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Why I'm leaving this forum



Nov 15, 2017
I'll still post my plastic surgery progress on looksmax.org I think, but I'm leaving this forum for an indefinite time. Atleast 6 months and probably more.

- I've become addicted to it and spend too much time on it, in a way that is no longer productive for me or other members.
- I've become extremely tired of the persistence of (to me) terrible, stupid copes, such as "sub8=death", "beta uprising", "reestablishing patriarchy", or "women=evil" when they're simply doing what is in their best interests like anybody would.

If you still want to read me, I'll soon create a thread on looksmax detailing my PS progress. But I'm leaving incels.is for good.
Good choice i think. Good luck brother.
Unfortunate, I mostly liked your threads. Please consider coming back for one single post after your surgery to tell us how it went because I'm sure that many on here aren't active on looksmax..
Intelligent poster, intelligent analysis of the forum issues, and an intelligent choice tbh. Everyone should take this forum in moderate doses only.
You were one of the good posters. Farewell.
Looksmax is worse than here though.
Yeah, I had hopes for that forum but it seems cancer unfortunately. The craziness of this forum combined with the obnoxiousness of normies.
- I've become extremely tired of the persistence of (to me) terrible, stupid copes, such as "sub8=death", "beta uprising", "reestablishing patriarchy", or "women=evil" when they're simply doing what is in their best interests like anybody would.

I´m looking forward to your looksmax.org posts. I agree it might be time consuming spending much time on the forum, I limit myself for this reason, luckily with success. I disagree that these are stupid copes. Femoids are inherently evil because they abuse their (socially given) power and what is more sad, they do it knowingly and premeditation. While I may accept that everyone makes what brings in the maximum benefit, I believe it's still possible to reap significant rewards without fucking over other people, aka alpha fucks beta bucks, paternity fraud and so on. I could not even imagine what would happen if we act on our darkest side of the masculine imperative. Ah, well, that would be called "misogyny".

It's just my opinion though, nothing personal. All the best for your journey!
I thought it was gonna be one of those threads where you're like... I'm going to the store but I'll be right back....:feelscry:
It would be for the best interests of incels to murder and rape women yet you don't see them doing it.What a bullshit argument.
I've become extremely tired of the persistence of (to me) terrible, stupid copes, such as "sub8=death", "beta uprising", "reestablishing patriarchy", or "women=evil" when they're simply doing what is in their best interests like anybody would.

Why let that bother you? i greatly enjoy the freedom of thought here.

Women are doing whats in the best interest for themselves, key word THEMSELVES. Here in America we're borderline civil war because of this.
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You where making high quality threads OP, you do belong here but it's your call. Good luck and hope we somehow will still see your threads.
Good luck with everything :)
Shit you are one of the only high IQ posters here. Good luck, I'll miss you.
women are not doing what's in their best interest in the sense that they're all pursuing Chad which, more often than not, leaves them miserable in the end. Had they acted rationally, and instead gone for and settled down with their looksmatch, they would be much happier as a result
Posts like this make inceltears proud.
please ascend. everyone deserves to.
I’ll miss your posts. Some great material you’ve posted on here.

Good luck man.
women are not doing what's in their best interest in the sense that they're all pursuing Chad which, more often than not, leaves them miserable in the end. Had they acted rationally, and instead gone for and settled down with their looksmatch, they would be much happier as a result
Was going to say the same thing it's not even in their best interest.

What about our best interests! no one cares bout us, we're laughed at and shamed.
thank you for your blog bro, i am greatly disturbed by the fact that you are leaving
Women are queen, you can't blame them for anything. They're all just doing what's in their best interests, bro!
"women=evil" when they're simply doing what is in their best interests like anybody would.
If women were us they'd be doing way more than we're doing. Women are extremely evil for voting on tax raping sub6 men to inflate their SMV. The incel uprising will demolish the cunts and cucks, sexbots and male birth control are two big weapons men will have in their back pocket shortly.
why do individual users always feel the need to announce their leaving.

special kind of attention whoring i guess.
Good luck in your life ascension endeavors man. Your high IQ threads/posts will be missed
- I've become extremely tired of the persistence of (to me) terrible, stupid copes, such as "sub8=death", "beta uprising", "reestablishing patriarchy", or "women=evil" when they're simply doing what is in their best interests like anybody would.
Selfishness and evil don't exclude each other, just because their nature is so doesn't mean we have to tolerate it and that it is good. You can be a slave to society and just accept women's nature and put no blame on them, or you can strive for a world where their nature is frowned upon and suppressed.
I disagree that these are stupid copes. Femoids are inherently evil because they abuse their (socially given) power and what is more sad, they do it knowingly and premeditation. While I may accept that everyone makes what brings in the maximum benefit, I believe it's still possible to reap significant rewards without fucking over other people, aka alpha fucks beta bucks, paternity fraud and so on. I could not even imagine what would happen if we act on our darkest side of the masculine imperative. Ah, well, that would be called "misogyny".
Women are doing whats in the best interest for themselves, key word THEMSELVES. Here in America we're borderline civil war because of this.
It would be for the best interests of incels to murder and rape women yet you don't see them doing it.What a bullshit argument.
You can be a slave to society and just accept women's nature and put no blame onto them, or you can strive for a world where their nature is frowned upon and suppressed.
He denies it, but we all know what he is.
High iq
Don't you dare leave us :feelsrope:
See you tomorrow.
Wojak soy cuck
c u tomorrow fagit
Beware jew, you'll be stepping in the looksmax.org realm, quite different from here
see you tomorrow
Another good user gone... :f:
I'll miss arguing with you.
You went to a party full of chads and stacys and now you leave this foru.

Women are queen, you can't blame them for anything. They're all just doing what's in their best interests, bro!

Liberals: "Everything bad a woman does is the fault of the patriarchy and sexism."
Conservatives: "Everything bad a woman does is the fault of liberals and feminists tricking them. Women don’t even have agency when it comes to abortions which are the results of trickery by unchristian men who don’t want to man up. Rich men even force women into jobs and careers they actually don’t want."
Old-fashioned conspiracy theorists: "Everything bad a woman does is the result of the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergers, Jesuits, Freemasons, and other rich people conspiring to trick women into feminism. Hence, the real enemy is the Rockefellers, the Jesuits, etc. who are conspiring to depopulate the world so women aren’t responsible for their behavior."
TRP: "Everything bad a woman does is the correct biological response to men who have no game, women can’t be held responsible for their own biology."
Lookism: "Everything bad a woman does is the correct biological response to men who have not good enough looks, women can't be held responsible for their own biology."
Alt-right: "Everything bad a woman does is the fault of the Jews corrupting our pure wheatfield princesses. Feminism isn't something women do, it's something done to white women."

And on and on it goes ... no one holding women responsible for their bad actions.

One of the most dangerous ideas in the world is the idea that women have AGENCY. If a person has agency, then that person is responsible for their own actions. If a person doesn’t have agency then that person is not responsible for their actions. If you want to avoid being held responsible or accountable for your actions, then you need to convince the world that you have no agency. The idea that women = children isn't as "based" as it seems on first glance, because it just shifts away the blame from women to men again. Men might differ on which group of men it is that is responsible ... but they all have in common that they believe that women aren't REALLY to blame. This is the thinking we have to overcome.
I'll miss you man :feelscry:
Good luck with everything :)

This. Good for you if you can actually do it OP. I hope you have success.

Forum addiction is hard to kick, looksmax will be full of Chads, and PS is a long arduous journey.
Why does every good poster need to leave this site
Tenor 1
Liberals: "Everything bad a woman does is the fault of the patriarchy and sexism."
Conservatives: "Everything bad a woman does is the fault of liberals and feminists tricking them. Women don’t even have agency when it comes to abortions which are the results of trickery by unchristian men who don’t want to man up. Rich men even force women into jobs and careers they actually don’t want."
Old-fashioned conspiracy theorists: "Everything bad a woman does is the result of the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergers, Jesuits, Freemasons, and other rich people conspiring to trick women into feminism. Hence, the real enemy is the Rockefellers, the Jesuits, etc. who are conspiring to depopulate the world so women aren’t responsible for their behavior."
TRP: "Everything bad a woman does is the correct biological response to men who have no game, women can’t be held responsible for their own biology."
Lookism: "Everything bad a woman does is the correct biological response to men who have not good enough looks, women can't be held responsible for their own biology."
Alt-right: "Everything bad a woman does is the fault of the Jews corrupting our pure wheatfield princesses. Feminism isn't something women do, it's something done to white women."

And on and on it goes ... no one holding women responsible for their bad actions.

One of the most dangerous ideas in the world is the idea that women have AGENCY. If a person has agency, then that person is responsible for their own actions. If a person doesn’t have agency then that person is not responsible for their actions. If you want to avoid being held responsible or accountable for your actions, then you need to convince the world that you have no agency. The idea that women = children isn't as "based" as it seems on first glance, because it just shifts away the blame from women to men again. Men might differ on which group of men it is that is responsible ... but they all have in common that they believe that women aren't REALLY to blame. This is the thinking we have to overcome.
Very good post.
See you next week boyo
Good luck brother, always enjoyed your well written and informative posts
that's a shame, you brought some much needed class to this joint. Good luck

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