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Discussion What's a better cope, vidya or escorts?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 36465
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What's a better cope?

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Deleted member 36465

Deleted member 36465

Aug 28, 2021
Vidya is much cheaper long term. Some escorts will charge for one hour what an entire gaming console costs. Vidya has way more artistic value. Lastly, vidya is much safer, no STDs and no getting scammed/robbed/arrested. Conclusion: vidya wins.
idk vidya seems way more preferable over some rotting disgusting flesh
Vidya is much cheaper long term. Some escorts will charge for one hour what an entire gaming console costs. Vidya has way more artistic value. Lastly, vidya is much safer, no STDs and no getting scammed/robbed/arrested. Conclusion: vidya wins.
What's the point in asking this question, if you already answered that question?
I vote videogames, despite never having had sex :feelsmage:
I don't even know what to do if I get an escort
there can be more cons than pros when it comes to escortmaxxing, like for ex; hilariously high costs, little to no long term benefits and risk of getting STDs (i.e. giga health-fucked for a lifetime if you get them, also enjoy your jewpills or u die a horrible death kek), not to mention it's kinda cucked bcuz of dem rotten holes
vydiah is fun, has no long term issues (disregarding boomers and their low IQ myths ofc) and you can choose from a wide variety of genres
The answer is subjective. I want to see what others think.
It depends on where you live.
there can be more cons than pros when it comes to escortmaxxing, like for ex; hilariously high costs, little to no long term benefits and risk of getting STDs (i.e. giga health-fucked for a lifetime if you get them, also enjoy your jewpills or u die a horrible death kek), not to mention it's kinda cucked bcuz of dem rotten holes
vydiah is fun, has no long term issues (disregarding boomers and their low IQ myths ofc) and you can choose from a wide variety of genres
Escortmaxxing isn't automatically expensive, it depends on where you live. STD risk is unbelievably low and probably lower than having sex with a non-hooker Becky. Becky gets creampied every weekend by a different Chad. Every hole is rotten in 2021. Good luck finding a 20+ yo female virgin nowadays.
It's not a good comparison, both things bring pleasure but are too different. i would pick being financially independent and gaming over a gf, but that's just me and my autism.
Vidya is much cheaper long term. Some escorts will charge for one hour what an entire gaming console costs. Vidya has way more artistic value. Lastly, vidya is much safer, no STDs and no getting scammed/robbed/arrested. Conclusion: vidya wins.
Depends on your age, gaming gets boring over time, and the older you get, the more you want to have sex and the less you care about childish wastes of time like gaming

Getting "muh highscore" and "unlocking achievements" doesn't mean shit when you have to start paying bills and fully dealing with the reality of being a sexless male in the adult world

Gaming just becomes a pointless distraction

I've tried playing games again, and as soon as I start it up I close it down in like 15 minutes, because its boring now, because I know there's other things I want in life and gaming is just sucking up hours that could be invested into things that will one day get me what I want

This forum is filled with youngcels right now so expect vidya to get more votes, wait till all of these fuckers are in their 30's and sexlessness really sinks in. Wait till they've played so many games that they genuinely feel like they've "had their fill" of gaming, they aren't going to care about games anymore
vidyas are limited (only so many good ones )vidyas require more time investment. vidyas have diminishing returns. its not really better
Comparing apples to oranges
Vidya is much cheaper long term. Some escorts will charge for one hour what an entire gaming console costs. Vidya has way more artistic value. Lastly, vidya is much safer, no STDs and no getting scammed/robbed/arrested. Conclusion: vidya wins.
Nice build pc and ability to mod games + good food + money = perfect cope life
Jerk off time to time. But don't watch porno
Once again, shitty libido

Porn stops being enough by the time you hit your 20's

As for right now porn is only "tolerable" for me, but its no longer enough, that's exactly why I already paid for sex once (to lose my virginity). Now I'm in a rush to wealthmaxx so I can have sex at least twice a week.

As the years have went by my libido has only increased, and as more years pass porn becomes less and less enjoyable
Once again, shitty libido

Porn stops being enough by the time you hit your 20's

As for right now porn is only "tolerable" for me, but its no longer enough, that's exactly why I already paid for sex once (to lose my virginity). Now I'm in a rush to wealthmaxx so I can have sex at least twice a week.

As the years have went by my libido has only increased, and as more years pass porn becomes less and less enjoyable
Ever thought about medications that decreases libido or don't want to ruin your health?
Depends on your age, gaming gets boring over time, and the older you get, the more you want to have sex
I've tried playing games again, and as soon as I start it up I close it down in like 15 minutes, because its boring now, because I know there's other things I want in life and gaming is just sucking up hours that could be invested into things that will one day get me what I want

wait till all of these fuckers are in their 30's and sexlessness really sinks in
Porn stops being enough by the time you hit your 20's
as more years pass porn becomes less and less enjoyable
Ever thought about medications that decreases libido or don't want to ruin your health?
Why the fuck would I cuck myself?

I'll either:
1. Get the money required to pay for sex

2. Become a serial rapist

3. Rape and then kill myself

But I won't ever cuck myself like that
vidyas are the best cope to pass the time. escorts are more of an occasional thing unless you're a low inhib sex addict
Its simple really. Everyone who plays vidya also cooms. But not everyone who cooms plays vidya. If we assume sex > cooming to porn then we can conclude that escortcelling > vidya.

I wonder how many of those who chose vidya have actually escortcelled
, and the older you get, the more you want to have sex
Opposite for me
Never been to an escort or had sex but i imagine its better than playing fortnite
Opposite for me
Depends on how old you are, there's probably diminishing returns at age 30

It might also be a psychological thing for me, I am somewhat obsessed with sex, its the driving force of my motivation

The longer I wait in my life to have access to it, the more I want it

I know that once I start hookercelling I'm going to go berserk the first month

Will probably fuck a new whore every day for a month straight, I might have to supplement a bit, but i'll be worth it lol
It might also be a psychological thing for me, I am somewhat obsessed with sex, its the driving force of my motivation
Its the driving force for everything. Infact all men's motivations are compelled by two things, access to cunt and raising cunt spawn. Its crazy how your will to live and participate in this soyciety dies down when these drives are missing
Vidya, obviously.
Escortceling of course.
I don't even know what vidya is. A videogame?
Depends on your age, gaming gets boring over time, and the older you get, the more you want to have sex and the less you care about childish wastes of time like gaming

Getting "muh highscore" and "unlocking achievements" doesn't mean shit when you have to start paying bills and fully dealing with the reality of being a sexless male in the adult world

Gaming just becomes a pointless distraction

I've tried playing games again, and as soon as I start it up I close it down in like 15 minutes, because its boring now, because I know there's other things I want in life and gaming is just sucking up hours that could be invested into things that will one day get me what I want

This forum is filled with youngcels right now so expect vidya to get more votes, wait till all of these fuckers are in their 30's and sexlessness really sinks in. Wait till they've played so many games that they genuinely feel like they've "had their fill" of gaming, they aren't going to care about games anymore
not all of us are retarded coomers who thinks sex is everything

vidya has been my main cope my whole life, while i have never went to an escort
I cope with Vidya because I’m too lazy to find an escort, and even if I did find one she’d very likely be repulsed by the sight of me :fuk::fuk:
not all of us are retarded coomers who thinks sex is everything
Sex is everything

It existed before gaming, its the reason why you and your parents were born, it subconsciously motivates you without you even knowing it, etc

vidya has been my main cope my whole life, while i have never went to an escort
The exception to the rule doesn't make the rule, you ask the average man if he'd choosing gaming over sex and he'll give you a confused looked, its not even a question to him

Sex trumps gaming, the experience of gaming doesn't even come close to sex

Lastly, you calling gaming a "cope" is exactly the problem, a lot of you guys throw words around but you don't think about the meaning

Cope means "coping mechanism", in order words, its just something that you do as a temporary distraction from a problem you can't solve

Gaming has only been your "main cope" because you never had a sex life, its a "coping mechanism" for your lack of a sex life

That's what's so ironic about this entire thing, gaming as an industry would be dead if every guy could get laid consistently, barely any games would be played, we'd spend our time dating and fucking

I’m too lazy to find an escort
Nah your libido is trash, laziness is not a factor if you really want to have sex. Its a hunger no different than starvation, nobody would say they're too lazy to go out and get food if they are starving, as with sex it wouldn't be a factor, you wouldn't give a fuck about how "lazy" you felt if you were craving it

and even if I did find one she’d very likely be repulsed by the sight of me :fuk::fuk:
That's her problem not yours lol
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Sex trumps gaming, the experience of gaming doesn't even come close to sex
sex with a hot attractive foid without wearing a condom? yeah

sex with a loose escort while wearing a thick condom? no

from what i heard escort sex sucks. you may as well jack off
not all of us are retarded coomers who thinks sex is everything

vidya has been my main cope my whole life, while i have never went to an escort
Tbh putting sex in such a high pedestal is soy and low IQ, and it's what bothers me the most about this forum. Who tf cares about "inheritance" and having children? Following nature's call who's flawed af and made some random jellyfish immortal but not us? Having kids just because is cucked through and throughout

I can get just as much if not more enjoyment from cooming on my own

The problem is if you're ugly, nobody wants to be fucking near you or even talk as a regular person would, which leads you to get ostracized and in turn generates loneliness which god knows if a single one-night pity fuck can resolve. The countless years of getting bullied by people who get to do much worse shit like you yet still get success in nearly everything are astonishing.

This is where vydiah comes in, as you delusionmaxx get rewarded by your skill rather than looks and even make online friends through competitive gaming (which I have, and as of now they're my only friends currently speaking)
sex with a hot attractive foid without wearing a condom? yeah

sex with a loose escort while wearing a thick condom? no

from what i heard escort sex sucks. you may as well jack off
From what I heard it doesn't even feel like real, consentual sex

The whore is practically being forced to give up her ass for easy money which you'll lose and regret in the long term if you actually believe yourself to be some pseudo-intellectual fag who does no wrong and has everything planned ahead of time
Sex is everything

It existed before gaming, its the reason why you and your parents were born, it subconsciously motivates you without you even knowing it, etc

The exception to the rule doesn't make the rule, you ask the average man if he'd choosing gaming over sex and he'll give you a confused looked, its not even a question to him

Sex trumps gaming, the experience of gaming doesn't even come close to sex

Lastly, you calling gaming a "cope" is exactly the problem, a lot of you guys throw words around but you don't think about the meaning

Cope means "coping mechanism", in order words, its just something that you do as a temporary distraction from a problem you can't solve

Gaming has only been your "main cope" because you never had a sex life, its a "coping mechanism" for your lack of a sex life

That's what's so ironic about this entire thing, gaming as an industry would be dead if every guy could get laid consistently, barely any games would be played, we'd spend our time dating and fucking

Nah your libido is trash, laziness is not a factor if you really want to have sex. Its a hunger no different than starvation, nobody would say they're too lazy to go out and get food if they are starving, as with sex it wouldn't be a factor, you wouldn't give a fuck about how "lazy" you felt if you were craving it

That's her problem not yours lol
"People don't think alike or have the same anecdotal experiences as me so they must be 100% wrong!"
Here goes your entire post in a nutshell

Depression is actually supposed to lower your sex drive as well as age, I know because I've actually suffered periodical depression in HS and even a fucking google search will show you. What you must be talking about is mental frustration for not being able to be a foid's first or something, which I imagine builds up over time.

About vydiah, ever heard about self insert maxxing? If you don't take the whitepill and fill your life with copes you'll end up being as cucked as everyone else
I would rather not spend money escortcelling so I can have more money to spend on vidya! GPUs are expensive, so I need to save money for that anyway. I also need to buy consoles that can't be emulated very well. Due to money I'd rather be spending on gaming, I don't get as much money to spend on escorts.
Honestly, while I hate console gaming, it is actually cheaper than PC gaming, so if I were a console gamer, I'd probably be all over getting escorts!
I can get just as much if not more enjoyment from cooming on my own
No you really can't

The post-orgasmic prolactin increase following intercourse is greater than following masturbation and suggests greater satiety​

I can definitely vouch for the "satiety" part, the first (and only) time I fucked a whore, I didn't masturbate for like 2 weeks, didn't feel the need to, I was completely satisfied

You brain releases more pleasure chemicals (way more) when there's an actual body next to you involved with your orgasm

I'm sure if someone used VR goggles and a warmed up sex doll they could trick their brain into doing the same thing, but think of how convoluted that setup is :feelskek: (I know one of you retards will try this)

From what I heard it doesn't even feel like real, consentual sex

The whore is practically being forced to give up her ass for easy money which you'll lose and regret in the long term if you actually believe yourself to be some pseudo-intellectual fag who does no wrong and has everything planned ahead of time
If sex has to "feel" consensual for you to enjoy it, stop calling yourself black pilled, you're really just a blue pilled normie stuck in an unattractive body lol. JFL at going around this forum larping, calling women "foids" and "holes" as if you bear some kind of hatred for them, but you can't even enjoy sex unless they express consent and attraction

Just like I told @Leonardo Part V in another thread (coincidentally some hours ago):
I think the greatest irony is that a lot of incels "see women as people", and these seem guys will then larp all around the forum talking about how much they hate women, and call women foids, holes, etc, but really and truly THEY REVERE WOMEN.

This is why they can't stand the idea of having sex with a woman who doesn't explicitly express both consent and attraction towards them.

A lot of incels are just blue pilled normies, kidding themselves, pretending to be black pillers.

I was just talking about this and here you come saying exactly what I said about the incels on this forum lol

"People don't think alike or have the same anecdotal experiences as me so they must be 100% wrong!"
Here goes your entire post in a nutshell
What I said has more to do with generalities than anecdotes, you can keep lying to yourself though

Depression is actually supposed to lower your sex drive as well as age,
1. Wouldn't sex be a great tool to alleviate depression? (it definitely helped me)

2. Stop talking like you are 30+

What you must be talking about is mental frustration for not being able to be a foid's first or something
Lol no, no ego obsessed idiots like yourself care about being a woman's first as some kind of trophy to take pride in, I just want to have sex period

I made a thread on why men want to take a woman's virginity, and that has everything to do with the sexual experience, not some weird egotistical hangup of "being a woman's first"

If you don't take the whitepill and fill your life with copes you'll end up being as cucked as everyone else
Its men like you that will end up killing yourself, or living a life in which you want to die but you are too much of a coward to end it all

You aren't even listening to your own words

WTF do you think the word "cope" means

It means "coping mechanism", in other words, its something you are doing AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR WHAT YOU REALLY WANT TO DO

The things I do and pursue aren't copes, they are entertainment, leisure, pleasure, etc

The moment you start perceiving these things as "copes" you've already lost in my book, because you are admitting you don't really want to do those things

Not pursuing your desires and settling for "copes" is what's cucked

sex with a hot attractive foid without wearing a condom? yeah

sex with a loose escort while wearing a thick condom? no
1. In what world isn't the "hot attractive" foid loose too? (are you living in the 1950's)

2. WTF is a thick condom? :feelskek:

3. What do you mean by "loose"? (morals or physically)

Vaginas don't work that way, if a woman is "too loose" its because she's old or her vaginal canal is bigger than usual (or your penis is just small), but it has nothing to do with the amount of sexual partners she's had

Here's some common sense, which woman will be looser:
A. A whore that's fucked 100 men with 5 inch penises

B. A woman that's fucked 1 Chad 100 times and he has a 10 inch penis

from what i heard escort sex sucks. you may as well jack off
Depends on where you go, if you are going to let someone elses words disuade you from trying something you clearly can't think for yourself
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vidya gives more pleasure long-term
vidya would be better, escorts are loose as fuck and unless you have a big dick, you would barely be able to go in and out of her pussy, not to mention your death grip syndrome from years of jerking off
No you really can't

The post-orgasmic prolactin increase following intercourse is greater than following masturbation and suggests greater satiety​

I can definitely vouch for the "satiety" part, the first (and only) time I fucked a whore, I didn't masturbate for like 2 weeks, didn't feel the need to, I was completely satisfied

You brain releases more pleasure chemicals (way more) when there's an actual body next to you involved with your orgasm

I'm sure if someone used VR goggles and a warmed up sex doll they could trick their brain into doing the same thing, but think of how convoluted that setup is :feelskek: (I know one of you retards will try this)

If sex has to "feel" consensual for you to enjoy it, stop calling yourself black pilled, you're really just a blue pilled normie stuck in an unattractive body lol. JFL at going around this forum larping, calling women "foids" and "holes" as if you bear some kind of hatred for them, but you can't even enjoy sex unless they express consent and attraction

Just like I told @Leonardo Part V in another thread (coincidentally some hours ago):

I was just talking about this and here you come saying exactly what I said about the incels on this forum lol

What I said has more to do with generalities than anecdotes, you can keep lying to yourself though

1. Wouldn't sex be a great tool to alleviate depression? (it definitely helped me)

2. Stop talking like you are 30+

Lol no, no ego obsessed idiots like yourself care about being a woman's first as some kind of trophy to take pride in, I just want to have sex period

I made a thread on why men want to take a woman's virginity, and that has everything to do with the sexual experience, not some weird egotistical hangup of "being a woman's first"

Its men like you that will end up killing yourself, or living a life in which you want to die but you are too much of a coward to end it all

You aren't even listening to your own words

WTF do you think the word "cope" means

It means "coping mechanism", in other words, its something you are doing AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR WHAT YOU REALLY WANT TO DO

The things I do and pursue aren't copes, they are entertainment, leisure, pleasure, etc

The moment you start perceiving these things as "copes" you've already lost in my book, because you are admitting you don't really want to do those things

Not pursuing your desires and settling for "copes" is what's cucked

1. In what world isn't the "hot attractive" foid loose too? (are you living in the 1950's)

2. WTF is a thick condom? :feelskek:

3. What do you mean by "loose"? (morals or physically)

Vaginas don't work that way, if a woman is "too loose" its because she's old or her vaginal canal is bigger than usual (or your penis is just small), but it has nothing to do with the amount of sexual partners she's had

Here's some common sense, which woman will be looser:
A. A whore that's fucked 100 men with 5 inch penises

B. A woman that's fucked 1 Chad 100 times and he has a 10 inch penis

Depends on where you go, if you are going to let someone elses words disuade you from trying something you clearly can't think for yourself
btw that's the longest post I've ever seen:shock:

1. sure but what do these two have in common? exactly, they are just short term pleasure mechanisms that come in diminishing returns the older you get unless you hard escort and waste all your money

2. did I ever say something about that? that's just the anecdotal experience other people had it, in fact
someone posted a ''don't go escortmaxx'' thread just right after this one came yet you didn't see it, most agree that it isn't worth it long term wise

3. you were speaking about anecdotal experience for like half your post so I just called you out

4. Gl getting quality sex while you are depressed, 30 yo and without motivation, and I hella doubt it can make up for all the years of isolation and bullying by society, when even some normies with gfs can struggle to overcome smaller issues

5. No I'm not 30 but that's just half the picture, ofc you'll ignore that I was diagnosed with depression at an early age and can understand stuff to a degree

6. ''Ego idiot like you'' not surprised you'd resort to ad hominem when someone randomly questions anything you say
speaking of which would you rather fuck a virgin or a rotten hole has had one thousand dicks inside her that had even cummed? The answer is obvious for anyone with 2 or more braincells, sure you'll get to fuck her but; you'll never get to experience true intimacy like a chad could or something akin to teen love which would be 100 times better, and if she had fucked someone in the past you're especially likely to get dumped and consequently fall into a huge depression (if you want a serious realtionship). In fact there has been several studies about microchimerism in women (having chad's cells) via sex and coincidentally was shut down by kike jewgle science sites when it was gaining traction. Ego or not this is teracucked.
Not to mention having a gf or wife that fucked people before is basically betabuxxing in which case you'd be much better off just escortcelling, and in reality if you want to escort fine do it I won't stop you but just know it won't be anywhere close to the real thing.
If you really put sex in such a high pedestal you'd know better than anyone that being her first is one hundred times better since you're practically setting up the standard and taking her innocence.

8. Surely you know better than I do kek. I got over my depressive thoughts a long while ago and I actually intend to looksmaxx when I get the money which I will, since my bank account is currently sitting at 4 digits and growing. So no in a way it's not over for me.
''Cope'' is mainly incel lingo, and tbf english wasn't my main language so at first I didn't even know what it means. That makes me question if you really are a hopeless trucel or just some post wall normie who likes to post shit in here and be confrontational for no reason. Judging by the way you speak you definitely don't sound like someone who belongs in here, if you really IQmog us by such a large degree then go moneymaxx with crypto or some shit then return when you have escortcelled (which according to you = having sex with a virgin). Sure I could go waste my money right now then regret it the day after because I just lost my life savings to a whore who didn't even wanted my dick but was forced to. Yeah no thx tbh.
Lol the amount of cope from antiescortcels have is crazy. Yes having sex is better than a fucking video game
Lol the amount of cope from antiescortcels have is crazy. Yes having sex is better than a fucking video game
Imagine going by a label that literally revolves around not getting sex (involuntarily celibate), joining a forum that revolves around not getting sex, and then you try to argue on that very forum that video games are better than sex

Why the fuck aren't they on a gaming forum then? :feelskek:

Free sex? Of course. Paying for sex? I'm not so sure.
No such thing as free sex for 99% of men so by your logic 99% of men are suffering


Prostitution = Renting
Dating = Leasing
Marriage = Buying

imo Vidya>escorts especially in USA since feds run sting operations arresting escortcels
also the pricing is retardedly high in USA for low quality skanks

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