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- Mar 9, 2024
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Does anyone else feel isolated and in a state of purgatory because everyone else can just join random fuckers in video games and have the time of their lives? I feel like there just isn't ANY gaming clans, guilds, whatever you wanna call it, for people like us. Hell, if anyone even TRIES to make a gaming guild with certain restrictions then you get witchhunted, banned, cancelled, and discords get shut down anyway. I've googled and searched and went to the very ends of the internet, even digging up the ancient past to try to find a gaming group and it's all been a miserable failure.
Here's my ideal gaming guild. Feel free to post yours. If anyone here wants to form a fucking guild to do shit in video games also post here. I dunno man it's super fucking frustrating trying to find people to play games with. Makes me want to just give up.
1) American only. Straight Men age 18-50 only.
Why? Women ruin guilds. Fags and third worlders ruin guilds. I don't really mesh long-term with Aussies or Euros so for me it's Americans only. We're just too culturally different.
2) Guild leaders and officers or other "inner circle" guild members can't be high income earners in real life.
Every single fucking guild has some crypto-faggot or privileged dipshit that looks down on us poorcels and it never lasts long term. These fuckers grew up in literal HOUSES, gated communities, nice, white schools and had all the opportunities in the world to get easy jobs from their nice, healthy, extended family. Fuck these rich fucks.
3) No weak leadership that bends the knee to cancel culture or peer pressure.
I always troll and cause havoc outside of guilds, and weak leaders always simp for outside dipshits to the point where I can never last. If I play an MMO or some cheap Chink game and lock up the entire server from doing some PvE raid (Outside of the guild of course) and the leader gets 20 dm's from normies calling for me to get kicked out, and they do? Fuck 'em. Their loss.
4) Try hard shit welcomed and encouraged.
I don't want to be in some fag loser guild that is just a "prey animal" to bigger guilds. In Archeage I joined some loser casual guild and they'd go out on fishing boats in the middle of the ocean, waste 30-45 minutes then get ganked and murdered by PvP chads and have all their fish stolen, and they did this for MONTHS knowing full on well they're just fishing for someone else to come steal it.
5) But also a guild that does fun, trolley, lulzy shit.
I want a guild that'll block roads, troll people, talk shit, stream snipe, and so on. Not just "log in once a week and slay the dragon" motherfuckers.
6) NO ZOG BOTS. None. No military, no cops, no SCHOOL TEACHERS or staff, no GOVERNMENT fucks.
7) No one has hatreds for youtube/twitch streaming. Look, I gotta maintain a NEET life, and obviously waging ain't the way. Lots of normalfags hate youtubers to their core, usually cause they're jealous or old as shit. I dunno.
8) Similar to #3, but if I piss off some mega-fag try hard pvp guild and they hunt all of us down no kicking me out. Back your brothers up, don't remove them if they start shit.
9) 100% freedom of speech. Even if it gets me banned on the game or discord or whatever. I will never allow some faggot guild leader to tell me that I can't call someone a faggot or nigger.
10) I harbor extreme hatred towards almost everything. (Women, prom-attenders, wagies, cripples, pet owners, etc.) You gotta be okay with this. Hatred is a great motivator and is a fun and functional reason to keep going.
11) No one else in the guild (if they do youtube or twitch or kick or whatever the fuck) can be ALLIED with the left, LGBTQ, etc. or ANYONE associated with it. It's traitorous behavior.
12) Long term shit only. None of this "We just play wow classic d00d" shit. None of this "oops game died so the guild died" crap. I want lifelong brothers who I can play vidya with till we're old and dementia-ridden.
Why do I want a guild like this? To create everlasting memories. This is far more valuable than virtual pixels or fake internet currencies. I want to make reddit SEETHE. If the guild isn't hitting the front page of the gaming subreddit for trolling, they're not trying hard enough. All guild actions should be done for FUN, not GREED. (Not chasing fake money, kda ratios, epic loots, but for the fun of it. AKA, get the epic loot to then corpse camp the grill gaymo.) I want a guild to USE and ABUSE outsiders of the guild like playthings, not associate or "work" with them. A unified hivemind of based lads who will ride-or-die for each other. A guild that uplifts each other, and tears down everyone else. Stream sniping is mandatory. Just in general a video game troll / griefing guild. A tribal, cult-like, lifelong friendship. Absolute freedom of speech, not just people saying "nigger" to edgelord, then go off and become sex-havers with actual niggers. People that MEAN it when they say it. A game where we can voice chat troll randoms, team kill the randos and deny the vote kick. Just trolling within the confines of the game. None of that IRL hacker stalker shit. Just using the game against their better wishes kinda trolling.
There is literally nowhere at all I can post a thread like this and have it taken seriously, or not get deleted / banned for "wrongthink."
If you go around to random twitch streamers and ask questions, you get auto-banned for rayyycism. If you try on discord, same thing. 4chan? It's just bots and trannies.
I've looked literally everywhere for a guild like this. I even way-back-machine'd to try to find troublesome guilds who were "rayyciss" and found a few. When I joined them, you know what kinda fuckers they had? Normies with slightly right winged ideas, women, gays, trannies, and fags. Sure, I'd find some guilds that "tolerate' me being racist and hating the gays, sure. For example, a Star Citizen guild was totally fine with it, until the guild got greedy, and started mass-recruiting furfaggots and faggot homos who paid tens of thousands of dollars on powerful ships. Guess what happened when the furfaggots and gays outnumbered the based? Mutinty. Same shit happened with the same guild in WoW when a bunch of women-worshipping nigger-tolerators outnumbered the actual racists. Everyone started going full cancel mode cause "Muh Asmonbald" said the guild was rayyciss. Fucking pussy motherfuckers bent the knee insanely fast. When the guild leader is literally fucking a sheboon you know it's literally over. When a guild allows ANY WOMAN AT ALL into their ranks, it's cucked, compromised, and is a sinking ship.
I've even witnessed a few "based" youtubers with insanely large followings try to form guilds kinda sorta with these parameters, trying to tip-toe and dog-whistle their way around the rules, and you know what happens? Cancel shills, literal retard children underagers, and third world street shitters flood in and try to occupy the space. That or clueless NPC normie retards who couldn't identify even the most basic of internet culture memes. (Like calling Pepe "Kermit the fucking frog.")
I dunno man, just had to rant. Just sick of being a friendcel.
Here's my ideal gaming guild. Feel free to post yours. If anyone here wants to form a fucking guild to do shit in video games also post here. I dunno man it's super fucking frustrating trying to find people to play games with. Makes me want to just give up.
1) American only. Straight Men age 18-50 only.
Why? Women ruin guilds. Fags and third worlders ruin guilds. I don't really mesh long-term with Aussies or Euros so for me it's Americans only. We're just too culturally different.
2) Guild leaders and officers or other "inner circle" guild members can't be high income earners in real life.
Every single fucking guild has some crypto-faggot or privileged dipshit that looks down on us poorcels and it never lasts long term. These fuckers grew up in literal HOUSES, gated communities, nice, white schools and had all the opportunities in the world to get easy jobs from their nice, healthy, extended family. Fuck these rich fucks.
3) No weak leadership that bends the knee to cancel culture or peer pressure.
I always troll and cause havoc outside of guilds, and weak leaders always simp for outside dipshits to the point where I can never last. If I play an MMO or some cheap Chink game and lock up the entire server from doing some PvE raid (Outside of the guild of course) and the leader gets 20 dm's from normies calling for me to get kicked out, and they do? Fuck 'em. Their loss.
4) Try hard shit welcomed and encouraged.
I don't want to be in some fag loser guild that is just a "prey animal" to bigger guilds. In Archeage I joined some loser casual guild and they'd go out on fishing boats in the middle of the ocean, waste 30-45 minutes then get ganked and murdered by PvP chads and have all their fish stolen, and they did this for MONTHS knowing full on well they're just fishing for someone else to come steal it.
5) But also a guild that does fun, trolley, lulzy shit.
I want a guild that'll block roads, troll people, talk shit, stream snipe, and so on. Not just "log in once a week and slay the dragon" motherfuckers.
6) NO ZOG BOTS. None. No military, no cops, no SCHOOL TEACHERS or staff, no GOVERNMENT fucks.
7) No one has hatreds for youtube/twitch streaming. Look, I gotta maintain a NEET life, and obviously waging ain't the way. Lots of normalfags hate youtubers to their core, usually cause they're jealous or old as shit. I dunno.
8) Similar to #3, but if I piss off some mega-fag try hard pvp guild and they hunt all of us down no kicking me out. Back your brothers up, don't remove them if they start shit.
9) 100% freedom of speech. Even if it gets me banned on the game or discord or whatever. I will never allow some faggot guild leader to tell me that I can't call someone a faggot or nigger.
10) I harbor extreme hatred towards almost everything. (Women, prom-attenders, wagies, cripples, pet owners, etc.) You gotta be okay with this. Hatred is a great motivator and is a fun and functional reason to keep going.
11) No one else in the guild (if they do youtube or twitch or kick or whatever the fuck) can be ALLIED with the left, LGBTQ, etc. or ANYONE associated with it. It's traitorous behavior.
12) Long term shit only. None of this "We just play wow classic d00d" shit. None of this "oops game died so the guild died" crap. I want lifelong brothers who I can play vidya with till we're old and dementia-ridden.
Why do I want a guild like this? To create everlasting memories. This is far more valuable than virtual pixels or fake internet currencies. I want to make reddit SEETHE. If the guild isn't hitting the front page of the gaming subreddit for trolling, they're not trying hard enough. All guild actions should be done for FUN, not GREED. (Not chasing fake money, kda ratios, epic loots, but for the fun of it. AKA, get the epic loot to then corpse camp the grill gaymo.) I want a guild to USE and ABUSE outsiders of the guild like playthings, not associate or "work" with them. A unified hivemind of based lads who will ride-or-die for each other. A guild that uplifts each other, and tears down everyone else. Stream sniping is mandatory. Just in general a video game troll / griefing guild. A tribal, cult-like, lifelong friendship. Absolute freedom of speech, not just people saying "nigger" to edgelord, then go off and become sex-havers with actual niggers. People that MEAN it when they say it. A game where we can voice chat troll randoms, team kill the randos and deny the vote kick. Just trolling within the confines of the game. None of that IRL hacker stalker shit. Just using the game against their better wishes kinda trolling.
There is literally nowhere at all I can post a thread like this and have it taken seriously, or not get deleted / banned for "wrongthink."
If you go around to random twitch streamers and ask questions, you get auto-banned for rayyycism. If you try on discord, same thing. 4chan? It's just bots and trannies.
I've looked literally everywhere for a guild like this. I even way-back-machine'd to try to find troublesome guilds who were "rayyciss" and found a few. When I joined them, you know what kinda fuckers they had? Normies with slightly right winged ideas, women, gays, trannies, and fags. Sure, I'd find some guilds that "tolerate' me being racist and hating the gays, sure. For example, a Star Citizen guild was totally fine with it, until the guild got greedy, and started mass-recruiting furfaggots and faggot homos who paid tens of thousands of dollars on powerful ships. Guess what happened when the furfaggots and gays outnumbered the based? Mutinty. Same shit happened with the same guild in WoW when a bunch of women-worshipping nigger-tolerators outnumbered the actual racists. Everyone started going full cancel mode cause "Muh Asmonbald" said the guild was rayyciss. Fucking pussy motherfuckers bent the knee insanely fast. When the guild leader is literally fucking a sheboon you know it's literally over. When a guild allows ANY WOMAN AT ALL into their ranks, it's cucked, compromised, and is a sinking ship.
I've even witnessed a few "based" youtubers with insanely large followings try to form guilds kinda sorta with these parameters, trying to tip-toe and dog-whistle their way around the rules, and you know what happens? Cancel shills, literal retard children underagers, and third world street shitters flood in and try to occupy the space. That or clueless NPC normie retards who couldn't identify even the most basic of internet culture memes. (Like calling Pepe "Kermit the fucking frog.")
I dunno man, just had to rant. Just sick of being a friendcel.