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JFL Just be Jack Black Theory (An Exposé on Actualised.org)



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Aug 18, 2023
The Post

March 21, 2024
Jack Black is a good example to study if you want to get good with girls. Jack Black is not tall or good-looking, but his authenticity and self-expressiveness is off-the-charts. The man just does not give a fuck how anyone thinks he looks. He's able to fully be himself even if he looks fat and stupid.

This is what elite level game looks like. It has nothing to do with sex or even talking to girls:

Jack Black looks like a fat hairy sloppy fool. Frankly, if I looked like him I would be afraid to go outside — which would be my weakness. But because he doesn't care, no one cares. His energy infects you, even if you're a grown-ass man. He's a master at driving state. Jack Black could walk up to you on the street, finger your ass hole, and you would stand there and let him do it. Because his frame is so strong.

This is why pickup lines are stupid. Your goal with game is not to recite lines, it's to turn yourself into Jack Black. There is no pickup line that does that. In fact, pickup lines are antithetical to this. You can't fully self-express if you're worried about properly reciting some line.

Remove all premeditation from your interactions with girls. You can't achieve what Jack Black does through premeditation. Instead, muster the balls to be completely spontaneous.

This is why guys who constantly complain or worry about looks are hopelessly lost. Because if you still worry about your looks, no matter how you look, then you're stuck in your head and you're not being comfortably self-expressive. To truly self-express you have to be completely comfortable in your body and out of your mind.

You have to not be thinking anything logical. You can't be worrying about how you look, or what some girl thinks of you. Your mind has to be blank and you need to be having fun just for the sake of having fun. Not calculating. Not worrying. Not caring. You need to be operating on instinct. If you're a logical guy, this is where you're failing. Logic is killing you.

Imagine if Jack Black kept telling himself every day: "I don't look very good. I'm fat. No one is going to like me. Am I cool yet? How's my hair? What does that girl think of me? How can I impress her? My dick's not so big. It's not fair that girls like 6 foot chads. It's not fair that girls have it easy.

Feminists have ruined dating. Online dating is unfair. No hot girl will want me. If only my jawline was a little sharper.

Why was I born this way?"

I fucking dare you to reach a point where you never think about your looks again.

"But Leo.... you said genetics and looks matter."


Stop fucking thinking! Discover the Jack Black in you!

The reason people drink alcohol at bars and clubs is because it helps them be as free as Jack Black. The key to game is to train yourself to be this way without any intoxicants. Obviously this is a much harder challenge for introverts than extroverts. But even so, it can be done and that is your task.

Note: Discovering the Jack Black in you does not mean that you have to adopt his goofy mannerisms. I'm not telling you to mirror him like a monkey. Rather, you need to discover your authentic style of self-expression, which will be unique to you.

You're not copying anyone else's mannerisms. You're being 110% you. The you you'd be if you didn't care what anyone thought of you and didn't need anything from anyone. A fearless and energized you. Finding this you will take a lot of exploration and experience. That's what pickup is really about. When you can do what Jack Black does, you've mastered game.

Jack Black is what they call a natural. It's effortless for him. Unfair? Of course. But don't think about that, just get to work being you.

It took me a decade to understand this.
Additional Note: You don't have to be as high-energy as Jack Black singing in order to attract girls. Jack's frame can also be expressed in a quieter, calmer manner. The volume of expression needs to fit the environment and social context you're in, so you don't come off as a raving lunatic. You can be wilder in a loud nightclub and softer in a chill bar.

My Thoughts

This shit is from actualised.org. A place where trucels in denial gather together and cope their way through life with cope spiritual woke ideologies. Leo gura has built a cult of personality around himself and his followers take his word as gospel. 90% of his followers are mentally ill in some shape or form. The foids and sub-5s there love parroting non duality woowoospeak and it just seems really fake and inauthentic.

His videos use a subtle form of mind control and his old logo was a symbol for pedophilia. He was sexually molested as a child as he wrote on his blog. Probably involved in some sort of occult satanism bullshit. In one of his livestreams he has 666 up on his wall. He loves to think he’s the ultimate authority on truth as he likes to be so arrogant and edgy on his forum and in his videos. Everybody on his forum is retarded too.

Actualised.org is responsible for at least 3 suicides. There’s a dark vibe about him. He’s just a scammaxxed, statusmaxxed and moneymaxxed sub-5 lol who makes his money by selling delusions and over intellectualised copes that don’t have much real world applications. It’s either you’re that guy destined to be successful or you’re not.

Leo gura likes to over intellectualise everything so autistically and none of his followers question any of the BS he says. They're so brainwashed and mind controlled by him jfl. This man literally cultmaxxed

No, you can’t just be jack black. You need a certain amount of NT to do that. Jack black already has a decent face underneath all of the homeless looks. I don’t get this niggas point. Genetic determinism accounts for personality too. I know for a fact this nigga didn't act retarded before he statusmaxxed he only acts retarded now because he's statusmaxxed and nobody will care

You can’t just wake up one day and decide to be this jestermaxxing retard, you need to be on some sort of drugs for that. If niggas do that without drugs they will just end up being a laughing stock and will be a massive joke to everyone, losing status. Just be retarded theory doesn’t work. They laugh at you, not with you.

No amount of retarded redpill cope and PUA cope is gonna fix us. It's either you can be that guy or can't. That's just the way it is
Jestermaxxing is a massive pretension lol.
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Mods please move this to inceldom discussion...
No, you can’t just be jack black. You need a certain amount of NT to do that. Jack black already has a decent face underneath all of the homeless looks.


"Look guys, this fat Chad is doing well, that means all fat guys can do so as well:soy::soy:."
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Wow a good looking, talented, actor man who's also a household name and NT/Extroverted as fuck has some success with some women?! NO FUCKING WAY.

Close the forum down we're all ascending boys!
Wow a good looking, talented, actor man who's also a household name and NT/Extroverted as fuck has some success with some women?! NO FUCKING WAY.

Close the forum down we're all ascending boys!
Jfl. Some foid on Twitter tried to virtue signal and call Jack Black attractive and feminist Twitter had a massive spergout about how they're not inclined to date ugly men like him.
Jfl. Some foid on Twitter tried to virtue signal and call Jack Black attractive and feminist Twitter had a massive spergout about how they're not inclined to date ugly men like him.
Reminder: no amount of redpill and PUA cope will substitute for an NTs ability to spontaneously come up with witty shit to say and do. While a sub5 is watching 10 hour long courses, the NT just naturally is born charismatic
actualized.org is an attempt at mind control hypnotism and it worked on retards who couldn't see through it. RIP to them
@Fat Link pls move this to inceldom discussion because its more relevant there
yeah i dont even see jack black as white. he's an honorary kneegrow in my humble white opinion.
He's not even bad looking which is the funny part, he has a mogger eye area. He's a HTN if he loses weight.
why is this redpiller gay for jack black?

talk about bad taste jfl
He's not even bad looking which is the funny part, he has a mogger eye area. He's a HTN if he loses weight.
Foids can see past his fat and Reddit neck beard they notice his BONES and GENETICS. That’s why they love him. JBW also.

He is low inhib and extroverted exactly because in his early years he literally looked like chad and that gave him a massive positive social feedback loop. He knows he’s the shit either way if he’s looksminned or looksmaxxed he’s a fuckin celebrity high status

Once you’re deep into a negative social feedback loop, you can’t just “jack black” your way out of it that’s not how it works lol but this gay retarded redpiller thinks so. His retarded followers eat it up though but it works out for actualised.org LEO gura (scammaxxed false hope selling guru)
Lol his followers eat it up
jfl disgusting gay cult

they remind me of feminism, 'omg look at this empowered bluehair girlboss fatass, she's so inspiring guizzz omg she's fat and she doesn't even care take that fatphobes'. obviously these fat foids are only 'girlbossing' bc feminism insists on promoting ugly sheboons everywhere

of course, in every single case of people who are 'fat and it doesn't matter,' there are social factors propping them up (feminism, fame, etc.) artificially, without which they'd just be fat and ugly and be left to stew in their fat ugliness.
jfl disgusting gay cult

they remind me of feminism, 'omg look at this empowered bluehair girlboss fatass, she's so inspiring guizzz omg she's fat and she doesn't even care take that fatphobes'. obviously these fat foids are only 'girlbossing' bc feminism insists on promoting ugly sheboons everywhere

of course, in every single case of people who are 'fat and it doesn't matter,' there are social factors propping them up (feminism, fame, etc.) artificially, without which they'd just be fat and ugly and be left to stew in their fat ugliness.
On the forum there’s a weird sheboon foid called “princess arabia” and on the mental health section of the forum she basically takes the piss out of suicidal brocels you can’t make this shit up lol. I’ll try and find screenshots. His whole forum is fucked up too lol. Trucels yapping new age nonsense 24/7 with a couple of foids in the mix.

They want to get with the foids using the forum but they don’t even see them as men.

Fat foids are yappers they’ll do anything but go on a diet and go to gym

Fuck Leo Guru
IMG 0248

Leo gura once encouraged his followers to rope so he could harvest their sweet energy in whatever fucked up occult rituals he does lol. I don’t see how people can trust this nigger. Shady as fuck.
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Just be a millionaire and famous star in hollywood bro, women will come. If he wasn't famous or rich he'd be single or betacuck if he had a decent 9-5.
Just be a millionaire and famous star in hollywood bro, women will come. If he wasn't famous or rich he'd be single or betacuck if he had a decent 9-5.
ikr maybe they'll also write some long article abt how jho low dated some model bc of his rizz

and how harvey weinstein fucked foids bc he was such a chill dude

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