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RageFuel Why I hate white people so much

Fuck jew people they created feminism and gave women and faggots rights. We should blame it on the Jews like the righteous autists we are. Whites should also live with a halo or privilege just for being superior White. Jew families probably inherited generational wealth from exploiting ethnics. Thats why its imperative to leechmaxx of the zog government and take the wealth back. One debased sheckle at a time.

We ethnics should not support jewing policies in the west to import more ethnics to fill our ranks. Me must protect the cumskin populace because they understand how to make clean water and stuff. But be staunch right wingers in our homelands. And treat jews like the North Koreans treated that pigface who thought it was funny to remove a picture of Kim Jong un off the wall. (Kill them) in minecraft
I agree
jfl this post being marked as race bait is another example of how we are always at the bottom of the social hierarchy.
People have been posting garbage all the time on ID and now sharing your own miserable experience as a rice = racebait.
All of you would have loved to kick sand in my 10 year old chink eyes.
I'm a perverted wretched sinner but no, I wouldn't have done that. Bullying was something I never did.
jfl this post being marked as race bait is another example of how we are always at the bottom of the social hierarchy.
People have been posting garbage all the time on ID and now sharing your own miserable experience as a rice = racebait.
sharing an experience that actually happened to me is a bait because it triggers all powerful cumskins
Fuck bullied and so on, but in their defense (and I was bullied relentlessly, too), they are mostly doing it for female attention. And they’re doing it because it works. Foids love violent guys.
(Liberal) whites in the US are the only people with a preference for out-groups. Whites are the least racist people in the world, and you are complaining.
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Based ricecel thread. I too never got over being bullied by whitoids and negros most of my life. Still don't trust whitoids a bit irl, they all deep down think they're inherently better than ethnics. At least Latinos were chill, most ricecels and beancels just left each other alone. Anyway the conclusion is that multiethnic societies were a mistake
Better in which sense, western societies have the highest rates of depression in the world people can choose their gender, over 50% men from 20 to 35 are celibate according to pew. Birthrates a below replacement level. They throw their elderly in care homes after they raised them their whole lives better in what sense.

There's absolutely nothing I need Europe I can't find in dubai.

You and your sick self hating ideology needs to die

Lawrence Mead (public policy professor at NYU...liberal republican...designed welfare policies) offers a cultural explanation of the West's dominance in his book "Burdens of Freedom." He says that an individualist self-driven ethos animates Western nations which leads to their dominance. What you describe above is what the the title revers to. The author comes across as a little tone deaf but it's a really interesting albeit provocative book. Hey yo Mead, why not extend that "individualism" to the establishment of a Hookr app? :feelsdevil:
At this point I claim Afghan as white because Taliban is based
Leader of taliban was 6’6 and had green eyes fyi. Many pics of taliban online are of handsome men with coloured eyes
Still don't trust whitoids a bit irl, they all deep down think they're inherently better than ethnics.
Because they are
You don't go to storm front because you know they would bully you and laugh at you for claiming white as a turkroach you know it too. You literally admit to worshipping Chad. Jfl
whiteness is a heriarchy. Don’t know why I need to repeat this for you to understand.
Cenk uygur is what the average greasy kebab looks like you:feelshaha: You damn beggar. I'm begging you to go reddit and spout your Turks are white bullshit see if they don't laugh at you. The fantasy you created in your head is so sad bro
Never said Turks are white. Again dumbass, there are different levels to whiteness. Some blonde blue eyed nord is whiter than a brown haired brown eyed Italian. And that Italian is whiter than a nafri . But that nafri is whiter than an Arab. Etc etc

it’s also hilarious how you saythese things when your ancestors spent centuries pirating in Europe to get their hands on blonde pussy
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Leader of taliban was 6’6 and had green eyes fyi. Many pics of taliban online are of handsome men with coloured eyes
if there's one thing to take pride in as an ethnic-- and I can see this in how the white far-right is getting influenced-- its that we are RIGHT about women. Whites were always wrong to put them in pedestals
childhood trauma. BULLIES BULLIES BULLIES. All of you would have loved to kick sand in my 10 year old chink eyes. I was specifically bullied because I was quiet and enjoyed reading real estate brochures. I was obsessed with beautiful homes because I wanted to be an architect. BUT THESE FUCKING ASSHOLE WHITE KIDS in summer camp constantly beating me and treating me like shit. They grabbed my brochures and tore them apart and said "You gonna buy a house with your GIRLFRIEND???"

YES I would have loved that. That's my dream.

I hated swimming and they would always try to drown me and pants me like a BUNCH OF FAGGOTS. THIS IS ALSO WHY I HATE GAYS. ONLY A TOTAL HUUUWHITE FAGGOT WOULD DO THIS.

The worst part is what they did to me at the beach. They would gang up and stuff my mouth full of sand till I couldn't breathe and punch me in the stomach. I can barely live my life because of one suicidefuel summer. I was crying and openly suicidal every day before I was 10.

[UWSL]I hate white people. I hate fags. And I really hate the sand. Nobody did anything to help me. No foids no counsellors. They all laughed as though I deserved it for being awkward and weak. [/UWSL]
The only time I got bullied by Whites was in around the 7th grade by a bunch of slavic shitheads. They stopped when I called the cops on their drug trafficking and got one of them arrested.
Very embarrassing a not even white bashing thread has been labelled race-bait. Whilst we’ve got hundreds of ethnic bashing threads with no warning at all. :feelswhat:
Very embarrassing a not even white bashing thread has been labelled race-bait. Whilst we’ve got hundreds of ethnic bashing threads with no warning at all. :feelswhat:
Yeah man there's scum here who won't even let our rice cel brothers give their own experiences without being gas lighted. Insufferable cunts who deserve to die alone
Yeah man there's scum here who won't even let our rice cel brothers give their own experiences without being gas lighted. Insufferable cunts who deserve to die alone
Yep, 90% of lower class whites are some of the most scummy people. Only upper-class whites are civilised.
Leader of taliban was 6’6 and had green eyes fyi. Many pics of taliban online are of handsome men with coloured eyes

Because they are

whiteness is a heriarchy. Don’t know why I need to repeat this for you to understand.

Never said Turks are white. Again dumbass, there are different levels to whiteness. Some blonde blue eyed nord is whiter than a brown haired brown eyed Italian. And that Italian is whiter than a nafri . But that nafri is whiter than an Arab. Etc etc

it’s also hilarious how you saythese things when your ancestors spent centuries pirating in Europe to get their hands on blonde pussy
A white supremacist turk :feelshaha::feelskek: my God you're cringe worthy



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A white supremacist turk :feelshaha::feelskek: my God you're cringe worthy

Nice pics of nafris, my dude. Good thing I don’t look like that. Also nice to see you have no arguments
Nice pics of nafris, my dude. Good thing I don’t look like that. Also nice to see you have no arguments
Thats your people bro:feelshaha: Don't forsake them:feelsmusic:. I don't need arguments when nobody takes your delusional ideas seriously except you. Please go ask Ukrainian or Swiss person or an Australian. if they think Turks are white:feelshaha::feelskek::feelskek: everytime you post I genuinely feel pity for you. Even an Amerimutt wouldn't claim Turks as white:bigbrain:
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Yep, 90% of lower class whites are some of the most scummy people. Only upper-class whites are civilised.
no upper-class whites and upper middle class whites are shit too

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