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Serious White german foid married an african tribe nigger

Europeans are the reason u look like shit u fucking retard.
u are fed garbage
Europeans aren't the reason I look like shit. I'm white, so I have top tier genetics and some of my relatives are tall and have chad features. I just was unlucky that my phenotype wasn't generated by the right genes. It's not because "You don't live close to nature" and bla bla bla. Also, I might be fed garbage, but at least I'm not starving like the tribe niggers you worship so much.
Europeans aren't the reason I look like shit. I'm white, so I have top tier genetics and some of my relatives are tall and have chad features. I just was unlucky that my phenotype wasn't generated by the right genes. It's not because "You don't live close to nature" and bla bla bla. Also, I might be fed garbage, but at least I'm not starving like the tribe niggers you worship so much.
Europeans modernised the world more than anyone else. Sure ur relatives may look good now but future generations will look worse and worse. Yes the reason ugly humans exist is because we dont live in nature and eat shit food look at the skulls of hunter gatherers this is a known fact u absolute moron why are you denying this
Holy shit u are so fucking retarded it's crazy. Id like to live in nature is I was born there. The closest thing I can do now is get my own farm somewhere away from degenerated society
Nigger you really think that living in nature is the best lifestyle? Do you have any idea how people in the Middle Ages died for the stupidest reasons and most of them spent their whole day looking after sheeps? You're really a primitive 60 iq somali nigger
Europeans modernised the world more than anyone else. Sure ur relatives may look good now but future generations will look worse and worse. Yes the reason ugly humans exist is because we dont live in nature and eat shit food look at the skulls of hunter gatherers this is a known fact u absolute moron why are you denying this
Humans in the future will look better and better because of genetic therapy, stem cells and other innovative medical techniques. What are you yapping about you stupid ape? Go back to tik tok watching your sigma grindset carnivore diet shorts you absolute moron caveman
Nigger you really think that living in nature is the best lifestyle? Do you have any idea how people in the Middle Ages died for the stupidest reasons and most of them spent their whole day looking after sheeps? You're really a primitive 60 iq somali nigger
Middle Ages? People in the middle ages were already pretty degenerated im talking about hunter-gatherers
Humans in the future will look better and better because of genetic therapy, stem cells and other innovative medical techniques. What are you yapping about you stupid ape? Go back to tik tok watching your sigma grindset carnivore diet shorts you absolute moron caveman
What the fuck does sigma grindset have to do with carnivore you absolute retard. The sigma alpha shit is modern bullshit you literally have as much iq as an ape I don't know why you are using iq to insult me
Humans in the future will look better and better because of genetic therapy, stem cells and other innovative medical techniques.
Keep telling yourself thst retarded nigger
Humans in the future will look better and better because of genetic therapy, stem cells and other innovative medical techniques. What are you yapping about you stupid ape? Go back to tik tok watching your sigma grindset carnivore diet shorts you absolute moron caveman
Are you seriously trying to deny that humans look worse because of modern diet and lifestyle? Ur joking right?
What the fuck does sigma grindset have to do with carnivore you absolute retard. The sigma alpha shit is modern bullshit you literally have as much iq as an ape I don't know why you are using iq to insult me
You literally follow tik tok trends you ugly primitive caveman. Do you really think hunter gatherers looked like Liver King and ate only meat? Hunter Gatherers didn't look like Liver King at all, they had a more lean athletic build. We already have a ton of research on red meat where it is classified as a probable carcinogen, so what are you yapping about with this carnivore diet??
You literally follow tik tok trends you ugly primitive caveman. Do you really think hunter gatherers looked like Liver King and ate only meat? Hunter Gatherers didn't look like Liver King at all, they had a more lean athletic build. We already have a ton of research on red meat where it is classified as a probable carcinogen, so what are you yapping about with this carnivore diet??
Holy shit u are actually retarded. No they don't look like liver retard u fucking moron they had normal looking lean bodies not full of PEDs
You literally follow tik tok trends you ugly primitive caveman. Do you really think hunter gatherers looked like Liver King and ate only meat? Hunter Gatherers didn't look like Liver King at all, they had a more lean athletic build. We already have a ton of research on red meat where it is classified as a probable carcinogen, so what are you yapping about with this carnivore diet??
Where did I even mention thst u absolute fucking idiot moron
Keep telling yourself thst retarded nigger
I'm not telling myself anything. You can already see it with your own eyes. But I'm not expecting anything from someone who wants to go back to climbing trees like apes
white foid’s gonna regret it when the nigger eats her for a ritual or something.
I'm not telling myself anything. You can already see it with your own eyes. But I'm not expecting anything from someone who wants to go back climbing trees like apes
Where can I see it? Also humans didnt climb trees like apes u retard u keep comparing humans to apes
Where did I even mention thst u absolute fucking idiot moron
It's part of your character. "Carnivore" "We need to go back to Hunter Gatherer times" bla bla bla.
Where can I see it? Also humans didnt climb trees like apes u retard u keep comparing humans to apes
Humans have evolved from apes you staggering piece of shit primitive caveman
It's part of your character. "Carnivore" "We need to go back to Hunter Gatherer times" bla bla bla.
Any non retarded person knows a human is naturally supposed to have a lean physique with some muscle. Look at how tribes look today. We are made to run long distances
Any non retarded person knows a human is naturally supposed to have a lean physique with some muscle. Look at how tribes look today. We are made to run long distances
I didn't say that we aren't supposed to have lean physiques. I said the carnivore diet that you promote is quack sicence
Reply to this u retard
If you mean humans in burgerland then sure. They look worse than the ones from the Middle Ages. If you take the average European then no, they look better than europeans from the Middle Ages
What do you mean elaborate? I already told you what I needed to tell you. Carnivore diet is quack science that will prematurely kill you
It's funny that she looks like a stereotypical feminist. If she'd stayed in Goymany, she'd be fighting for women's rights. Now she's happy under a brutal patriarchy because it would be racist to question the ways of the negro.
What do you mean elaborate? I already told you what I needed to tell you. Carnivore diet is quack science that will prematurely kill you
Yeah ur actually retarded. Explain how it will kill prematurely kill you
If you mean humans in burgerland then sure. They look worse than the ones from the Middle Ages. If you take the average European then no, they look better than europeans from the Middle Ages
Why do u keep talking about middle ages dumbass nigger and no they don't they have recessed jaws like I said google hunter gatherer skull vs modern skull
What do you mean elaborate? I already told you what I needed to tell you. Carnivore diet is quack science that will prematurely kill you
Why do you thing modern humans have bad bone structure in their skulls? God just decided to make them like that for no reason or?
Yeah ur actually retarded. Explain how it will kill prematurely kill you
Diabetes, cardiocascular disease and cancer. I already told you that there is a ton of research linking red meat to colorectal cancer. By the way, are you a sandnigger?
@IncelCream JBW at it again
Why do you thing modern humans have bad bone structure in their skulls? God just decided to make them like that for no reason or?
Lmao did you just mention "God"? Go neck yourself you stupid Christ coper. And the fact that you mentioned skull bone structure just confirmed that you come from looksmaxxing tik tok trends
Diabetes, cardiocascular disease and cancer. I already told you that there is a ton of research linking red meat to colorectal cancer. By the way, are you a sandnigger?
Keep reading ur jewish studies idiot and cancer is a modern problem
Lmao did you just mention "God"? Go neck yourself you stupid Christ coper. And the fact that you mentioned skull bone structure just confirmed that you come from looksmaxxing tik tok trends
Holy shit ur actually retarded. How does anything I said indicate that im christian u absolute fucking moronic idiotic retard. Religion is modern bullshit u fucking idiot. I wouldnt be suprised if you were religious after all the bullshit u said and Looksmaxxers dont agree with what I say they are just as retarded as you are you trying to deny that ur skull decides how good u look?
Keep reading ur jewish studies idiot and cancer is a modern problem
kill yourself sandnigger and go eat as much red meat as you want. Hopefully cancer will take you away in 2-3 decades. You low iq african ape
kill yourself sandnigger and go eat as much red meat as you want. Hopefully cancer will take you away in 2-3 decades. You low iq african ape
Keep eating your processed food jewcuck well see who lives longer

Here's your Hunter Gatherer
Keep eating your processed food jewcuck well see who lives longer
I don't eat any processed food at all. I eat only lean chicken breast, small fish, fresh vegetables, non processed carbs like brown rice and drink only water and milk

Here's your Hunter Gatherer
Facial reconstruction is innacurate and this dude looks old he has grey hair if he was younger he would look better but u can still see that he has good developed bones and looks better than a modern old dude
I don't eat any processed food at all. I eat only lean chicken breast, small fish, fresh vegetables, non processed carbs like brown rice and drink only water and milk
Why do u only eat lean meat? Other than that pretty good apart from the slave grains
Facial reconstruction is innacurate and this dude looks old he has grey hair if he was younger he would look better but u can still see that he has good developed bones and looks better than a modern old dude
40-50years old? Jfl literally no way to tell he had grey hair at that age and how his skin looked
Facial reconstruction is innacurate and this dude looks old he has grey hair if he was younger he would look better but u can still see that he has good developed bones and looks better than a modern old dude
Sandnigger do you really think that hunter gatherers looked like Hernan Drago?

Why do u only eat lean meat? Other than that pretty good apart from the slave grains
Because too much satured fats are bad for your health, are you stupid or what?
Sandnigger do you really think that hunter gatherers looked like Hernan Drago?

No they didnt but they looked better than modern humans this is one of the best looking modern humans lmao. Do these dudes look good to you? This is what I got from googling 50year old man
1000 F 58883707 osG8Iavx0RcUTmen4HKxDIHHGLZj3DUi
1000 F 80859018 8wsmzdLNskk0LFIT9aEZijWhASfc0Agy

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