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Blackpill Women and Jews share many traits as a group



commanded to be joyful
Apr 19, 2023
@Stupid Clown asked me to repost my reply to his thread on the topic here.
He also recommended a book that highlights how women abuse children more than men, click here for download.
Make sure to check out his thread and reply first :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:

Women and Petty Crime
Jews traditionally are associated with criminality and petty crime. The mafia was jewish, thats why hollywood loves mafia movies, self glorification. Same for pirates, many pirates and their ships had Hebrew names. Another leftover from jewish small-crime culture are words from medieval criminal slang that still linger in european languages such as german, dutch and polish.
Rotwelsch (German: [ˈʁoːtvɛlʃ], "beggar's foreign (language)") or Gaunersprache (German: [ˈɡaʊnɐʃpʁaːxə] "crook's language") also Khokhmer Loshn (from Yiddish "חוכמער לשון", "tongue of the wise")[1] is a secret language, a cant or thieves' argot, spoken by groups (primarily marginalized groups) in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Bohemia. The language is based on a mix of Low German, Yiddish, Hebrew, Romani, Latin, and Czech with a High German substrate.[2][1]

On shoplifting - My mom used to do shit like that. Once my father told me how my mom would deliberately damage shit in stores and then ask for a discount. Example: She would find some textile thing she liked, rip the seams open, then ask if she could get a discount. Another thing worth looking into - the incredible prevalence of shoplifting. Being the good boy autist I am, I always assumed almost nobody was stealing from stores. I even wondered how hiring security, installing cameras etc was even profitable, given that nobody was stealing.

I was wrong. The first number that shocked me was that 5% of all people going into stores shoplift. That means if you are in wallmart with 100 people, 5 of them are shoplifting, every single time you are there. Let that sink in. Some put the percentage even higher.
Roughly 1 in 20 consumers have shoplifted within the past year

Approximately 1 out of 11 people in the US are shoplifters. ¼ of shoplifters are children. 55% of shoplifters began shoplifting when they were teenagers.

More than 1 in 5 Americans admitted to shoplifting, and, of those, 23% admitted to doing so within the past year.

As if we needed more evidence people are trash jfl.

@Stupid Clown mentions women openly bragging how they use guys for free dinner. Literally my experience again. Came from school, leaving train. Two foids in front of me. Talked about scamming a guy out of dinner and laughed, in public. I even wrote a journal entry about it at the time I think, it fucking infuriated me. Crazy how they are the same the world over.

On women cheating the system - as I wrote in the psycho thread, their low level morality makes them feel rewarded everytime they get away with something. They view ethics like rules imposed by mom and dad. Being "naughty" is fun and exciting. Just like little kids, they have psycho and narc nature, which they maintain into adulthood.
Other traits women share with jews:

Maybe if women ate a real fucking diet instead of rice cakes, salads and red wine, they would be less mentally instable. Point being, they are neurotic as fuck, maybe even genetically. Remember that thing, "10000 years ago 20 women reproduced for one man." Isn't the implication here that women have less genomic diversity than men, aka they are inbred as fuck? There was way less selective pressure on them according to this idea, implying that they are dysgenic as all fuck. Maybe this is the source for their neuroticism, just like jews and their in-breeding leading to a slew of jew-specific disorders and such. Both groups are also prone to mass-hysteria. The reason jews dominate comedy is also found in this - hysteria, outrage, exaggeration, larping - all traits necessary for "good comedy," which is essentially just professional gossip.

Just like kikes, women convinced the world that they were eternally persecuted for all of history, for no reason at all, and that due to this heritage, they need more money, more privileges, more, more and more. Anyone familiar with kikes sees the pattern - i.e. "israel is our greatest ally" and "another 10 bazillion for israel." And if you question this you are an anti-semite, history-denier, misogynist etc.

In-group bias
Both groups demonize what they see as the out-group to point of viewing them as exploitable cattle ("goyim"). Morality does not apply to the out-group. Any perceived slight against them is seen as confirming their paranooid schizophrenic delusions of perpetual persecution. Just like with kikes, this reaches a literal auto-erotic level, where both groups start fetishsizing their own victimhood - see stalag porn as example, or how women obsess over rape porn. Notice that women and jews both obsess over grotesque depictions of violence that don't match reality. For instance women are obsessed with being violently raped and inseminated in an alleyway at night, when most rape is benign and domestic.​


Another example of this is how women systematicaly ignore men's issus and constantly depict themselves as the sole victims of violence and discrimination in society. In literally every country on earth, the majority of victims of violence are men, yet society and women talk only of women being victimized.

Obsession with self
Narcissism - women and jews love therapy and psychology, literally professional navel gazing and talking about yourself for hours. Appeals to femminism, trauma and jewish mythology like the holocaust constantly pop in psychology. One of my pet peeves is that fucking dogshit book "mans search for meaning" by Viktor Frankl.

It is literally plastered everywhere all the time. First off that faggot only spent two weeks in a concentration camp, second, he was in a hospital the entire time, ironically disproving the narrative that the nazis were trying to murder everyone all the time. Idk how schizobrained NPC cattle people of society cope with the fact that the nazis build hospitals in death camps, but yeah. When the nazis tried to evacuate people to save them from soviet army, they couldn explain this either and just labled it "death marches."

Control economy
First off, women make 80% of customer purchases, which implies roughly 40-50% of the money are spending has to come from men. In spite of this insane figure, they still complain about the gender wage gap. This also implies that women control the attention economy, by commanding male attention and thus extracting resources from them. If you know that meme where its a chair and a TV in a barren flat - thats men absent foids. All men want is foids, they could live in a cave for all they care. Mens highest priority is women, womens highest priority is themselves, period. Jews serve their superiority delusion by appealing to womens own flavor of self-aggrandizement, and women in turn suck the lifeblood out of men.

Control of local politics through infiltration
If you dont believe the this one, google up on womens advocacy groups in your area and then do the same for pro-male groups. Be astonished. Just like jews, foids have their kraken fingers in everything. No wonders men cant get a job as easily. My city has like 5 groups alone + multiple emergency hotlines to help foids. Women have always done this and known they can do this, even before rights:​

One early believer in the idea was anti suffragist Catharine Beecher, who from the 1840s worked to open the teaching profession to women. Although she never joined an anti suffrage organization, Catharine Beecher was a dedicated anti, but at the same time she was also an indomitable campaigner for women’s education and economic equality. Her method of changing society was “first convincing intelligent and benevolent women that what I aimed at was right and desirable, and then securing their influence with their fathers, brothers, and husbands, and always with success” (italics added). Her fifty years of campaigning convinced her that all reasonable men “are not only willing but anxious to provide for the good of our sex. They will gladly bestow all that is just, reasonable, and kind, whenever we unite in asking” (italics added).39 The idea of women uniting for the common good, rather than dividing along party lines as men did, was a major theme of the women antis.
Props to @WorthlessSlavicShit for finding this.

Long before women had rights, they openly admitted that they could influence politics just as easily without rights, by forming lobbies and manipulating simp politicians. Nothing has changed, society is still full of these female lobbies and they still control everything on local and national level. Check the gender ratio in key positions of power, like HR departments, local housing, landlords, home-owners association etc.
Women do not have issues getting jobs and housing - men do.

Dwell on that and come to your own conclusions. There is no loneliness epidemic for foids, women are not "dropping out" etc. Its a systematic, female driven campaign to suppress men, as dramatic and over the top that sounds.

We see massive overlap between women as a gender and jews as a race. Both act the same, share identical traits. Often times the groups merge, such as in the case of 20th century feminism, where the majority of the leaders were not only female but also jewish. Many people easily identify the jews as being the biggest internationally dominant group in history. But they overlook or ignore women, their right hand pawn. When the jew sends good men to war, who whips the cannon-fooder up into a frenzy? It is the women. What moral slight do they use over and over in order to stir up the male gender? "The enemy killed women." Or, "The threat of domestic terrorism" - which is to say "women are threatened young man, get off your ass and do something." Women are the catalyst of male behavior. And the jew knows it, and women know it too.​
This is a thread I had in mind to make, but you took the idea and applied your incredible nuance on the JQ here :feelsokman:
>They are parasitic creatures that hate work, that's why they belong in work camps like the ones that Germans had
>They bite the hand that feeds them , like the Jews they ungratefuly hate the people that enable them having a good life
>They are mentally ill/insane
>They are pathological liars
>They have no morals
>They are selfish and tribalistic , they side with each other against the common enemy which is the man
>They fuck dogs and perform other degenerate satanic acts
>They are more likely to be homosexual/bisexual and actually pedophilic than men
>They are sadistic, they enjoy torturing other living beings
>They love all the Jewish fields like psychology and economy
>They love the Jewish government systems of control
>They love the fake money and other Jewish scams
>They view themselves as superior
>They are weak like Jews so they have to use the "golem" to fight their battles. Women and Jews will never fight their own wars.
>They love satanism, witchcraft, body mutilation
>They fake their looks, lie about their age
>They try to infiltrate and subvert every place like Jews
Bump. Absolutely great read. @Fat Link @Uggo Mongo sticky?
This is a thread I had in mind to make, but you took the idea and applied your incredible nuance on the JQ here :feelsokman:
a thx for kind words :feelsaww: :feelsaww: :feelsaww:
yeah i could have added sources too but im too lazy rn. This is stuff I could have added sources for:

Female in-group bias [+]
Jewish historic involvement in crime [+] [++] [+++]
Statistics on how 70% of HR roles are held by women [+]
Research showing women use dating apps to get free dinners [+]
Showing data how women have much higher rate of job acceptance [+] [+]
Video of crazy old foid that openly says, women who gets jobs or not, not men [+]
Data on the ridiculous amount of funding going to pro-female groups, despite worse victimization for men [+]
Both hate hard work. Both are cowardly. Both are dishonorable cunning liars and manipulators who use their high verbal and rhetorical IQ to control the scene. Both love to be victims and use that as a weapon to ascend in society. Both are mentally feminine. Both operate on slave morality. Both are materialists who love to consoom. Both love slavery.
Move this shit straight to the must reads
petty crime? mf you're talking about the people who quite literally own the world and orchestrate wars and genocides
petty crime? mf you're talking about the people who quite literally own the world and orchestrate wars and genocides
KEK no, I know that. The thing is, most people dont understand that jews quite literally have society in a criminal pincer movement. Both small and big crime are in their hands. Jews are like rats, they can be found in the underground and upper echelons of any society. They live in the walls, easily bridging social boundaries that keep the average people in place. They always control both sides. They deal the drugs and they pretend to fight them. They push pornography but then pretend to fight it (notice how many right-wing podcasts are run by jews).

This double-bind, where jews can be found seemingly opposing themselves, is also based on their in-group preference. Self-victimization only strengthens in-groups. Hence, jews have an incentive to create more anti-semitism in the world. It's a constant hegelian dialectic, thesis + anti-thesis = synthesis. Jews + anti-semitism = more power to the jews, over and over and over again. Same for foids.​
Women are niggers and kikes simultaneously
Maybe the whore is a corrective like Mosaic law is corrective for the evil goyim. But Mosaic law for jews is to maintain harmony and to stop jews from straying but not calling them inherently sinful.

Most of history has been women having little control over birth. So if chad's say it's okay for her to commit infanticide she will go along with it.

The jewish Tikkun Olam goal of healing the world through carefully plotted war and reconciliation seems similar to foids natural behavior of hypergamy.

As jews wish to judaize the goyim. The whore wishes to feminize the Chad Prince through illegitimate birth.

But women do not have a universal code that controls male behavior. Where the jews clearly are building an artificial intelligence that represents God as a material singularity. The Freemasons are applying the cap stone for their Jew masters.


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Maybe the whore is a corrective like Mosaic law is corrective for the evil goyim. But Mosaic law for jews is to maintain harmony and to stop jews from straying but not calling them inherently sinful.

Most of history has been women having little control over birth. So if chad's say it's okay for her to commit infanticide she will go along with it.

The jewish Tikkun Olam goal of healing the world through carefully plotted war and reconciliation seems similar to foids natural behavior of hypergamy.

As jews wish to judaize the goyim. The whore wishes to feminize the Chad Prince through illegitimate birth.

But women do not have a universal code that controls male behavior. Where the jews clearly are building an artificial intelligence that represents God as a material singularity. The Freemasons are applying the cap stone for their Jew masters.


very poetic :bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:
lovely words, "capstone" hmmm nice, i like that :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:
The part about building an AI facsimile of God reminds me of that conversation in the original Deus Ex game:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKN9trFSACI

Also, I agree that women have no central plan, just a vague feeling of animosity against men and a general wish for revenge. The jews know this and use it accordingly
Long before women had rights, they openly admitted that they could influence politics just as easily without rights, by forming lobbies and manipulating simp politicians. Nothing has changed, society is still full of these female lobbies and they still control everything on local and national level.
Story of every powerful man who existed throughout our human history. There's no way a wife would pass up the opportunity to plant her self-serving seed in the mind of her husband in his vulnerable state, and here we are talking about emperors, generals, and whatnot.

Prostitutes always talk about how men always spill their guts during pillow talk. Just imagine the amount of intel a random ho gets in possession of because of her hole that not even the best hackers in the world can hope to steal.

I think I read here on another thread that these chink countries have 'housewife associations' who welcome JBWs with open arms who apply to teach English in chink schools but always rally against white foids. This way they can marry off their chinkwhore daughters to white men but subject their sons to being subservient, who would go on take care of their shitty and parasitic mothers in old age.
Check the gender ratio in key positions of power, like HR departments, local housing, landlords, home-owners association etc.
Women do not have issues getting jobs and housing - men do.
Long ago, like an idiot, I fell for the redpill logic that foids (the vast majority) in the past were kept out of jobs because they were weaker. I know foids did work a number of jobs, sewing, nursing, being house-maids etc. I think men of the past realized how damaging it is (for men in general) to have foids in jobs which come with social and political influences.

With that said, foids without rights were far, far, far more limited in how much they could influence in comparison to now. I think their demands for rights grew in response to world becoming more hospitable. Right to work (economic independence in disguise) and right to vote when they didn't mean breaking your back with manual labor or dying in a war. Although on the contrary, with most men's lack of exposure to the true and evil nature of foids, they could get away with a lot in the past. It's just so mindboggling how men still refuse to take any actions despite the myriads of stats and irl examples from all around the world. I have no doubt men have evolved to become too simpy or too adaptive to foids' nature (in a subservient way) for their own good.
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@Stupid Clown asked me to repost my reply to his thread on the topic here.
He also recommended a book that highlights how women abuse children more than men, click here for download.
Make sure to check out his thread and reply first :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:

Women and Petty Crime
Jews traditionally are associated with criminality and petty crime. The mafia was jewish, thats why hollywood loves mafia movies, self glorification.​
Perhaps this is another explanation for the memes jfl @PersonalityChad @WorthlessSlavicShit
Same for pirates, many pirates and their ships had Hebrew names.​
Yeah I've heard of this, and they were also heavily involved in the Trans-Altantic slave trade which I'm, sure you have read about

Here's some stuff for those who are interested:

Another leftover from jewish small-crime culture are words from medieval criminal slang that still linger in european languages such as german, dutch and polish.

Interesting, didnt know but makes sense

Understanding words & the weight they wield can be very useful at times.

On shoplifting - My mom used to do shit like that. Once my father told me how my mom would deliberately damage shit in stores and then ask for a discount. Example: She would find some textile thing she liked, rip the seams open, then ask if she could get a discount. Another thing worth looking into - the incredible prevalence of shoplifting.​
Reminds me of Aunt Marie from BB KEK :feelskek:
Being the good boy autist I am, I always assumed almost nobody was stealing from stores. I even wondered how hiring security, installing cameras etc was even profitable, given that nobody was stealing.​
Yeah same here, I thought that the only people who stole would be like homeless or poor people stealing to feed themselves or families or if criminals wanted to rob the ATMs or cash registers there.
I was wrong. The first number that shocked me was that 5% of all people going into stores shoplift. That means if you are in wallmart with 100 people, 5 of them are shoplifting, every single time you are there. Let that sink in. Some put the percentage even higher.​

And I'd say for stores such as Goymart, it will be higher compared to a more higher-end kind of place.

As if we needed more evidence people are trash jfl.

@Stupid Clown mentions women openly bragging how they use guys for free dinner. Literally my experience again. Came from school, leaving train. Two foids in front of me. Talked about scamming a guy out of dinner and laughed, in public. I even wrote a journal entry about it at the time I think, it fucking infuriated me. Crazy how they are the same the world over.​
I have some normie "friends" or acquaintances irl, and they've told me about going out to dinner with foids they met online who ghosted them right after. Yet somehow, these ingrates can't put the pieces together. :feelsree:
On women cheating the system - as I wrote in the psycho thread, their low level morality makes them feel rewarded everytime they get away with something. They view ethics like rules imposed by mom and dad. Being "naughty" is fun and exciting. Just like little kids, they have psycho and narc nature, which they maintain into adulthood.​
Again, it's like they never fully grow up

They're stuck in this "childlike" world where doing something wrong is "ok" because it's fun, with no consideration for the consequences of their behavior or actions.
Other traits women share with jews:

Maybe if women ate a real fucking diet instead of rice cakes, salads and red wine, they would be less mentally instable.​
KEK true, I'd love to talk about diet impacts on genetic stuff.
Point being, they are neurotic as fuck, maybe even genetically. Remember that thing, "10000 years ago 20 women reproduced for one man." Isn't the implication here that women have less genomic diversity than men, aka they are inbred as fuck? There was way less selective pressure on them according to this idea, implying that they are dysgenic as all fuck. Maybe this is the source for their neuroticism, just like jews and their in-breeding leading to a slew of jew-specific disorders and such. Both groups are also prone to mass-hysteria. The reason jews dominate comedy is also found in this - hysteria, outrage, exaggeration, larping - all traits necessary for "good comedy," which is essentially just professional gossip.​
This could be something worth reading into, though I've also read homogenous populations tend to be more stable.

Just like kikes, women convinced the world that they were eternally persecuted for all of history, for no reason at all, and that due to this heritage, they need more money, more privileges, more, more and more. Anyone familiar with kikes sees the pattern - i.e. "israel is our greatest ally" and "another 10 bazillion for israel." And if you question this you are an anti-semite, history-denier, misogynist etc.​
This also, they only ever use buzzwords of "oppression" and the such, yet they cannot actually point to what it was, why it happened, etc.

In-group bias
Both groups demonize what they see as the out-group to point of viewing them as exploitable cattle ("goyim").​
This is the first parallel I noticed, with foids viewing most men(non-chads) as disposable
Morality does not apply to the out-group. Any perceived slight against them is seen as confirming their paranooid schizophrenic delusions of perpetual persecution. Just like with kikes, this reaches a literal auto-erotic level, where both groups start fetishsizing their own victimhood - see stalag porn as example, or how women obsess over rape porn. Notice that women and jews both obsess over grotesque depictions of violence that don't match reality. For instance women are obsessed with being violently raped and inseminated in an alleyway at night, when most rape is benign and domestic.​
It's like both want to be oppressed.
View attachment 1404651

Another example of this is how women systematicaly ignore men's issus and constantly depict themselves as the sole victims of violence and discrimination in society. In literally every country on earth, the majority of victims of violence are men, yet society and women talk only of women being victimized.​
Or simply, how they take issues which mostly hurt men and then twist it to further their own narrative

Obsession with self
Narcissism - women and jews love therapy and psychology, literally professional navel gazing and talking about yourself for hours. Appeals to femminism, trauma and jewish mythology like the holocaust constantly pop in psychology. One of my pet peeves is that fucking dogshit book "mans search for meaning" by Viktor Frankl.

It is literally plastered everywhere all the time. First off that faggot only spent two weeks in a concentration camp, second, he was in a hospital the entire time, ironically disproving the narrative that the nazis were trying to murder everyone all the time. Idk how schizobrained NPC cattle people of society cope with the fact that the nazis build hospitals in death camps, but yeah. When the nazis tried to evacuate people to save them from soviet army, they couldn explain this either and just labled it "death marches."​
Also, a lot of deaths were caused by allied bombings which crippled infrastructure, supply, etc.

Control economy
First off, women make 80% of customer purchases, which implies roughly 40-50% of the money are spending has to come from men. In spite of this insane figure, they still complain about the gender wage gap. This also implies that women control the attention economy, by commanding male attention and thus extracting resources from them. If you know that meme where its a chair and a TV in a barren flat - thats men absent foids. All men want is foids, they could live in a cave for all they care. Mens highest priority is women, womens highest priority is themselves, period. Jews serve their superiority delusion by appealing to womens own flavor of self-aggrandizement, and women in turn suck the lifeblood out of men.​
As I said, foids are the harbingers of consumerism

Thanks for the info for that thread bhai:feelsokman:

Control of local politics through infiltration
If you dont believe the this one, google up on womens advocacy groups in your area and then do the same for pro-male groups. Be astonished. Just like jews, foids have their kraken fingers in everything. No wonders men cant get a job as easily. My city has like 5 groups alone + multiple emergency hotlines to help foids. Women have always done this and known they can do this, even before rights:​
The conservative "club" at my college had a whole ass "wing" for foids, that is all I need to know. :feelsjuice:
Props to @WorthlessSlavicShit for finding this.

Long before women had rights, they openly admitted that they could influence politics just as easily without rights, by forming lobbies and manipulating simp politicians.​
Foids strongest asset is their bodies, ofc they can use this to get their way.
Nothing has changed, society is still full of these female lobbies and they still control everything on local and national level.​
It's brutal to see just how powerful women are, like honestly it makes me more depressed seeing just how weak & powerless we all are as men.
Check the gender ratio in key positions of power, like HR departments, local housing, landlords, home-owners association etc.
Women do not have issues getting jobs and housing - men do.
100%, I may make a thread on this.
We see massive overlap between women as a gender and jews as a race.​
The parallels are insane.
Both act the same, share identical traits. Often times the groups merge, such as in the case of 20th century feminism, where the majority of the leaders were not only female but also jewish.​
Yeah I've read on this & seen some stuff, but is there anything you can share? We must always be armed & steeled up with a plethora of information we can use.
Many people easily identify the jews as being the biggest internationally dominant group in history.​

On a bit of a tangent here, while I am aware of Jewish influence, subversion, etc. I still
But they overlook or ignore women, their right hand pawn.​
Foids are the perfect agents for Jews, they're by default allies as you kinda explained here.
When the jew sends good men to war, who whips the cannon-fooder up into a frenzy? It is the women.​
Reminds me of this:

At the start of World War I, Admiral Charles Fitzgerald, who was a strong advocate of conscription, wanted to increase the number of those enlisting in the armed forces. Therefore he organised on 30 August 1914 a group of thirty women in his home town of Folkestone to hand out white feathers to any men that were not in uniform. Fitzgerald believed using women to shame the men into enlisting would be the most effective method of encouraging enlistment.[5][6] The group that he founded (with prominent members being the authors Emma Orczy and Mary Augusta Ward) was known as the White Feather Brigade or the Order of the White Feather.[7]

While the true effectiveness of the campaign is impossible to judge, it spread throughout several other nations in the empire. In Britain, it started to cause problems for the government when public servants and men in essential occupations came under pressure to enlist. That prompted Home SecretaryReginald McKenna to issue employees in state industries with lapel badges reading "King and Country" to indicate that they were serving the war effort. Likewise, the Silver War Badge, which was given to service personnel who had been honourably discharged by wounds or sickness, was first issued in September 1916 to prevent veterans from being challenged for not wearing uniform.[7] Anecdotes from the time indicate that the campaign was unpopular among soldiers, not least because soldiers who were home on leave could find themselves presented with feathers.
What moral slight do they use over and over in order to stir up the male gender? "The enemy killed women." Or, "The threat of domestic terrorism" - which is to say "women are threatened young man, get off your ass and do something." Women are the catalyst of male behavior. And the jew knows it, and women know it too.​
What's sad, is how many of these issues impact men the most yet are twisted by foids to further their narrative
Jewish women are groomed into becoming misandrist lesbos from early ages.

they are not allowed to touch men(including handshake or hug).
they view men talking to them or staring at them as rape.
they go to a lesbo spa called the mikveh.
they only fuck their husbands through a hole in a sheet.
they have their male baby's penis mutilated at 8 days old as they shout in jubilation.
divorce rape is part of their religion.
the biblical leaders they worship had harems.

the jewish religion is satanic and the only way to stop it is by criminalizing circumcisions.
This forum has gone downhill.
Yeah I've read on this & seen some stuff, but is there anything you can share? We must always be armed & steeled up with a plethora of information we can use.
First off, thx for in-depth reply, appreciate it bhai :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
Didnt have to look far on the jew and feminism shit, jews admit it themselves, as they are apt to do if you look for it:

In Brief
Jewish women played a significant role in all aspects of the American feminist movement, advocating for women’s suffrage, birth control and reproductive rights, peace, improved conditions for working women, the Equal Rights Amendment, and gender equality. In the early and mid-1960s, Jewish women—including Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem, and Letty Cottin Pogrebin—helped to launch second-wave feminism. Many younger Jewish women pioneered radical feminism later in the decade. In some women's liberation collectives, as many as two-thirds to three-quarters of members were Jewish.​

The conservative "club" at my college had a whole ass "wing" for foids, that is all I need to know. :feelsjuice:
I went on christian server and they made an exclusive, foid-only subserver lmfao. They always create these VIP lounges for foids kek.

Also, a lot of deaths were caused by allied bombings which crippled infrastructure, supply, etc.
When you look at photographs in the last few months of the war, you can see they were well fed just months before liberation. The pictures of mass-starvation and emaciated humans are all the result of the 2-3 months of critical supply collapse at the end of the war. Obviously they werent in that conditions for years in the camps jfl, thats impossible.

It's like both want to be oppressed.
They actually do, because in-groups define themselves against out-groups. The more oppression, the stronger the in-group becomes. Jews and women both have a huge incentive to fabricate cases of aggression against themselves. Hence, jews have been caught spraying swastikas on synagogues etc. They benefit from victimhood, so they create more of it.

Yeah I've heard of this, and they were also heavily involved in the Trans-Altantic slave trade which I'm, sure you have read about
There was a black professor, he accidentally came across this. He was not jew-pilled and just thought it was interesting. Started including it into his college classes. Nigga was fucked in the ass instantly, international slander of his person within a short time etc - the usual jew shit, disprove that you control the media by running a 24/7 international media campaign against anyone who dares to critique you :feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsjuice:


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