Politicians have no choice but to cater to women if they want to get elected and re-elected. Women should never have been given the right to vote in the first place. The only people who should be allowed to vote are those who have a stake in society, i.e net taxpayers. Women, as a group,
do not pay taxes. The average woman receives more in government benefits than she pays in taxes. If not for gender quotas and feminist laws, very few women would be able to compete with men on the job market. Men are indirectly providing for women who claim to owe them nothing in return.
If all or most men permanently dropped out of the workforce, civilization would collapse. If all women permanently dropped out of the workforce, society would actually improve. There would be short-term pain for long-term gain. Eventually, men would take up all the jobs left vacant by women. There isn't a single job that men aren't better at than women besides babysitting and perhaps nursing. Although many modern women are so utterly worthless and lacking in the maternal instinct that they're bad at nursing, too.
In patriarchal times, men also had to provide for women, but at least they were allowed to exert authority over them. This is no longer the case today. Female emancipation is male slavery. It's an unfortunate fact of nature that men instinctively seek female validation. Feminism maliciously takes advantage of this male instinct. If men stopped being cucks and took away women's undeserved rights, everyone, not just incels, would be better off.