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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Why I'm leaving this forum

Didn't Fontaine say his face was 'disfigured' to the point even thai women rejected him? How do you ascend from that. Also JFL @ his "brain zapping" cope, so much for that
I won't miss him. He was obsessed with being liked above all else. Always fishing for compliments (which were plentiful, sad to say). Always trying desperately to get everyone to agree with his pro-Jew views. Such a fucking try-hard. I mean, I'm critical of Jews, but I don't think everyone has to be the same way. He was a basher of men's rights and a water carrier for the douchebag SJW left.

He was the epitome of the self-righteous, self-proclaimed "moderate" - we've all seen them, the people who always feel the need to attack anyone whose views are one micrometer further away from the mainstream than their own. The kind of person who thinks Reddit or other cucked normies are the ultimate judges of morality and is always trying to please them. "See, Reddit? I'm not like those OTHER incels! May I have a dog biscuit, please?" I don't agree with some of the more "extreme" views here but I don't feel the need to grandstand against them. Normies will always hate us, so it's cucked and retarded to try to please them by condemning the extremists.

Good riddance. Either he was the typical selfish coward who turned on his incel ex-comrades as soon as some pussy fell into his lap ("I got mine, now screw you") or he was a fakecel LARPer all along.
He was a basher of men's rights and a water carrier for the douchebag SJW left.

He was the epitome of the self-righteous, self-proclaimed "moderate" - we've all seen them, the people who always feel the need to attack anyone whose views are one micrometer further away from the mainstream than their own. The kind of person who thinks Reddit or other cucked normies are the ultimate judges of morality and is always trying to please them. "See, Reddit? I'm not like those OTHER incels! May I have a dog biscuit, please?" I don't agree with some of the more "extreme" views here but I don't feel the need to grandstand against them. Normies will always hate us, so it's cucked and retarded to try to please them by condemning the extremists.
No wonder why talking about the incel uprising and evil femoids hurts his feelings.
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I won't miss him. He was obsessed with being liked above all else. Always fishing for compliments (which were plentiful, sad to say). Always trying desperately to get everyone to agree with his pro-Jew views. Such a fucking try-hard. I mean, I'm critical of Jews, but I don't think everyone has to be the same way. He was a basher of men's rights and a water carrier for the douchebag SJW left.

He was the epitome of the self-righteous, self-proclaimed "moderate" - we've all seen them, the people who always feel the need to attack anyone whose views are one micrometer further away from the mainstream than their own. The kind of person who thinks Reddit or other cucked normies are the ultimate judges of morality and is always trying to please them. "See, Reddit? I'm not like those OTHER incels! May I have a dog biscuit, please?" I don't agree with some of the more "extreme" views here but I don't feel the need to grandstand against them. Normies will always hate us, so it's cucked and retarded to try to please them by condemning the extremists.

Good riddance. Either he was the typical selfish coward who turned on his incel ex-comrades as soon as some pussy fell into his lap ("I got mine, now screw you") or he was a fakecel LARPer all along.

You sound like a shithead, Fontaine was a great guy. Good for him if he ascended.

He was a really interesting, original thinker... I remember him defending fascism and "extreme" political thinking? He had a lot of non-normie views. He always had something to say, interesting high-iq shit. Even when I disagreed with him it was well thought out.

He seemed very highly functioning for an incel, much more functioning than me or most of the other incels on this forum, so maybe that's why he left/possibly ascended.

Is this like the fox and the grapes? He made it out so fuck him right... I say, if an incel ascends good for them, I don't hold anything against them, I'd ascend if I could.
You sound like a shithead, Fontaine was a great guy. Good for him if he ascended.

He was a really interesting, original thinker... I remember him defending fascism and "extreme" political thinking? He had a lot of non-normie views. He always had something to say, interesting high-iq shit. Even when I disagreed with him it was well thought out.

He seemed very highly functioning for an incel, much more functioning than me or most of the other incels on this forum, so maybe that's why he left/possibly ascended.

Is this like the fox and the grapes? He made it out so fuck him right... I say, if an incel ascends good for them, I don't hold anything against them, I'd ascend if I could.

You sound like someone who's desperately trying to live vicariously through Fontaine (and that's assuming his so-called "heroic" ascension story is even true. Personally, I think he was a fakecel LARPer all along). You talk about him the way Christians talk about Jesus Christ. Why do you worship some guy on the Internet that you've never met?

If someone ascends, they can and should quietly leave this site without making some grand fucking opus. And don't try the "he was being nice" excuse. His parting words were just as empty and meaningless as all those normie pats on the back. "There's someone for everyone! Plenty of fish in the sea!"

Most of these "womyn are right to hate us because we're ugly/poor/politically powerless/whatever other excuse" posters will probably end up back on Reddit or whatever other cucked site they originally came from.
You talk about him the way Christians talk about Jesus Christ. Why do you worship some guy on the Internet that you've never met?

If someone ascends, they can and should quietly leave this site without making some grand fucking opus.

Are you autistic? That's how I'd talk about someone I used to share this forum with, who I respected. The Son Of God would sure as fuck deserve a lot more than that lol. "He was a great guy" isn't really hero worship.

I actually think any incel on this forum who ascends should make a goodbye post going into some detail about how they ascended. That kind of information could help other people ascend and give us more information on who is a volcel and who is a truecel. If other incels ascend, I want to hear about what happened, maybe that information could help me in some way.
Most of these "womyn are right to hate us because we're ugly/poor/politically powerless/whatever other excuse" posters will probably end up back on Reddit or whatever other cucked site they originally came from.
Let's hope.
Are you autistic? That's how I'd talk about someone I used to share this forum with, who I respected. The Son Of God would sure as fuck deserve a lot more than that lol. "He was a great guy" isn't really hero worship.

I actually think any incel on this forum who ascends should make a goodbye post going into some detail about how they ascended. That kind of information could help other people ascend and give us more information on who is a volcel and who is a truecel. If other incels ascend, I want to hear about what happened, maybe that information could help me in some way.
people get laid because of their looks/money/status. if you believe in that sort of stuff, kindly escort yourself to a PUA boot camp.
I won't miss him. He was obsessed with being liked above all else. Always fishing for compliments (which were plentiful, sad to say). Always trying desperately to get everyone to agree with his pro-Jew views. Such a fucking try-hard. I mean, I'm critical of Jews, but I don't think everyone has to be the same way. He was a basher of men's rights and a water carrier for the douchebag SJW left.

He was the epitome of the self-righteous, self-proclaimed "moderate" - we've all seen them, the people who always feel the need to attack anyone whose views are one micrometer further away from the mainstream than their own. The kind of person who thinks Reddit or other cucked normies are the ultimate judges of morality and is always trying to please them. "See, Reddit? I'm not like those OTHER incels! May I have a dog biscuit, please?" I don't agree with some of the more "extreme" views here but I don't feel the need to grandstand against them. Normies will always hate us, so it's cucked and retarded to try to please them by condemning the extremists.

Good riddance. Either he was the typical selfish coward who turned on his incel ex-comrades as soon as some pussy fell into his lap ("I got mine, now screw you") or he was a fakecel LARPer all along.

I honestly don't get why everyone is sucking his dick so hard. Too many retards on this site think that long-winded posts are a sign of high IQ. Fontaine did make some quality posts, but at the end of the day he was a pretentious fuck who needed a group of people to look down on.

I remember a while back he tried really hard to convince me that I was ugly and discourage me from socializing/going to parties. Meanwhile he was out there doing the exact opposite and (apparently) got laid as a result. Then he would talk shit about NEETs and promote wageslavery, only to quit his job after a year. Idk, I always got a crabs-in-a-bucket vibe from him. He's probably better off on looksmax.org
I've decided to try to reduce my activity instead. Leaving this forum completely makes no sense. It's my only psychological outlet for discussing subjects that are taboo IRL.
I've decided to try to reduce my activity instead. Leaving this forum completely makes no sense. It's my only psychological outlet for discussing subjects that are taboo IRL.

That's reasonable - great to have you back!
Liberals: "Everything bad a woman does is the fault of the patriarchy and sexism."
Conservatives: "Everything bad a woman does is the fault of liberals and feminists tricking them. Women don’t even have agency when it comes to abortions which are the results of trickery by unchristian men who don’t want to man up. Rich men even force women into jobs and careers they actually don’t want."
Old-fashioned conspiracy theorists: "Everything bad a woman does is the result of the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergers, Jesuits, Freemasons, and other rich people conspiring to trick women into feminism. Hence, the real enemy is the Rockefellers, the Jesuits, etc. who are conspiring to depopulate the world so women aren’t responsible for their behavior."
TRP: "Everything bad a woman does is the correct biological response to men who have no game, women can’t be held responsible for their own biology."
Lookism: "Everything bad a woman does is the correct biological response to men who have not good enough looks, women can't be held responsible for their own biology."
Alt-right: "Everything bad a woman does is the fault of the Jews corrupting our pure wheatfield princesses. Feminism isn't something women do, it's something done to white women."

And on and on it goes ... no one holding women responsible for their bad actions.

One of the most dangerous ideas in the world is the idea that women have AGENCY. If a person has agency, then that person is responsible for their own actions. If a person doesn’t have agency then that person is not responsible for their actions. If you want to avoid being held responsible or accountable for your actions, then you need to convince the world that you have no agency. The idea that women = children isn't as "based" as it seems on first glance, because it just shifts away the blame from women to men again. Men might differ on which group of men it is that is responsible ... but they all have in common that they believe that women aren't REALLY to blame. This is the thinking we have to overcome.
High IQ. If you could distill the problem with women to one idea, it’s that they don’t feel responsible for anything.
I've decided to try to reduce my activity instead. Leaving this forum completely makes no sense. It's my only psychological outlet for discussing subjects that are taboo IRL.
Welcome back
I've decided to try to reduce my activity instead. Leaving this forum completely makes no sense. It's my only psychological outlet for discussing subjects that are taboo IRL.
Haha, that was quick. Welcome back. What happened to your ascension though?
good riddance faggot
I've decided to try to reduce my activity instead. Leaving this forum completely makes no sense. It's my only psychological outlet for discussing subjects that are taboo IRL.
that was fucking quick
Haha, that was quick. Welcome back. What happened to your ascension though?
I said I was "ascending", not ascending. It wasn't the reason for my departure in any case.
Vanilla Sky Cruise is gone. R.I.P.
I'll pray for your mental pain to go away.
oh it will
Just Lol @ you shamelessly coming back after only a day.

IMG 6217

IMG 6435






Welcome back
You were supposed to be gone for a month. Yet you never actually left because you had an alt which you didn’t even try to differentiate from yourself, and then you came back with your main account in less than a week

That was actually the second time I said I was taking a break.

Both times I made it at least a few days before coming back.

Smug Sultry 2
Even the other account was like 3-4 days before I resorted to that.
I’m not going to pretend that I remember everything that happened during you break however short it was, but from what I remember it was around day 2 when @Varys showed up
yeah, also insisted that it's all about looks and nothing else matters, incels should never go to parties, depression is a permanent state, etc. He's a massive hypocrite like the others on this forum who "ascended."

I don't think he was actually ugly. If you look closer, he just seemed like a person with very low self esteem. Likely had high standards, quite common amongst people on here.

In the end it doesn't matter, I'm glad he's away from here. It's for his own good.
I’m not going to pretend that I remember everything that happened during you break however short it was, but from what I remember it was around day 2 when @Varys showed up



Still longer than Fontaine
I don't think he was actually ugly. If you look closer, he just seemed like a person with very low self esteem. Likely had high standards, quite common amongst people on here.

In the end it doesn't matter, I'm glad he's away from here. It's for his own good.
he's just a troll, like I said from the start.


lock this thread tbh
@Fontaine What happened buddy boyo?
Fontaine exposed as a troll/LARPer/bragger? Who could have seen that coming? Oh, I did.

He's a piece of shit to be sure, but frankly, I'll give him credit for pwning all the fanbois who sucked up to him. Maybe this will be a lesson against worshipping try-hard "hurr durr look how intellectual I am" types. Along with "I'm a moderate, please wuv me inceltears" and "hurr durr womyn be biologically right to hate and bully and falsely accuse ugly men" types.

Wonder if he'll be back under another name, though most likely he'll run straight to cucktears with that same bullshit story about how some prime 8/10 pussy fucked him because muh intellect, and get pats on the back from that circlejerk, which will eagerly lap it up because it fits their biased worldview.

Fontaine a troll. Called it, baby. Fuck yeah. For us virgins, being right on the Internet is about the biggest rush we'll get.
Oh great, I’m on here all day and missed the greatest drama since I joined. ><
For what it’s worth, many didn’t get to see the thread before it was taken down
For what it’s worth, many didn’t get to see the thread before it was taken down
I suppose that others missed out is a small amount of comfort. But not much.

...kind of like knowing I’m not the only incel in the world.
I suppose that others missed out is a small amount of comfort. But not much.

...kind of like knowing I’m not the only incel in the world.
Misery likes company
this is a legendary post tbh

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