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Cope whats your ascension plan atm?



May 21, 2020
right now I plan on getting braces to fix my bottom teeth, leanmaxx to 10% bf, go under a few small surgeries to fix some failos I have (mainly lips and fix my eyes so I won't need glasses)... Thinking about moving to another country where I can have a better life and where I can play on a niche with my exotic cards (thinking about asia). Ofc first of all I need to moneymaxx to affort all that shit.

What about yours?
Currently moneymaxxing and hopefully socialmaxxing
I seriously thought about living in Asia.

But it would be complete madness.
There is no ascension for me unless there's some virus that makes all foids blind.
I have some money saved up, gonna try an escort for the first time
Eventual death.
I want to gymcel not to ascend but to be stronger and healthier.
I think you kinda exaggerate on your failures. I''ve seen your photo and in my opinion you can ascend, nothing impossible. A bimax would do miracles to your life
I think you kinda exaggerate on your failures. I''ve seen your photo and in my opinion you can ascend, nothing impossible. A bimax would do miracles to your life
hmmm... Are you sure you saw the right person and didnt confuse me for someone else?
There aint a fix for mentalcels
stem cells, blood transfusions, possible self-tanner + fake-up for skin. hairline reduction and further balding prevention methods for hair. rhinoplasty for nose.

those efforts might grant me basic respect in society with the possibility of being able to betabuxx a whorish landwhale. not counting on it though, and the latter isn’t even a goal
stem cells?
To try to get rid of my acne, although I really wouldn't call this an ascension plan per se.
Rather, something I'd like to self improve upon.
hmmm... Are you sure you saw the right person and didnt confuse me for someone else?

didn't see a portrait one since you haven't post any but judging by this one on looksmax.org I think there's hope with the necessary effort. A user even did a morph on that thread.

didn't see a portrait one since you haven't post any but judging by this one on looksmax.org I think there's hope with the necessary effort. A user even did a morph on that thread.
Morphs are just unreliable cope.

The morphs were just made by people trying to give false hope.
Moneymaxx and then SEAmaxx.
I've given up trying, so I don't have any. She would literally have to fall from the sky like a weeb anime. Oh wait she did when I bought her.
Dietmaxxing and gymmaxxing. Want to do these for health reasons but it's not like these can lower my chances lol. Thinking about becoming a wagie but can't imagine selling my soul to some corporation for minimum wage.
I dont really have hope anymore for that. I would like to escortcel at some point but I'm genuinely concerned I might be too hideous for even that to go smoothly.
Morphs are just unreliable cope.

The morphs were just made by people trying to give false hope.
yeah whatever you wants to believe but what do you have to lose?
yeah whatever you wants to believe but what do you have to lose?
Tens of thousands of dollars and permanent physical damage/pain from botched/failed surgerys.

Also saying "just get jaw surgery bro" is such generic advice and applies to basically everyone on this forum. Literally over 90% of incels have bad Jaws.
Trying to looksmax and moneymaxx
ive no plans for that
I'm getting a rhinoplasty thats for sure.
Moneymaxing and retiring in my 40s is the ultimate ascension.
All my plans failed. I don't have any at this moment.
Thinking about moving to another country where I can have a better life and where I can play on a niche with my exotic cards (thinking about asia).

From where are you?
Do you understand that it's difficult to permanently move to another country? For example Japan simply does not allow permanent immigration.
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right now I plan on getting braces to fix my bottom teeth, leanmaxx to 10% bf, go under a few small surgeries to fix some failos I have (mainly lips and fix my eyes so I won't need glasses)... Thinking about moving to another country where I can have a better life and where I can play on a niche with my exotic cards (thinking about asia). Ofc first of all I need to moneymaxx to affort all that shit.

What about yours?
Living on my own and interacting with filthy humans for things I need and that's it. Going to be doing a lot of things I don't want to explain but gymmaxxing, moneymaxxing are on their but money for things I like and have a meaning for me or use it to create stuff. If I were to have kids it would be through surrogacy with moneymaxxing. Eventually live on the beach side but where internet is fast.
Be at the site of a terrorist attack or a bank robbery or something and jump in to save a foid's life, who will then fuck me in gratitude
LLmaxx, roidmaxx, darktriadmaxx, thugmaxx and weaponmaxx.
Thinking about moving to another country where I can have a better life and where I can play on a niche with my exotic cards (thinking about asia).
Brutal but good luck
None, I'm basically done
Spend the next year roiding, gymceling, dieting and get to sub 10%. Go to the beach as much as possible or other places where it’s possible to show off the body. Maybe lost a shirtless pic on dating site. Hope a girl likes me just for my body.
There is none. I am doomed. A truecel.
Get a nosesurgery, jawsurgery and replace my subhuman teeth once I start earning (around 2 years from now)
Try to social circlemaxx this last year of HS.
Wait for genetics to kick and since cancer runs in both sides of the family, I'm the most fucked so I might as well wait.
No ascension for ethnics.
My cope was always that someone would piss me off so much that I could have the excuse to go ER Anyways I don't think much of it now since i'm Christian now :feelshaha:
Mine was to social circle and activitymaxx at my final year of uni, but i got cucked by corona.
Now come September I will be working full time in a male dominated field.
waiting for a war and widowmaxx

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