Its also due to the fact that 60% of Western women get college degrees, while theres overall less males even going to college, only 39% of males get college degrees.
This combined with the fact that theres a diversity quota, women have better chances in white collar jobs than men.
Theres also the fact that most bosses are still male - and thus they want females around as a kinda pseudo harem.
Back in 2018 and 2019 when I applied to hundreds of different firms it was mainly women that met up for the assassment test - an evaluation thats very common in Germany. In Germany you cant just show up and say: "I need a job, can you give me one". Even calling per phone is usually not received well, when I called multiple firms in 2018/19 I was getting negative results and being told to be "Bold" for calling them. The advice they gave was to usually send a email with CV etc. or apply over one of their extremly shitty and time consuming appliance websites.
As you young 18-22 yo, good looking female you have no trouble being taken in for a job.
Example: In 2019 I applied to Targo Bank, 25 people showed up for the job - it was about an apprentance ship for a Bank clerk. There were in fact 15 males and just 10 females, but in the end they took 3 females in for a "conversation" - this was after a whole 10 HOURS of assessment Center, wasted time kinda.
Im not sure how common this kinda practice is in other countries, but in Germany it is VERY common and if you dont have intern connection to people you usually need to take this in if you want a job.
Some assessements can take multiple days, EVEN if you have a degree and previous job experience.
Assessement Centers are usually a collection of multiple evaluation tasks, from introduction over IQ Tests, to group conversations, presentations, cognitive and logic based games, role play, psychological evalution (usually done by a professional psychologist), individual assignment and ultimately a respons - which can take weeks for some firms.
The largest one i ever took went over the course of 5 days and included 400 participants - for a single job btw. It was quite confusing for me and i didnt take it serious as the chance to be taken for that job was about 0.25% or less. It was mainly women who took part in it.
It also was by far the hardest IQ test I have ever taken in an assessment center, consisting of a hear and speech part, generic IQ evaluation, higher algebra, logic questions, knowledge questions about Global politics, History, Biology, Physics, Chemisty, Business Management and IT as well as a part about your artistic talent - you had to draw an object that they showed per Video for 5 minutes.