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Hypocrisy To all those who hate on youngcels

  • Thread starter Deleted member 677
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Deleted member 677

Deleted member 677

Nov 8, 2017
Y'all literally sound like PUAs.

"Just be confident, bro!"
"You're too young!"
"Puberty will help you!"
"You'll lose your virginity eventually!"

If I wanted to hear that, I could listen to PUAs. It's amazing how hypocritical some oldcels here can be. Claiming to be blackpilled but spouting bluepill nonsense at youngcels.

"High school virgins are normal!"

They used to be. Now they're the minority. But I don't even want sex that much. I just want to be kissed. See this thread for more. Being a kissless sophomore is like being a 40-year-old virgin nowadays. Live a day in my life, I dare you.

Remember, oldcels: you were once youngcels too, unaware of your dark futures.
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That's true, puberty made me ugly as fuck and solidified my ugliness, so of coarse a youncel is legitimate.
Hey hey don't accuse me. I'm oldcel and acknowledge that it started early.
It's mediumcels who seem to dislike youngcels the most, maybe to feel grown up or something. A bit like when you just turn 18 and see a younger guy get a pass to do something reserved for adults.
Exactly, that's the same image I get when I hear other incels criticizing us youngcels.
a high school sophomore

jfl, what's next, a 9 year old saying "dude im so incel bro xd"

bro fucking wait till college AT LEAST before you think of yourself as a bonafide incel

it boggles my mind, i didn't even know what any of this shit was when i was a sophomore and i was a complete incel at the time too, you're going to be COMPLETELY fucked in the head when you grow up, like some next level shit, just saying.
A few of the Oldcel's seem REALLY bitter but i don't blame them too much for that. Im 18(almost 19) and i don't see thing's getting much better, unless i hit ultra late puberty, im screwed.
If you're in high school, there's still a chance. Small as it is, it's there.
I've seen so many young people turn it around after a couple years. I was blackpilled at like 12 but I'm a special case because I finished puberty around 14, but most people aren't like that.
Highschool sophomore telling us about inceldom.



I don't mind the youngcels as long as they're black pilled and can assimilate into this forum. It's the lookismfags I generally don't like.

The only issue I have is that with the median age on this forum being around 19-20...it makes it hard for me to relate to people here in a lot of ways. The culture was a lot different when I was growing up in the 90s. I have not adjusted to these changes at all and likely never will.
I don't hate you but giving up at 15 is ridiculous. Run SOCIAL CIRCLE GAME and PATIENCEMAX so you can find some inner peace.
you know the thing is you dont get bullied after highschool. you'll most likely never see those people again either. you might have a boss try to do things to you but it's no where as abad as in school.

all im saying is youncels should at least try to make it to 25.gets much better after.

sort of stand by it. Not dealing with hate like you were as a youngcel. :)
Exactly, even the oldest of incels were young once and probably heard the exact same things. Not like they escaped.
I haven't said anything about youngcels because I was one.
Bro I'm 7 years old and I still haven't even had my dick sucked, it's over lmao :^((((((((((((((((
a high school sophomore

jfl, what's next, a 9 year old saying "dude im so incel bro xd"

bro fucking wait till college AT LEAST before you think of yourself as a bonafide incel

it boggles my mind, i didn't even know what any of this shit was when i was a sophomore and i was a complete incel at the time too, you're going to be COMPLETELY fucked in the head when you grow up, like some next level shit, just saying.
This. Kids need to STFU. Many people get theit first sex/kiss at 21-22. Hell ZYROS had first sex at 26.
I don't mind the youngcels as long as they're black pilled and can assimilate into this forum. It's the lookismfags I generally don't like.

The only issue I have is that with the median age on this forum being around 19-20...it makes it hard for me to relate to people here in a lot of ways. The culture was a lot different when I was growing up in the 90s. I have not adjusted to these changes at all and likely never will.
Legit for us oldcels all.hope is lost. Only the bad times are coming.
I think 17 or 18 is the entry age for inceldom and it's 16 for truecel looking guys
Y'all literally sound like PUAs.

"Just be confident, bro!"
"You're too young!"
"Puberty will help you!"
"You'll lose your virginity eventually!"

If I wanted to hear that, I could listen to PUAs. It's amazing how hypocritical some oldcels here can be. Claiming to be blackpilled but spouting bluepill nonsense at youngcels.

"High school virgins are normal!"

They used to be. Now they're the minority. But I don't even want sex that much. I just want to be kissed. See this thread for more. Being a kissless sophomore is like being a 40-year-old virgin nowadays. Live a day in my life, I dare you.

Remember, oldcels: you were once youngcels too, unaware of your dark futures.

My problem is that i just can't take youngcels seriously who are 14 or 18 and claim to be doomed. They should atleast try improving themselves until they are 25 and start going towards 30.

How can you be sure of your incel status if you never tried to improve or put some effort into it? That's like saying im bad at playing piano without even having tried playing it for a while.

If you tried all of this for a while and still fail, only then can you claim to be a true incel.
Talking about young incels, the eloquent young asian boy is gone. I hope that he's alive.
My problem is that i just can't take youngcels seriously who are 14 or 18 and claim to be doomed. They should atleast try improving themselves until they are 25 and start going towards 30.

How can you be sure of your incel status if you never tried to improve or put some effort into it? That's like saying im bad at playing piano without even having tried playing it for a while.

If you tried all of this for a while and still fail, only then can you claim to be a true incel.
I have, man and I'm failing. I gymcel, my teeth are being straightened by braces, I clean my face twice a day, shower every day, and take drugs for my sperg mind. It's all about looks. My only hope is surgery and I'll obviously have to wait until I'm 18 so all I can do is LDAR until then.
I don't hate you but giving up at 15 is ridiculous. Run SOCIAL CIRCLE GAME and PATIENCEMAX so you can find some inner peace.

No I disagree, the younger they give up the higher the chance of finding inner spiritual clarity and acceptance. Im a hardcore determinist though and I think incel is a foregone, unavoidable conclusion for all of us. Inceldom is an affliction that starts before birth.
Anyone who is 20+ and not a fakecel is a legit incel.
If being bluepilled is bad, why are youngcels told to get away from this site? :think::think::think:
this forum fucks people up and makes them completely lose hope
Yeah like ZYros who is now incel cause of the forum. Oh wait he has a gf and fwb.
Jfl at thinking some forum can fuck you up. You are fucked due to low value and not arbitrary shit like.reddit.
Lol I couldn't imagine being blackpilled if I was in high school, I'm glad I wasn't, I didn't care about relationships or gfs, I use to unintentionally cope with games and anime/tv shows. I didn't realize my subhumanity and didn't feel triggered about my surroundings, I lack both awareness and self awareness when I was in high school because obviously I wasn't blackpilled, now imagine being blackpilled incel in high school, I can't even imagine the pain I would go through, I would probably fail tbh,

And in your case dude, since your blackpilled at this age while in high school it's truly over, I don't even know how you discovered this site, when I was your age I use to go play ball a lot with some dudes I knew and play video games watch cartoons or anime not fuckin browse an incel forum, you need to enjoy your youth to an extent, even with out the girls, now you are compeletly fucked. But hey atleast you know the truth at this age you know your place in society.
Lol I couldn't imagine being blackpilled if I was in high school, I'm glad I wasn't, I didn't care about relationships or gfs, I use to unintentionally cope with games and anime/tv shows. I didn't realize my subhumanity and didn't feel triggered about my surroundings, I lack both awareness and self awareness when I was in high school because obviously I wasn't blackpilled, now imagine being blackpilled incel in high school, I can't even imagine the pain I would go through, I would probably fail tbh,

And in your case dude, since your blackpilled at this age while in high school it's truly over, I don't even know how you discovered this site, when I was your age I use to go play ball a lot with some dudes I knew and play video games watch cartoons or anime not fuckin browse an incel forum, you need to enjoy your youth to an extent, even with out the girls, now you are compeletly fucked. But hey atleast you know the truth at this age you know your place in society.
Legit browsing this site at 15 y old is a recipe for a disaster.
Lol I couldn't imagine being blackpilled if I was in high school, I'm glad I wasn't, I didn't care about relationships or gfs, I use to unintentionally cope with games and anime/tv shows. I didn't realize my subhumanity and didn't feel triggered about my surroundings, I lack both awareness and self awareness when I was in high school because obviously I wasn't blackpilled, now imagine being blackpilled incel in high school, I can't even imagine the pain I would go through, I would probably fail tbh,

And in your case dude, since your blackpilled at this age while in high school it's truly over, I don't even know how you discovered this site, when I was your age I use to go play ball a lot with some dudes I knew and play video games watch cartoons or anime not fuckin browse an incel forum, you need to enjoy your youth to an extent, even with out the girls, now you are compeletly fucked. But hey atleast you know the truth at this age you know your place in society.
I discovered r/incels through countless Google searches on why girls hate me. I went from Yahoo! Answers to PUAs to Elliot Rodger to lurking r/incels. After it got banned, I made an account on this site and took the black pill.
Reminder that if you don't already have a social circle YOU WILL NEVER GET ONE. IT'S OVER, TOO LATE, YOU FUCKING FAILED. SO SAD, GAME OVER. TRY AGAIN NEXT TIME.

I hate it when people say "just make friends bro", they're literally just as retarded as IT posters saying "just improve urself". You have no fucking idea how hard it is because everything was handed to you on platter. "Hurr I was aspie too but then I joined this and I instantly got friends!" Bull-fucking-shit, maybe if you were extremely good at whatever you're doing, but for us maritime men who have ZERO talents or skills literally NOBODY will talk to you. Why would they? What would they gain from you? A friendless incel with no talent, who the fuck would want one as their friend? You literally give them no benefit, you're not charming, you're not talented and you don't have any friends they know or can meet. You're literally WORTHLESS.
Yeah like ZYros who is now incel cause of the forum. Oh wait he has a gf and fwb.
Jfl at thinking some forum can fuck you up. You are fucked due to low value and not arbitrary shit like.reddit.

dude you had 15 fucking girlfriends before. just lol at you being here in the first place.
Hey hey don't accuse me. I'm oldcel and acknowledge that it started early.
It's mediumcels who seem to dislike youngcels the most, maybe to feel grown up or something. A bit like when you just turn 18 and see a younger guy get a pass to do something reserved for adults.

are you mrz?
OP needs his diaper changed again
Teenage years are the optimum time to get blackpilled as you still have time to looksmax. This is assuming you have potential to escape.
No hope for me except surgery.
We say this shit because high school girls are easier to get than college girls. I saw some ugly fucks in college dating girls from high school, and guess why? High school girls like older guys, but once the girl realizes their worth (they start realizing this when they're exposed to the number of good looking males in college) she will dump him and destroy his heart. So so so so many relationships end when the girl goes to college. Hmm...I wonder why.

High school girls have lower standards than women who are 18+

Don't worry, you'll learn. It's a million times worse after high school.
I agree, people act like youre going to turn 21 and all of the sudden magically turn attractive
They are fakecels. They have not endured a sufficient amount of time without a woman to qualify as an incel.

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