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Why I don't hate women, and other older-cel perspectives

1. I have never hated women
Me too. I have always acknowledged that I'm the weirdo, the creep in the situation. This is not anybody's fault -- I just lost the genetic lottery. Being a depressed sperg with ADD doesn't afford much room for doubt. Normies are out there having a life, enjoying this beautiful summer sunday evening with friends, families, breeding partners, having family diners while I am rotting in here. It's not their fault I'm a genetic freak.

I was always disappointed that life would deal me such a bad hand. I mean -- I always questioned: since I'm not physically defective (crippled, blind, etc.), why does life seem so hard for me? What is wrong? My brain, it turns out. I found out later, after many painful lessons.

2. Wilkes McDermid vs Elliot Roger vs Christopher Swanson, and what we can learn from them.
McDermid is based. He figured out the blackpill all by himself.

ER is mostly a meme. He's murdered incels because of his narcissism. He'd murder anyone in this forum for being "inferior" to him, the supreme gentleman. The only based thing about ER is that he wrote a nice manifesto detailing how his brain did rot from systematic social exclusion, but he is not blackpilled.

Swanson, and many other unattractive males, for lack the blackpill, put themselves in harm's way. That sandnigger who was stabbed in the neck and killed by a german satanist foid from tinder, for instance, would not have been so stupid had he heeded Saint Hamudi's words of wisdom: "It's over buddy boyos."

3. Why you should never rope, and the way in which life gets better, not worse, even for an oldcel like me.
I'm 37, losing my libido as well.

What I haven't lost is the touch-starvation, and the desire for human connection, companionship, socialization, belongingness.

I don't miss sex by itself (never visited prostitutes) but I miss the intimacy (leading up to sex) with another human being, which would mean I'm included in this whole game called "life" as something more than a worker drone who pays taxes for single mom's and Chad's kids.

The whole meaning of my existence is to work a meaningless job just so single-moms and Chads can have an easier life breeding freely, without a care. Since I can't breed, and I'm too undesirable to make a positive impact on anyone's life (except for paying taxes), I see that removing myself from this equation altogether would be the "ultimate protest" against unacceptable conditions.

I don't see how I can build any meaning from this existence of working like a drone and paying taxes to support foids who hate me, and their Chad baby-daddies' spawn. I wish I could be a bee, or an ant, working mindlessly for the benefit of the colony, but I'm not a social insect. I'm an ape, and this existence seems empty and meaningless.
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I turned 41 recently, and I've been on here 12 months, so I've decided it's time I bit the bullet and made an inceldom discussion post. I want to lay out some of my opinions and perspectives, that are a bit different than a lot of the common orthodoxy on here, most of which is written by grieving, angry young men.

Some of this might seem inflammatory, but you will live.

The main headline points are:

1. I have never hated women

2. Wilkes McDermid vs Elliot Roger vs Christopher Swanson, and what we can learn from them.

3. Why you should never rope, and the way in which life gets better, not worse, even for an oldcel like me.

1. I have never hated women for rejecting me.

Not individual women who actually received advances from me and rejected me. And not "women" in general, either as some oppressive blanket force of nature, or as some organized conspiracy against me.

The only explanation I can give is I have always internalized and owned the failure of my attempts to seek sex or romance. I don't seem to have what women want, and that must mean there's something wrong with me, or something that's not quite enough about me.

That's a very hard thing for a teenager or a young man in his early 20s to be confronted by. It is devastating and the weight of it can be at times crushing. But it's never made me angry. An angry reaction just doesn't make sense to me. A simple thought experiment is helpful here: If someone I felt zero attraction for wanted me, and I was oblivious to that or actually said no to it, would it be fair that they were angry at me for not feeling what I don't feel?

In saying this, I was pretty shy as a young person and I don't think I was ever very competent at meeting new people and approaching the possibility of new things openly. So all of the actual rejections I can remember from my youth, were women I met, and lived or worked or studied around. And over a period of time I convinced myself she was wonderful, and I wanted her, and I loved her. This would include a lot of daydreams and fanciful imagination about what a perfect future with me and her together might look like.

And then like a fool I would tell her how I felt, hoping that she felt the same and was waiting for me to say something. Invariably she didn't feel the same way about me, and didn't want any of that.

The first one of those, took me about 6 months to get over. The second one took me about 4 years, that was the worst one. I really thought she was pretty special, and having seen she existed I didn't think I could live without her. Both of these were during my university years. Afterwards, I learned to test the waters with women but never again made that mistake of getting ahead of things and falling into unrequited love.

Prior to that time, High School gave me a bit of a premonition that sex and the attention and desire of women might not happen for me. I saw that first, around the ages of 15 or 16, one or two boys were talking about having girlfriends and/or having sex. Then quite a few were talking about it. Then a majority seemed to be having these experiences, and I was an outlier in not having them. But I had good friends at high school, and I had the crutch of supportive parental expectations that I was one of the "bright" kids and I would move away and study and some kind of bright future would happen to me.

So I was never embarrassed, humiliated, cheated or wronged by women. They were just unobtainable, and that made me sad, not angry.

2. Wilkes McDermid vs Elliot Rodger vs Christopher Swanson, and what we can learn from them.

I just straight up don't like Elliot Rodger. So there.

He was a nasty, self-obsessed, narcissistic killer. He wrote about his feelings well but i find nothing to admire in his attitude that he is owed certain things, and it is reasonable for him to hurt and kill people at random as some kind of justice for his situation. Perhaps somebody whose dog died should have punished him with a bullet? Perhaps somebody who had their BMW repossessed by the finance company should have punished him with a bullet?
He was a good looking, spoiled child. He showed precious little insight into how the world is or the reasons why. His message of blame and recrimination and random extreme violence is not helpful to anyone.

Wilkes McDermid is a much better "Saint" for inceldom. When I first read his final blog https://wilkes888.wordpress.com/2013/02/08/my-final-blog-entry-love-you-all/ it was a great moment, seeing ideas similar to my own written so well.
If you're not familiar with his thesis, the core of it is that women are genetically programmed to seek out high-quality males to mate with. He identified 3 main selection criteria, and theorized that you need at least two of the three to succeed:

1. Height

2. White (or black)

3. Wealth, or some other manifestation of power.

Personally I think his insistence on these 3 and only these 3 is a bit misguided and there is in reality a smorgasbord of desirable male traits that women will choose from. But I think he is spot on in saying that women are driven by primordial evolutionary drivers when they apply the criteria they apply in sorting males by quality and identifying them as worthy or unworthy.

He was also such a gentleman, in the way he tried to absolve his female friendzoners of any blame or guilt by explicitly saying that he understands this is just a natural behaviour that humans do. I admire that.

The fact that he was a popular and liked guy, with a big social circle and successful in other fields, and yet still incel, was something more people on here should reflect on IMHO. The way that he kept his struggles largely to himself, and looked after his friendships, and had a proper sense of adult behaviour and manners, and achieved most of his goals in life, is something that I admire. The way he owned his issues like a man, is something I admire. And while I wish he hadn't jumped, I admire the resolution with which he decided to do it, and did it.

And then there is Christopher Swanson, a 40yo high school teacher oldcel whose spectacular and catastrophic downfall should serve as a warning. About what happens if you fail to learn the real lessons.
He failed to experience the devastation of missing out on young love, in the way that Elliott Rodger fully experienced it.
And he failed to learn the real lesson that Wilkes McDermid learned from his experiences and his research: that beyond a certain point your rejection is an entirely predictable, natural process, not something that should catch a 40yo grown man by surprise and spin him out of control.
So by failing to learn those lessons, he caught a bluepilled deluded oneitis for a 17yo schoolgirl in one of his classes, and that led to him being brushed off by her, and struck off as a teacher, and humiliated, and eventually to suicide.

3. Why I haven't followed any of those infamous, dead incels

Almost all incel writing has a common problem. Men don't talk, or write, about their feelings, until they're really REALLY fucked up about something. Then they pour their little hearts out in some mega grief fuelled meltdown. So a lot of incel writing, comes from the heat of the moment and it reads like inceldom is all there is. ER's manifesto is certainly like that. Swanson's website is so stricken with grief that all of his success in his career is merely a sick footnote to the real story; that this dumb teenager didn't want him.

That's a terrible role model for young virgins. Because inceldom really isn't the only thing in your life, and convincing yourself that it is, is an incredibly destructive thing to do.

I've been very fortunate for a few reasons. One, the time I attempted suicide, failed dismally because the act of doing the cutting was far too painful to persist with. But standing right on the edge of the abyss and making that decision to step off, is a moment of finality you can't understand unless you've experienced it. Living after that does show you the value of things differently.

I've also been lucky to have good family around me. I'm pretty close to my sister and I love being uncle to her little children. They make me feel like whatever may happen to me, there is some small legacy of me going into the future in them. One of them has even learned to read music because I planted the idea in them and showed them some basics.

I'm lucky teenaged oneitis didn't destroy my ability to keep performing at school and get my degree. Today I'm reasonably competent in my profession and I'm pretty good at teaching young grads the ropes. They seem to appreciate it and my employers do too. That's a real source of personal validation. If I was my age and flipping burgers I doubt I'd be as happy as I am.

I really don't know if sex drive diminishes with age, or if perspective just improves. There was a wonderful moment a few years ago, I can remember it. I woke up on a Saturday morning, and there was sun streaming in my window, and I had a bunch of things planned that I wanted to get up and do. And it really hit me: I don't feel totally crushed and miserable by my inceldom. Life just is what it is, and right now it feels ok. That was a good feeling.

Of course it's not a total panacea, and there are still suifuel moments that remind me strongly of all the things I don't have and threaten to take me back into the grief state. But you get better at coping with that stuff, and you get better at avoiding and shielding yourself from stuff you know is harder to cope with. I don't go to town on Saturday night. I don't go to dinner with couples. I don't go to weddings if I can avoid it.

That feeling of peace, is why I haven't roped and I honestly don't believe I will. There will always be a bit of sadness there, that I didn't have that whole life I imagined I wanted. But there's good stuff too in spite of that. There's enough good stuff that the sadness is tolerable.

4: a piece of unsolicited advice.

I'm old enough that my friends are fucking up their marriages and getting divorced. It is fascinating to see the divorcee dating phenomenon. There is one clear lesson from it. I'm not getting involved because little has changed except for the details of what people make small talk about. Women don't lower their standards, and they don't settle. What this means, it means two things.
The cock carousel being followed by resignation and beta burning, is cope. Women don't settle for beta bux, they are genetically programmed to seek whatever their concept of Chad is, that doesn't change.

But this also means, that if you do manage to meet someone in later life who seems into you, it's probably real and you should go for it IMHO. All the advice you get on here about betabuxx and roast beef and the cock carousel from 16yo "truecels" is terrible advice and it is ignorant advice. A bunch of my university friends lost their virginities in their 20s and they are happy today. One of my high school buddies fucked heaps of women at university, married the girl of his dreams, and that lasted 4 years. Today he's married to someone uglier but cooler and he's happy.

Unicorns exist, and you should always remain open to possibilities. While keeping your expectations firmly based in Wilkes McDermid's understanding of the blackpill, that women are generally looking for certain things, and it's no secret what those are.
Kind of reasonable but deep down all women hate men like me so I hate them back, simple.
So... your dominant, high-t, alpha attitude you think you have.... how's that working out for you? Be honest
Honestly pretty good , blackpilled have a depressing effect at the start 100% , no one is gonna Learn he’s at the bottom of the sexual market and say : GREAT !

Happened to all of us , it took me like almost a year to swallow the blackpill fully, I was depressed as fuck.

But once i accepted it , I can say it toughen me up like mad .
Been 3 years now , finished university , and land me a big fish job.
I’am trading everyday with the goal to be a wealthy in my mid thirties.

You can’t be alpha with women, some men can’t.
But you certainly can be alpha in your goal ( if they’re blackpilled)

Just because I’am incel doesn’t mean, I must neet , expose myself to poverty and homelessness, or live by the crumbs of moneybuxx the state will give me
We don’t hate women for rejecting us, but for disrespecting us and complaining about everything while being entitled preferred
I don't hate individual women, I hate the toxic culture though.
I don't hate foids because of dating rejections, couldn't care less. I hate them because they are very obviously privileged and entitled while also having the gall to complain about being oppressed, also for having an air of superiority over men as if they are better than us just because they happen to live in the incredibly narrow slice of human history where there is enough abundance of resources, brainwashed cucks to do their bidding and technology which allows unparalleled access to chads. Inevitably this will lead to the ruin of scumciety but foids are too busy living in the blissful ignorance of now to worry about the consequences of their actions.
I said I don't hate women myself, but this...this and the fact that it is enabled socially, is the seed of the resentment seen on here.

And adding insult to injury, the system wants to socially destroy them even more and prosecute them for merely expressing their frustration.
Based OP, personally I think it would be hypocritical to say women can't have demands and preferences when we do too. I've seen a lot of people on this forum describing what their ideal woman would look like and saying things like "she has to be white" or "she needs to be skinny" but also be angry about women not taking them for who they are. I hate being alone but I don't blame them
I relate to trying to find other things to enjoy in life outside of women bc its simply easier to cope with
atp, I'm more apathetic than anything :feelsjuice:
Have you read what he’s saying

“I’m short

I support them in their pursuit of gigachad

I didn’t need to read more then the few sentences I did.
:feelshaha: You read a few sentences? It sure doesn't look like it. 0/10 see me after class.

I hope the thread gets shit on, op gets violently raped and necks himself.
Yikes, there's a lot to unpack here sweaty.
Wilkes is relateable and he blackpilled himself. ER on the other hand isnt relateable for a truecel like me. He is way to good looking, slighty above average even. He was also rich and he wanted blonde women. Ugly men cant be picky, they are beggars and beggars cant be choosers.

ER didnt even geomax with his money. He probably thought not getting blonde women in his country was enough for him to go ER. JFL. That guy isnt relateable at all.
Most blonde women are artificial blondes. Brutally, there are very few natural blondes in the world and most of the ones that are legal adults have it more darkened then they had during childhood. Not to mention that even if you do find a unicorn like this, there is half or more chance that she is already taken or at least has a "history". A girl friend of one of my friends has very platinum blonde hair and white eyebrows, pretty good looking with kids and her and her kids' hair were an identical color.
McDermid is based. He figured out the blackpill all by himself.

I admire his character.

So many people seem to think that the only way to behave if you have blackpill knowledge, is by chimping out, raging and seething at the computer screen, screaming obscenities on here like a lunatic and having murder / rape ideation.

I honestly think a lot of users here need to start thinking of themselves as a man. I don't see that word man here very much.
Nothing to unpack other than your insides.
Images 12
If you´re incel and don´t hate foids, then you are a cuck. Propably also low t.
Foids are the reason why we all suffer here...they want to genocide you, they don´t allow you to have a normal happy sexual life and have a family.
So how can you not hate them?! It´s giga cucked to not hate foids as an incel.

Idgaf if I get 10% for this
1. I have never hated women for rejecting me.

An angry reaction just doesn't make sense to me.
I have some news for you:

That thread is specifically for coping oldcels like yourself, who are mentally defeated and want to go around spreading their defeatism so they don't "feel alone" and so that they can "feel wise". You aren't wiser, your spirit has just been beaten by years of failure, don't kid yourself.

Unicorns exist, and you should always remain open to possibilities.
Your points weren't valid to begin with, but if they were you just invalidated everything you said with just this one line, proving you are a delusional blue piller that gives stupid advice.

"Your parachute has a 10% chance of deploying but you should still jump out of the plane bro :feelskek:"

Men have to operate on PROBABILITIES not POSSIBILITIES if they want to increase their chances of getting what they want in life.

Sometime getting what you want, means changing your wants to something else. Not being a stubborn fool and endlessly chasing a dream, hoping that one day it might possibly come true.

That's female thinking and only women can afford to think like that because they have virtually unlimited options.
Foids are the reason why we all suffer here...they want to genocide you, they don´t allow you to have a normal happy sexual life and have a family.
So how can you not hate them?! It´s giga cucked to not hate foids as an incel.

If only there was some kind of original post at the top of this thread, where the answer to that question was written out? :feelsEhh:

In what way do you think hating women uncucks you? I notice we are both posting on the same forum.
I have some news for you:

That thread is specifically for coping oldcels like yourself, who are mentally defeated and want to go around spreading their defeatism so they don't "feel alone" and so that they can "feel wise". You aren't wiser, your spirit has just been beaten by years of failure, don't kid yourself.

Your points weren't valid to begin with, but if they were you just invalidated everything you said with just this one line, proving you are a delusional blue piller that gives stupid advice.

"Your parachute has a 10% chance of deploying but you should still jump out of the plane bro :feelskek:"

Men have to operate on PROBABILITIES not POSSIBILITIES if they want to increase their chances of getting what they want in life.

Sometime getting what you want, means changing your wants to something else. Not being a stubborn fool and endlessly chasing a dream, hoping that one day it might possibly come true.

That's female thinking and only women can afford to think like that because they have virtually unlimited options.
Thanks for sharing!
Yes I've seen that thread.

It is a variant on "my life isn't going the way I want, but I've got everyone else's problems all figured out and they're definitely doing it wrong" which is a pretty common form of argument on here. It reminds me of me when I was a left wing 22yo writing on politics forums.

I'm not looking for your approval, I just posted what I posted in case anyone out there can relate. If you can't, then great, you already understand your life in a different way and none of what I've said is needed. Buy you're big enough to understand that not everyone is the same as you, right?
"Your parachute has a 10% chance of deploying but you should still jump out of the plane bro!

What's your understanding of a parachute?

The plane is on fire, two engines and both pilots are unserviceable. Virgin Airlines 101 is 100% going to crash. Do you stay in your seat, do nothing and ride it down to the ground, or do you try that parachute?
If only there was some kind of original post at the top of this thread, where the answer to that question was written out? :feelsEhh:

In what way do you think hating women uncucks you? I notice we are both posting on the same forum.

Psychologically, we humans are always looking for someone to blame for our problems, onto whom we then project our anger.
So it´s very natural to hate foids, because they are the reason for our problems.

I personally don´t care if you don´t hate foids.
The plane is on fire, two engines and both pilots are unserviceable. Virgin Airlines 101 is 100% going to crash. Do you stay in your seat, do nothing and ride it down to the ground, or do you try that parachute?
Except that analogy isn't an accurate representation of reality. You don't have to jump out of the plane, you can just tell the pilot to land and change your mode of transportation to boats.

You being stubborn and refusing to take a boat because "I like planes, I'll only settle for a plane :feelstastyman:" is not a valid position.

Telling people to wait around for an exception to the rule, when there are many alternatives, is 100% illogical. It's an indefensible position.

Waiting around for a unicorn when there are many other regular options is retarded.

Your refusal to accept reality will never make sense, there's no argument you can make to validate it.

you're big enough to understand that not everyone is the same as you, right?
Are you big enough to understand that some people can just be plain wrong, and the whole "let's agree to disagree" approach is usually taken by people who KNOW that they position holds no weight logically, and they just want to remain in delusional because it's comforting and ignorance is bliss?
hahaha! imagine not hating w*men :feelsUnreal:


they deserve any and all hate they get. and more
Waiting around for a unicorn when there are many other regular options is retarded.

What are those options? Do they work? I can't help but notice you are still on the forum...
What are those options?
Locationmaxxing, Religionmaxxing, or a combination of the two. All options require some kind of sacrifice, you obviously can't get all the perks of living in "The West" along with all the perks that comes from rejecting western norms.

Too many of you guys are stuck on "The West" and you don't realize that there are better opportunities out there. There are loopholes and advantages to be exploited in other countries and cultures.

Any guy in the West can get a remote job that pays atleast 20K per year (50% less than average income) and move to a country like Thailand, Brazil, etc. They'd be able to live very well, they'd have their pick of beautiful women in a more traditional society, etc. There are tradeoffs of course, but your life would still be better than if you stayed in the west. Of course you can't take that woman to the West with you.

I hear Colombia has favorable marriage contracts/laws where the woman isn't guaranteed anything even if she marries you.

Do they work?
Statistically, yes they do.

I can't help but notice you are still on the forum...
Another disingenuous argument - "You personally haven't done it yet, that means it's impossible".

Either way I'm not pursuing those options. I'm not looking for a unicorn or anything, I'm not looking for a relationship. I just want the resources to be able to pay for sex consistently, and access to the outlets that provide these services.

Saying - "you haven't done it yet" is stupid, because it's like you are pretending as if things don't take time, and someone can just snap their fingers and alter reality.

Your argument is as retarded as telling someone whose studying for a math test and proposing you a proven algorithm that "you haven't done the test yet, so it doesn't matter what you say". They can't jump forward in time and "just do the test".
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Another disingenuous argument - "You personally haven't done it yet, that means it's impossible"

Fair enough- when you post up that you ascended and you're leaving this place, I'll be among the first to say congrats man, happy for you.
1. I have never hated women for rejecting me.

It isn't about the rejection. Being spurned by women results in bitterness and depression. Incels hating women because they were turned down is a normie/foid gaslighting technique, where they get to take the stance we must be 'entitled' to women somehow. It allows them to escape the pain of any cognitive dissonance and remove any accountability from women.

As you noted, some mentally ill/narcissistic individuals like Elliot have this mindset but they are the minority through which the majority actively chooses to strawman us to.

I resent women because of how they reject me and men like me. They can't seem to simply be courteous or kind about it, but are instead actively malicious and relish establishing a pecking order. They are so entitled and narcissistic that they feel offended by low tier men (many who are their looks matches) approaching them. To save their own self-esteem they harshly attack and belittle anyone they feel threatens their over-inflated self-image.

I resent women because they are by every measurable metric, first class citizens but don't have anywhere near the humility to admit that. Despite having all the default rights of men and a bevy of privilege to accompany them, they still have the cheek to claim oppression and even shame men for daring to speak about their issues. The patriarchy is a misandrist boogeyman concept that is purposely nebulous in its interpretation so as to take any accountability off women and place it on men. Even when men are the only party being negatively affected. Imagine a cabal that exists solely to advantage a particular group, one that you belong to and it curiously provides nothing but partisan laws, courts in favor of those diametrically opposed to you. This cabal also does less than nothing when society actively mocks and demeans your group, in fact it subsidizes it and makes you pay the other group to inflict misery on you. When you raise this point, the other group actually says with a straight face, "Well the insidious cabal sometimes hurts your group too". This is absolute troll logic.

I resent women because they are so self-absorbed and solipsistic, they completely lack any empathy and see everything in terms of self-benefit. Its like 90% of them are legit sociopaths and likely a higher percentage possess at least some sociopathic tendencies. They callously vote for laws in their favor like Tender Years Doctrine, subvert innocent until proven guilty, demand child support and alimony from hapless husbands and tax dollars from sexless recluses like me. Their childish, almost alien mindset leaves no room for reasoned debate or logical refutations as they operate largely on emotion and short-term thinking. This invariably leads them to being extremely volatile individuals when they don't get their way, like overgrown infants, except perversely these infants have the backing of the government, law enforcement and multitudes of white knights.

One can invoke their ire simply due to having poor looks or having awkward social skills. And our society considers it morally justified to persecute men based on these flimsy premises. Worse yet, it is not sufficient for men like us to be isolated from greater society and denied intimacy. They persecute us relentlessly, using us as scapegoats for all of society ills and to assuage any potential guilt resulting from their own shitty behavior. So we can't even be miserable in peace. Look at what happened to all of the incel subreddits. All banned, because they are so threatened by what we represent and the truths we reveal. Having the cheek to justify it with 'bigotry and hatefulness' while being blatantly partisan in the opposite direction. r/inceltears is still up. r/femaledatingstrategy is still up. Other subs actively discourage any sort of debate and are shameless echo chambers like the feminist subs and others are outright offensive like r/rapekink. None of them are banned, because none of them offend women and their shitty sensibilities and fee-fees. Cancel culture, the extreme right, progressivism...there are all result of women getting more influence in the public space. Its as if these creatures are natural commies. Censorship and hypocrisy come easily to them. They don't comprehend the concept of justice, equality, meritocracy - unless it benefits their hypergamy of course. Otherwise its an excuse to invoke equity and bring others down to their level.

So yes, I hate women. Not because of being rejected, I recognize attraction is subconscious and innate. I hate women because of what they are and how they choose to act.
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It isn't about the rejection. Being spurned by women results in bitterness and depression. Incels hating women because they were turned down is a normie/foid gaslighting technique, where they get to take the stance we must be 'entitled' to women somehow. It allows them to escape the pain of any cognitive dissonance and remove any accountability from women.

As you noted, some mentally ill/narcissistic individuals like Elliot have this mindset but they are the minority through which the majority actively chooses to strawman us to.

I resent women because of how they reject me and men like me. They can't seem to simply be courteous or kind about it, but are instead actively malicious and relish establishing a pecking order. They are so entitled and narcissistic that they feel offended by low tier men (many who are their looks matches) approaching them. To save their own self-esteem they harshly attack and belittle anyone they feel threatens their over-inflated self-image.

I resent women because they are by every measurable metric, first class citizens but don't have anywhere near the humility to admit that. Despite having all the default rights of men and a bevy of privilege to accompany them, they still have the cheek to claim oppression and even shame men for daring to speak about their issues. The patriarchy is a misandrist boogeyman concept that is purposely nebulous in its interpretation so as to take any accountability off women and place it on men. Even when men are the only party being negatively affected. Imagine a cabal that exists solely to advantage a particular group, one that you belong to and it curiously provides nothing but partisan laws, courts in favor of those diametrically opposed to you. This cabal also does less than nothing when society actively mocks and demeans your group, in fact it subsidizes it and makes you pay the other group to inflict misery on you. When you raise this point, the other group actually says with a straight face, "Well the insidious cabal sometimes hurts your group too". This is absolute troll logic.

I resent women because they are so self-absorbed and solipsistic, they completely lack any empathy and see everything in terms of self-benefit. Its like 90% of them are legit sociopaths and likely a higher percentage possess at least some sociopathic tendencies. They callously vote for laws in their favor like Tender Years Doctrine, subvert innocent until proven guilty, demand child support and alimony from hapless husbands and tax dollars from sexless recluses like me. Their childish, almost alien mindset leaves no room for reasoned debate or logical refutations as they operate largely on emotion and short-term thinking. This invariably leads them to being extremely volatile individuals when they don't get their way, like overgrown infants, except perversely these infants have the backing of the government, law enforcement and multitudes of white knights.

One can invoke their ire simply due to having poor looks or having awkward social skills. And our society considers it morally justified to persecute men based on these flimsy premises. Worse yet, it is not sufficient for men like us to be isolated from greater society and denied intimacy. They persecute us relentlessly, using us as scapegoats for all of society ills and to assuage any potential guilty resulting from their own shitty behavior. So we can't even be miserable in peace. Look at what happened to all of the incel subreddits. All banned, because they are so threatened by what we represent and the truths we reveal. Having the cheek to justify it with 'bigotry and hatefulness' while being blatantly partisan in the opposite direction. r/inceltears is still up. r/femaledatingstrategy is still up. Other subs actively discourage any sort of debate and are shameless echo chambers like the feminist subs and others are outright offensive like r/rapekink. None of them are banned, because none of them offend women and their shitty sensibilities and fee-fees. Cancel culture, the extreme right, progressivism...there are all result of women getting more influence in the public space. Its as if these creatures are natural commies. Censorship and hypocrisy come easily to them. They don't comprehend the concept of justice, equality, meritocracy - unless it benefits their hypergamy of course. Otherwise its an excuse to invoke equity and bring others down to their level.

So yes, I hate women. Not because of being rejected, I recognize attraction is subconscious and innate. I hate women because of what they are and how they choose to act.

Fair enough, Yes, there is definitely a structural thing of "it's just different when women do it" out there.

I see that as something that the entire virtue signaling left is responsible for though, soyboys and women alike. They get their sense of self worth from being the virtuous and principled ones who oppose injustice wherever it may be found.
(Of course, they all oppose exactly the same "injustices" because they are programmed by the same online group think.)

But you only have to look at how the wokes behave, to see that women aren't their special cause #1 and they would be lucky if they are even #3.

Notice how it is "racist and "xenophobic" and "ISLAMOPHOBIC" to talk about Muslim refugees raping women in Europe and Nordic countries?

Notice how it's fine to bash "TERFs" or anyone like JK Rowling?

Women's interests are clearly below race issues and rainbow gender/sexuality issues on the hierarchy of woke causes.

Cucktears won't touch this, even if any of them are still reading.
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Fair enough, Yes, there is definitely a structural thing of "it's just different when women do it" out there.

Its not simply just hypocrisy and double standards. Women are blatantly malicious and this is either excused, ignored or even encouraged by society. Because vagina. All the while whining about being victims.
I used to really hate women and would think they're nothing more than just some kind of ape because they only associated themselves with guys they wanted to fuck. When I was still a kiddo I used to get into many fights with them if they made fun of my name or the way I looked. I got in trouble for it a lot but it didn't matter to me because I was filled with anger. A couple times, some girls would try to befriend me but I could tell it was only out of pity. That would set me off too even though I should have been grateful. Now that I'm about to start college, I find I'm less angry but I still harbor some hatred and general distrust towards them. I'm trying to focus more on my hobbies and study and just accept that I may not find love. :feelsjuice:
Thank you for this post
I am same age bro.

if you can make it to your 40's as an incel you don't even have the emotional energy to care anymore about foids.

I think it's just natural eventually to move past the anger stage as an incel, it isn't possible to keep it up, apathy is the end goal.
tbh you sound kinda bluepilled, no one your age can relate to the problems and struggles that current incels like us face - social media, porn, feminism, dating apps and overall societial changes have made trying to attract a women next to impossible. I gaurantee if 60% of users on this site were born a generation earlier they wouldn't be incels. you literally have no idea how bad it is for 18-29 yo males right now
tbh you sound kinda bluepilled, no one your age can relate to the problems and struggles that current incels like us face
- social media, porn, feminism, dating apps and overall societial changes have made trying to attract a women next to impossible.
I gaurantee if 60% of users on this site were born a generation earlier they wouldn't be incels.
you literally have no idea how bad it is for 18-29 yo males right now
I am same age bro.

if you can make it to your 40's as an incel you don't even have the emotional energy to care anymore about foids.

I think it's just natural eventually to move past the anger stage as an incel, it isn't possible to keep it up, apathy is the end goal.
This is what the youngcels don't understand, because they haven't lived it yet. They are still in the intense early-stage grief. Look at @StayFrosty above, "you don't get it, nobody else has ever suffered like I'm suffering."

(And hopefully they won't grow old still incels, I know several guys who were virgins until their 20s. If it happened for them it can happen for .is users too. Have realistic expectations, but be open to the possibility of a miracle.)
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Well, I do hate women, and I don't have friends or a successful career life, so that's easy for you to say. Not all of us are as well-off as you.
Well, I do hate women, and I don't have friends or a successful career life, so that's easy for you to say. Not all of us are as well-off as you.
And on here, you can find thread after thread after thread of people who think the same way as you do. :feelsEhh:

I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong, or what to think. Just sharing my views.
I turned 41 recently, and I've been on here 12 months, so I've decided it's time I bit the bullet and made an inceldom discussion post. I want to lay out some of my opinions and perspectives, that are a bit different than a lot of the common orthodoxy on here, most of which is written by grieving, angry young men.

Some of this might seem inflammatory, but you will live.

The main headline points are:

1. I have never hated women

2. Wilkes McDermid vs Elliot Roger vs Christopher Swanson, and what we can learn from them.

3. Why you should never rope, and the way in which life gets better, not worse, even for an oldcel like me.

1. I have never hated women for rejecting me.

Not individual women who actually received advances from me and rejected me. And not "women" in general, either as some oppressive blanket force of nature, or as some organized conspiracy against me.

The only explanation I can give is I have always internalized and owned the failure of my attempts to seek sex or romance. I don't seem to have what women want, and that must mean there's something wrong with me, or something that's not quite enough about me.

That's a very hard thing for a teenager or a young man in his early 20s to be confronted by. It is devastating and the weight of it can be at times crushing. But it's never made me angry. An angry reaction just doesn't make sense to me. A simple thought experiment is helpful here: If someone I felt zero attraction for wanted me, and I was oblivious to that or actually said no to it, would it be fair that they were angry at me for not feeling what I don't feel?

In saying this, I was pretty shy as a young person and I don't think I was ever very competent at meeting new people and approaching the possibility of new things openly. So all of the actual rejections I can remember from my youth, were women I met, and lived or worked or studied around. And over a period of time I convinced myself she was wonderful, and I wanted her, and I loved her. This would include a lot of daydreams and fanciful imagination about what a perfect future with me and her together might look like.

And then like a fool I would tell her how I felt, hoping that she felt the same and was waiting for me to say something. Invariably she didn't feel the same way about me, and didn't want any of that.

The first one of those, took me about 6 months to get over. The second one took me about 4 years, that was the worst one. I really thought she was pretty special, and having seen she existed I didn't think I could live without her. Both of these were during my university years. Afterwards, I learned to test the waters with women but never again made that mistake of getting ahead of things and falling into unrequited love.

Prior to that time, High School gave me a bit of a premonition that sex and the attention and desire of women might not happen for me. I saw that first, around the ages of 15 or 16, one or two boys were talking about having girlfriends and/or having sex. Then quite a few were talking about it. Then a majority seemed to be having these experiences, and I was an outlier in not having them. But I had good friends at high school, and I had the crutch of supportive parental expectations that I was one of the "bright" kids and I would move away and study and some kind of bright future would happen to me.

So I was never embarrassed, humiliated, cheated or wronged by women. They were just unobtainable, and that made me sad, not angry.

2. Wilkes McDermid vs Elliot Rodger vs Christopher Swanson, and what we can learn from them.

I just straight up don't like Elliot Rodger. So there.

He was a nasty, self-obsessed, narcissistic killer. He wrote about his feelings well but i find nothing to admire in his attitude that he is owed certain things, and it is reasonable for him to hurt and kill people at random as some kind of justice for his situation. Perhaps somebody whose dog died should have punished him with a bullet? Perhaps somebody who had their BMW repossessed by the finance company should have punished him with a bullet?
He was a good looking, spoiled child. He showed precious little insight into how the world is or the reasons why. His message of blame and recrimination and random extreme violence is not helpful to anyone.

Wilkes McDermid is a much better "Saint" for inceldom. When I first read his final blog https://wilkes888.wordpress.com/2013/02/08/my-final-blog-entry-love-you-all/ it was a great moment, seeing ideas similar to my own written so well.
If you're not familiar with his thesis, the core of it is that women are genetically programmed to seek out high-quality males to mate with. He identified 3 main selection criteria, and theorized that you need at least two of the three to succeed:

1. Height

2. White (or black)

3. Wealth, or some other manifestation of power.

Personally I think his insistence on these 3 and only these 3 is a bit misguided and there is in reality a smorgasbord of desirable male traits that women will choose from. But I think he is spot on in saying that women are driven by primordial evolutionary drivers when they apply the criteria they apply in sorting males by quality and identifying them as worthy or unworthy.

He was also such a gentleman, in the way he tried to absolve his female friendzoners of any blame or guilt by explicitly saying that he understands this is just a natural behaviour that humans do. I admire that.

The fact that he was a popular and liked guy, with a big social circle and successful in other fields, and yet still incel, was something more people on here should reflect on IMHO. The way that he kept his struggles largely to himself, and looked after his friendships, and had a proper sense of adult behaviour and manners, and achieved most of his goals in life, is something that I admire. The way he owned his issues like a man, is something I admire. And while I wish he hadn't jumped, I admire the resolution with which he decided to do it, and did it.

And then there is Christopher Swanson, a 40yo high school teacher oldcel whose spectacular and catastrophic downfall should serve as a warning. About what happens if you fail to learn the real lessons.
He failed to experience the devastation of missing out on young love, in the way that Elliott Rodger fully experienced it.
And he failed to learn the real lesson that Wilkes McDermid learned from his experiences and his research: that beyond a certain point your rejection is an entirely predictable, natural process, not something that should catch a 40yo grown man by surprise and spin him out of control.
So by failing to learn those lessons, he caught a bluepilled deluded oneitis for a 17yo schoolgirl in one of his classes, and that led to him being brushed off by her, and struck off as a teacher, and humiliated, and eventually to suicide.

3. Why I haven't followed any of those infamous, dead incels

Almost all incel writing has a common problem. Men don't talk, or write, about their feelings, until they're really REALLY fucked up about something. Then they pour their little hearts out in some mega grief fuelled meltdown. So a lot of incel writing, comes from the heat of the moment and it reads like inceldom is all there is. ER's manifesto is certainly like that. Swanson's website is so stricken with grief that all of his success in his career is merely a sick footnote to the real story; that this dumb teenager didn't want him.

That's a terrible role model for young virgins. Because inceldom really isn't the only thing in your life, and convincing yourself that it is, is an incredibly destructive thing to do.

I've been very fortunate for a few reasons. One, the time I attempted suicide, failed dismally because the act of doing the cutting was far too painful to persist with. But standing right on the edge of the abyss and making that decision to step off, is a moment of finality you can't understand unless you've experienced it. Living after that does show you the value of things differently.

I've also been lucky to have good family around me. I'm pretty close to my sister and I love being uncle to her little children. They make me feel like whatever may happen to me, there is some small legacy of me going into the future in them. One of them has even learned to read music because I planted the idea in them and showed them some basics.

I'm lucky teenaged oneitis didn't destroy my ability to keep performing at school and get my degree. Today I'm reasonably competent in my profession and I'm pretty good at teaching young grads the ropes. They seem to appreciate it and my employers do too. That's a real source of personal validation. If I was my age and flipping burgers I doubt I'd be as happy as I am.

I really don't know if sex drive diminishes with age, or if perspective just improves. There was a wonderful moment a few years ago, I can remember it. I woke up on a Saturday morning, and there was sun streaming in my window, and I had a bunch of things planned that I wanted to get up and do. And it really hit me: I don't feel totally crushed and miserable by my inceldom. Life just is what it is, and right now it feels ok. That was a good feeling.

Of course it's not a total panacea, and there are still suifuel moments that remind me strongly of all the things I don't have and threaten to take me back into the grief state. But you get better at coping with that stuff, and you get better at avoiding and shielding yourself from stuff you know is harder to cope with. I don't go to town on Saturday night. I don't go to dinner with couples. I don't go to weddings if I can avoid it.

That feeling of peace, is why I haven't roped and I honestly don't believe I will. There will always be a bit of sadness there, that I didn't have that whole life I imagined I wanted. But there's good stuff too in spite of that. There's enough good stuff that the sadness is tolerable.

4: a piece of unsolicited advice.

I'm old enough that my friends are fucking up their marriages and getting divorced. It is fascinating to see the divorcee dating phenomenon. There is one clear lesson from it. I'm not getting involved because little has changed except for the details of what people make small talk about. Women don't lower their standards, and they don't settle. What this means, it means two things.
The cock carousel being followed by resignation and beta burning, is cope. Women don't settle for beta bux, they are genetically programmed to seek whatever their concept of Chad is, that doesn't change.

But this also means, that if you do manage to meet someone in later life who seems into you, it's probably real and you should go for it IMHO. All the advice you get on here about betabuxx and roast beef and the cock carousel from 16yo "truecels" is terrible advice and it is ignorant advice. A bunch of my university friends lost their virginities in their 20s and they are happy today. One of my high school buddies fucked heaps of women at university, married the girl of his dreams, and that lasted 4 years. Today he's married to someone uglier but cooler and he's happy.

Unicorns exist, and you should always remain open to possibilities. While keeping your expectations firmly based in Wilkes McDermid's understanding of the blackpill, that women are generally looking for certain things, and it's no secret what those are.
this is just big cope :feelskek:
I read it, good thread but you NT mog to oblivion so it's not as useful for incels like me.
last paragraph was giga :bluepill::bluepill: too, it's over for some men
JFL at you, you're the ostrich putting its head in the sand. Someone gives you a source and you just go like "Nope, that info doesn't fit into my worldview I will proceed to put my hands against my ears if you speak to me lalallalalalalalalalalalala".
oldceldom leads to that. Either you retake a bit of the :bluepill: again or you rope
Really good thread, its unfortunate that this site's userbase are mostly retarded. I don't really hate women im apathetic towards them.
Joined: Aug 5, 2022
Posts: 12
Online: 27m

Like, who even are you, girlfriend?
bro this is some reddit tier shit making fun of a new user. its like making fun of someone for being born later then u
4: a piece of unsolicited advice.

I'm old enough that my friends are fucking up their marriages and getting divorced. It is fascinating to see the divorcee dating phenomenon. There is one clear lesson from it. I'm not getting involved because little has changed except for the details of what people make small talk about. Women don't lower their standards, and they don't settle. What this means, it means two things.
The cock carousel being followed by resignation and beta burning, is cope. Women don't settle for beta bux, they are genetically programmed to seek whatever their concept of Chad is, that doesn't change.

But this also means, that if you do manage to meet someone in later life who seems into you, it's probably real and you should go for it IMHO. All the advice you get on here about betabuxx and roast beef and the cock carousel from 16yo "truecels" is terrible advice and it is ignorant advice. A bunch of my university friends lost their virginities in their 20s and they are happy today. One of my high school buddies fucked heaps of women at university, married the girl of his dreams, and that lasted 4 years. Today he's married to someone uglier but cooler and he's happy.

Unicorns exist, and you should always remain open to possibilities. While keeping your expectations firmly based in Wilkes McDermid's understanding of the blackpill, that women are generally looking for certain things, and it's no secret what those are.
46 yo oldcel here.
While I agree to most of your post, I have some issues with the advice. Women 35-40-45 ARE settling because they cannot compete for chads against the 20+ yo stacies. You just cannot beat youth. The question is, do we need those older women with all of those miles and miles of cocks that went into them? With all the kids, exes, older parents they need to take care of and other issues?
It isn't about the rejection. Being spurned by women results in bitterness and depression. Incels hating women because they were turned down is a normie/foid gaslighting technique, where they get to take the stance we must be 'entitled' to women somehow. It allows them to escape the pain of any cognitive dissonance and remove any accountability from women.

As you noted, some mentally ill/narcissistic individuals like Elliot have this mindset but they are the minority through which the majority actively chooses to strawman us to.

I resent women because of how they reject me and men like me. They can't seem to simply be courteous or kind about it, but are instead actively malicious and relish establishing a pecking order. They are so entitled and narcissistic that they feel offended by low tier men (many who are their looks matches) approaching them. To save their own self-esteem they harshly attack and belittle anyone they feel threatens their over-inflated self-image.

I resent women because they are by every measurable metric, first class citizens but don't have anywhere near the humility to admit that. Despite having all the default rights of men and a bevy of privilege to accompany them, they still have the cheek to claim oppression and even shame men for daring to speak about their issues. The patriarchy is a misandrist boogeyman concept that is purposely nebulous in its interpretation so as to take any accountability off women and place it on men. Even when men are the only party being negatively affected. Imagine a cabal that exists solely to advantage a particular group, one that you belong to and it curiously provides nothing but partisan laws, courts in favor of those diametrically opposed to you. This cabal also does less than nothing when society actively mocks and demeans your group, in fact it subsidizes it and makes you pay the other group to inflict misery on you. When you raise this point, the other group actually says with a straight face, "Well the insidious cabal sometimes hurts your group too". This is absolute troll logic.

I resent women because they are so self-absorbed and solipsistic, they completely lack any empathy and see everything in terms of self-benefit. Its like 90% of them are legit sociopaths and likely a higher percentage possess at least some sociopathic tendencies. They callously vote for laws in their favor like Tender Years Doctrine, subvert innocent until proven guilty, demand child support and alimony from hapless husbands and tax dollars from sexless recluses like me. Their childish, almost alien mindset leaves no room for reasoned debate or logical refutations as they operate largely on emotion and short-term thinking. This invariably leads them to being extremely volatile individuals when they don't get their way, like overgrown infants, except perversely these infants have the backing of the government, law enforcement and multitudes of white knights.

One can invoke their ire simply due to having poor looks or having awkward social skills. And our society considers it morally justified to persecute men based on these flimsy premises. Worse yet, it is not sufficient for men like us to be isolated from greater society and denied intimacy. They persecute us relentlessly, using us as scapegoats for all of society ills and to assuage any potential guilt resulting from their own shitty behavior. So we can't even be miserable in peace. Look at what happened to all of the incel subreddits. All banned, because they are so threatened by what we represent and the truths we reveal. Having the cheek to justify it with 'bigotry and hatefulness' while being blatantly partisan in the opposite direction. r/inceltears is still up. r/femaledatingstrategy is still up. Other subs actively discourage any sort of debate and are shameless echo chambers like the feminist subs and others are outright offensive like r/rapekink. None of them are banned, because none of them offend women and their shitty sensibilities and fee-fees. Cancel culture, the extreme right, progressivism...there are all result of women getting more influence in the public space. Its as if these creatures are natural commies. Censorship and hypocrisy come easily to them. They don't comprehend the concept of justice, equality, meritocracy - unless it benefits their hypergamy of course. Otherwise its an excuse to invoke equity and bring others down to their level.

So yes, I hate women. Not because of being rejected, I recognize attraction is subconscious and innate. I hate women because of what they are and how they choose to act.
Mirin your writing style. That's all I wanted to say. :feelsokman::bigbrain:
You could literally write a book or become a journalistcel.
I literally had to look up dictionary about 20 times while reading your comment. Although me not being proficient in English could be the main reason to this.

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