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USA cucks must continue funding the war in Ukraine. I love it when whites kill each other

Yeah if I was in Germany I could probably turkroachmaxx with a slavic foid. Brutal.
Well to escape the nigger, curry and gook foids there in Canada just get a work visa in Ireland or UK and come over. Slavic foids galour in those countries especially Ireland because EU and what not
That is the sad part
but why is this the sad part? Is not white people who are doing their best to fund Ukraine?

White people love us and want us to have land in Europe.
but why is this the sad part? Is not white people who are doing their best to fund Ukraine?

White people love us and want us to have land in Europe
White people do not love ethnics as individuals.

White people love the idea of cheap labour.

Ethnics are just cheap retarded labour for the whites.

But unfortunately whites are to dumb to realise that if you bring to much cheap labour at one point their monkey brains will start to work for some minutes and start to revolt especially with the fucking woke culture that is today.

The white man is weak and we deserve what is happening.

The white man has no goal in life.

Europe has no goal.

Europe as an continent is dead.

And yes if Ukraine wins ((they)) will import a bunch of charcoal midgets and pakistani to replenish the country.

It will be fun.

Fuck the West, fuck the woke.
Ukraine is mostly rubble anyway. Most of Ukraine has been destroyed by artillery. It's amazing that natural selection came for these NPCs and even having so much wealth and power handed to them they still lost it all just from retardation. The best part about Europe's insane wokeness is that it helped to destroy Europe very intensely. It's like natural selection came for all these woke people.
And yes if Ukraine wins ((they)) will import a bunch of charcoal midgets and pakistani to replenish the country.

It will be fun.
Th 1479466273
This whole war is just a giant Slav and Russian Ethnic meatgrinder. I still hope Russia wins bc I don't trust NATO and USA.
Pawns wanting to Be Towers but Not realizing this Feature Is Turned Off.
Der westen feiert die abschlachtung von hunderttausenden Unschuldigung im Namen der Juden
This whole war is just a giant Slav and Russian Ethnic meatgrinder. I still hope Russia wins bc I don't trust NATO and USA.
well it is also deindustrialising Germany. Big factories with machines need electricity, gas etc and the Green party did a brilliant job already before the war.

I think many German heavy industry businesses will relocate to Hungary, USA, Mexico etc for cheap energy costs
This. OP is coping.

By the way I see many white women in Europe walking big dogs that have big dicks, many together with their white husbands.

Whites are a strange bunch , an evil race. Who the fuck gets pleasure from his wife getting fucked by a dog
well it is also deindustrialising Germany. Big factories with machines need electricity, gas etc and the Green party did a brilliant job already before the war.

I think many German heavy industry businesses will relocate to Hungary, USA, Mexico etc for cheap energy costs
Germany will become even more of a shithole. But we get a lot of fresh Slavic pussy to bleach our big cities.
Germany will become even more of a shithole. But we get a lot of fresh Slavic pussy to bleach our big cities.
germany is getting none stop refugees since 2015 and the germans still allow a social welfare system. I have never seen such a cucked race. They cant even afford rent, food but still work and pay taxes whilst niggers, gypysies and sandniggers enjoy social welfare lol

now it is deindustrialising taking the few good jobs that german men still have lol.

if i was a refugee in germany why would i go work?

asking for a friend who wants to refugeemaxx in dgermany
Germany's downfall is hilarious. I remember back in the day people would be so proud of German quality engineering. Now they can't even turn their factories on! Like an instant jump back to the stone age, as they use their energy to heat their homes. I was getting sick of how brutally Europe was pushing its woke agenda on other countries. Hopefully those companies go bankrupt, good riddance of these industries that sponsored wokeness. The amazing thing is that without incels doing anything they have destroyed themselves.
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Germany's downfall is hilarious. I remember back in the day people would be so proud of German quality engineering. Now they can't even turn their factories on! Like an instant jump back to the stone age, as they use their energy to heat their homes. I was getting sick of how brutally Europe was pushing its woke agenda on other countries. Hopefully those companies go bankrupt, good riddance of these industries that sponsored wokeness. The amazing thing is that without incels doing anything they have destroyed themselves.
lol. They did a brilliant job, now they can be poor and unemployed and they will be forced to live in poor areas with the refugees because of the cheap rent costs. All that sweet white German pussy living right next door lol. Niggers gonna enjoy.
The ukrainians should win, the nationalist militias should coup Zelensky and then they should get rid of women rights and kill annoying white hating ethnics like you.

I don't have anything against ethnics that assimilate and are good people. But if you hate and bitch on white people while living in a white country you should just kys.

Also jfl at hating white people while drooling over white foids and being white foid only. Probably most of you ethnic fucks are fakecels that just refuse to date women of their own race.
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The ukrainians should win, the nationalist militias should coup Zelensky and then they should get rid of women rights and kill annoying white ethnics like you.

I don't have anything against ethnics that assimilate and are good people. But if you hate and bitch on white people while living in a white country you should just kys.

Also jfl at hating white people while drooling over white foids and being white foid only. Probably most of you ethnic fucks are fakecels that just refuse to date women of their own race.
very good and dont forget to send your women to West Europe. I am here, I am ready for them , they will never know themselves again after they know us ethnic men we will show them romance
First of All I live already in West Europe. Further I see everyday these ukrainian cunts 9/10 with their ultra high standards. They already hunted by simp NT and chads.
Do you Untermensch really think you could get laid with one of them?
Seems to me like braging, you intiate that you possibly would have a chance..
Just fucking lol at. Chads.is
Brutal for me. I wish i lived in Europe. Slavic women are easy pickings there
How are they easy pick chad? I live my whole live ist cuck western shithole a d never really never a slav foid showed any interest in me. Ok I know I am ugly as fuck but that means you mog me?
First of All I live already in West Europe. Further I see everyday these ukrainian cunts 9/10 with their ultra high standards. They already hunted by simp NT and chads.
Do you Untermensch really think you could get laid with one of them?
Seems to me like braging, you intiate that you possibly would have a chance..
Just fucking lol at. Chads.is
No problem. Let them take all the NT's and Chads. That way the local white women have no men and we can swap with them with the Ukrainiane foids.

I say its a good deal, that way everybody is happy.
How are they easy pick chad? I live my whole live ist cuck western shithole a d never really never a slav foid showed any interest in me. Ok I know I am ugly as fuck but that means you mog me?
I hear slav women love turkish men that's why
First of All I live already in West Europe. Further I see everyday these ukrainian cunts 9/10 with their ultra high standards. They already hunted by simp NT and chads.
Do you Untermensch really think you could get laid with one of them?
Seems to me like braging, you intiate that you possibly would have a chance..
Just fucking lol at. Chads.is
If you live in the West of EU then why are you not happy more foids are arriving than men? Its common sense or is it not so for you? At least we now have a chance to at least get something or dont you see it this way?
If you live in the West of EU then why are you not happy more foids are arriving than men? Its common sense or is it not so for you? At least we now have a chance to at least get something or dont you see it this way?
Yeah a lot of foids arived. But they are not reserved for us. It is now that chads can get 5 toilets in a month and not only 3. The chads getting chadier. They coul pick more now. For us regular inkwels are doors more closed then before. The polygamie is a big problem for us because while chad gets everything of the cake we stay hungry and isolated.
The Ukraine war is the cheapest, most affordable, most effective war the US has ever fought. They get to kill 1000 Russians a day using a proxy state, and Russia is so fucking dumb they actually think they're gonna win. The US kept limiting the arms they gave to Ukraine to bait Russia into going all in, which they did, and now the real weapons are going to start arriving soon. Not just Leopard tanks and Himars rockets, but F16s and Abrams tanks are coming.

Also, apparently the US is giving Ukraine remote anti-tank mines, they launch a bunch of remote armed mines and shoot them behind an approaching enemy, this blocks their retreat. So if they needto withdraw then all the tanks get clogged up on bridges. Russia is really screwed now.
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The Ukraine war is the cheapest, most affordable, most effective war the US has ever fought. They get to kill 1000 Russians a day using a proxy state, and Russia is so fucking dumb they actually think they're gonna win. The US kept limiting the arms they gave to Ukraine to bait Russia into going all in, which they did, and now the real weapons are going to start arriving soon. Not just Leopard tanks and Himars rockets, but F16s and Abrams tanks are coming.

Also, apparently the US is giving Ukraine remote anti-tank mines, they launch a bunch of remote armed mines and shoot them behind an approaching enemy, this blocks their retreat. So if they needto withdraw then all the tanks get clogged up on bridges. Russia is really screwed now.
Yes but Russia has a exit strategy. And thatbwill be niclear solution. If they dont beat cuckerica they will die together. Fuck western standards and western soyciety
The Ukraine war is the cheapest, most affordable, most effective war the US has ever fought. They get to kill 1000 Russians a day using a proxy state, and Russia is so fucking dumb they actually think they're gonna win. The US kept limiting the arms they gave to Ukraine to bait Russia into going all in, which they did, and now the real weapons are going to start arriving soon. Not just Leopard tanks and Himars rockets, but F16s and Abrams tanks are coming.

Also, apparently the US is giving Ukraine remote anti-tank mines, they launch a bunch of remote armed mines and shoot them behind an approaching enemy, this blocks their retreat. So if they needto withdraw then all the tanks get clogged up on bridges. Russia is really screwed now.
Yes Russia screwed up big time on this one.

However, I dont really trust the Russians. Do you really believe they didnt plan for an eventual plan B if things go according to plan? I dont think their top thinkers are that naive and short sighted. Considering some of the best chess players and scientists are Russian. I would expect African niggers to fcuk things like that but those Russians maybe not so to be honest. Maybe they also have secret weapons stashed away. I dont know

I wonder what they have up their sleeve. Maybe also buying time for China to upgrade her military and stuff whilst NATO concentrates on Ukraine. I dont know but they also sneeky
The dogpill reigns supreme. They'll also share one chad if they have to.
ukraine is also a degenerate feminist hell hole with dangerhairs so they probably fuck each other in between dogs in between chads, this really is the blackpill age
germany is getting none stop refugees since 2015 and the germans still allow a social welfare system. I have never seen such a cucked race. They cant even afford rent, food but still work and pay taxes whilst niggers, gypysies and sandniggers enjoy social welfare lol

now it is deindustrialising taking the few good jobs that german men still have lol.

if i was a refugee in germany why would i go work?

asking for a friend who wants to refugeemaxx in dgermany
But Germany still works somehow. I'm NEETing myself right now but I'm not a refugee so ofc it's not that easy for me.
But Germany still works somehow. I'm NEETing myself right now but I'm not a refugee so ofc it's not that easy for me.
Germany still has enough tax payers and businesses. I am not sure about the demographics in Germany but in all industrialised countries the baby boomers are now going into retirement or soon going into retirement.

When will most of the boomers retire in Germany? Looking at the population pyramid when they all go into retirement then Germany is really screwed. And why? Because the boomers are many in number and they work hard. The refugees and younger Germans dont work hard. Every country has different retirement ages and stuff so I am confused about Germany.

So no more taxes when the boomers go into retirement. But When are they all going, do you know?
But When are they all going, do you know?
Some are already going, most one will be gone in 10 years, I'd assume. But I still don't think Germany will crash, it's too big to fail. Sire it's gonna become more like USA with no-go Areas and that stuff but I still think the next generations will work hard enough to still stay a 1st-world country, but maybe I'm too optimistic.
Hasn't it been mostly confirmed that the mobilized Russians are disproportionately ethnics? Pretty weird to see nonwhites (not even talking about this site tbh, you just generally see this on the internet) cheering Russia on when the Russian government seems to be using this war as a way to whiten their country by sending poor ethnics to become fertilizer in Bakhmut.


View: https://twitter.com/rajdianos/status/1514204530795233287

View: https://twitter.com/rajdianos/status/1514204541809532929

slavs are asiatics
Not according to American standards for some nonsensical reason:feelskek:. The ones Russia is sending to the frontline, however, definitely seem to be so by all standards:feelshaha:.

That said, how many Ukrowhores are even going to the West? It seems like they twisted up the dating market in Poland especially with how many of them came there, but I don't see anyone mentioning any other country being hit like that.

there are already more than 3 500 000 refugees from ukraine in poland, most of them are young women and children. A strange phenomenon has occurred by the way. Native women, who previously had a very positive attitude towards immigrants from Africa, are now showing more and more aggression towards Ukrainian women.

Are the women getting more redpilled than men? Do women in other EU countries have similar attitude towards current UE migrant crisis

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Hasn't it been mostly confirmed that the mobilized Russians are disproportionately ethnics? Pretty weird to see nonwhites (not even talking about this site tbh, you just generally see this on the internet) cheering Russia on when the Russian government seems to be using this war as a way to whiten their country by sending poor ethnics to become fertilizer in Bakhmut.


View: https://twitter.com/rajdianos/status/1514204530795233287

View: https://twitter.com/rajdianos/status/1514204541809532929

Not according to American standards for some nonsensical reason:feelskek:. The ones Russia is sending to the frontline, however, definitely seem to be so by all standards:feelshaha:.

That said, how many Ukrowhores are even going to the West? It seems like they twisted up the dating market in Poland especially with how many of them came there, but I don't see anyone mentioning any other country being hit like that.


yeah sure Russia is using ethnics but those ethnic women are not coming to Europe so thats why we want Ukraine to fight harder so that more women come over here and all their young men die

do you understand now?
@WorthlessSlavicShit ahahhahahahahahaha love it when deathnics die for the white elites like dogs they are
Some are already going, most one will be gone in 10 years, I'd assume. But I still don't think Germany will crash, it's too big to fail. Sire it's gonna become more like USA with no-go Areas and that stuff but I still think the next generations will work hard enough to still stay a 1st-world country, but maybe I'm too optimistic.
To stay a strong wealthy country Germany will need many qualified workers. Many educated ethnics do not even go to Germany. They go to USA, Canada, UK etc

The refugees in Germany can work but can Germany give them qualifications for a modern changing global economy? If yes then Germany will remain 1st world.
@WorthlessSlavicShit ahahhahahahahahaha love it when deathnics die for the white elites like dogs they are
yeah they are stupid. They should let white Russians fight and die but maybe they using the low iq subhuman incels.
You ethnic never brought anything to soyciety. Go in the forest and play with monkes.
Deathnics are soo low iq and retarded they have to rely on big niggers to win :feelskek:
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
The Low iq Male Trash will continue to Fight for His Land with expectations of Prestige and Money . :feelsclown:

Pawns wanting to Be Towers but Not realizing this Feature Is Turned Off.

@Mecoja @lemon21 @Intellau_Celistic @The Abyss @Rotter @Swagpilled @Retardinator @Luzifer @erenyeager @Hoppipolla @BlkPillPres
If i have to go to war for my country i'll first kill a politician and then off myself
yeah sure Russia is using ethnics but those ethnic women are not coming to Europe so thats why we want Ukraine to fight harder so that more women come over here and all their young men die

do you understand now?
Fair enough.

@WorthlessSlavicShit ahahhahahahahahaha love it when deathnics die for the white elites like dogs they are
To be fair, it's not like those guys can refuse:worryfeels:. When you live in one of those Godforsaken rural regions where even indoor plumbing is a luxury reserved for the local elites, and suddenly recruiters come in because the oligarchs in Moscow want to LARP as leaders of a global superpower, you either do as they say, or find out why nobody else dares to protest:fuk:.
The Ukraine war is the cheapest, most affordable, most effective war the US has ever fought. They get to kill 1000 Russians a day using a proxy state, and Russia is so fucking dumb they actually think they're gonna win. The US kept limiting the arms they gave to Ukraine to bait Russia into going all in, which they did, and now the real weapons are going to start arriving soon. Not just Leopard tanks and Himars rockets, but F16s and Abrams tanks are coming.

Also, apparently the US is giving Ukraine remote anti-tank mines, they launch a bunch of remote armed mines and shoot them behind an approaching enemy, this blocks their retreat. So if they needto withdraw then all the tanks get clogged up on bridges. Russia is really screwed now.
Tesla IQ
I dont think their top thinkers are that naive and short sighted
If top thinkers opinions are actually used in this world, there would be no wars, famine or crisis. The world is the way that it is because it is ruled by retards. And retards number one rule is they do not subjugate themselves to the opinions of top thinkers.
I think many German heavy industry businesses will relocate to Hungary, USA, Mexico etc for cheap energy costs
This is a huge win for the world, simply because Germany was pushing absurd levels of wokeness on other countries just because it was economically strong, thanks to getting free us military help. Places like USA and Mexico at least aren't as extreme.

Do you really believe they didnt plan for an eventual plan B if things go according to plan?
Yeah that's the thing about tyranny. Tyrants have to look strong so they do incredibly stupid things.

Maybe they also have secret weapons stashed away.
They would have started the war with the secret weapons to end the war cheaply.

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