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Discussion Were Star Wars and Marvel any less soy before the recent films?



You're either a WinnER or a big LosER
Sep 30, 2019
I remember the days b4 all of this jewish mouse house propaganda bs bought these franchises only the true geeks were deep fans about this kind of stuff, like there was so much shit I knew about the EU and the Avengers when I was a toddler.
Now every soyfag on the internet knows about the SW EU, who's Thanos and many other shit that wouldn't have been known by them had the soy media films never existed which pisses me off tbh.
As always normies ruin everything they touch.
I liked the Marvel films. I will admit it.
Never thought they were cinematic masterpieces but they were fun and well acted.
I liked Star Wars when I was very young, then gradually lost interest. Never cared much for superheroes though.
I liked the Marvel films. I will admit it.
Never thought they were cinematic masterpieces but they were fun and well acted.
Yeah they were fun but the cringey numalefags and the media's memes ruined it for me.
Yeah they were fun but the cringey numalefags and the media's memes ruined it for me.
Same but the movies did provide some decent shitposting material
I liked Star Wars when I was very young, then gradually lost interest. Never cared much for superheroes though.

Same, I liked Star Wars until I was like 13.
Jfl liking superheroes as an incel. None of the superheroes deserved their lives, even batman was born insanely rich. Try becoming a superhero when you have nothing.
Jfl liking superheroes as an incel. None of the superheroes deserved their lives, even batman was born insanely rich. Try becoming a superhero when you have nothing.
agreed tbh. past around 12 yrs old I would always cheer for the villain. as they almost always truly devoted themselves to their cause and had a philosophy while the heroes do it for inconsistent "Justice"
Same, I liked Star Wars until I was like 13.
I still like Star Wars but there hasn’t been a good Star Wars film in decades
Jfl liking superheroes as an incel. None of the superheroes deserved their lives, even batman was born insanely rich. Try becoming a superhero when you have nothing.
Ehh people like superheroes just because they do cool shit with superpowers
Not a huge comic geek by any means but I could care less about the privileged lives of fictional characters created to entertain me
Jfl liking superheroes as an incel. None of the superheroes deserved their lives, even batman was born insanely rich. Try becoming a superhero when you have nothing.
Tbf Spiderman was a mentalcel b4 taking spider roids. Hell, even Captain America's origin is blackpilled as hell, dude was the truest of truecels until he took the serum.
Tbf Spiderman was a mentalcel b4 taking spider roids. Hell, even Captain America's origin is blackpilled as hell, dude was the truest of truecels until he took the serum.
While Tony Stark has been a rich Chad his whole life
he was still the best Avenger IMO
While Tony Stark has been a rich Chad his whole life
he was still the best Avenger IMO
I'd say statusmaxxed sugardaddy material in the films but yeah you're right.
Both were good.
Then like 2011/2012 is when the soy started happening
Tbf Spiderman was a mentalcel b4 taking spider roids. Hell, even Captain America's origin is blackpilled as hell, dude was the truest of truecels until he took the serum.
But it's still something external that was given to them that wasn't available to anyone else. You can't work/train your way up to become Spiderman. Being a subhuman, I just can't relate to superhumans.
But it's still something external that was given to them that wasn't available to anyone else. You can't work/train your way up to become Spiderman. Being a subhuman, I just can't relate to superhumans.
I don’t really need to relate to people involved in fiction or sports in order to enjoy viewing them, tbh
I don’t really need to relate to people involved in fiction or sports in order to enjoy viewing them, tbh
If you enjoy watching those movies, it's because you're emotionally invested in what happens to them. That's why you'd enjoy watching Spiderman but not Twilight, because you prefer Spiderman than that glittering faggot.
They neutered Hulk so hard that Antman mogged him to the point of stealing is role in the final battle. Let's not even talk about the emasculation of Thor.

There was very little action in Endgame but it seemed to cater to a female audience more than a male one (not just THAT scene.)

Women have little interest in watching a brute smash things in a berserk fashion and this formula shows in the movie.

When I was on Facebook I could help but notice just how much advertising it got (not traditional advertising, the artificially forced circulation of memes and hype.) When I went to see it in theatres I looked behind me and the whole threatre was almost entirely women........I felt like I was in the twilight zone.

Then I understood what Disney was preparing for, female watchers and priming them for their streaming services. Genius marketing but alienation of male fans.
They neutered Hulk so hard that Antman mogged him to the point of stealing is role in the final battle. Let's not even talk about the emasculation of Thor.

There was very little action in Endgame but it seemed to cater to a female audience more than a male one (not just THAT scene.)

Women have little interest in watching a brute smash things in a berserk fashion and this formula shows in the movie.

When I was on Facebook I could help but notice just how much advertising it got (not traditional advertising, the artificially forced circulation of memes and hype.) When I went to see it in theatres I looked behind me and the whole threatre was almost entirely women........I felt like I was in the twilight zone.

Then I understood what Disney was preparing for, female watchers and priming them for their streaming services. Genius marketing but alienation of male fans.
It all went to hell with Captain Marvel imo
They were always terrible and soy
I enjoyed the original Star Wars movies as well as any kid i guess, though i didn't "obsess" over it (liked some of the games too, and generally liked the atmospherel). As far as political correctness, it did have some. The princess gets to shoot some guys and has that "strong" female woman vibe about her, but they didn't went out of their way to denigrate men and the movie is still primarily intended to entertain boys.

Can't say i've ever watched a capecrap film i actually liked. I saw the Avengers and i seriously found the writing and dialogue obnoxious, and lo and behold, it was written Joss Whedon, so it figures. There's a scene where Captain America and Iron Man started bickering like little children that had me roll my eyes. Whedon is convinced he is a master of "witty" dialog and doesn't understand how pathetic his stuff actually is, and most of the super hero films i've watched afterwards all follow from his style, which is grating as hell. How are those even heroes anymore? They talk like teenagers and there's never any drama allowed, since even tiny bit of pathos has to be ruined by some "humorous" quip or sarcastic gag.

The last one i watched was Aquaman and it was just the worst. The movie just repeated the same sequence over and over. Exposition, action scene explodes out of nowhere and goes on endlessly, story resumes but plot is hindered by humor, action scene explodes again out of nowhere, and on and on like this for what felt like an eternity. Plus, there's that old new world order propaganda going on. Mixed race hero defeats Nazi Aryan bad guy with the help of the forces of darkness. Not so subtle i would argue. And by the end of the ,movie i felt exhausted. The experience was like watching somebody else play a video game you didn't actually have an interest in. It didn't feel like a movie at all. Just endless CGI action sequences punctuated by "story" moments that literally felt like cut-scenes in a video game, and just about as uninteresting too.
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I remember the days b4 all of this jewish mouse house propaganda bs bought these franchises only the true geeks were deep fans about this kind of stuff, like there was so much shit I knew about the EU and the Avengers when I was a toddler.
Now every soyfag on the internet knows about the SW EU, who's Thanos and many other shit that wouldn't have been known by them had the soy media films never existed which pisses me off tbh.
As always normies ruin everything they touch.
I hate how normies worship thanos coz he's deep or some shit.

No you worship thanos coz he's the only main villain who didn't die in the same film he debut in. That alone makes him memorable alongside Loki who is handsome as fuck

That's how shitty marvel characters are
No. Fags were already obsessing with stars shit to the point that one actor of the movie told a child fan to stop watching this garbage because it would rot his brain.
What does this have to do with inceldom? Marvel was always shit, star wars was the shit until the jews took over
The original Star Wars trilogy was completely devoid of feminism and they rocked, and everyone loved them, even foids. Every main character was male. Princess Leia was merely a side character, she was the MacGuffin in the first movie and they just kept her around cause she was cute. Her being in the story made no difference at all.
The only post-Disney Star Wars I liked was Rogue One, even though they made the foid the main character instead of spic Han Solo, the third act was amazing. The new trilogy is just so poorly crafted and derivative even by the standards of Star Wars.

Early MCU films like Iron Man and even older ones like Blade were decent, but once the universe got infused with Joss Whedon's brand of smugginess it pretty much went to hell
The only post-Disney Star Wars I liked was Rogue One, even though they made the foid the main character instead of spic Han Solo, the third act was amazing. The new trilogy is just so poorly crafted and derivative even by the standards of Star Wars.

:soy: :soy: :soy: lol you liked that one with the foid lead? A bunch of non-whites taking out evil White man?
The only movies i watch are horror movies and classic films. The only superhero movie ive ever watched is joker
Star Wars was based and Exposed the Jews in the prequel films. Disney ruined it, and pozzed it.
Yes. It was simple adventure and space fantasy No woke shit.

Beginning in the early 90's, a series of books and a few graphic novels came out detailing the lives of Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie after the events of Return of the Jedi. Most were good, a few were crappy, but overall there was a lot of creativity and good storylines. Some got quite dark. New characters came about, and some tidbits of these novels (i.e. Coruscant, Admiral Thrawn, and Han & Leia do have a son that goes into the dark side but he has a different name) were used for the spinoffs, prequels and the Disney "soyquels". However, once Disney took over and got the creative rights for the events after Return of the Jedi, all of the books are non-canon now, and are known as "Star Wars Legends".

But I refuse to acknowledge the Disney sequels as canon. To me, the various novels that came about are the canon.
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Beginning in the early 90's, a series of books and a few graphic novels came out detailing the lives of Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie after the events of Return of the Jedi. Most were good, a few were crappy, but overall there was a lot of creativity and good storylines. Some got quite dark. New characters came about, and some tidbits of the novel were used for both the prequels and the Disney "soyquels". However, once Disney took over and got the creative rights for the events after Return of the Jedi, all of the books are non-canon now, and are known as "Star Wars Legends".

But I refuse to acknowledge the Disney sequels as canon. To me, the various novels that came about are the canon.
If I ever moneymaxxed one of the first things I will do is buy out the star wars franchise.

Then I will immediately declare the sequels non canon.

You will then hear millions of screams all cry out in horror in once. Even more than when a death star blew up that planet.

And it will sound beautiful
Star Wars was based and Exposed the Jews in the prequel films. Disney ruined it, and pozzed it.
So that means uncle palps is a jew? :worryfeels:
I liked the spiderman movies as a kid, those were the only capeshit I saw before the soy
I never cared about SW (I'm probably one of the few in the earth who has never watched a single SW movie ever) but I'm a big fan of marvel and spiderman in particular.

When I was in middle school and HS only the nerds (like me) liked comics and marvel and that,we were openly mocked about our hobbies and made fun of,then suddenly Iphones,facebook and the big bang theory happened and suddenly every single normie retard wanted to be a nerd and a geek too and they started ruining the franchise,then they started ruining games with their fucking feminism and SJW shit too.

Pic related only hobbies/things free of women are safe now,this is why this place is still alive.
Star Wars was good before Disney, Marvel was good before Russo brothers.
No. Fags were already obsessing with stars shit to the point that one actor of the movie told a child fan to stop watching this garbage because it would rot his brain.
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Some of it was. The old spiderman movies were mj cucking peter for chad after chad until she found out he's spiderman. All hobbies have been taken over by normies. Normies already stole incel culture. It's over, the only thing left to do is rot now.
Star Wars wasn't soy in the original trilogy or the prequels. It had its flaws (Ewoks, Jar Jar, Natalie Portman) but soy it was not. It only became soy in the new movies when Disney turned it into SJW bullshit.

Never watched capeshit so can't comment on that.
No. Fags were already obsessing with stars shit to the point that one actor of the movie told a child fan to stop watching this garbage because it would rot his brain.
Ded srs? I need source pls
Ded srs? I need source pls
"In one particularly fiendish — and, okay, extremely funny — incident (related in the last of his three autobiographies), Guinness was approached by a young boy who begged for his autograph, claiming to have seen."

”Star Wars” countless times. Sir Alec agreed, on one condition — that the boy never, ever watch the film again. The kid burst into tears, the kid’s mother called Guinness a nasty man, and one clearly envisions the actor leaving the encounter with a quietly satisfied smile playing about his lips.

"In one particularly fiendish — and, okay, extremely funny — incident (related in the last of his three autobiographies), Guinness was approached by a young boy who begged for his autograph, claiming to have seen."

”Star Wars” countless times. Sir Alec agreed, on one condition — that the boy never, ever watch the film again. The kid burst into tears, the kid’s mother called Guinness a nasty man, and one clearly envisions the actor leaving the encounter with a quietly satisfied smile playing about his lips.

Thanks! And
Kek. Based Alec. Fuck lucas soy wars
I liked Star Wars when I was very young, then gradually lost interest. Never cared much for superheroes though.

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