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Blackpill Representatives of the matriarchy (schoolteachers) complain about the non-compliant and rambunctious behavior of boys

Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018
You cannot understand the state of gender relations in the West without examining the school system, which socializes young children even more than their own families do. AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of schoolteachers are female, and as we can see in the following thread, they do not like the natural instincts of boys and think of them as primitive, whereas girls are praised for fitting in quite nicely:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/17cgwcy/tired_of_boys_behavior/

Girls are valued for being quiet and compliant (unless they later become stay at home wives dutifully serving their husbands, of course). Indeed, their natural instincts of submissiveness and subservience are harnessed by the school system to mold them into proper consumer-citizens in our modern capitalist economy, where they will submit to their capitalist bosses (dutifully performing the busywork demanded of them) and submit to other recognized hegemons/hegemonies under liberalism, but not to their fathers and husbands ("the patriarchy").

Boys are viewed as disruptive and annoying for not shutting up and listening like they're supposed to. They are too independent-minded and physically energetic, taking a natural disliking to the monotony our modern capitalist economy has to offer, which is why the rate of males in higher education (docility training and indoctrination) has been massively decreasing over the decades. This seems to correspond to the education system increasingly becoming an industrial conveyer belt of rubber-stamped credentials achieved through the rote memorization of useless trivia (which females generally specialize in -- namely the memorization of trivia about persons), rather than a true place of learning, debate, and exploration (which would appeal more to the energetic, combative, and adventurous nature of boys).



It's EXTREMELY illustrative of my point that these two schoolteachers complain about boys "touching each other" too much. The second one even insinuates that it contradicts the boys' reflexive "homophobia" ( :lul: ), whereas in reality, it's very clearly a manifestation of the natural drive of boys to play-fight each other. But to a female (or a soy male, who would be the most likely type of male to join a female-oriented profession) this is quite a foreign concept.

This is why it's important that young boys have MASCULINE-MALE role models helping to socialize them. Because play-fighting is a way that young males in all sorts of species learn how to interact with each other, settle disputes, and navigate the social hierarchy better. It is actually the very essence of their social education. And it explains, by the way, why boys have their natural aversion to homosexuality or implications of weakness in other males (before it is socialized out of them): BECAUSE WEAKNESS/FAGGOTRY MAKES YOU INTO A POOR FIGHTER, ERGO A POOR MAN.

In evolutionary terms, men are supposed to fight for dominance, but not just selfishly against each other. Not even primarily so. Evolution is NOT a individual-oriented process, as I have described in my thread about shame. What play-fighting teaches boys to do is not just engage in interpersonal conflicts, but more importantly obtain the ability RESOLVE these conflicts so that they can come together and unite in the event of a common enemy that need to be dealt with (i.e., group conflict or WAR). Playing sports is a sublimation of this: the male drive to go to war. It also explains the "racism" of boys, which is an expression of tribalistic group conflict, albeit a very UNsublimated expression of it in the modern, multiracial West.

Meanwhile all females need to know in terms of war is to just spread their legs to whomever wins it -- whether it's their returning tribesmen or the enemy. I can recall in this regard the story of a young German teenager at the end of WWII, when Germany itself was being invaded, who was enlisted into the army and shocked to hear the nonchalance with which an older German woman spoke of spreading her legs to the Soviet enemy. It was just a matter of course for her! On the other hand, there is the story of Japanese women who hurled themselves and their children off of cliffs rather than face domination (and presumed rape) by American soldiers, but Japan was even more traditional in gender roles than Germany at that time

Anyway, boys end up becoming effeminate due to the influence of the female-dominated school system (and adjunct professionals they interface with such as psychologists, see below) which disrupts their socialization. It's a fact that's often overlooked in commentary about "the death of men." The other day I watched a video on the topic, and the school system wasn't mentioned once.

I would argue that one of the consequences of the effeminization of men and thus society as a whole is the inability for unified political coalitions to form which can effectively challenge a common enemy (in this case, authority) and create positive changes for society. Yes, revolutionary ideology is inherently masculine, and what we see instead of it (or masquerading as it) is increasing weakness and social fragmentation. What better represents this weakness and fragmentation on the left-wing than the newest iteration of "transgressive" faggotry: transsexuality? A fragmentation of personality, in which a disassociated, false self takes hold to protect the weak, true self, reeling from social/romantic rejection and from the pain of reality, through a fantasy defense. Rather than confronting reality and ultimately reconciling with it, in the way that boys are supposed to learn to do through play-fighting, male-to-female trannies fantasy play like girls at teatime, dressing up stuffed animals (and themselves) into skirts.

The field of psychology, yet another female-dominated profession socializing the young (and errant adults), has been integral in promoting the rise of deference to subjectivity (believing what a person says about themselves uncritically), which has led directly to the legitimization of transsexuality, among other things. It's funny because in many contexts, psychologists will only pretend to defer to a patient's subjectivity, showcasing a false veneer of respect for the patient's understanding of themselves and their situation, while actually subtly communicating to them that they are wrong, illogical, and need to think/act differently. And these are in cases where the admittedly irrational beliefs or overbearing emotional drives of the patient would end up having healthier consequences, if allowed to naturally progress and take fruition, than those of a transsexual who will castrate themselves in the end! An example would be a depressed person in therapy sharing the painful reality of their life, and who would in the process end up discovering the solutions to it, instead being told by their therapist to "reframe" every negative thought and subdue every negative emotion until they are too disconnected from reality to help themselves anymore. But crucially, they are thus made more compliant with society and less willing to complain, which is the only purpose of such "therapy."

Meanwhile on the right-wing, the group-based dynamics of evolution and its manifestations in politics are totally eschewed as "collectivism." Instead what's promoted is the most antisocial, selfish, and individualistic bastardization of masculinity, role modelled by hypocrites such as Andrew Tate -- a "Muslim" mongrel who pimps and fornicates, and clearly worships money and status in the world much more than any divinity. To the Tate Brothers, religion is just another form of posturing, or wearing contrasting fancy outfits. Andrew Tate's brother has even admitted it: that he came to identify as Christian not because he believed in God, but because he liked the "values" of the Bible (which he could only superficially describe). How does this make him any different than a tranny choosing to identify as a female because they like the superficial bearing of females? Despite the two Tate brothers being so close, or perhaps precisely because of it, they identify as different religions (or shall I say: genders? :lul:) to differentiate themselves. The common denominator here is NARCISSISM.

In fairness, I can also see in the Tates' professed religiosity (particularly Andrew's) a desire to supplement the influence of their deceased father, but based upon their descriptions of him, he was extremely narcissistic himself, so the point stands. Indeed, the Abrahamic God and "His" relationship with "His Creation" is the very definition of narcissism.

I am reminded of the story of two young British brothers during the start of WWI, who were horribly bored on their family farm. They were EXCITED when the war kicked off and they could finally go to fight. This encapsulates the male spirit. Capitalist busywork/"grinding" and productivity should NOT be promoted as the meaning of life for men, especially since it's a rigged game and only a small minority of people can become rich by the very rules of social hierarchy and the free market in the first place (most rich people are BORN that way). In the case of those British brothers (not the Tates, JFL), they could only hope to work on a farm or maybe a more exciting urban factory in their lives. Things are not much different now in terms of upward mobility, or they are even relatively worse. But "get excited for monotonous wageslavery and the not just unlikely but INCREASINGLY unlikely promise of being rich" is the main message of modern right-wing influencers.

Due to the school system, it is notable that "homework" no longer means the female gender role of tending to the home (which at any rate is now mostly automated through laundry machines, electric dishwashers, and the like), but keeping up capitalist productivity norms even in your leisure time. It was observed centuries ago, prior to the advent of public schools, that boys would leave the home and rough-and-tumble play around outside all day, much to the annoyance of their mothers, while girls were considerably more likely to stay indoors and help their mothers out with daily chores. What prevented the mother from becoming overbearing and forcing her boys to stay home and help with the "home-work" was the fact that boys weren't even good at it, and caused much more trouble than they were worth. They are not good at taking care of babies/children and nurturing them with sensitivity to their emotions like girls are. It makes them feel understimulated and bored, and therefore disruptive and annoying (JUST LIKE IN THE MODERN-DAY CLASSROOM!). So the mother would begrudgingly allow the boys to be boys, and socialize themselves outside. Under the influence of schoolteachers, however, this process is critically interrupted since there is no escape from the stifling classroom. You can not just leave it and wander outside and play, except for very regimented "periods" of time. And even in these slots of time, such as recess, the female authorities make sure that the games boys play are as non-combative as possible -- even going so far as to ban group sports all together! Napoleon played war with other children when he was young. On a modern American school playground, he would get in trouble for it.

Other socio-economic factors enter into this, such as the contradiction that Western society is both overpopulated (and thus dangerous; you would not want to let your young boys just wander around with all these masses of strangers and immigrants in the area who you've never met and who have no real affiliation with you -- much unlike a traditional, ancestral community. You would not even let them join specialized groups such as the Boy Scouts which might inculcate masculinity, since there is an epidemic of sexual abuse in them which perhaps a good degree of targeted "homophobia" could extirpate, but far from it, the Boy Scouts were forced to undo their ban on homosexuality, JFL), yet also underpopulated (the average mother does not have very many children like in old times, in large part due to the fact that those aforementioned immigrants can make up for the lack of native fertility). So the whole culture is radically different than what it once was. It is MUCH more rootless, sedentary, compliant, and docile, which are female modes of being. Males are increasingly viewed as defective females due to the orientation of society and the economy and what it incentivizes people to become. Case in point: it is neither possible nor desirable for males to go to war anymore to express their natural evolutionary drive for group conflict, given how much more deadly and destructive it is. Those two British brothers referenced earlier did not survive WWI. They both died. But even if they did survive, they'd probably have been rattled with shell shock, and the society they came back to would have offered little to no succor, the modernist society such that it was.

One last issue I didn't mention is that girls mature quicker than boys on average (reaching puberty and other developmental milestones earlier), which should be reflected in the structure of any education system. Why are boys and girls of the same age in the same classroom being led by the same older female teacher, who will naturally gravitate toward the more mature girls, who in any case the teacher relates to better in terms of sharing a common gender? LIKE people should be grouped together for the best possible growth and development. But schools are not generally good at doing this, hence the case of high-functioning and even high IQ autists who develop emotional problems spurring from social isolation being placed in the same special education classes as drooling retards and irredeemably violent thugs.
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Just burn and flay every piece of shit normie
You cannot understand the state of gender relations in the West without examining the school system, which socializes young children even more than their own families do. AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of schoolteachers are female, and as we can see in the following thread, they do not like the natural instincts of boys and think of them as primitive, whereas girls are praised for fitting in quite nicely:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/17cgwcy/tired_of_boys_behavior/

Girls are valued for being quiet and compliant (unless they later become stay at home wives dutifully serving their husbands, of course). Indeed, their natural instincts of submissiveness and subservience are harnessed by the school system to mold them into proper consumer-citizens in our modern capitalist economy, where they will submit to their capitalist bosses (dutifully performing the busywork demanded of them) and submit to other recognized hegemons/hegemonies under liberalism, but not to their fathers and husbands ("the patriarchy").

Boys are viewed as disruptive and annoying for not shutting up and listening like they're supposed to. They are too independent-minded and physically energetic, taking a natural disliking to the monotony our modern capitalist economy has to offer, which is why the rate of males in higher education (docility training and indoctrination) has been massively decreasing over the decades. This seems to correspond to the education system increasingly becoming an industrial conveyer belt of rubber-stamped credentials achieved through the rote memorization of useless trivia (which females generally specialize in -- namely the memorization of trivia about persons), rather than a true place of learning, debate, and exploration (which would appeal more to the energetic, combative, and adventurous nature of boys).

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It's EXTREMELY illustrative of my point that these two schoolteachers complain about boys "touching each other" too much. The second one even insinuates that it contradicts the boys' reflexive "homophobia" ( :lul: ), whereas in reality, it's very clearly a manifestation of the natural drive of boys to play-fight each other. But to a female (or a soy male, who would be the most likely type of male to join a female-oriented profession) this is quite a foreign concept.

This is why it's important that young boys have MASCULINE-MALE role models helping to socialize them. Because play-fighting is a way that young males in all sorts of species learn how to interact with each other, settle disputes, and navigate the social hierarchy better. It is actually the very essence of their social education. And it explains, by the way, why boys have their natural aversion to homosexuality or implications of weakness in other males (before it is socialized out of them). BECAUSE WEAKNESS/FAGGOTRY MAKES YOU INTO A POOR FIGHTER, ERGO A POOR MAN.

In evolutionary terms, men are supposed to fight for dominance, but not just selfishly against each other. Not even primarily so. Evolution is NOT a individual-oriented process, as I have described in my thread about shame. What play-fighting teaches boys to do is not just engage in interpersonal conflicts, but more importantly obtain the ability RESOLVE these conflicts so that they can come together and unite in the event of a common enemy that need to be dealt with (i.e., group conflict or WAR). Playing sports is the sublimation of this: the male drive to go to war. It also explains the "racism" of boys, which is an expression of tribalistic group conflict, albeit a very UNsublimated expression of it in the modern, multiracial West.

Meanwhile all females need to know in terms of war is to just spread their legs to whomever wins it -- whether it's their returning tribesmen or the enemy. I can recall in this regard the story of a young German teenager at the end of WWII, when Germany itself was being invaded, who was enlisted into the army and shocked to hear the nonchalance with which an older German woman spoke of spreading her legs to the Soviet enemy. It was just a matter of course for her! On the other hand, there is the story of Japanese women who hurled themselves and their children off of cliffs rather than face domination (and presumed rape) by American soldiers, but Japan was even more traditional in gender roles than Germany at that time

Anyway, boys end up becoming effeminate due to the influence of the female-dominated school system (and adjunct professionals they interface with such as psychologists, see below) which disrupts their socialization. It's a fact that's often overlooked in commentary about "the death of men." The other day I watched a video on the topic, and the school system wasn't mentioned once.

I would argue that one of the consequences of the effeminization of men and thus society as a whole is the inability for unified political coalitions to take root which can effectively challenge a common enemy (in this case, authority) and create positive changes for society. Yes, revolutionary ideology is inherently masculine, and what we see instead of it (or masquerading as it) is increasing weakness and social fragmentation. What better represents this weakness and fragmentation on the left-wing than the newest iteration of "transgressive" faggotry: transsexuality? A fragmentation of personality, in which a disassociated, false self takes hold to protect the weak, true self, reeling from social/romantic rejection and from the pain of reality, through a fantasy defense. Rather than confronting reality and ultimately reconciling with it, in the way that boys are supposed to learn to do through play-fighting, male-to-female trannies fantasy play like girls at teatime, dressing up stuffed animals (and themselves) into skirts.

The field of psychology, yet another female-dominated profession socializing the young (and errant adults), has been integral in promoting the rise of deference to subjectivity (believing what a person says about themselves uncritically), which has led directly to the legitimization of transsexuality, among other things. It's funny because in many contexts, psychologists will only pretend to defer to a patient's subjectivity, showcasing a false veneer of respect to the patient's understanding of themselves and their situation, while actually subtly communicating to them that they are wrong, illogical, and need to think/act differently. And these are in cases where the perhaps admittedly "irrational" beliefs or overbearing emotional drives of the patient would end up having healthier consequences, if allowed to naturally progress and take fruition, than those of a transsexual who will castrate themselves in the end! An example would be a depressed person sharing the painful reality of their life, and who would in the process end up discovering the solutions to it, instead being told by their therapist to "reframe" every negative thought and subdue every negative emotion until they are too disconnected from reality to help themselves anymore. But crucially, they are thus made more compliant with society and less willing to complain, which is the only purpose of such "therapy."

Meanwhile on the right-wing, the group-based dynamics of evolution and its manifestations in politics are totally eschewed as "collectivism." Instead what's promoted is the most antisocial, selfish, and individualistic bastardization of masculinity, role modelled by hypocrites such as Andrew Tate -- a "Muslim" mongrel who pimps and fornicates, and clearly worships money and status in the world much more than any divinity. To the Tate Brothers, religion is just another form of posturing, or wearing contrasting fancy outfits. Tate's brother has even admitted it: that he identified as Christian not because he believed in God, but because he liked the "values" of the Bible (which he could only superficially describe). How does this make him any different than a tranny choosing to identify as a female because they like the superficial bearing of females? Despite the two Tate brothers being so close, or perhaps precisely because of it, they identify as different religions (or shall I say: genders? :lul:) to differentiate themselves. The common denominator here is NARCISSISM.

In fairness, I can also see in the Tates' professed religiosity (particularly Andrew's) a desire to supplement the influence of their deceased father, but based upon their descriptions of him, he was extremely narcissistic himself, so the point stands.

I am reminded of the story of two young British brothers during the start of WWI, who were horribly bored on their family farm. They were EXCITED when the war kicked off and they could finally go to fight. This encapsulates the male spirit. Capitalist busywork/"grinding" and productivity should NOT be promoted as the meaning of life for men, especially since it's a rigged game and only a small minority of people can become rich by the very rules of social hierarchy and the free market in the first place (most rich people are BORN that way). In the case of those British brothers (not the Tates, JFL), they could only hope to work on a farm or maybe a more exciting urban factory in their lives. Things are not much different now in terms of upward mobility, or they are even relatively worse. But "get excited for monotonous wageslavery and the not just unlikely but INCREASINGLY unlikely promise of being rich" is the main message of modern right-wing influencers.

Due to the school system, it is notable that "homework" no longer means the female gender role of tending to the home (which at any rate is now mostly automated through laundry machines, electric dishwashers, and the like), but keeping up capitalist productivity norms even in your leisure time. It was observed centuries ago, prior to the advent of public schools, that boys would leave the home and rough-and-tumble play around outside all day, much to the annoyance of their mothers, while girls were considerably more likely to stay indoors and help their mothers out with daily chores. What prevented the mother from becoming overbearing and forcing her boys to stay home and help with the "home-work" was the fact that boys weren't even good at it, and caused much more trouble than they were worth. They are not good at taking care of babies/children and nurturing them with sensitivity to their emotions like girls are. It makes them feel understimulated and bored, and therefore disruptive and annoying (JUST LIKE IN THE MODERN-DAY CLASSROOM!). So the mother would begrudgingly allow the boys to be boys, and socialize themselves outside. Under the influence of schoolteachers, however, this process is critically interrupted since there is no escape from the stifling classroom. You can not just leave it and wander outside and play, except for very regimented "periods" of time. And even in these slots of time, such as recess, the female authorities make sure that the games boys play are as non-combative as possible -- even going so far as to ban group sports all together! Napoleon played war with other children when he was young. On a modern American school playground, he would get in trouble for it.

Other socio-economic factors enter into this, such as the contradiction that Western society is both overpopulated (and thus dangerous; you would not want to let your young boys just wander around with all these masses of strangers and immigrants in the area who you've never met and who have no real affiliation with you -- much unlike a traditional, ancestral community. You would not even let them join specialized groups such as the Boy Scouts which might inculcate masculinity, since there is an epidemic of sexual abuse in them which perhaps a good degree of targeted "homophobia" could extirpate, but far from it, the Boy Scouts were forced to undo their ban on homosexuality, JFL), yet also underpopulated (the average mother does not have very many children like in old times, in large part due to the fact that those aforementioned immigrants can make up for the lack of native fertility). So the whole culture is radically different than what it once was. It is MUCH more rootless, sedentary, compliant, and docile, which are female modes of being. Males are increasingly viewed as defective females due to the orientation of society and the economy and what it incentivizes people to become. Case in point: it is neither possible nor desirable for males to go to war anymore to express their natural evolutionary drive for group conflict, given how much more deadly and destructive it is. Those two British brothers referenced earlier did not survive WWI. They both died. But even if they did survive, they'd probably have been rattled with shell shock, and the society they came back to would have offered little to no succor, the modernist society such that it was.

One last issue I didn't mention is that girls mature quicker than boys on average (reaching puberty and other benchmarks earlier), which should be reflected in the structure of any education system. Why are boys and girls of the same age in the same classroom being led by the same older female teacher, who will naturally gravitate toward the more mature girls, who in any case the teacher relates to better in terms of sharing a common gender? LIKE people should be grouped together for the best possible growth and development. But schools are not generally good at doing this, hence the case of high-functioning and even high IQ autists who develop emotional problems spurring from social isolation being placed in the same special education classes as drooling retards and irredeemably violent thugs.

based braincel
genuinely enjoyed reading this you're a smart guy I myself had behavior issues through middle school and so did many of the boys around my age I dont know why they try to make it seem like a male problem and not a schooling issue

But there is no difference between males and females, of course, and both can be made into a docile corporate unigender

Screencapture reddit r Teachers comments 17cgwcy tired of boys behavior 2023 10 22 09 32 24 edit

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@Atavistic Autist
Since when did you become an apologist for "natural"? If memory serves me correctly, you used to advocate the superiority of subhumans.
You want to be something you are not and cannot be and adopt the values of the people who ostracized and abused you.
I have no desire to be "socialized" into a society of apes. On the contrary, we need to invert monkey morality and impose our own, human system of morality.
@Atavistic Autist
Since when did you become an apologist for "natural"? If memory serves me correctly, you used to advocate the superiority of subhumans.
You want to be something you are not and cannot be and adopt the values of the people who ostracized and abused you.
I have no desire to be "socialized" into a society of apes. On the contrary, we need to invert monkey morality and impose our own, human system of morality.
The paradigm that we're currently living under is unnatural, so a reversion to the natural order is due before we can even talk about imposing our own system of morality.

Specifically, foids need to be made subjugated again. In the most ape-like conditions, this will happen on its own, whether induced by economic collapse or war or both.
Shame this has so few replies. This is truly what the black pill is about, understanding reality. Seing things and their nature for what they are not what we want them to be.
they hate their male students so much
they hate their male students so much
They might "complain" about them in the same way a teenage girl might "complain" about her crush but they want to have sex with every low inhib Chadlet fag that exists. Remember that most of them haven't changed a bit from the whore Beckies they 100% were in high school. :feelskek:
From what I can gather between the lines, I don't think we would see eye to eye on many topics but I always find your longer posts very worthwhile to read anyway.
You cannot understand the state of gender relations in the West without examining the school system, which socializes young children even more than their own families do. AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of schoolteachers are female, and as we can see in the following thread, they do not like the natural instincts of boys and think of them as primitive, whereas girls are praised for fitting in quite nicely:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/17cgwcy/tired_of_boys_behavior/

Girls are valued for being quiet and compliant (unless they later become stay at home wives dutifully serving their husbands, of course). Indeed, their natural instincts of submissiveness and subservience are harnessed by the school system to mold them into proper consumer-citizens in our modern capitalist economy, where they will submit to their capitalist bosses (dutifully performing the busywork demanded of them) and submit to other recognized hegemons/hegemonies under liberalism, but not to their fathers and husbands ("the patriarchy").

Boys are viewed as disruptive and annoying for not shutting up and listening like they're supposed to. They are too independent-minded and physically energetic, taking a natural disliking to the monotony our modern capitalist economy has to offer, which is why the rate of males in higher education (docility training and indoctrination) has been massively decreasing over the decades. This seems to correspond to the education system increasingly becoming an industrial conveyer belt of rubber-stamped credentials achieved through the rote memorization of useless trivia (which females generally specialize in -- namely the memorization of trivia about persons), rather than a true place of learning, debate, and exploration (which would appeal more to the energetic, combative, and adventurous nature of boys).

View attachment 912019

View attachment 912058

It's EXTREMELY illustrative of my point that these two schoolteachers complain about boys "touching each other" too much. The second one even insinuates that it contradicts the boys' reflexive "homophobia" ( :lul: ), whereas in reality, it's very clearly a manifestation of the natural drive of boys to play-fight each other. But to a female (or a soy male, who would be the most likely type of male to join a female-oriented profession) this is quite a foreign concept.

This is why it's important that young boys have MASCULINE-MALE role models helping to socialize them. Because play-fighting is a way that young males in all sorts of species learn how to interact with each other, settle disputes, and navigate the social hierarchy better. It is actually the very essence of their social education. And it explains, by the way, why boys have their natural aversion to homosexuality or implications of weakness in other males (before it is socialized out of them): BECAUSE WEAKNESS/FAGGOTRY MAKES YOU INTO A POOR FIGHTER, ERGO A POOR MAN.

In evolutionary terms, men are supposed to fight for dominance, but not just selfishly against each other. Not even primarily so. Evolution is NOT a individual-oriented process, as I have described in my thread about shame. What play-fighting teaches boys to do is not just engage in interpersonal conflicts, but more importantly obtain the ability RESOLVE these conflicts so that they can come together and unite in the event of a common enemy that need to be dealt with (i.e., group conflict or WAR). Playing sports is a sublimation of this: the male drive to go to war. It also explains the "racism" of boys, which is an expression of tribalistic group conflict, albeit a very UNsublimated expression of it in the modern, multiracial West.

Meanwhile all females need to know in terms of war is to just spread their legs to whomever wins it -- whether it's their returning tribesmen or the enemy. I can recall in this regard the story of a young German teenager at the end of WWII, when Germany itself was being invaded, who was enlisted into the army and shocked to hear the nonchalance with which an older German woman spoke of spreading her legs to the Soviet enemy. It was just a matter of course for her! On the other hand, there is the story of Japanese women who hurled themselves and their children off of cliffs rather than face domination (and presumed rape) by American soldiers, but Japan was even more traditional in gender roles than Germany at that time

Anyway, boys end up becoming effeminate due to the influence of the female-dominated school system (and adjunct professionals they interface with such as psychologists, see below) which disrupts their socialization. It's a fact that's often overlooked in commentary about "the death of men." The other day I watched a video on the topic, and the school system wasn't mentioned once.

I would argue that one of the consequences of the effeminization of men and thus society as a whole is the inability for unified political coalitions to form which can effectively challenge a common enemy (in this case, authority) and create positive changes for society. Yes, revolutionary ideology is inherently masculine, and what we see instead of it (or masquerading as it) is increasing weakness and social fragmentation. What better represents this weakness and fragmentation on the left-wing than the newest iteration of "transgressive" faggotry: transsexuality? A fragmentation of personality, in which a disassociated, false self takes hold to protect the weak, true self, reeling from social/romantic rejection and from the pain of reality, through a fantasy defense. Rather than confronting reality and ultimately reconciling with it, in the way that boys are supposed to learn to do through play-fighting, male-to-female trannies fantasy play like girls at teatime, dressing up stuffed animals (and themselves) into skirts.

The field of psychology, yet another female-dominated profession socializing the young (and errant adults), has been integral in promoting the rise of deference to subjectivity (believing what a person says about themselves uncritically), which has led directly to the legitimization of transsexuality, among other things. It's funny because in many contexts, psychologists will only pretend to defer to a patient's subjectivity, showcasing a false veneer of respect for the patient's understanding of themselves and their situation, while actually subtly communicating to them that they are wrong, illogical, and need to think/act differently. And these are in cases where the admittedly irrational beliefs or overbearing emotional drives of the patient would end up having healthier consequences, if allowed to naturally progress and take fruition, than those of a transsexual who will castrate themselves in the end! An example would be a depressed person in therapy sharing the painful reality of their life, and who would in the process end up discovering the solutions to it, instead being told by their therapist to "reframe" every negative thought and subdue every negative emotion until they are too disconnected from reality to help themselves anymore. But crucially, they are thus made more compliant with society and less willing to complain, which is the only purpose of such "therapy."

Meanwhile on the right-wing, the group-based dynamics of evolution and its manifestations in politics are totally eschewed as "collectivism." Instead what's promoted is the most antisocial, selfish, and individualistic bastardization of masculinity, role modelled by hypocrites such as Andrew Tate -- a "Muslim" mongrel who pimps and fornicates, and clearly worships money and status in the world much more than any divinity. To the Tate Brothers, religion is just another form of posturing, or wearing contrasting fancy outfits. Andrew Tate's brother has even admitted it: that he came to identify as Christian not because he believed in God, but because he liked the "values" of the Bible (which he could only superficially describe). How does this make him any different than a tranny choosing to identify as a female because they like the superficial bearing of females? Despite the two Tate brothers being so close, or perhaps precisely because of it, they identify as different religions (or shall I say: genders? :lul:) to differentiate themselves. The common denominator here is NARCISSISM.

In fairness, I can also see in the Tates' professed religiosity (particularly Andrew's) a desire to supplement the influence of their deceased father, but based upon their descriptions of him, he was extremely narcissistic himself, so the point stands. Indeed, the Abrahamic God and "His" relationship with "His Creation" is the very definition of narcissism.

I am reminded of the story of two young British brothers during the start of WWI, who were horribly bored on their family farm. They were EXCITED when the war kicked off and they could finally go to fight. This encapsulates the male spirit. Capitalist busywork/"grinding" and productivity should NOT be promoted as the meaning of life for men, especially since it's a rigged game and only a small minority of people can become rich by the very rules of social hierarchy and the free market in the first place (most rich people are BORN that way). In the case of those British brothers (not the Tates, JFL), they could only hope to work on a farm or maybe a more exciting urban factory in their lives. Things are not much different now in terms of upward mobility, or they are even relatively worse. But "get excited for monotonous wageslavery and the not just unlikely but INCREASINGLY unlikely promise of being rich" is the main message of modern right-wing influencers.

Due to the school system, it is notable that "homework" no longer means the female gender role of tending to the home (which at any rate is now mostly automated through laundry machines, electric dishwashers, and the like), but keeping up capitalist productivity norms even in your leisure time. It was observed centuries ago, prior to the advent of public schools, that boys would leave the home and rough-and-tumble play around outside all day, much to the annoyance of their mothers, while girls were considerably more likely to stay indoors and help their mothers out with daily chores. What prevented the mother from becoming overbearing and forcing her boys to stay home and help with the "home-work" was the fact that boys weren't even good at it, and caused much more trouble than they were worth. They are not good at taking care of babies/children and nurturing them with sensitivity to their emotions like girls are. It makes them feel understimulated and bored, and therefore disruptive and annoying (JUST LIKE IN THE MODERN-DAY CLASSROOM!). So the mother would begrudgingly allow the boys to be boys, and socialize themselves outside. Under the influence of schoolteachers, however, this process is critically interrupted since there is no escape from the stifling classroom. You can not just leave it and wander outside and play, except for very regimented "periods" of time. And even in these slots of time, such as recess, the female authorities make sure that the games boys play are as non-combative as possible -- even going so far as to ban group sports all together! Napoleon played war with other children when he was young. On a modern American school playground, he would get in trouble for it.

Other socio-economic factors enter into this, such as the contradiction that Western society is both overpopulated (and thus dangerous; you would not want to let your young boys just wander around with all these masses of strangers and immigrants in the area who you've never met and who have no real affiliation with you -- much unlike a traditional, ancestral community. You would not even let them join specialized groups such as the Boy Scouts which might inculcate masculinity, since there is an epidemic of sexual abuse in them which perhaps a good degree of targeted "homophobia" could extirpate, but far from it, the Boy Scouts were forced to undo their ban on homosexuality, JFL), yet also underpopulated (the average mother does not have very many children like in old times, in large part due to the fact that those aforementioned immigrants can make up for the lack of native fertility). So the whole culture is radically different than what it once was. It is MUCH more rootless, sedentary, compliant, and docile, which are female modes of being. Males are increasingly viewed as defective females due to the orientation of society and the economy and what it incentivizes people to become. Case in point: it is neither possible nor desirable for males to go to war anymore to express their natural evolutionary drive for group conflict, given how much more deadly and destructive it is. Those two British brothers referenced earlier did not survive WWI. They both died. But even if they did survive, they'd probably have been rattled with shell shock, and the society they came back to would have offered little to no succor, the modernist society such that it was.

One last issue I didn't mention is that girls mature quicker than boys on average (reaching puberty and other developmental milestones earlier), which should be reflected in the structure of any education system. Why are boys and girls of the same age in the same classroom being led by the same older female teacher, who will naturally gravitate toward the more mature girls, who in any case the teacher relates to better in terms of sharing a common gender? LIKE people should be grouped together for the best possible growth and development. But schools are not generally good at doing this, hence the case of high-functioning and even high IQ autists who develop emotional problems spurring from social isolation being placed in the same special education classes as drooling retards and irredeemably violent thugs.

Extremely high IQ. The reason we are forced to learn a bunch of useless shit in school is not because we need to learn or something but it's because our Capitalist overlords want to indoctrinate the life of sitting motionless for long hours(which is extremely harmful for our bodies) into us since childhood and be good little wagies for them in the future. Women bwing the NPCs they are don't even understand this and comply with whatever authority figures want. I used to think I was ADHD for not wanting to spend my entire day in a Classroom. Only at this stage in my life do I realize I was normal.
You cannot understand the state of gender relations in the West without examining the school system, which socializes young children even more than their own families do. AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of schoolteachers are female, and as we can see in the following thread, they do not like the natural instincts of boys and think of them as primitive, whereas girls are praised for fitting in quite nicely:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/17cgwcy/tired_of_boys_behavior/

Girls are valued for being quiet and compliant (unless they later become stay at home wives dutifully serving their husbands, of course). Indeed, their natural instincts of submissiveness and subservience are harnessed by the school system to mold them into proper consumer-citizens in our modern capitalist economy, where they will submit to their capitalist bosses (dutifully performing the busywork demanded of them) and submit to other recognized hegemons/hegemonies under liberalism, but not to their fathers and husbands ("the patriarchy").

Boys are viewed as disruptive and annoying for not shutting up and listening like they're supposed to. They are too independent-minded and physically energetic, taking a natural disliking to the monotony our modern capitalist economy has to offer, which is why the rate of males in higher education (docility training and indoctrination) has been massively decreasing over the decades. This seems to correspond to the education system increasingly becoming an industrial conveyer belt of rubber-stamped credentials achieved through the rote memorization of useless trivia (which females generally specialize in -- namely the memorization of trivia about persons), rather than a true place of learning, debate, and exploration (which would appeal more to the energetic, combative, and adventurous nature of boys).

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It's EXTREMELY illustrative of my point that these two schoolteachers complain about boys "touching each other" too much. The second one even insinuates that it contradicts the boys' reflexive "homophobia" ( :lul: ), whereas in reality, it's very clearly a manifestation of the natural drive of boys to play-fight each other. But to a female (or a soy male, who would be the most likely type of male to join a female-oriented profession) this is quite a foreign concept.

This is why it's important that young boys have MASCULINE-MALE role models helping to socialize them. Because play-fighting is a way that young males in all sorts of species learn how to interact with each other, settle disputes, and navigate the social hierarchy better. It is actually the very essence of their social education. And it explains, by the way, why boys have their natural aversion to homosexuality or implications of weakness in other males (before it is socialized out of them): BECAUSE WEAKNESS/FAGGOTRY MAKES YOU INTO A POOR FIGHTER, ERGO A POOR MAN.

In evolutionary terms, men are supposed to fight for dominance, but not just selfishly against each other. Not even primarily so. Evolution is NOT a individual-oriented process, as I have described in my thread about shame. What play-fighting teaches boys to do is not just engage in interpersonal conflicts, but more importantly obtain the ability RESOLVE these conflicts so that they can come together and unite in the event of a common enemy that need to be dealt with (i.e., group conflict or WAR). Playing sports is a sublimation of this: the male drive to go to war. It also explains the "racism" of boys, which is an expression of tribalistic group conflict, albeit a very UNsublimated expression of it in the modern, multiracial West.

Meanwhile all females need to know in terms of war is to just spread their legs to whomever wins it -- whether it's their returning tribesmen or the enemy. I can recall in this regard the story of a young German teenager at the end of WWII, when Germany itself was being invaded, who was enlisted into the army and shocked to hear the nonchalance with which an older German woman spoke of spreading her legs to the Soviet enemy. It was just a matter of course for her! On the other hand, there is the story of Japanese women who hurled themselves and their children off of cliffs rather than face domination (and presumed rape) by American soldiers, but Japan was even more traditional in gender roles than Germany at that time

Anyway, boys end up becoming effeminate due to the influence of the female-dominated school system (and adjunct professionals they interface with such as psychologists, see below) which disrupts their socialization. It's a fact that's often overlooked in commentary about "the death of men." The other day I watched a video on the topic, and the school system wasn't mentioned once.

I would argue that one of the consequences of the effeminization of men and thus society as a whole is the inability for unified political coalitions to form which can effectively challenge a common enemy (in this case, authority) and create positive changes for society. Yes, revolutionary ideology is inherently masculine, and what we see instead of it (or masquerading as it) is increasing weakness and social fragmentation. What better represents this weakness and fragmentation on the left-wing than the newest iteration of "transgressive" faggotry: transsexuality? A fragmentation of personality, in which a disassociated, false self takes hold to protect the weak, true self, reeling from social/romantic rejection and from the pain of reality, through a fantasy defense. Rather than confronting reality and ultimately reconciling with it, in the way that boys are supposed to learn to do through play-fighting, male-to-female trannies fantasy play like girls at teatime, dressing up stuffed animals (and themselves) into skirts.

The field of psychology, yet another female-dominated profession socializing the young (and errant adults), has been integral in promoting the rise of deference to subjectivity (believing what a person says about themselves uncritically), which has led directly to the legitimization of transsexuality, among other things. It's funny because in many contexts, psychologists will only pretend to defer to a patient's subjectivity, showcasing a false veneer of respect for the patient's understanding of themselves and their situation, while actually subtly communicating to them that they are wrong, illogical, and need to think/act differently. And these are in cases where the admittedly irrational beliefs or overbearing emotional drives of the patient would end up having healthier consequences, if allowed to naturally progress and take fruition, than those of a transsexual who will castrate themselves in the end! An example would be a depressed person in therapy sharing the painful reality of their life, and who would in the process end up discovering the solutions to it, instead being told by their therapist to "reframe" every negative thought and subdue every negative emotion until they are too disconnected from reality to help themselves anymore. But crucially, they are thus made more compliant with society and less willing to complain, which is the only purpose of such "therapy."

Meanwhile on the right-wing, the group-based dynamics of evolution and its manifestations in politics are totally eschewed as "collectivism." Instead what's promoted is the most antisocial, selfish, and individualistic bastardization of masculinity, role modelled by hypocrites such as Andrew Tate -- a "Muslim" mongrel who pimps and fornicates, and clearly worships money and status in the world much more than any divinity. To the Tate Brothers, religion is just another form of posturing, or wearing contrasting fancy outfits. Andrew Tate's brother has even admitted it: that he came to identify as Christian not because he believed in God, but because he liked the "values" of the Bible (which he could only superficially describe). How does this make him any different than a tranny choosing to identify as a female because they like the superficial bearing of females? Despite the two Tate brothers being so close, or perhaps precisely because of it, they identify as different religions (or shall I say: genders? :lul:) to differentiate themselves. The common denominator here is NARCISSISM.

In fairness, I can also see in the Tates' professed religiosity (particularly Andrew's) a desire to supplement the influence of their deceased father, but based upon their descriptions of him, he was extremely narcissistic himself, so the point stands. Indeed, the Abrahamic God and "His" relationship with "His Creation" is the very definition of narcissism.

I am reminded of the story of two young British brothers during the start of WWI, who were horribly bored on their family farm. They were EXCITED when the war kicked off and they could finally go to fight. This encapsulates the male spirit. Capitalist busywork/"grinding" and productivity should NOT be promoted as the meaning of life for men, especially since it's a rigged game and only a small minority of people can become rich by the very rules of social hierarchy and the free market in the first place (most rich people are BORN that way). In the case of those British brothers (not the Tates, JFL), they could only hope to work on a farm or maybe a more exciting urban factory in their lives. Things are not much different now in terms of upward mobility, or they are even relatively worse. But "get excited for monotonous wageslavery and the not just unlikely but INCREASINGLY unlikely promise of being rich" is the main message of modern right-wing influencers.

Due to the school system, it is notable that "homework" no longer means the female gender role of tending to the home (which at any rate is now mostly automated through laundry machines, electric dishwashers, and the like), but keeping up capitalist productivity norms even in your leisure time. It was observed centuries ago, prior to the advent of public schools, that boys would leave the home and rough-and-tumble play around outside all day, much to the annoyance of their mothers, while girls were considerably more likely to stay indoors and help their mothers out with daily chores. What prevented the mother from becoming overbearing and forcing her boys to stay home and help with the "home-work" was the fact that boys weren't even good at it, and caused much more trouble than they were worth. They are not good at taking care of babies/children and nurturing them with sensitivity to their emotions like girls are. It makes them feel understimulated and bored, and therefore disruptive and annoying (JUST LIKE IN THE MODERN-DAY CLASSROOM!). So the mother would begrudgingly allow the boys to be boys, and socialize themselves outside. Under the influence of schoolteachers, however, this process is critically interrupted since there is no escape from the stifling classroom. You can not just leave it and wander outside and play, except for very regimented "periods" of time. And even in these slots of time, such as recess, the female authorities make sure that the games boys play are as non-combative as possible -- even going so far as to ban group sports all together! Napoleon played war with other children when he was young. On a modern American school playground, he would get in trouble for it.

Other socio-economic factors enter into this, such as the contradiction that Western society is both overpopulated (and thus dangerous; you would not want to let your young boys just wander around with all these masses of strangers and immigrants in the area who you've never met and who have no real affiliation with you -- much unlike a traditional, ancestral community. You would not even let them join specialized groups such as the Boy Scouts which might inculcate masculinity, since there is an epidemic of sexual abuse in them which perhaps a good degree of targeted "homophobia" could extirpate, but far from it, the Boy Scouts were forced to undo their ban on homosexuality, JFL), yet also underpopulated (the average mother does not have very many children like in old times, in large part due to the fact that those aforementioned immigrants can make up for the lack of native fertility). So the whole culture is radically different than what it once was. It is MUCH more rootless, sedentary, compliant, and docile, which are female modes of being. Males are increasingly viewed as defective females due to the orientation of society and the economy and what it incentivizes people to become. Case in point: it is neither possible nor desirable for males to go to war anymore to express their natural evolutionary drive for group conflict, given how much more deadly and destructive it is. Those two British brothers referenced earlier did not survive WWI. They both died. But even if they did survive, they'd probably have been rattled with shell shock, and the society they came back to would have offered little to no succor, the modernist society such that it was.

One last issue I didn't mention is that girls mature quicker than boys on average (reaching puberty and other developmental milestones earlier), which should be reflected in the structure of any education system. Why are boys and girls of the same age in the same classroom being led by the same older female teacher, who will naturally gravitate toward the more mature girls, who in any case the teacher relates to better in terms of sharing a common gender? LIKE people should be grouped together for the best possible growth and development. But schools are not generally good at doing this, hence the case of high-functioning and even high IQ autists who develop emotional problems spurring from social isolation being placed in the same special education classes as drooling retards and irredeemably violent thugs.

you have no idea how suffocating school was for me I fucking hate these assholes it's an open air prison for boys and a daycare for girls for absent parents who can't raise their own children or both have to work. It suppresses the masculine spirit.
Good to see you back to effort posting.
School is a mind-rape. It's also true for many jobs.
How can you stay for 8-12 hours a day wageslaving amongst normies?
I sometimes understand criminals because 'normal' work is so boring that you actually want to die.
School is a mind-rape. It's also true for many jobs.
How can you stay for 8-12 hours a day wageslaving amongst normies?
I sometimes understand criminals because 'normal' work is so boring that you actually want to die.
Most children of rich kids don't do 'schooling'. All those private schools for rich kids you see follow curriculums heavily focused on co curriculars(aka sports, music, dance non study stuff). The elites don't make their kids go through the slogfest. This is true even for elite colleges where Scholarshipcels are the ones who study and all some folks who got in through Nepotism is party and have fun. It all comes down to working the middle and lower classes to their bones and exploiting them to the fullest. School is essentially just training young children to be future wagecucks in offices.
They might "complain" about them in the same way a teenage girl might "complain" about her crush but they want to have sex with every low inhib Chadlet fag that exists. Remember that most of them haven't changed a bit from the whore Beckies they 100% were in high school. :feelskek:
I stay more than anything with the idea that the revolutionary attitude is a masculine quality.

Let's revive the revolutionary spirit

Anti-matriarchal revolution now
Funniest thing is that most of these female teachers are straight and I bet most of the men they lust over behaved like this at school too.

Maybe this is why we need more male teachers as they might actually be able to control a classroom without resorting to trying to medicate the children.
I'm sure the teachers are also the same one who complain about how men are dropping out of society....
Teachers aren't also very smart, i'm sure that most of the boys in her class are measurably smarter than any of the women in the school building.
Yeah no wonder why men are dropping out of society, when nothing you do will be enough for women.
Screenshot 20231023 115251 Reddit

JFL. They nuked the thread because it was exposing how much society hates men.
All good observations and points, but I think boys being undisciplined, rowdy, and immature is a bit overstated to identify the difference between the two genders in the modern time to quickly end the conversation.

I think the situation with boys in school started getting bad with the influx of female teachers, who eventually went on to replace the male teachers in the following decades. Boys or men never took female authorities very seriously which only served to make boys more undisciplined. Even during this decadence, it's mostly the men who are still keeping the world running. I don't think without discipline and maturity forming the foundation of their growth the world would be in a stable place, even when they are mocked and spat at constantly.

I guess I won't argue foids mature faster than boys, but usually foids' reprobate behaviours are excused and ignored which make them seem more right than boys in the eyes of the society in general. Also foids usually have far higher materialistic demands from their parents, which the parents, especially mothers, are more inclined to obliging than when it's their sons.
Another day another based thread
You cannot understand the state of gender relations in the West without examining the school system, which socializes young children even more than their own families do. AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of schoolteachers are female, and as we can see in the following thread, they do not like the natural instincts of boys and think of them as primitive, whereas girls are praised for fitting in quite nicely:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/17cgwcy/tired_of_boys_behavior/

Girls are valued for being quiet and compliant (unless they later become stay at home wives dutifully serving their husbands, of course). Indeed, their natural instincts of submissiveness and subservience are harnessed by the school system to mold them into proper consumer-citizens in our modern capitalist economy, where they will submit to their capitalist bosses (dutifully performing the busywork demanded of them) and submit to other recognized hegemons/hegemonies under liberalism, but not to their fathers and husbands ("the patriarchy").

Boys are viewed as disruptive and annoying for not shutting up and listening like they're supposed to. They are too independent-minded and physically energetic, taking a natural disliking to the monotony our modern capitalist economy has to offer, which is why the rate of males in higher education (docility training and indoctrination) has been massively decreasing over the decades. This seems to correspond to the education system increasingly becoming an industrial conveyer belt of rubber-stamped credentials achieved through the rote memorization of useless trivia (which females generally specialize in -- namely the memorization of trivia about persons), rather than a true place of learning, debate, and exploration (which would appeal more to the energetic, combative, and adventurous nature of boys).

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It's EXTREMELY illustrative of my point that these two schoolteachers complain about boys "touching each other" too much. The second one even insinuates that it contradicts the boys' reflexive "homophobia" ( :lul: ), whereas in reality, it's very clearly a manifestation of the natural drive of boys to play-fight each other. But to a female (or a soy male, who would be the most likely type of male to join a female-oriented profession) this is quite a foreign concept.

This is why it's important that young boys have MASCULINE-MALE role models helping to socialize them. Because play-fighting is a way that young males in all sorts of species learn how to interact with each other, settle disputes, and navigate the social hierarchy better. It is actually the very essence of their social education. And it explains, by the way, why boys have their natural aversion to homosexuality or implications of weakness in other males (before it is socialized out of them): BECAUSE WEAKNESS/FAGGOTRY MAKES YOU INTO A POOR FIGHTER, ERGO A POOR MAN.

In evolutionary terms, men are supposed to fight for dominance, but not just selfishly against each other. Not even primarily so. Evolution is NOT a individual-oriented process, as I have described in my thread about shame. What play-fighting teaches boys to do is not just engage in interpersonal conflicts, but more importantly obtain the ability RESOLVE these conflicts so that they can come together and unite in the event of a common enemy that need to be dealt with (i.e., group conflict or WAR). Playing sports is a sublimation of this: the male drive to go to war. It also explains the "racism" of boys, which is an expression of tribalistic group conflict, albeit a very UNsublimated expression of it in the modern, multiracial West.

Meanwhile all females need to know in terms of war is to just spread their legs to whomever wins it -- whether it's their returning tribesmen or the enemy. I can recall in this regard the story of a young German teenager at the end of WWII, when Germany itself was being invaded, who was enlisted into the army and shocked to hear the nonchalance with which an older German woman spoke of spreading her legs to the Soviet enemy. It was just a matter of course for her! On the other hand, there is the story of Japanese women who hurled themselves and their children off of cliffs rather than face domination (and presumed rape) by American soldiers, but Japan was even more traditional in gender roles than Germany at that time

Anyway, boys end up becoming effeminate due to the influence of the female-dominated school system (and adjunct professionals they interface with such as psychologists, see below) which disrupts their socialization. It's a fact that's often overlooked in commentary about "the death of men." The other day I watched a video on the topic, and the school system wasn't mentioned once.

I would argue that one of the consequences of the effeminization of men and thus society as a whole is the inability for unified political coalitions to form which can effectively challenge a common enemy (in this case, authority) and create positive changes for society. Yes, revolutionary ideology is inherently masculine, and what we see instead of it (or masquerading as it) is increasing weakness and social fragmentation. What better represents this weakness and fragmentation on the left-wing than the newest iteration of "transgressive" faggotry: transsexuality? A fragmentation of personality, in which a disassociated, false self takes hold to protect the weak, true self, reeling from social/romantic rejection and from the pain of reality, through a fantasy defense. Rather than confronting reality and ultimately reconciling with it, in the way that boys are supposed to learn to do through play-fighting, male-to-female trannies fantasy play like girls at teatime, dressing up stuffed animals (and themselves) into skirts.

The field of psychology, yet another female-dominated profession socializing the young (and errant adults), has been integral in promoting the rise of deference to subjectivity (believing what a person says about themselves uncritically), which has led directly to the legitimization of transsexuality, among other things. It's funny because in many contexts, psychologists will only pretend to defer to a patient's subjectivity, showcasing a false veneer of respect for the patient's understanding of themselves and their situation, while actually subtly communicating to them that they are wrong, illogical, and need to think/act differently. And these are in cases where the admittedly irrational beliefs or overbearing emotional drives of the patient would end up having healthier consequences, if allowed to naturally progress and take fruition, than those of a transsexual who will castrate themselves in the end! An example would be a depressed person in therapy sharing the painful reality of their life, and who would in the process end up discovering the solutions to it, instead being told by their therapist to "reframe" every negative thought and subdue every negative emotion until they are too disconnected from reality to help themselves anymore. But crucially, they are thus made more compliant with society and less willing to complain, which is the only purpose of such "therapy."

Meanwhile on the right-wing, the group-based dynamics of evolution and its manifestations in politics are totally eschewed as "collectivism." Instead what's promoted is the most antisocial, selfish, and individualistic bastardization of masculinity, role modelled by hypocrites such as Andrew Tate -- a "Muslim" mongrel who pimps and fornicates, and clearly worships money and status in the world much more than any divinity. To the Tate Brothers, religion is just another form of posturing, or wearing contrasting fancy outfits. Andrew Tate's brother has even admitted it: that he came to identify as Christian not because he believed in God, but because he liked the "values" of the Bible (which he could only superficially describe). How does this make him any different than a tranny choosing to identify as a female because they like the superficial bearing of females? Despite the two Tate brothers being so close, or perhaps precisely because of it, they identify as different religions (or shall I say: genders? :lul:) to differentiate themselves. The common denominator here is NARCISSISM.

In fairness, I can also see in the Tates' professed religiosity (particularly Andrew's) a desire to supplement the influence of their deceased father, but based upon their descriptions of him, he was extremely narcissistic himself, so the point stands. Indeed, the Abrahamic God and "His" relationship with "His Creation" is the very definition of narcissism.

I am reminded of the story of two young British brothers during the start of WWI, who were horribly bored on their family farm. They were EXCITED when the war kicked off and they could finally go to fight. This encapsulates the male spirit. Capitalist busywork/"grinding" and productivity should NOT be promoted as the meaning of life for men, especially since it's a rigged game and only a small minority of people can become rich by the very rules of social hierarchy and the free market in the first place (most rich people are BORN that way). In the case of those British brothers (not the Tates, JFL), they could only hope to work on a farm or maybe a more exciting urban factory in their lives. Things are not much different now in terms of upward mobility, or they are even relatively worse. But "get excited for monotonous wageslavery and the not just unlikely but INCREASINGLY unlikely promise of being rich" is the main message of modern right-wing influencers.

Due to the school system, it is notable that "homework" no longer means the female gender role of tending to the home (which at any rate is now mostly automated through laundry machines, electric dishwashers, and the like), but keeping up capitalist productivity norms even in your leisure time. It was observed centuries ago, prior to the advent of public schools, that boys would leave the home and rough-and-tumble play around outside all day, much to the annoyance of their mothers, while girls were considerably more likely to stay indoors and help their mothers out with daily chores. What prevented the mother from becoming overbearing and forcing her boys to stay home and help with the "home-work" was the fact that boys weren't even good at it, and caused much more trouble than they were worth. They are not good at taking care of babies/children and nurturing them with sensitivity to their emotions like girls are. It makes them feel understimulated and bored, and therefore disruptive and annoying (JUST LIKE IN THE MODERN-DAY CLASSROOM!). So the mother would begrudgingly allow the boys to be boys, and socialize themselves outside. Under the influence of schoolteachers, however, this process is critically interrupted since there is no escape from the stifling classroom. You can not just leave it and wander outside and play, except for very regimented "periods" of time. And even in these slots of time, such as recess, the female authorities make sure that the games boys play are as non-combative as possible -- even going so far as to ban group sports all together! Napoleon played war with other children when he was young. On a modern American school playground, he would get in trouble for it.

Other socio-economic factors enter into this, such as the contradiction that Western society is both overpopulated (and thus dangerous; you would not want to let your young boys just wander around with all these masses of strangers and immigrants in the area who you've never met and who have no real affiliation with you -- much unlike a traditional, ancestral community. You would not even let them join specialized groups such as the Boy Scouts which might inculcate masculinity, since there is an epidemic of sexual abuse in them which perhaps a good degree of targeted "homophobia" could extirpate, but far from it, the Boy Scouts were forced to undo their ban on homosexuality, JFL), yet also underpopulated (the average mother does not have very many children like in old times, in large part due to the fact that those aforementioned immigrants can make up for the lack of native fertility). So the whole culture is radically different than what it once was. It is MUCH more rootless, sedentary, compliant, and docile, which are female modes of being. Males are increasingly viewed as defective females due to the orientation of society and the economy and what it incentivizes people to become. Case in point: it is neither possible nor desirable for males to go to war anymore to express their natural evolutionary drive for group conflict, given how much more deadly and destructive it is. Those two British brothers referenced earlier did not survive WWI. They both died. But even if they did survive, they'd probably have been rattled with shell shock, and the society they came back to would have offered little to no succor, the modernist society such that it was.

One last issue I didn't mention is that girls mature quicker than boys on average (reaching puberty and other developmental milestones earlier), which should be reflected in the structure of any education system. Why are boys and girls of the same age in the same classroom being led by the same older female teacher, who will naturally gravitate toward the more mature girls, who in any case the teacher relates to better in terms of sharing a common gender? LIKE people should be grouped together for the best possible growth and development. But schools are not generally good at doing this, hence the case of high-functioning and even high IQ autists who develop emotional problems spurring from social isolation being placed in the same special education classes as drooling retards and irredeemably violent thugs.

Man you have so many good posts under your belt. Thanks for putting effort into em, we appreciate you dog :feelsYall:

Most men being raised by women has been a problem for awhile now for sure. Female teachers are almost all Tera-feminist lefty types and there was a study posted on the MRA sub years ago showing that women received more lenient grading for the same work than men and also that boys did better academically in classes taught by men. Damn I wish I saved that.

It’s like nobody even noticed this shit. If it were flipped the other way where most teachers were male, where those male teachers complained about the behavior of their female students, and where male teachers showed favoritism to their male student in terms of grades you can bet your ass all of the major newspapers would be all over it like ants on a donuts.

Our societies simply do not care about men at all, assume as a given that men are privileged, and treat men like disposable tools who should be obedient meek slaves who pay their taxes and ask for nothing in return. As for why men put up with this I think it’s because 1) the top down brainwashing indoctrination machine is very powerful and gets to men from a young age and 2) it’s actually very hard to speak out about this stuff publicly without having your reputation completely obliterated/possibly losing your job and so on. I really hope men find some way to stand up for themselves as a group soon. Enough is enough man.
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But there is no difference between males and females, of course, and both can be made into a docile corporate unigender

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Yeah, you nailed it. Clown world just fuckin kills me inside dude.
Shame this has so few replies. This is truly what the black pill is about, understanding reality. Seing things and their nature for what they are not what we want them to be.
Agreed, I think it’s a great post that is very revealing about what it’s actually like these days for boys in school. Feminism should be repealed but also tons more male teachers would likely help young men. Funny how we never hear about job gaps in female dominated industries as a being a problem.
Number of raindrops in a thunderstorm IQ
If I were king of shit hill I would put every schoolteacher to death. Schools are literally just prisons for children to "reform" them into wageslaves acquainted with routine and being tortured by supervisors/normie coworkers.
Girls are valued for being quiet and compliant (unless they later become stay at home wives dutifully serving their husbands, of course). Indeed, their natural instincts of submissiveness and subservience are harnessed by the school system to mold them into proper consumer-citizens in our modern capitalist economy, where they will submit to their capitalist bosses (dutifully performing the busywork demanded of them) and submit to other recognized hegemons/hegemonies under liberalism, but not to their fathers and husbands ("the patriarchy").
And they are still basically mentally retarded dishwashers that sit in the Amazon HR department doing nothing all day. They do nothing but please shareholders and managers with their pussies. Hopefully China rapes the west after a few generations of it turning all its men into homeless smackheads, pussywhipped queers and brillo-heads while the Chinese indoctrinate tens of millions of horny chinks with pent-up incel rage into militaristic masculinity.
desire to conform to schoolteachers' expectations as a boy -> become quiet and docile -> become feminized -> incel

pipeline is complete
Girls are valued for being quiet and compliant (unless they later become stay at home wives dutifully serving their husbands, of course). Indeed, their natural instincts of submissiveness and subservience are harnessed by the school system to mold them into proper consumer-citizens in our modern capitalist economy, where they will submit to their capitalist bosses (dutifully performing the busywork demanded of them) and submit to other recognized hegemons/hegemonies under liberalism, but not to their fathers and husbands ("the patriarchy").
I might add that foids aren't really obedient out of the sense of obedience or respect. Apart from favouritism and bullshit subjects in academia, the reason foids do better than boys in school and college is because a career is like a higher social status to a foid whereas boys don't get a cookie for that. Nowadays boys get nothing for doing anything good let alone in school unless they are born the 'proper' bone structure. Imagine foids being told that they have no other choices than doing good in schools and then taking care of their deadbeat husbands for life. They'd be dropping of schools in drones.

You see foids being babysitters, nannies, and kindergarten teachers, yet, all of them grow up to be horrible single mothers after taking hundreds of cocks in each of their holes. It's not necessarily their subservient nature, rather their unbridled greed for materialism and selfishness that are harnessed by the society. Their need to commodify their femininity and everything they used to do for their family for money and social status. Given the chance, on an average, foids are usually more disrespectful, disruptive, unreasonable, and immature in public. Karen is a meme for a reason. It's usually them who initiate divorces and that too over pettiest of reasons. They are ready to ruin their own and their families' futures for a few more bucks with shit like OF. They are subservient and obedient in the same way tyrants were good in their own eyes.
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Female teachers are against competitiveness. They will almost always apply double standards. In my 20 years of education I have only witnessed one women teacher who contradicts this.

They assist one side and obstruct the other. They introduce rules but apply them initiatively. They wouldn't let you use the very same rules they introduced to provide advantage to others, to your own advantage. They derive their morality not from logic but from their emotions. They let some students break the same rules while they strike other students with their semblance of a hammer of classroom authority.

To them fairness is about equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. They are the moderators and not the competitors but they act as if they compete for one side. They treat you with hostility if you argue against the fairness of the situation. And they will hold a grudge against you for it.

When someone complains about a female student without hard evidence, they consider the word of the accused as truth. When someone accuses a male student without hard evidence, they prosecute him.
Total schoolteacher death.
Female teachers are against competitiveness. They will almost always apply double standards. In my 20 years of education I have only witnessed one women teacher who contradicts this.

They assist one side and obstruct the other. They introduce rules but apply them initiatively. They wouldn't let you use the very same rules they introduced to provide advantage to others, to your own advantage. They derive their morality not from logic but from their emotions. They let some students break the same rules while they strike other students with their semblance of a hammer of classroom authority.
And, I have noticed, because everyone is put through 13 years under the boots of these scumbags, they behave likewise in adulthood. Everyone is a hypocrite who makes an argument for the side he favors, but when that argument really supports the other side, they ignore it and avoid the topic.

This is why I no longer believe in discourse. Discourse can only be had between honest, good-faith actors. This bad-faith behavior being the norm means you just have to blackmail them, or jump them, into compliance with you. Or engage in learned helplessness and take an L that isn't rightfully yours.
To them fairness is about equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. They are the moderators and not the competitors but they act as if they compete for one side. They treat you with hostility if you argue against the fairness of the situation. And they will hold a grudge against you for it.
Not equality of outcome. The predetermination of outcome. Equality of outcome would mean giving boys a W for every W they give to girls. They don't do this, they give all the W's to girls. But, being the deceitful rats they are, they call this equality of outcome.
When someone complains about a female student without hard evidence, they consider the word of the accused as truth. When someone accuses a male student without hard evidence, they prosecute him.
And we wonder where #metoo came from. School indoctrination is the spigot from which all modern evil flows. The solution to all of the west's current ills starts with abolishing the public schools and outlawing the teachers' unions.
Just burn and flay every piece of shit normie
they hate their male students so much
We already know that both males and females are biased toward females. Water wet.
there was a study posted on the MRA sub years ago showing that women received more lenient grading for the same work than men and also that boys did better academically in classes taught by men.
desire to conform to schoolteachers' expectations as a boy -> become quiet and docile -> become feminized -> incel

pipeline is complete
Man you have so many good posts under your belt. Thanks for putting effort into em, we appreciate you dog :feelsYall:

Most men being raised by women has been a problem for awhile now for sure. Female teachers are almost all Tera-feminist lefty types and there was a study posted on the MRA sub years ago showing that women received more lenient grading for the same work than men and also that boys did better academically in classes taught by men. Damn I wish I saved that.

It’s like nobody even noticed this shit. If it were flipped the other way where most teachers were male, where those male teachers complained about the behavior of their female students, and where male teachers showed favoritism to their male student in terms of grades you can bet your ass all of the major newspapers would be all over it like ants on a donuts.

Our societies simply do not care about men at all, assume as a given that men are privileged, and treat men like disposable tools who should be obedient meek slaves who pay their taxes and ask for nothing in return. As for why men put up with this I think it’s because 1) the top down brainwashing indoctrination machine is very powerful and gets to men from a young age and 2) it’s actually very hard to speak out about this stuff publicly without having your reputation completely obliterated/possibly losing your job and so on. I really hope men find some way to stand up for themselves as a group soon. Enough is enough man.
Unless you're a man with a talent that's in the top 5 percentile among the general population, you're disposable and if your skill set and other attributes are below the average, you're just a dead man to everyone else. Not only is the school system suppressing men of their true nature, but they'll never let them know their true potential, and even worse if you're an incel, they'll put you down if you do realize it and never let you amount to anything.
Based high iq post. Foids don’t understand that boys are physical. They don’t want to talk about their feelings and shit. Granted zoomer bullshit and low attention span have fucked that generation but boys have been like this forever
I was always in in-school-suspension for fighting with the female teachers. I remember I was the only kid who wouldn't stand for the pledge of allegience because I didn't want to, man that pissed off some fat whore teacher that had a zogbot son.
Even as a kid I recognized fat whores authority is false.
When I didn't need any more credits they had me run paper deliveries to teachers. They used to tape little candies to important papers to give to other teachers but never gave me one, so every trip, I'd throw most of the papers in the trash.
I was always in in-school-suspension for fighting with the female teachers. I remember I was the only kid who wouldn't stand for the pledge of allegience because I didn't want to, man that pissed off some fat whore teacher that had a zogbot son.
Even as a kid I recognized fat whores authority is false.
When I didn't need any more credits they had me run paper deliveries to teachers. They used to tape little candies to important papers to give to other teachers but never gave me one, so every trip, I'd throw most of the papers in the trash.
true I got told off alot in school while the foids in my class wouldn't get told off fucking double standards. It was always the foid teachers that would do this though, the male teachers were much fairer.
Excellent post my friend, have never seen your posts before, I did also read your other thread since you linked it the one about shaming excellent job and I look forward to reading more in the future, I don't have much to add to your post since I agree pretty much and have pondered and researched this stuff myself before too.
such as recess, the female authorities make sure that the games boys play are as non-combative as possible
Yeah, I remember being told off by female teachers for playing with sticks and stuff, no serious injury ever occured or anything, I do understand that outside of foids not wanting us to fight or what not, there is also the legal aspect to this sort of stuff, if I seriously hurt myself at school, then the school could become legally liable and be sued, I do not think that would exactly be an issue 100 years ago, the world has changed probably for the worse in alot of ways when you even think about it outside of our shitty foid central education system.
true I got told off alot in school while the foids in my class wouldn't get told off fucking double standards. It was always the foid teachers that would do this though, the male teachers were much fairer.
Yeah read above too, I always had a problem with my female teachers and even my own mother pointed this out to me and told me to respect women, I almost never had a problem with my male teachers, god I hated most of those bitches but maybe 1 or 2 of them were ok. Now I am remembering these bitches and I am angry lol. Actually I am going to make a thread about one of them because it was ridiculous one time.
Another misandrist femorhhoid teacher. Who wants to bet it's a fat post wall roastie who wrote this?
You cannot understand the state of gender relations in the West without examining the school system, which socializes young children even more than their own families do. AN OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of schoolteachers are female, and as we can see in the following thread, they do not like the natural instincts of boys and think of them as primitive, whereas girls are praised for fitting in quite nicely:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/17cgwcy/tired_of_boys_behavior/

Girls are valued for being quiet and compliant (unless they later become stay at home wives dutifully serving their husbands, of course). Indeed, their natural instincts of submissiveness and subservience are harnessed by the school system to mold them into proper consumer-citizens in our modern capitalist economy, where they will submit to their capitalist bosses (dutifully performing the busywork demanded of them) and submit to other recognized hegemons/hegemonies under liberalism, but not to their fathers and husbands ("the patriarchy").

Boys are viewed as disruptive and annoying for not shutting up and listening like they're supposed to. They are too independent-minded and physically energetic, taking a natural disliking to the monotony our modern capitalist economy has to offer, which is why the rate of males in higher education (docility training and indoctrination) has been massively decreasing over the decades. This seems to correspond to the education system increasingly becoming an industrial conveyer belt of rubber-stamped credentials achieved through the rote memorization of useless trivia (which females generally specialize in -- namely the memorization of trivia about persons), rather than a true place of learning, debate, and exploration (which would appeal more to the energetic, combative, and adventurous nature of boys).

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It's EXTREMELY illustrative of my point that these two schoolteachers complain about boys "touching each other" too much. The second one even insinuates that it contradicts the boys' reflexive "homophobia" ( :lul: ), whereas in reality, it's very clearly a manifestation of the natural drive of boys to play-fight each other. But to a female (or a soy male, who would be the most likely type of male to join a female-oriented profession) this is quite a foreign concept.

This is why it's important that young boys have MASCULINE-MALE role models helping to socialize them. Because play-fighting is a way that young males in all sorts of species learn how to interact with each other, settle disputes, and navigate the social hierarchy better. It is actually the very essence of their social education. And it explains, by the way, why boys have their natural aversion to homosexuality or implications of weakness in other males (before it is socialized out of them): BECAUSE WEAKNESS/FAGGOTRY MAKES YOU INTO A POOR FIGHTER, ERGO A POOR MAN.

In evolutionary terms, men are supposed to fight for dominance, but not just selfishly against each other. Not even primarily so. Evolution is NOT a individual-oriented process, as I have described in my thread about shame. What play-fighting teaches boys to do is not just engage in interpersonal conflicts, but more importantly obtain the ability RESOLVE these conflicts so that they can come together and unite in the event of a common enemy that need to be dealt with (i.e., group conflict or WAR). Playing sports is a sublimation of this: the male drive to go to war. It also explains the "racism" of boys, which is an expression of tribalistic group conflict, albeit a very UNsublimated expression of it in the modern, multiracial West.

Meanwhile all females need to know in terms of war is to just spread their legs to whomever wins it -- whether it's their returning tribesmen or the enemy. I can recall in this regard the story of a young German teenager at the end of WWII, when Germany itself was being invaded, who was enlisted into the army and shocked to hear the nonchalance with which an older German woman spoke of spreading her legs to the Soviet enemy. It was just a matter of course for her! On the other hand, there is the story of Japanese women who hurled themselves and their children off of cliffs rather than face domination (and presumed rape) by American soldiers, but Japan was even more traditional in gender roles than Germany at that time

Anyway, boys end up becoming effeminate due to the influence of the female-dominated school system (and adjunct professionals they interface with such as psychologists, see below) which disrupts their socialization. It's a fact that's often overlooked in commentary about "the death of men." The other day I watched a video on the topic, and the school system wasn't mentioned once.

I would argue that one of the consequences of the effeminization of men and thus society as a whole is the inability for unified political coalitions to form which can effectively challenge a common enemy (in this case, authority) and create positive changes for society. Yes, revolutionary ideology is inherently masculine, and what we see instead of it (or masquerading as it) is increasing weakness and social fragmentation. What better represents this weakness and fragmentation on the left-wing than the newest iteration of "transgressive" faggotry: transsexuality? A fragmentation of personality, in which a disassociated, false self takes hold to protect the weak, true self, reeling from social/romantic rejection and from the pain of reality, through a fantasy defense. Rather than confronting reality and ultimately reconciling with it, in the way that boys are supposed to learn to do through play-fighting, male-to-female trannies fantasy play like girls at teatime, dressing up stuffed animals (and themselves) into skirts.

The field of psychology, yet another female-dominated profession socializing the young (and errant adults), has been integral in promoting the rise of deference to subjectivity (believing what a person says about themselves uncritically), which has led directly to the legitimization of transsexuality, among other things. It's funny because in many contexts, psychologists will only pretend to defer to a patient's subjectivity, showcasing a false veneer of respect for the patient's understanding of themselves and their situation, while actually subtly communicating to them that they are wrong, illogical, and need to think/act differently. And these are in cases where the admittedly irrational beliefs or overbearing emotional drives of the patient would end up having healthier consequences, if allowed to naturally progress and take fruition, than those of a transsexual who will castrate themselves in the end! An example would be a depressed person in therapy sharing the painful reality of their life, and who would in the process end up discovering the solutions to it, instead being told by their therapist to "reframe" every negative thought and subdue every negative emotion until they are too disconnected from reality to help themselves anymore. But crucially, they are thus made more compliant with society and less willing to complain, which is the only purpose of such "therapy."

Meanwhile on the right-wing, the group-based dynamics of evolution and its manifestations in politics are totally eschewed as "collectivism." Instead what's promoted is the most antisocial, selfish, and individualistic bastardization of masculinity, role modelled by hypocrites such as Andrew Tate -- a "Muslim" mongrel who pimps and fornicates, and clearly worships money and status in the world much more than any divinity. To the Tate Brothers, religion is just another form of posturing, or wearing contrasting fancy outfits. Andrew Tate's brother has even admitted it: that he came to identify as Christian not because he believed in God, but because he liked the "values" of the Bible (which he could only superficially describe). How does this make him any different than a tranny choosing to identify as a female because they like the superficial bearing of females? Despite the two Tate brothers being so close, or perhaps precisely because of it, they identify as different religions (or shall I say: genders? :lul:) to differentiate themselves. The common denominator here is NARCISSISM.

In fairness, I can also see in the Tates' professed religiosity (particularly Andrew's) a desire to supplement the influence of their deceased father, but based upon their descriptions of him, he was extremely narcissistic himself, so the point stands. Indeed, the Abrahamic God and "His" relationship with "His Creation" is the very definition of narcissism.

I am reminded of the story of two young British brothers during the start of WWI, who were horribly bored on their family farm. They were EXCITED when the war kicked off and they could finally go to fight. This encapsulates the male spirit. Capitalist busywork/"grinding" and productivity should NOT be promoted as the meaning of life for men, especially since it's a rigged game and only a small minority of people can become rich by the very rules of social hierarchy and the free market in the first place (most rich people are BORN that way). In the case of those British brothers (not the Tates, JFL), they could only hope to work on a farm or maybe a more exciting urban factory in their lives. Things are not much different now in terms of upward mobility, or they are even relatively worse. But "get excited for monotonous wageslavery and the not just unlikely but INCREASINGLY unlikely promise of being rich" is the main message of modern right-wing influencers.

Due to the school system, it is notable that "homework" no longer means the female gender role of tending to the home (which at any rate is now mostly automated through laundry machines, electric dishwashers, and the like), but keeping up capitalist productivity norms even in your leisure time. It was observed centuries ago, prior to the advent of public schools, that boys would leave the home and rough-and-tumble play around outside all day, much to the annoyance of their mothers, while girls were considerably more likely to stay indoors and help their mothers out with daily chores. What prevented the mother from becoming overbearing and forcing her boys to stay home and help with the "home-work" was the fact that boys weren't even good at it, and caused much more trouble than they were worth. They are not good at taking care of babies/children and nurturing them with sensitivity to their emotions like girls are. It makes them feel understimulated and bored, and therefore disruptive and annoying (JUST LIKE IN THE MODERN-DAY CLASSROOM!). So the mother would begrudgingly allow the boys to be boys, and socialize themselves outside. Under the influence of schoolteachers, however, this process is critically interrupted since there is no escape from the stifling classroom. You can not just leave it and wander outside and play, except for very regimented "periods" of time. And even in these slots of time, such as recess, the female authorities make sure that the games boys play are as non-combative as possible -- even going so far as to ban group sports all together! Napoleon played war with other children when he was young. On a modern American school playground, he would get in trouble for it.

Other socio-economic factors enter into this, such as the contradiction that Western society is both overpopulated (and thus dangerous; you would not want to let your young boys just wander around with all these masses of strangers and immigrants in the area who you've never met and who have no real affiliation with you -- much unlike a traditional, ancestral community. You would not even let them join specialized groups such as the Boy Scouts which might inculcate masculinity, since there is an epidemic of sexual abuse in them which perhaps a good degree of targeted "homophobia" could extirpate, but far from it, the Boy Scouts were forced to undo their ban on homosexuality, JFL), yet also underpopulated (the average mother does not have very many children like in old times, in large part due to the fact that those aforementioned immigrants can make up for the lack of native fertility). So the whole culture is radically different than what it once was. It is MUCH more rootless, sedentary, compliant, and docile, which are female modes of being. Males are increasingly viewed as defective females due to the orientation of society and the economy and what it incentivizes people to become. Case in point: it is neither possible nor desirable for males to go to war anymore to express their natural evolutionary drive for group conflict, given how much more deadly and destructive it is. Those two British brothers referenced earlier did not survive WWI. They both died. But even if they did survive, they'd probably have been rattled with shell shock, and the society they came back to would have offered little to no succor, the modernist society such that it was.

One last issue I didn't mention is that girls mature quicker than boys on average (reaching puberty and other developmental milestones earlier), which should be reflected in the structure of any education system. Why are boys and girls of the same age in the same classroom being led by the same older female teacher, who will naturally gravitate toward the more mature girls, who in any case the teacher relates to better in terms of sharing a common gender? LIKE people should be grouped together for the best possible growth and development. But schools are not generally good at doing this, hence the case of high-functioning and even high IQ autists who develop emotional problems spurring from social isolation being placed in the same special education classes as drooling retards and irredeemably violent thugs.


Screenshot 20231025 112040 Reddit
The second one even insinuates that it contradicts the boys' reflexive "homophobia"
This kind of sexually driven people unable to keep their fantasm to themselves regarding their work should not work with young children.
Excellent post my friend, have never seen your posts before, I did also read your other thread since you linked it the one about shaming excellent job and I look forward to reading more in the future, I don't have much to add to your post since I agree pretty much and have pondered and researched this stuff myself before too.

Yeah, I remember being told off by female teachers for playing with sticks and stuff, no serious injury ever occured or anything, I do understand that outside of foids not wanting us to fight or what not, there is also the legal aspect to this sort of stuff, if I seriously hurt myself at school, then the school could become legally liable and be sued, I do not think that would exactly be an issue 100 years ago, the world has changed probably for the worse in alot of ways when you even think about it outside of our shitty foid central education system.

Yeah read above too, I always had a problem with my female teachers and even my own mother pointed this out to me and told me to respect women, I almost never had a problem with my male teachers, god I hated most of those bitches but maybe 1 or 2 of them were ok. Now I am remembering these bitches and I am angry lol. Actually I am going to make a thread about one of them because it was ridiculous one time.
When in in-school-suspension a slut showed up and asked the male teacher if she can give her friend food, he was friendly and let her. When my friend was in ISS, I went to bring him food, he went off about "you're not supposed to be here" and "Students aren't allowed to give each other food here" so I started calling him an ugly fat bitch and the fag started screaming lmao.
Male teachers that aren't sub-5 are simps for teenage pussy.
When in in-school-suspension a slut showed up and asked the male teacher if she can give her friend food, he was friendly and let her. When my friend was in ISS, I went to bring him food, he went off about "you're not supposed to be here" and "Students aren't allowed to give each other food here" so I started calling him an ugly fat bitch and the fag started screaming lmao.
Male teachers that aren't sub-5 are simps for teenage pussy.
Foid halo effect at work I hate this planet I hope our milky way galaxy collides with the andromeda galaxy. I hope 2 stars collide causing a nearby galactic burst gamma ray which destroys this planet.
They were EXCITED when the war kicked off and they could finally go to fight.
Lol this is just horrible shit. This is selling out your life to overlords just like with capitalism.
Also you implying men should feel motivated by the idea of killing or being killed by other men? WW1 also was the worst androcides ever. Most guys were forced or guilled into fighting.

Fact is some trannies are actually aware being a male in a sexually dimorphic species is HORSESHIT so they opt out
it is neither possible nor desirable for males to go to war anymore to express their natural evolutionary drive for group conflict, given how much more deadly and destructive it is.
Litterally no one is preventing you from joining a contractor company. Fact is going to war is shit. It’s something men are built to endure and tolerate rather than appreciate
Lol this is just horrible shit. This is selling out your life to overlords just like with capitalism.
Also you implying men should feel motivated by the idea of killing or being killed by other men? WW1 also was the worst androcides ever. Most guys were forced or guilled into fighting.
Not anymore horrible than us getting excited whenever there's a new ER. It's actually a great sign of our latent warlike spirit as males, especially dispossessed males, that we have a martyrdom ethic in the incelosphere.

This relates to my thread on Palestine and Israel. Gaza is filled with dispossessed, young males who have no future, which is precisely why Gazans are so willing to go to war, despite the disproportionate damage and devastation they will face themselves.

Litterally no one is preventing you from joining a contractor company.
Yes, but in that case you're fighting for literally nothing meaningful. It's very different than fighting beside your own kind for a cause that's salient to you.

Of course, this probably has a lot to do with credulity and IQ. Dumb people are more likely to think that Ukraine's cause is meaningful, for example, and go volunteer for them (even as US officials such as Mitch McConnell plainly spell out that Ukrainians are just cannon fodder against Russia in the geopolitical chess-game) :feelshaha:

Notice, by the way, that when it comes to a truly meaningful war, like the one between Israel and Palestine, that you could not join it even if you wanted to because the social cohesion of both sides is so strong that you would not be desired or accepted as some random Westerner. Nor would you even have any real basis through which to identify with the conflict in the first place. But to be sure, there are swaths of dumb American Evangelicals who are retarded enough to support Israel on the basis of Biblical prophesy (something Netanyahu has cynically exploited by saying that invading Gaza will "fulfill the prophesy of Isaiah," a prophecy which ultimately states that all Jews who do not convert to Christianity after the return of Christ will be sent to Hell :lul:)

But forgot about being a mercenary. We are so socially alienated that even official warfare engaged in by America, for instance, is completely meaningless and demonstrably just a business or at the behest of special interests. So it's not even meaningful for the people it purports to represent, if you could even call Americans "a people."

Indeed, in this regard, Israel's cause is much less meaningful than Palestine's given the evidence that Israel has purposefully extended the conflict with Hamas over the decades because of all the foreign aid and military-industrial subsidies it receives from America over it.

Also, I was in no way implying in the OP that WWI was a meaningful war. Just the opposite: it is not even given retrospective meaning in history, lol. Unless perhaps if you're a Zionist, in which case you could say that WWI cleared the way for Israel's existence :feelshehe:

Fact is some trannies are actually aware being a male in a sexually dimorphic species is HORSESHIT so they opt out
In my research on the tranny question, it is a dissociative psychological defense against social/romantic rejection and even sexual/physical abuse.

So yes, some male to female trannies would realize that being a man is undesirable because they have less social value. But on the other hand, female to male trannies would think the exact opposite, usually because they were victims of sexual/physical abuse, a situation in which being a female renders them weak and inferior.
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Not anymore horrible than us getting excited whenever there's a new ER. It's actually a great sign of our latent warlike spirit as males, especially dispossessed males, that we have a martyrdom ethic in the incelosphere.
No it’s actually more like snapping out because of emotions plus injustice. In war you are being manipulated to die for a overlord

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