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Unbelievale bluepill replies when Incel ask what's the point if you are ugly?



Nov 7, 2017
Some guy on r/AmIUgly asks What's the point if you are ugly?

I'm abhorrently ugly. Not gonna bother posting publicly on here because I'll just get laughed at. I have a gross, unmasculine face and I'm short, and no girl has ever liked me romantically or sexually for as long as I can remember (which is destroying my self-esteem). I only ever got one match on Tinder or OKCupid, and when I suggested a date she ghosted me immediately. Other dating apps and going to the gym haven't worked either. Since things won't get better and I can't change how I look from a genetic standpoint, should I just off myself? Seems like that would get the whole "dying alone" thing out of the way faster. Has anyone else felt this way before? How did you make it through?

The replies are fucking unbelievable

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Several reasons:[/font]
  1. When people choose partners, physical appearance is only one thing they look at. Plenty of ugly people get married and have families. Especially for males, attractiveness is not at the top of the list. Ever wonder why there are no (or very few) male beauty pageants, or strip clubs where men dance for women? It's because compared to men, women don't care about appearance very much.
  2. Confidence is key. If you are ugly, that's not really a big deal due to reason 1, but if this ugliness causes you to lose confidence, that will hurt your chances more than the ugliness itself. A LOT of guys get no matches on Tinder, because that app has something like 3-4 guys for every girl. Most dating sites have a similar ratio. Don't let this get your spirits down.
  3. Women have different preferences. Not all women are into muscular hunks, contrary to what the media tells you. If you are not conventionally attractive, then many women won't be attracted to you, but some will. It will just be harder to find them.
  4. You never know what the future holds. I know a guy who had his first date at the age of 34. He now has a long-term girlfriend and will probably marry her. I had a lot of nerdy friends in college, and kept in touch with many of them. Many of them did not date until mid/late 20s. Don't judge yourself by what others do.

What? Is this guy living in the 19th century

I agree with an earlier poster: as a guy, you don't have to be very attractive to be noticed by girls. Be cleanly and smile. That's honestly all I need to notice a guy and start hanging out with them, as a girl. Don't take your appearance too seriously. Join some clubs, at school if you're in school, and start doing thing to distract yourself from this, in addition to therapy if you really are this depressed in general. Funnily enough, finding a girlfriend is much easier when you don't think about it and just try to enjoy life and make some friends.
Yeah bitch, we know what cunts like you want.

I would actually bet on the fact that this guy is average-looking.
Lel, mothefucka Incels do exist

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]why does your entire life have to revolve around a relationship/sex?[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Even if you cannot get a date or have sex... there is more to life. that sucks of course. but suicide seems extreme. but i am very sorry that you feel this way.[/font]
If I find this mothefucka I will assrape him or her

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]First off: You should probably get some help. You're depressed - not "sad" but rather you dont care. It's an issue that can be helped.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Second: You're probably not as ugly as you think. Bear in mind, even if you are, dating apps are shallow. I rarely use them because I want a vibe off the persons personality. Not to mention, some people suck at taking photos.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Third: Be optimistic. I know it seems pointless etc, but honestly it is necessary. An average looking guy gains plus points if he smiles. If he is scowling, I dont have time for him. Being sullen and moody helps nobody, and if it comes across as though you are a negative person, you'll get nowhere.[/font]
Fuck off man

Original thread https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/comments/6zrdtq/meta_whats_the_point_if_youre_ugly/
The smiling thing is really funny. Its what normies and Chad's/Stacies think is good advice. If an incel smiles to a girl she will instantly think he is a disguting creep with a bad evil personality, and most likely a pedophile as well.
deathgreetsmeslow said:
The smiling thing is really funny. Its what normies and Chad's/Stacies think is good advice. If an incel smiles to a girl she will instantly think he is a disguting creep with a bad evil personality, and most likely a pedophile as well.

I think most of these are just norman fags and not chads or Stacies. They cope themselves
Wasnt there also a study that found woman HATED men who went around smiling?
This is stuff that really angers me.
Funny how thry say looks are not that important for men when men are the ones affected the most by halo effect by far.
Nautica1983 said:
Wasnt there also a study that found woman HATED men who went around smiling?

these are normanfags, its expected of them

anincelforlifelol said:
This is stuff that really angers me.

Exactly, I want to beat the shit out of each of the posters

Zyros said:
Funny how thry say looks are not that important for men when men are the ones affected the most by halo effect by far.

Yeah, the guy was deluded. In fact another blackpilled guy replied and told that women care about looks its not 1950s but only got 2 upvotes
"Especially for males, attractiveness is not at the top of the list."

deathgreetsmeslow said:
The smiling thing is really funny. Its what normies and Chad's/Stacies think is good advice. If an incel smiles to a girl she will instantly think he is a disguting creep with a bad evil personality, and most likely a pedophile as well.


Just smile bro!
This is pure rage fuel! How can people so delusional...
"A LOT of guys get no matches on Tinder, because that app has something like 3-4 guys for every girl. Most dating sites have a similar ratio. Don't let this get your spirits down."

Uh, yeah, but the problem is compounded by the fact that of those 3-4 guys, 5% of them are actually getting swiped right with the willing intention to meet and fuck, because only 5% are 9 or 10's.

Then these normie assholes and lying Stacies say "maybe if you just weren't all about sex," forgetting that the majority of the male population at this point is SEX STARVED due to the current circumstances. A lot of guys who are even the average 6 or 7 used to get sex in the past at some sort of party or gathering or even a dinner where alcohol was involved, and now they won't go near it because of consent issues, laws, rape allegations, "after regret with actual recourse" bullshit.

The only man any woman who is fuckable wants to actually fuck sober, is a 9 or 10 Chad.
How delusional can you be lmao they dont understand it at all. Its like when you ask a person who got acid thrown at their face why he is depressed, I mean there are other things to life, enjoy them :D
undeadcel said:
How delusional can you be lmao they dont understand it at all. Its like when you ask a person who got acid thrown at their face why he is depressed, I mean there are other things to life, enjoy them :D

hehe, good one
I used to believe reason number 3 for years.
Eternalfootman2017 said:
I used to believe reason number 3 for years.

Most people were bluepilled at some point including me
11gaijin said:
undeadcel said:
How delusional can you be lmao they dont understand it at all. Its like when you ask a person who got acid thrown at their face why he is depressed, I mean there are other things to life, enjoy them :D
hehe, good one

Its really stupid. They say the same shit over and over again like robots. "Oh you sound depressed seek help pls" "Woman dont focus on looks so much" "Be confident" "There are other things in life than relationships,sex and love" All of them are bluepilled incels or even worse, they are in realtionships themselves lol The best is "You are not entitled to sex/love/relationships" Fuck all of them
undeadcel said:
Its really stupid. They say the same shit over and over again like robots. "Oh you sound depressed seek help pls" "Woman dont focus on looks so much" "Be confident" "There are other things in life than relationships,sex and love" All of them are bluepilled incels or even worse, they are in realtionships themselves lol The best is "You are not entitled to sex/love/relationships" Fuck all of them

Yeah, I hate blupilled cucks. May they all get assraped
I feel like reading this killed a few of my brain cells, lol.

They outright dismiss anything you say and push their annoying "all it takes is good hygiene and confidence" platitudes in your face.
I've tried acting confident, I've tried smiling, I've tried joining clubs and even starting a club, I've tried therapy... And I'm still here!

Also, fuck that person who said that women don't care about looks as much as men do. If anything, studies show that women are the more selective gender.
Minjaze said:
I feel like reading this killed a few of my brain cells, lol.

They outright dismiss anything you say and push their annoying "all it takes is good hygiene and confidence" platitudes in your face.
I've tried acting confident, I've tried smiling, I've tried joining clubs and even starting a club, I've tried therapy... And I'm still here!

Also, fuck that person who said that women don't care about looks as much as men do. If anything, studies show that women are the more selective gender.

They have very low IQs tbh
Fuck normies, who asks those fags for advice anymore?
jagged0 said:
Fuck normies, who asks those fags for advice anymore?

May be guys who are yet to be blackpilled and aren't sure

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