored of liberalism, declared war on one of the last bastions of the old order - the church and the monarchy, which was in symbiosis with it.
This event became the vestibule to today's rampant degeneration.
The French Revolution, along with the shattering of the old order, created a new one, within which human society is divided into three main states, membership in which is determined by the amount of foid resource received:
-bourgeoisie (chads, chadlites),
-middle class (all levels of normies)
-proletariat (everyone below the low tier normies).
At that time, the bourgeoisie did not have access to the entire foid resource, thanks to too few chads in rural areas, the middle class got its already very small share, and the proletariat preyed on the leftovers left by the two earlier groups, or got its share in isolated communities i.e. the countryside.
Of course, neither this division nor its proportions were allowed to persist for long, due to the unchained hypergamy.
The Industrial Revolution was a powerful blow to the non-bourgeois classes, as a result of which large concentrations of people grew even faster, and the countryside, through depopulation, significantly lost its importance.
The marginalization of the countryside meant the depletion of the middle class, suffocated by the growing monopoly of the bourgeoisie.
This caused the ranks of the proletariat to swell with what is lower in the pyramid of hypergamy i.e. LTNs.
The First World War finally put an end to the monarchies that had escaped revolution, thus leaving the radicals room to operate.
After the tragedy of the Great War, the hitherto blind nations of Europe finally realized the gravity of the situation.
The once healthy fabric of society at this point was already in an advanced stage of decay.
The search for culprits began, and totalitarianism gained popularity. It was unfortunate that the new systems were looking for enemies where there were none.
According to the communists, capitalists are responsible for this state, according to the fascists, Jews and socialists.
Liberals, on the other hand, preferred (as is also the case today) to remain blind to the reality around them and carefully cultivate their ignorance.
When the new ideologies were well established, instead of uniting against the burden of the hypergamy, they threw themselves at each other's throats, accusing each other of the way the world looked at the time.
Of course, the fratricidal struggles did not bring any positives, bringing only a new regime, which from then on is to oppress the entire civilized world, liberalism, the bourgeois-foid dictatorship.
The new, form of government, coupled with the spread of the Internet, abolished geographic barriers condemning the middle class to a relatively quick death, with all of the foid resource owed to it according to previous allocations going into the hands of the still insatiable bourgeoisie.
The leftovers left exclusively to the proletariat now went to bourgeois capital, the monopoly was absolutized.
Only three social class remains:
-the bourgeois clique, which oppresses all the rest,
-the proletariat bribed by the bourgeois remnants to defend its interests,
-the proper proletariat, enslaved by the bourgeoisie, the greater part of which is also indoctrinated with bourgeois propaganda, bluepill.
Redistribution of the foid resource for the duration of its freshness takes place only among the bourgeoisie holding a monopoly over the process.
As a result of the first phase of redistribution, there are a few or even a dozen foids per bourgeois (with foids "consent," of course, but it's hard to talk about consent in the case of animals guided only by innate hypergamous instinct).
Sometimes in the initial stage of redistribution of the resource, a phenomenon known as betabuxxing occurs, when the proletarian theoretically receives the resource before the rest of his class.
Practically, this means that the resource is further exploited by the bourgeoisie and the proletarian in such a case simply sponsors the whole process.
Such disparities would be objectionable to the proper proletariat were it not for the creation of bluepill by the liberal government for the purpose of stifling any liberation movement.
Bluepill refers to all the propaganda whitewashing the bourgeois-foid regime and the system while insulting the proper proletariat.
When the first phase of redistribution passes, all excess of the foid resource are 'given' (left over) for distribution to the exploited class, so the second and final phase of redistribution takes place.
It is carried out solely out of fear of an armed uprising of the proletariat, which would mean the end of monopoly and an equitable distribution of the resource.
This is reminiscent of the dispensing of bread to the starving Roman plebs by disgustingly rich state dignitaries.
it true, that in the second phase of redistribution, theoretically every proletarian has access to the resource, but hypergamy, no longer eradicated by anyone, stands in the way.
A relatively small and increasingly shrinking fraction of the proletariat manages to get their part.
Bribed with this dubious 'gift' from their overlords, a group of the oppressed class becomes a fanatically blinded, bluepill propagandists defending the bourgeois monopoly.
That part of the foid resource which, while abbadoned for the proletariat, abhors the entirety of the oppressed class, while at the same time being unable to remain any longer in the bourgeois monopoly falls into all sorts of degenerations.
This is where phenomena such as sodomy and dogpill come from, although they sometimes happen in the first stage.
II.The foid question
Cogito ergo sum - "I think, therefore I am". ~ Descartes
Considering the nature of the foids is not too different from considering the instinct of an animal.
Exceptionally cunning and deceitful in its behavior - but still an animal.
The feature that distinguishes humans from non-human beings is the use of reason outside the narrow framework set by the reptile brain, creating and pursuing higher goals.
Foids aren't human, but rather a cattle to be a resource for the higher race.
The sole motive of their parasitic existence is to chase the bourgeoisie, all their actions are only half-measures leading to it.
Even the more advanced foid behavior is only aimed at finding a partner belonging to the bourgeoisie, implicitly the whole process is to sponsor the proletariat, directly (betabuxxing) or not (taxes for the regime).
Despite many physiological similarities, these cattle differ drastically from human beings in the mental field.
This contrast is strongly evident if only when observing their reactions to their environment.
The foids' reactions to stimuli (mainly to various social classes, well seen in the era of unfettered hypergamy) have been described in detail by the blackpillers.
According to them, foids have the ability to feel only two emotions: disgust and desire.
Looking at their existence, one can see quite quickly that with their entire being they idolize the bourgeoisie, at every turn and in every possible form.
On the other hand, foids feel disgust and unbridled hatred for all classes lower in the pyramid of hypergamy lower than the bourgeoisie.
In other words, these barbaric cattle with their entire being seek the destruction of the proletarian class by any means available.
At this point it is worth adding the obvious, in the sphere of foid preoccupations lie only innate human physical characteristics, mainly height and cranial structure.
Consequently, it is impossible to change the social class to a higher one.
Even if, by some miracle, they managed to kill off the entirety of the proletariat, the remaining bourgeoisie would be divided by the foid hypergamy into exactly the same social classes that exist today, the proletariat would form anew.
Hypergamy is a phenomenon in which an ever-smaller group of people is coveted by the foids, as a result of which an ever-larger portion of the bourgeoisie cannot count on the allocation of the foid resource from the first phase and joins the ranks of the proletariat.
It is part and parcel of the foids' existence, as it is the most deeply ingrained instinct in these animals.
Once someone draws out their filthy nature, they become public enemy number 1 in the eyes of a bluepill-indoctrinated society.
Quite amusingly, the bluepillers then do not attempt to refute his rationale (which, for obvious reasons, is impossible), but try to ridicule him by pointing out that he belongs to the proper proletariat, thus conceding his point.
The foids, by their very nature, scorn logic and morality.
Civilization and the lack of restrictions with which the foid resource is subjected are two opposing ideas.
Any community that rejected the latter automatically despised the former as well.
To see this you don't need to look at modern history at all, ancient Rome already demonstrated this process.
The Republic itself, after all, was founded by the proletarians of the time; after all, one of the most important events in its formative period was Kidnapping of the Sabine Foids, what was the capture and redistribution of foids among Roman citizens.
Under the Senate, the foid nature was very well known, and the laws regulating them were adhered to.
The head of the family (Pater familias) had total authority over its inferior parts.
He was also responsible for issuing his foid offspring to somoebody (redistribution), so hypergamy was out of the question in such an arrangement.
When the Christian era arrived and earlier cultural achievements were discarded, the decline of Roman society began.
It was not until after the Council of Nicea that the foid question was solved in christianity, when it was too late for it.
The old order was shaken, bringing only corruption and degeneration.
The Roman citizen had nothing to fight for any longer, the state offered him no rational prospects for living within its structures.
The resemblance to those events is clearly visible today..
Seeing what the lack of restrictions over these cattle leads to, the ultimate solution to the foid question is their equal redistribution among the general populace, not only part of it.
Mankind has a right because it has an obligation.
Consequently, it has every right to exercise total control over the foids and their redistribution.
Any means of chastening the foid cattle, including the less subtle ones, are not so much morally neutral as unequivocally good.
Humanity has a right, becasue it has a aduty.
As the superior race, it has the duty to civilize the inferior foid race by enforcing patriarchy on them and expelling hypergamy.
Thereby human race have right to have total power on foids and use them for what they were made for.
III.Proletarians and Blackpillists
Faced with an increasingly inefficient propaganda system, an ever-increasing number of proletarians are beginning to recognize their plight.
This gives rise to an obvious questioning of the current distorted notion of the social contract, which resembles the medieval feudal system.
At the very top sits the king - the government.
He is surrounded by a disgustingly rich but sparse nobility - the bourgeoisie.
The knights are all government-related agencies ready to attack the lower classes.
The proletariat, bribed and sympathetic to the government, corresponds to the militia, whose members are ready to throw themselves at the throats of their recent brethren for the pittance given to them by the mighty.
At the bottom is the most oppressed class, the peasantry - the proper proletariat.
They work for the mighty, being left with nothing themselves.
In the past, the church made sure that the serfs' peasants accepted the unjust social order through religion.
Today, all public institutions do this through bluepill.
Blackpill is the idea about throwing off the yoke of the bourgeoisie and breaking the shackles of hypergamy from the hands of the proletarians.
It's about tearing down the present arrangement in which the bourgeoisie, through the mediation of the government, exploits the oppressed proletariat.
The road to world revolution leads over the dead body of the bourgeoisie.
For the moment, revolution is probably not possible, but hypergamy is increasingly beginning to afflict even the bourgeoisie itself, and the whole situation is waking up more people from bluepill lethargy.
The only thing that separates the people from the overthrowing the bourgeoisie along with their property is the blissful ignorance of the people themselves.
That's why it's necessary to carry the light of blackpill to the unenlightened proletarians, who will be (if current trends hold, in the near future) vanguards of the revolution.
All bourgeois expropriated foid capital will be equally redistributed among the proletariat.
The new system will be a dictatorship of the proletariat, the interest of the majority will be its goal.
Newly created foid resource will be properly conserved and prepared, to be eventually issued to the general public, the citizen will get his due upon reaching the appropriate age.
When the resource would be ready for redistribution, the proletarian will get his allotment from an goverment mandated office specially created for this purpose.
The foid cattle should be taught no more than basic knowledge: counting to 100, language (without reading and writing), household duties and satisfying its owner.
A society based on such a model will supplant societies based on the exploitation of the lower classes.
When this happens, the blackpillist system will be established internationally.
Instead of fighting over religion or nationality, proletarians should unite under the banner of blackpill.
The basis of the Western economy is the labor of the proletarians, they are the ones who make this failing mechanism still work.
Without the exploitation of the proletariat, the current rotten system would collapse in the blink of an eye.
This is why it is so important for the regime to instill bluepill into the next generations.
Recent trends, however, show that the government is not omnipotent and is gradually losing strength.
The weapon wielded against the proletarians, the bluepill, is proving increasingly ineffective, the proletarian fetters are rusting.
The days of bourgeois monopoly are coming to an end.
IV.Critique of redpill
Redpill is an intermediate stage between blackpill and bluepill.
The movement notes some foid nature problems, but instead of offering actual solutions it either prefers to accept these absurdities or tries to implement old schemes that no longer work.
One can compare redpillers to conservatives, failing to understand that the world no longer works the way it did in past centuries and trying to smash their heads against the wall.
Redpillers often emphasize material resources, believing that having the aforementioned guarantees social advancement.
They push out of their consciousness the fact of betabuxxing and the second phase of redistribution, reacting with aggression and insults to any attempt to reason with them.
This often leads to situations in which a redpilled proletarian becoming a betabuxx believes he has cheated the system.
Redpillers also often raise the issue of religion, considering it an infallible signpost that is the cure for all the ills of modern times.
On the face of it, this is true, religion provides legitimacy to actions that prevent hypergamy and foids debauchery, which, as I mentioned earlier, are obstacles to civilization.
The fact is that in the societies of highly developed countries, especially Protestant ones, religion no longer enjoys even the slightest authority and remains a curiosity rather than an actual moral guide and no longer exists in social thought.
It is naive to think that the faith of a few individuals directly guarantees them any results.
In order for religion to actually work, the greater part of society must be fervently, if only under duress, believed, so that the social pressure caused by religious moral principles has room to maneuver.
Any system based on religion is doomed to failure, for religion has human ignorance and gullibility as the foundation of its views.
A system based on such principles has no right to work when subjected to the development of human thought, which is an inevitable consequence of technological development.
Without a widely respected and recognized religion, the only tool that can solve the foid question is blackpill.
Another absurdity of redpill is the so-called gymmaxxing, another attempt to cheat the system.
It assumes that through physical development one can move up the hypergamy ladder.
Of course, by acting in this way one can only reverse the lowering of one's position by obesity, nothing more.
Unfortunately, there is no gym for height, jawline, canthal tilt or chin protrusion.
Gymcel instead of climbing up the class ladder, merely sponsors equipment manufacturers (or the gym owner).
With his behavior, he resembles a leper spending days in prayers to his God, supposed to miraculously cure him.
The next superstition of redpillers is the belief in the relevance of the game.
This is where redpillers show their ignorance, rejecting facts, logic and blackpillistic teachings.
How is 'game' supposed to matter at all, when the foid reptile brain decides a person's attractiveness in a split second?
In summary, redpill selects some truths from blackpill, then distorts them to fit under their delusional views.
This mainly benefits self-appointed coaches and other more clever individuals with questionable moral values, doing business on people's gullibility.
Redpillers are useful idiots.
V.Countering the criticism of blackpill
Of course, blackpill as a noble, class-liberationist idea has a mass of enemies.
From blue and redpill reactionaries, to the bourgeoisie.
For obvious reasons, they can't challenge blackpillsts claims, so they have to use ad hominem and manipulation.
In the following section, I will refute all attempts to attack blackpill.
Claim: blackpill is bad because it is illegal!
Answer: Following this logic, things like slavery, the Holocaust and war crimes are good because they were legal at the time they occurred.
Claim: Blackpillers instead of fighting for their own only complain!
Answer: Before solving a problem one must first diagnose it. The self-liberation struggle of the economic proletariat also began by noticing the crimes and abuses committed by the capitalists.
Claim: Blackpill is surrender!
Answer: On the contrary, it shows the contrast between social classes and on the basis of it gives motivation to act and organize.
Claim: Blackpill offers no solutions!
Answer: This is patently untrue, blackpillers put forward precise and even ready-to-implement solutions.
Claim: Blackpill is bad because its supporters hate women!
Answer: If the truth that blackpill proclaims is a reason for hatred, that hatred is justified and rational.
Claim: Blackpill is bad because it doesn't take care of women freedom!
Answer: The priority of the human race in the first place is the interests of itself, not other races. In particular, if the well-being of another race is an obstacle to the human species. Survival and development are more valuable than mindless and baseless altruism.
Claim: After all, women didn't do anything wrong!
Answer: Foids, by their existence, contribute nothing to society except their biological traits (which are also denied to the society recently), while reaping enormous benefits and privileges from being in its structures. Moreover, with their hypergamy they destroy societies, they are like a cancer on healthy tissue. Such a situation is called parasitism. A parasite, after all, also does nothing out of malice, yet harms higher beings with its existence. The foids will be replaced by artifficial wombs in near future, but for now their harmful actions can be minimized.
Claim: If it was as bad as the blackpillists claim, the system would have collapsed long ago!
Answer: What keeps the current abomination alive is the proletariat's ignorance of its position.
Responsible, of course, is the bluepill propaganda spread by regime loyalists.
Every blackpilled proletarian is a blow aimed at bourgeois-foid Babylon.
Claim: If blackpill is true, why was it created relatively recently!?
Answer: It happened because relatively recently hypergamy has been fully unleashed, and the filthy foid nature can be viewed and described in its true form.
Claim: Hypergamy is good because it occurs in nature!
Answer: Rape is a thing that occurs in nature as often as hypergamy.
Moreover, unlike hypergamy, it is not an act that is aimed against human society and its progress, leaving decision-making in this matter for foid cattle only leads to Fisherian Runaway effect.
Leaving aside the subject of rape, following this way of reasoning one can come to the conclusion that Jeremy Meeks is more valuable individual than Tesla or Kant.
VI.On the superiority of blackpillistic ideals over peri-Christian morality
When I write about peri-Christian morality I mean all types of ethics growing out of the foundation of Christian beliefs, including those that reject Christianity per se while retaining attitudes based on it, including liberalism.
It is true that the first and fundamental goal of all species, including humanity, is survival.
However, mankind, as a race superior to animals, also has another goal closely correlated with this pursuit, progress.
The progress of the human race, in addition to being a value in itself, has, as I mentioned, an impact on the original goal of human society i.e. to ensure human existence, after all, technology has allowed humanity to surpass animals in the food chain.
Any attempt to sabotage the latter, and thus also the original purpose of the human race, is an attack on the entire existence and well-being of humanity.
In a well-functioning system, there is no place for such acts.
Christianity forbids the general public to inflict due punishment on such terrorists, but relies on rehabilitation.
Unfortunately, the foids whenever circumstances permit, sabotage the development of the human race through their hypergamy.
Therefore, it is impossible to resocialize them or change their behavior, because by their very definition, whenever the opportunity arises they will, like a cancer consuming the body, destroy any manifestation of civilization.
However, if one were to apply peri-Christian morality, one might conclude that altruism toward the individual is more important than the good of the whole.
It contradicts the predetermined purpose of the human race, and does not even make sense when a supernatural element (God) is applied.
If one were to assume, as Christianity wants, that the highest value is the well-being of the individual, then it is logical that the well-being of several individuals is better than the well-being of a single individual.
This is where peri-Christian morality does a vicious circle, because in the end it still leads to the fact that the most important thing is the well-being of the general public, which by its very definition is a collection of individuals.
Even if for a moment one were to consider foid resource as a full-fledged part of the human race, their freedom stands in opposition to human progress, thus sabotaging its existence.
Consequently, the morally correct thing to do is to incapacitate them at the very least.
But why should we allow a part of society to parasitize in a state of incapacitation?
A better option is to redistribute them among the proletariat.
The proletariat, as the crushing majority of the human race, is the most valuable social element in the pursuit of the previously mentioned goal.
Such a procedure, would raise the prosperity of the proletariat, thereby raising its productivity, the consequence of which would be a sharp increase in the overall well-being of the human race.
Even personifying the foid cattle and adopting a peri-Christian morality, blackpillism comes out as the most moral and beneficial system for the society as a whole.
Proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.
They have a world to win.
Proletarians of All Countries, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
@WØLF @lazy_gamer_423 @FucktheFBI @TrollPILLER @Indari @Friezacel @The Enforcer @Ericfffc @decafincel @Moroccancel2- @Hikikomori_cel @tayhrdl @darkdoomer @dp92 @Bastardily @autisticmanchild @Incel called Chad @Chromium @SandNiggerKANG @Subhuman Niceguy @Only In Death @wasted12years @Yournotcolder @Norville Wood @SociallyStupid @Adolf Kitler @entombed @hollowcel @weaselbomber @JudeoBiden @Kamanbert @TheJester @Wizardmaxxer @Babica Yaga @MoggedByALoli @Saigon Depression @iambored330 @ethniccel1 @kangarooc3l @drowningindenial @copemaxx9002 @K1ng N0th1ng @Multicell @NeverGetUp36 @comradespiderman29 @BasedAdam @Acorn @RealSchizo @Da_Yunez @Immolator @theautismcel @La Grande Infamie @Ihnevitable @Cock'nBalls @slavcel11 @XtremeMax @blackraven @BricABrac @highschoolcel @dead.ahead @M3llow3lectrician @partycat @NarcoCasino @SupremeFroggy @Agent47 @RopeMaXXer @caineturbat2003 @chii333 @Natey Nate @NoIdeaWhatToDo @PLA1092 @trognarukk @Wok22 @starcrapoo @Ahnfeltia @smegma producer @lonelysince2006 @Mistake @T. Normanno @JuliusEvola @Grim Reaper @Pinpoint @wereq @ReplaceMyJuice @Master @Messy Jackdaw @ddking0001 @ItsovERfucks @3mori @Incel Rap Genius @Ron.Belgrade @LostSoulUK @IncelGolem @lennox @Diomedes_1112 @faded @Made_In_Azania @Mecoja @trollingthunder @Nagger @stevens @bacon @Thaway @XimoCel @GloriousFight @Uninvited @Blinkycel @wastedcodeine @InceldianWarrior @shitsucks123 @Jørmungandr @tulasdanslos @TheCatMan @Roscomnadzor @SnakeCel @AsakuraHao @incelmadara @palmenkot @gotet @tomcat6 @Incline @WeirdoDesperado @Ricordanza @xkcdCleftcel @Devilspawncel @Quoj @Eventy @svgmn1 @ONION BURPS @Initium @Rabbi Schneerson @Cautious Raven @BoliMeKurac @solblue @VideoGameCoper @WorthlessSlavicShit @pyromancer1234 @GooberMcKee @glowIntheDark @sultryloser @Blackpillapologist @LifeMaxxer @Lizard King @outerdarkness @Persecuted @facecelvqf @manletcel1488 @Pesttanz @misanthropist @Zoomercel1488 @TBIcel @Garbage Life @VersoffenerAssi @Cayden Zhang @Monke @worrycel @lolol124 @blackpillednigga @abajojo @foidrapist69 @PriestBP @Rensudesu @gymtard @TheNEET @UglyDumbass @BornToLose @Runt171 @CRYSTAL METH @fantasycel @IGiveUp @sadlife99 @CMD @UnderdevelopedSlav @gymcellragefuel @based_meme @anandkonda @Pancakecel @RegularManlet @To koniec @Fatass3000 @Grim_Reaper Qq@VictimofBpillReaper @CopingForBrutality @Fire. @Chudpreet @My Name Jeff @Seahorsecel @ElTruecel @Pajeetsingh @SupremeSaint @Aquiline
Oh, it's one of those. Thanks.Yeah, it took a time, though im not sure i understood everything. Us overthrowing and resetting the society is not realistic, its just a dream.
High IQ post.
Complete and utter fiction. View attachment 1180904
but women are increasingly becoming harder to obtain and like inflation, simps are working more to get less pussy. feminism and the "bear over man" sentiment is to blame on thisCope tbh. Sure, the average normie isn't fucking a different Stacy every week but that doesn't mean he gets zero pussy kek. Incels are a minority, even in the worst cases i wouldn't say they exceed 10% of the male population, which translates to 5% of the general population. That's nothing.
i think it's just hypergamy that was unleashed in recent yearsfeminism and the "bear over man" sentiment is to blame on this
Shame there's too much lowIQcels/dnrcels on this forumIimpressive post
stopped reading here,remember to finish it later someday maybeBourgeois and Proletarians
its what i thought fellow niggacel.based. but is this just the communist manifesto in incel lingo?
I was slightly inspired by it, so there could be some similarities.is this just the communist manifesto in incel lingo?
Hypergamy will result in reducing percent of people foids consider a bourgeois to few persons. if not to the single one. Accumulation of the foid resource in the hands of bourgeoisie is obvious result of unleashed foid nature, thus only bounding foid cattle can prevent this. They use every single freedom they've to be more hypergamous, therefore in order to end accumulation they need to not be given freedom of anything in any aspect of their life.10 years ago I dont recall anybody upset over the male loneliness epidemic. but now theres alot. this is proof that hoeflation is happening and is starting to affect all of us regardless of status
hymen breaker