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It's Over Why did ER choose to go to a party school like UCSB?



Nov 30, 2019
I was looking at a few USBC promos and vlogs type shit while .co was down to see what uni environment ER lived in. And why the fuck would an incel want to go there?

Obviously most of these images are carefully selected highlight reel material, but still dialed down to 15% it still seems like pure suicifuel every goddamn time you step outside of room. People are out there living the teen beach movie dream and the frat party lifestyle while you slowly rot and witness it from a distance.

I can think of two.
1. Hoping that a partying school will be a "new environment" with lots of opportunities to come out of your shell.
2. If it's a school that doesn't have a strong brand name to it (Notre Dame, Southern Methodist, Duke, UC Boulder), partying schools often give you regional networking opportunities because you will get that 30-40 something year old marketing manager, depressed about how much his life sucks, only stuck dreaming about that chick he fucked that one time while high on cocaine, and he will hire you because he sees his partying, younger self in kids like you.
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I was looking at a few USBC promos and vlogs type shit while .co was down to see what uni environment ER lived in. And why the fuck would an incel want to go there?

Obviously most of these images are carefully selected highlight reel material, but still dialed down to 15% it still seems like pure suicifuel every goddamn time you step outside of room. People are out there living the teen beach movie dream and the frat party lifestyle while you slowly rot and witness it from a distance.

He lived in California so every school would have been like this
He was a basement dweller who thought more girls means better chances. in reality it's much more than that such as gender ratios and local chads, etc.

but honestly he was 4/10 so i can't even say for sure if he would have done better anywhere else

inb4 people unironically balme his personality
He was delusional and wanted white Stacies as a hapa subhuman
He thought he was gl and could get laid
He was delusional and wanted white Stacies as a hapa subhuman

I guess this. I had hopes of ascending in uni, but really nothing changed. You bring the same body, face and behaviour with you and tend to replicate your situation of inceldom wherever you go.

There is no escape.

There is no exit*.

* not in this life that is.
These types of videos make me so fucking sad. Pure suifuel/ragefuel all of it. I would do anything to be Chad and be 18 and party like that fuckkk.
These types of videos make me so fucking sad. Pure suifuel/ragefuel all of it. I would do anything to be Chad and be 18 and party like that fuckkk.

In an incel torture chamber these type of videos would be played on a loop 24/7 with the sound turned up loud.

I guess this. I had hopes of ascending in uni, but really nothing changed. You bring the same body, face and behaviour with you and tend to replicate your situation of inceldom wherever you go.
Exactly, inceldom is universal
You think country girl from Iowa would have wanted ER?
it seems like a fun place for chad
idk bluepilled boomers seem to think that's the best way for your average joe to get laid. May have been true back in the day to some extent, Retards dont understand how much their Summer of Degeneracy and Sexual Liberation fucked up gender relations. Wouldnt be surprised if Elliot's worthless father spun him that tale.
Most US universities are like this except for the christian schools ig

Even the technical schools that focus on STEM subjects? Hard to imagine.

Also what was Eliot doing not going to an applied photography school or something? His father (and grandfather) was a very successful photographer and TV commerical director - he could have nepotismed his way into the industry and get into contact with Stacey models this way. Lots of nerdy photographers take advantage this way.
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Most US universities are like this except for the christian schools ig
None of the schools are like this here in NYC, since everyone is a commuter it just feels like highschool 2.0
Everyone just does their classes and leaves
He saw the movie alpha dog and hoped he could live that life if he moved there and was tired of his stagnant life at the 2 community colleges he went to previously
"This is Chang, he is going to kill it, there is Taylor do your thing" :feelsUnreal: :feelswhat:
These types of videos make me so fucking sad. Pure suifuel/ragefuel all of it. I would do anything to be Chad and be 18 and party like that fuckkk.
Why are so entitelet? You have no right on amything, just ldar you fucking loser eww :soy:
Aren't universities supposed to teach you something instead of being used as a party environment?
Aren't universities supposed to teach you something instead of being used as a party environment?

Learning stuff can be done fully online at this point. You don't really need uni anymore to get access to curricula, literature, journals and lectures. Uni still has a monopoly on elite credentials unfortunately. On-campus university life is a luxury good and networking (a.k.a. 'partying') with other (hopefully) elites-to-be has to be part of the experience else you are doing it wrong.
Just found this ABC interview one of ER's ex roommates gave, it's not on YT so I guess it's not seen very much anymore. To on-lookers ER was just another shy, timid shut-in nerd - his roommates who ER described as 'nerds' who were 'friendly and pleasant' to live with despite having '(...) had no desire to be friends with them, because they had absolutely nothing to offer.'

Rugg moved out of the apartment after a year, because he felt creeped out. This is at the semester's end and prior to the summer ER starts making concrete plans for his rampage.

I cannot embed the video, so here's the link:

Elliot Rodger's Ex-Roommate Reveals What It Was Like to Live With the Troubled Man

Santa Barbara Killer's Former Roommate: 'We Failed' Chris Rugg says he had a "pretty bad feeling" about Elliot Rodger.

May 29, 2014— -- The former roommate of Santa Barbara killer Elliot Rodger said today he had a "bad feeling" while living with Rodger and should have taken the "opportunity to help" his troubled roommate.

"I felt that this was someone who needed help and he had put himself in a position where he couldn't help himself and that puts it on the community to help those who can’t help each other," Chris Rugg, a junior who is a film major at the University of California, Santa Barbara, told ABC News.

"I had my opportunity living him when I knew things were up that I could have called in and it was my opportunity to help and I didn't," Rugg said.

Rugg said he moved out of the apartment he shared with Rodger and another male student last June because he was "getting really uncomfortable living there."

Looking back at Rodger's deadly rampage, Rugg said he saw all of the warning signs that something wasn't right. Even still, "I just didn't want to put myself out there when it mattered," he said.

Among the six people that Rodger killed were his two current roommates and a guest who was visiting them.

Rugg said his roommate informed him that he believed Rodger had a firearm because he could hear a gun "clicking."

"I didn't hear the clicks, but he said that he would click the gun over and over and the way the room is set up you could see the silhouette of everything that's going on there."

In his manifesto, Rodger referred to Rugg and another roommate, Jon, as "nerds" who were "friendly and pleasant" to live with.

Rugg said the trio were matched as roommates at their apartment complex after filling out a worksheet about their personalities.

"I guess we were the quiet apartment," he said.

Rodger took them up on social invites for meals or gym time but after the fourth or fifth time, he stopped, Rugg said.

While his roommate was a man of few words and seemed to be eager to avoid conversation, Rugg said he heard him having what he presumed to be telephone conversations from his bedroom that got "angrier and louder."

"There was a lot of just frustration for how he was not having a good time at school and how no one seemed to want to hang out with him, and it just got more and more serious," Rugg said.

When Rodger wasn't in his bedroom, Rugg said he would occasionally go out for the weekend.

"Everything that he dreamed of, this was when it was going to happen," Rugg said. "The Isla Vista culture is very much focused on going out, having a party and taking a girl home with you and stuff like that, so I can understand it hurting and making him feel lonely if it doesn't work out, but not quite to the extreme that it was taken."

When Rugg found out his former roommate was behind the Santa Barbara carnage, he said he sadly wasn't surprised, and hopes others can learn from his experience.

"I realized that if I am not surprised that this is something he would have done then why did I not say anything?" Rugg said.

"For situations like this, it’s a community’s responsibility to help these people before something like this happens," he said. "And in Elliot’s case I guess we failed, but if we take from this and move forward, hopefully we can identify these people before anything happens in the future."

He was delusional and wanted white Stacies as a hapa subhuman
He thought he was gl and could get laid

Guess you two were right.
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I can think of two.
1. Hoping that a partying school will be a "new environment" with lots of opportunities to come out of your shell.
2. If it's a school that doesn't have a strong brand name to it (Notre Dame, Southern Methodist, Duke, UC Boulder), partying schools often give you regional networking opportunities because you will get that 30-40 something year old marketing manager, depressed about how much his life sucks, only stuck dreaming about that chick he fucked that one time while high on cocaine, and he will hire you because he sees his partying, younger self in kids like you.
Also he wanted and tried to socialize but got rejected and then robbed by chads

good that he at least managed to exterminate a few normalfags
Even the technical schools that focus on STEM subjects? Hard to imagine.

Also what was Eliot doing not going to an applied photography school or something? His father (and grandfather) was a very successful photographer and TV commerical director - he could have nepotismed his way into the industry and get into contact with Stacey models this way. Lots of nerdy photographers take advantage this way.

Yeah - at the crux of it his father wasn't very interested in his sons life and kept sending him away. His mother enabled his worst traits and played him against his father to extract more money out of him. If he was my son I probably would have started taking him to set with me when he dropped out of full time school and got him working in every different aspect of the production from fetching coffee to working with the construction guys, lighting guys, sound guys. If the little cunt wanted designer clothes, a laptop for WoW and a car the fucker can work for it. I think working might have solved some of his issues and given him an edge with the girls even if he was a bit weird. His father was very well connected in the industry and Hollywood is replete with dirty cheap sluts who will sleep with anyone to get ahead. Elliot wasn't stupid I think he could have built something for himself in the film industry.

In my opinion children have two choices - earning or learning. I had to work for my dad and my uncle when I was a kid and I had my own ways of making money because if I wanted something I had to earn the money for it. My parents would hardly give me anything unlike a lot of my classmates. It made a man out of me.
He didn't go to UCSB but a nearby community college. Still, I don't know why he decided to live in that area. I guess he was just delusional and thought he could actually ascend
He still had a strong bluepilled side at the time, thinking: hanging around hot toilets --> getting hot toilets
He didn't go to UCSB but a nearby community college. Still, I don't know why he decided to live in that area. I guess he was just delusional and thought he could actually ascend

I am not americel, what exactly is the difference between a university, college, community college and trade schools? How does it compare to European university, universities of applied sciences (higher vocational training) and trade schools (vocational training)?
"This is Chang, he is going to kill it, there is Taylor do your thing" :feelsUnreal: :feelswhat:

Why are so entitelet? You have no right on amything, just ldar you fucking loser eww :soy:

Basically. I've been doing this already.
I am not americel, what exactly is the difference between a university, college, community college and trade schools? How does it compare to European university, universities of applied sciences (higher vocational training) and trade schools (vocational training)?
University and college are almost used interchangeably here in the United States as post-secondary institutions. However, standalone colleges in the US are small with a few departments and usually only focus on undergraduate studies and confer Bachelor's degrees. Harvey Mudd, Pomona, and Wellesley are examples of what we consider colleges in the US.

Universities are typically larger than colleges and offer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees while conferring Bachelor's degrees and up. Many universities are also comprised of different "colleges" all under the purview of one University's administration. I went to a University but was part of the College of Engineering. All the different "colleges" were on the same campus and only prerequisites prevented me from taking a class offered by another college. Universities are probably what you typically expect when you hear about college in America.

Community colleges are often quite large, public, and have a lower barrier of entry. These colleges offer Associate Degrees which only take two years. They are generally used by people as a stepping stone to a four college, or for mature students going back to school to pick up a skill. Community colleges are significantly cheaper than standalone colleges and universities.

Trade schools are specialized technical schools meant to prepare students for a specific trade.

Our Universities are quite the same with American standalone colleges just being small undergraduate only universities. It seems your Universities of Applied Sciences are specialized undergraduate institutions. We don't really have an equivalent, but it seems like the closest things would be American polytechnics which generally only focus on a technical curriculum as opposed to liberal arts schools. Our trade schools seem to be the same. Hope that helped
At best he was a purple pilled idiot, not even touching on his actual mental issues. If he found the blackpill he would've known he was wasting his time.

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