I really think that people here should eliminate the vitriol and writing about violence even though I am fairly confident that the people who do write like that are just blowing off steam and will never be violent. I think that society in general is coming to accept that the RedPill is largely correct, and for some men, going BlackPill unfortunatly is understandable. The vitriol and writing about violence sets us back because people can point to it and dismiss us and our valid points.
1) Stop speaking positively about Elliot Rogers. I shouldn't have to explain this.
2) Many people say that even if we are largely correct, spending time reading and writing on these forums will not help us. They might be right. But some of the things people write here can be helpful. The thing is, there is no shortage of women who are essentially writing like we are. "Dating is terrible!" "The men on dating apps are trash!" "I hate men!" However, the difference is that women can complain because men will tolerate it. A woman can have a negative mindset, and oh well, men will accept it. A woman can say, "Men are trash!" and some men will reject her, but a lot of men will agree with her and try to convince her how he is different. If men act like this, women are very unlikely to accept it.