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Serious When the masses of young men realize looksmaxing doesn't work, a storm will blow over



Nov 24, 2017
Currently, we see a growth in Andrew Tate and other looksmax shit, such as mewing. Some men will ascend, but majority won't.

This is where "Tate" will lose relevancy slowly and normies will adapt a much more radical approach. When I say "radical", the fact that genders were restricted, had been the human norm for thousands of years..

Far right parties will grow because men hate losing their foids to other races of men (which is heavily accelerated by inceldom), and the same parties will enforce "harsh" gender norms once the retarded boomers running the parties die off.
I think most men will end up becoming betabuxxers that end up getting divorceraped, fewer will end up becoming radicalized enough to push for changes in policy
I think most men will end up becoming betabuxxers that end up getting divorceraped, fewer will end up becoming radicalized enough to push for changes in policy
They can do both in the same time. There's no shortage of disgruntled divorce raped men (actual MGTOW guys), we expect them to join our fight to enslave foids later on
They can do both in the same time. There's no shortage of disgruntled divorce raped men (actual MGTOW guys), we expect them to join our fight to enslave foids later on
We need more men that are on board with collapse rather than believing they can still make changes within the system that's rigged to preserve the status quo
Vidya and movies and thrash food and porn will keep them docile
Das ist sturm der weisheit
Most men will remain betabuxxers and this will make those losers believe they’re normies.
95% of men don’t suffer like you do. It’s all a big Gigacope to think that about half of the male population has the problems that you and I do i.e. ≈50% of men struggle to get laid, each of ≈50% of men got inadequate social skills, etc. Thinking lots of guys are like you is comforting, but that’s false. You and the blackpill community are all you got.

I believe that the vast majority of guys can get girlfriends. People say it’s copjng, but I don’t believe the belief in a hopeful way. I believe that we aren’t in that majority slice. They can get girlfriends, and we can’t.
If the current Russo-Ukranian war is anything to go by, than our fellow "men," will be perfectly satisfied with being disposable cattle, joyfully embarking on a death march to die like fucking dogs being torn to pieces by drones, artillery, mines, tanks and you name it. All so their golden pussy princesses can live out of country, in the lap of luxury, sampling every type of foreign dick they can. Meanwhile, also posting mocking tik-tok tributes of themselves twerking on the graves of those same troops mutilated in action, because support the troops teehee. Coming to a reinstituted draft/forced conscription feminist shithole near you.
We need more men that are on board with collapse rather than believing they can still make changes within the system that's rigged to preserve the status quo
Even the Mgtows, MRAs, Right Whingers are foid worshippers internally. Whenever someone suggests something like taking foids' right, they get up in their arms. At some point, you have to realise it's too extreme, too rigged. It's the way it's supposed to be for men, existence of a living corpse, slowly rotting away spiritually.

No man steps back and thinks how strong the urges for a woman's company and sex are. If our lives depended on it, we'd be dead already. They are luxuries, so much so that you have escorts and GF for hire. Imagine having a roof over your head was treated as a luxury for all the men. Yet, it doesn't kill us because there's more entertainment in our suffering for whoever the onlookers are. If that wasn't already the worst, the mental deterioration could never be 'quantified' and acknowledged by the society. You are forced to live without having your sufferings even validated.

Maybe it's the lack of happiness in my life since childhood for the defeatist attitude, but it's best for men to make peace with the current situation that is likely to continue for ages.
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Even the Mgtows, MRAs, Right Whingers are foid worshippers internally. Whenever someone suggests something like taking foids' right, they get up in their arms. At some point, you have to realise it's too extreme, too rigged. It's the way it's supposed to be for men, existence of a living corpse, slowly rotting away spiritually.

No man steps back and thinks how strong the urges for a woman's company and sex are. If our lives depended on it, we'd be dead already. They are luxuries, so much so that you have escorts and GF for hire. Imagine having a roof over your head was treated as a luxury for all the men. Yet, it doesn't kill us because there's more entertainment in our suffering for whoever the onlookers are. If that wasn't already the worst, the mental deterioration could never be 'quantified' and acknowledged by the society. You are forced live without having your sufferings even validated.

Maybe it's the lack of happiness in my life since childhood for the defeatist attitude, but it's best for men to make peace with the current situation that is likely to continue for ages.
Yeah i agree despite myself throwing some tantrums about taking their rights sometimes. Deep down i wouldn't even want to cause it's just anachronistic autismo : if normies, both men and women are happy then let them have it, it's we that are the outliers. Most men are just mindlessly going through the motions, sometimes they win sometimes they don't, a lot of them are willingly going into servitude and put their destiny into foid's hands.
Yeah i agree despite myself throwing some tantrums about taking their rights sometimes. Deep down i wouldn't even want to cause it's just anachronistic autismo : if normies, both men and women are happy then let them have it, it's we that are the outliers. Most men are just mindlessly going through the motions, sometimes they win sometimes they don't, a lot of them are willingly going into servitude and put their destiny into foid's hands.
I think you misunderstand. Normie men are not happy. Nobody whinges more about foids than normie men, certainly way more than some outcast incels. My defeatism stems from the fact that normie men aren't willing to fight fire with fire which goes beyond taking foids' rights away. If taken agepill into account, foid company and sex are luxuries to all men. But if basic necessities and modern comfort were luxuries to foids, that'd be human's rights' violation. Yet, we have international trading.

Men, like yourself, are just predisposed to thinking anything that benefits men collectively is just 'bad' for some abstract greater good. It's comically paradoxical because foids' rights being good for the society solely hinges on men being good little boys (mindless husks) and slaving away to their death. And if men refuse, it's men at fault, not the foids being absolute pieces of dogshits. Like blaming niggers because your cotton business didn't take off.
I think you misunderstand. Normie men are not happy. Nobody whinges more about foids than normie men, certainly way more than some outcast incels. My defeatism stems from the fact that normie men aren't willing to fight fire with fire which goes beyond taking foids' rights away. If taken agepill into account, foid company and sex are luxuries to all men. But if basic necessities and modern comfort were luxuries to foids, that'd be human's rights' violation. Yet, we have international trading.

Men, like yourself, are just predisposed to thinking anything that benefits men collectively is just 'bad' for some abstract greater good. It's comically paradoxical because foids' rights being good for the society solely hinges on men being good little boys (mindless husks) and slaving away to their death. And if men refuse, it's men at fault, not the foids being absolute pieces of dogshits.
I admit maybe i lack the mental fortitude to stand my ground. Somehow i can't help but feel that there's nothing wrong with this world and that i'm the crazy schizo despite having so many examples of the :blackpill: even irl. Well, that's probably what loneliness and being low on the social ladder does to you
A softmaxxed incel is still an incel. A softmaxxed LTN is a low MTN at best. A softmaxxed MTN is still a MTN. A softmaxxed HTN is an HTN. A softmaxxed Chad/chadlite is still a chad/chadlite. Nothing changes
95% of men don’t suffer like you do. It’s all a big Gigacope to think that about half of the male population has the problems that you and I do i.e. ≈50% of men struggle to get laid, each of ≈50% of men got inadequate social skills, etc. Thinking lots of guys are like you is comforting, but that’s false. You and the blackpill community are all you got.

I believe that the vast majority of guys can get girlfriends. People say it’s copjng, but I don’t believe the belief in a hopeful way. I believe that we aren’t in that majority slice. They can get girlfriends, and we can’t.
That is just delusional with how things are going.

The looksmax memes didn't become popular for no reason, along with all the stupid mewing shit.

Remember that many young men does not go outside to party and shit, some are even Hikkiomori - lites so you probably ignored these too.

I wished you were right, because that would mean that our communities can close, we be sent to the mental asylum, and everything would be solved but it isn't.
I think you misunderstand. Normie men are not happy. Nobody whinges more about foids than normie men, certainly way more than some outcast incels. My defeatism stems from the fact that normie men aren't willing to fight fire with fire which goes beyond taking foids' rights away. If taken agepill into account, foid company and sex are luxuries to all men. But if basic necessities and modern comfort were luxuries to foids, that'd be human's rights' violation. Yet, we have international trading.

Men, like yourself, are just predisposed to thinking anything that benefits men collectively is just 'bad' for some abstract greater good. It's comically paradoxical because foids' rights being good for the society solely hinges on men being good little boys (mindless husks) and slaving away to their death. And if men refuse, it's men at fault, not the foids being absolute pieces of dogshits. Like blaming niggers because your cotton business didn't take off.
The funniest thing is that there's no greater "good". All of this "happiness" (hookup culture has made foids dependent on prozac because that's not how they are meant to live too) is fake, also, what has progressivism combined with technology which is the framework for hookup culture, LGBT, so called diversity, so called gender equality brought??

Low birth rate, young men (most productive members of society) collectively losing their mind, young men refusing to join the military, young men not going to college, young people loneliness, etc etc. it's a slow death of civilization in favor of high birth rate, but savagery groups whose genes were selected based on dominance (so called Chad chasing). (Example: Haiti)
The funniest thing is that there's no greater "good". All of this "happiness" (hookup culture has made foids dependent on prozac because that's not how they are meant to live too) is fake, also, what has progressivism combined with technology which is the framework for hookup culture, LGBT, so called diversity, so called gender equality brought??

Low birth rate, young men (most productive members of society) collectively losing their mind, young men refusing to join the military, young men not going to college, young people loneliness, etc etc. it's a slow death of civilization in favor of high birth rate, but savagery groups whose genes were selected based on dominance (so called Chad chasing). (Example: Haiti)
You can't make a convincing case until the water supply stops, buildings and bridges start collapsing, electricity runs out. there's food shortage, you can't withdraw or lose your savings because of some software bug, basically until shit hits the fan. Ironically, it's going to affect ethnic countries first with JBWs' rampant ethnicwhore chasing, and they won't stop until they have scraped the bottom of the barrel. Alongside that, I think the West will stagger along because it's way more developed, although I'd not be too sure because the tech industry is already showing all the symptoms of competency crisis.

That's why instead of losing it all because of these egotistical and retarded foids, I'm more of a proponent of a trade system with foids. Anyone I mention competency crisis to scoffs at it because we have tall buildings and shiny roads. It's the same attitude towards software, always impressed by the shiny UI, not realising the backend that is holding it together could blow up without proper maintenance which does very often, but people have lowered their standards.
Gen A will be generation who eats this shit up even more than Gen Z will I don't see "looksmaxxing" disappearing it'll come back with a different name.
Exactly. And not just looksmaxxing, but betabuxxing, too.

Society will begin to collapse when most men are sexless and affectionless. Women's insane standards are increasing progressively and men will simply not be able to meet them anymore.

Right now we are in the BEGGING era. https://www.imperialrepublican.com/...china-now-begging-families-have-more-children

But later down the line, there will be a time where men won't beg anymore :feelshmm:. There will be a time where men will be forced to take action in order to save the human race from extinction.

And the roasties at that time will be the ones who will be begging. Begging to return to a time where they still had the option to choose nicely to have children and give sex to men :feelsokman:
95% of men don’t suffer like you do. It’s all a big Gigacope to think that about half of the male population has the problems that you and I do i.e. ≈50% of men struggle to get laid, each of ≈50% of men got inadequate social skills, etc. Thinking lots of guys are like you is comforting, but that’s false. You and the blackpill community are all you got.

I believe that the vast majority of guys can get girlfriends. People say it’s copjng, but I don’t believe the belief in a hopeful way. I believe that we aren’t in that majority slice. They can get girlfriends, and we can’t.
Op probably spends all his time on internet so he thinks curry inkwells who dwell on tate channel and looksmax videos represent the majority of men :lul:

true average young guy is out drunk fucking his low tier becky gf while autists on forums write essays about how average men is incel in 2024
Op probably spends all his time on internet so he thinks curry inkwells who dwell on tate channel and looksmax videos represent the majority of men :lul:

true average young guy is out drunk fucking his low tier becky gf while autists on forums write essays about how average men is incel in 2024
Lol no. I actually go outside and there are STATISTICS that back up my point.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/11n8qrq/recent_stats_show_that_63_of_young_men_are_single/

Also, who are you to say that internet doesn't represent young people?

Worldwide internet user demographics As of 2022, global internet usage was higher among individuals between 15 and 24 years across all regions, with young people in Europe representing the most significant usage penetration, 98 percent. In comparison, the worldwide average for the age group 15-24 years was 75 percent.7 May 2024

The "misogynist" content (using MSM term) is everywhere on YOUTUBE and INSTAGRAM and TIKTOK, all mainstream platforms that are not some obscure corner on the internet.
I highly doubt its possible. Most guys will cope till death with everything, i.e looksmaxxing, wageslaving for "status", mgtow, whores etc. It has already happened. Furthermore, right wing parties dont exist in most jewropean countries and its impossible to create some due to cucked law in these countries. Present right-wing parties are mostly filled with trad cucks and bunch of businessmen who try to abolish taxes in order to even more milk wagecucks

I think the way to destroy current world order is simple. Like losing weight. Just do nothing. No waging, no paying taxes, no excess consumption (just stick to basic human needs). If at least half of the prime men would do this, the changes would come
Tate is a tradcon and a feminist controlled opposition.
I youre the one with the money out the wagecucking and youre wife is living the easy life, then you are the subservient.

This is a win for Women.
Lets go to the Emergency room in Minecraft
I think most men will end up becoming betabuxxers that end up getting divorceraped, fewer will end up becoming radicalized enough to push for changes in policy
Agreed, most people can't handle the truth so I can't possibly see a large group of incels making any difference or a "storm". Most will become oofy doofies and think "I did it! I ascended! Those hateful incels were wrong!"
Society is becoming more misogynistic again and I think we are going to live to see someone big happen as long as we can hold on and stop ourselves from roping.
Society is becoming more misogynistic again and I think we are going to live to see someone big happen as long as we can hold on and stop ourselves from roping.
One of the reasons why I haven't decided to rope is because I still get pleasure with the knowledge and the wisdom of knowing that these bitches will get theirs at the end
I think most men will end up becoming betabuxxers that end up getting divorceraped, fewer will end up becoming radicalized enough to push for changes in policy
I don't think so, women have become so hypergamous that most of them won't allow a sub5 be close to them even as a betabuxx, women can make their own money now and they are actually out earning men so most of them don't require a betabuxx and most don't even want one unless he is attractive.
I don't think so, women have become so hypergamous that most of them won't allow a sub5 be close to them even as a betabuxx, women can make their own money now and they are actually out earning men so most of them don't require a betabuxx and most don't even want one unless he is attractive.
I'm basing this off what I saw in Rehab Room's video where he referenced studies that showed most men and women do settle down still, so even if betabuxxing itself is less of an incentive, it just happens to occur anyways. Probably for stability reasons.
I'm basing this off what I saw in Rehab Room's video where he referenced studies that showed most men and women do settle down still, so even if betabuxxing itself is less of an incentive, it just happens to occur anyways. Probably for stability reasons.
I'll be interested to see what happen with gen z and the generation after that since this problem is getting worse and worse, I assume that data is based more on millennials and up.
I can't even imagine how bad it's going to be for gen z and the generation after them.
I'll be interested to see what happen with gen z and the generation after that since this problem is getting worse and worse, I assume that data is based more on millennials and up.
I can't even imagine how bad it's going to be for gen z and the generation after them.
We're never going to hit rock bottom because things can always get much worse than they already are.
We're never going to hit rock bottom because things can always get much worse than they already are.
Rock bottom is when enough men are checked out of society that the bottom falls out and things stop working.
Rock bottom is when enough men are checked out of society that the bottom falls out and things stop working.
I suppose that's why they're pushing for automation so hard, but even if that succeeds you're still stuck with a group of restless young men with nothing else better to do
Currently, we see a growth in Andrew Tate and other looksmax shit, such as mewing. Some men will ascend, but majority won't.

This is where "Tate" will lose relevancy slowly and normies will adapt a much more radical approach. When I say "radical", the fact that genders were restricted, had been the human norm for thousands of years..

Far right parties will grow because men hate losing their foids to other races of men (which is heavily accelerated by inceldom), and the same parties will enforce "harsh" gender norms once the retarded boomers running the parties die off.
do settle down still
Being the keywords. I think we are adapting to the change in relationship between men and foids as fast it is occuring. We don't even faintly remember what the world was like and the relationship between men and foids a decade ago. Ironically, that makes us the incels, who never had a relationship, think it's probably fine until you spend some time with a couple or two irl.
95% of men don’t suffer like you do. It’s all a big Gigacope to think that about half of the male population has the problems that you and I do i.e. ≈50% of men struggle to get laid, each of ≈50% of men got inadequate social skills, etc. Thinking lots of guys are like you is comforting, but that’s false. You and the blackpill community are all you got.

I believe that the vast majority of guys can get girlfriends. People say it’s copjng, but I don’t believe the belief in a hopeful way. I believe that we aren’t in that majority slice. They can get girlfriends, and we can’t.
They don’t. Most guys are incel like
Even the Mgtows, MRAs, Right Whingers are foid worshippers internally. Whenever someone suggests something like taking foids' right, they get up in their arms. At some point, you have to realise it's too extreme, too rigged. It's the way it's supposed to be for men, existence of a living corpse, slowly rotting away spiritually.

No man steps back and thinks how strong the urges for a woman's company and sex are. If our lives depended on it, we'd be dead already. They are luxuries, so much so that you have escorts and GF for hire. Imagine having a roof over your head was treated as a luxury for all the men. Yet, it doesn't kill us because there's more entertainment in our suffering for whoever the onlookers are. If that wasn't already the worst, the mental deterioration could never be 'quantified' and acknowledged by the society. You are forced to live without having your sufferings even validated.

Maybe it's the lack of happiness in my life since childhood for the defeatist attitude, but it's best for men to make peace with the current situation that is likely to continue for ages.
Stfu men will just reset the system. You cucked fois accepting cuck
Exactly. And not just looksmaxxing, but betabuxxing, too.

Society will begin to collapse when most men are sexless and affectionless. Women's insane standards are increasing progressively and men will simply not be able to meet them anymore.

Right now we are in the BEGGING era. https://www.imperialrepublican.com/...china-now-begging-families-have-more-children

But later down the line, there will be a time where men won't beg anymore :feelshmm:. There will be a time where men will be forced to take action in order to save the human race from extinction.

And the roasties at that time will be the ones who will be begging. Begging to return to a time where they still had the option to choose nicely to have children and give sex to men :feelsokman:
Based raidcel
Currently, we see a growth in Andrew Tate and other looksmax shit, such as mewing. Some men will ascend, but majority won't.

This is where "Tate" will lose relevancy slowly and normies will adapt a much more radical approach. When I say "radical", the fact that genders were restricted, had been the human norm for thousands of years..

Far right parties will grow because men hate losing their foids to other races of men (which is heavily accelerated by inceldom), and the same parties will enforce "harsh" gender norms once the retarded boomers running the parties die off.
Raid pillage and grape
If everyone looksmax then the standard will just rise
I think most men will end up becoming betabuxxers that end up getting divorceraped, fewer will end up becoming radicalized enough to push for changes in policy
Agree. Betabuxxers are there for foids to settle while they cuck with chads behind the back of their beta.
When everyone looksmaxxes, noone looksmaxxes

Currently, we see a growth in Andrew Tate and other looksmax shit, such as mewing. Some men will ascend, but majority won't.

This is where "Tate" will lose relevancy slowly and normies will adapt a much more radical approach. When I say "radical", the fact that genders were restricted, had been the human norm for thousands of years..

Far right parties will grow because men hate losing their foids to other races of men (which is heavily accelerated by inceldom), and the same parties will enforce "harsh" gender norms once the retarded boomers running the parties die off.
Oh I await it haha.
Damn.. It really is the end of times.
Can’t fraud or cheat your sub-5 genetics
Can’t fraud or cheat your sub-5 genetics
Even if looksmaxxing worked, it won't matter in the long run. The foid standards will just rise.

In the 1940s, these were the chads


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