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Hypocrisy To all those who hate on youngcels

  • Thread starter Deleted member 677
  • Start date
I was browsing 4chan at 11. Wonder what it did to my mind
I browsed /b/ back in the day when it was way more incel and depressive. I think at like maybe 15-16. And yeah It.permanently fucks your mind.
Although I will say even finding that place means you are already fucked. Since I had gender issues even as a kid all 4chan did was further them in a way,but I was already fucked before it.
I knew I was incel in middle school
Remember, oldcels: you were once youngcels too, unaware of your dark futures.
Back then there wasn't r/incels so we have to go through things alone. Be bullied alone and grew up alone. No-one was there to say "hey, im going through the same thing you know" or "things will get better, I promise". No, you just get treated like shit for being ugly. Back then there was no blackpill. So you keep telling yourself everyday that things will get better. Nowadays, youngcels have it easy. Sure, they get treated like crap at school but here, we support them and make them feel better. So, you youngcels or millenials, in general, need to SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop complaining. Rant over.
Y'all literally sound like PUAs.

"Just be confident, bro!"
"You're too young!"
"Puberty will help you!"
"You'll lose your virginity eventually!"

If I wanted to hear that, I could listen to PUAs. It's amazing how hypocritical some oldcels here can be. Claiming to be blackpilled but spouting bluepill nonsense at youngcels.

"High school virgins are normal!"

They used to be. Now they're the minority. But I don't even want sex that much. I just want to be kissed. See this thread for more. Being a kissless sophomore is like being a 40-year-old virgin nowadays. Live a day in my life, I dare you.

Remember, oldcels: you were once youngcels too, unaware of your dark futures.
We don’t say puberty WILL help you, it’s just that it MAY. Yes, if you remain as ugly as you are it’s over, but if you are an ugly duckling, you don’t really know until 18. Basically it’s not necessarily over for you yet, but if you stay on this site it may lead you to become a mentalcel and seal your doom
I dont "hate" youngcels for being young. Firstly, I dont hate them at all.
But i doubt that they tried it all before ending here, where people with actual complete lack of hope (because we fucking tried it all) try to do something with their pathetic and useless lifes. Mybe it's just a prejudice, but I think that old people here have tried to have a girlfriend or sex by all possible means and have failed miserably. I feel much more identified with them, obviously. I tried it very hard for years.This incel lifestyle is litteraly the only way of life that is left for subhumans like me.
Also, I think that if I had found this forum (or any black pilled online community) between the ages of 16 and 22 I probably would not have tried at all ... It hurts me to think that we are discouraging people (with even a minimal chance) of being loved and enjoying a human life (not like ours of incels .. .)

In other words:
If you tried all of this for a while and still fail, only then can you claim to be a true incel.
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Back then there wasn't r/incels so we have to go through things alone. Be bullied alone and grew up alone. No-one was there to say "hey, im going through the same thing you know" or "things will get better, I promise". No, you just get treated like shit for being ugly. Back then there was no blackpill. So you keep telling yourself everyday that things will get better. Nowadays, youngcels have it easy. Sure, they get treated like crap at school but here, we support them and make them feel better.

This. Isolation is all ive known. Nothing to do with youngcels. Anyway, i dont think any incel has it easy.... but it can be easier now, of course.

No I disagree, the younger they give up the higher the chance of finding inner spiritual clarity and acceptance. Im a hardcore determinist though and I think incel is a foregone, unavoidable conclusion for all of us.

I think this kind of thoughts are dangerous. I do not intend to censor you. I'm just saying that there is no kind of peace or happiness when you definitely recognize yourself as an incel. It is impossible to accept oneself as a subhuman who does not deserve love. Dont delude yourself. It is necessary to avoid at all costs to end like this. Only if there are literally no other ways to try to get sex, and you have exhausted all the means at your disposal, can you consider yourself an incel.
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1) A lot youngcels may be late bloomers.

2) There's one Youngcel here whom said that he had gotten a date and also finally kissed a girl in his first year at college. Most of the people talking about getting out of Inceldom are Youngcels or were once those late bloomer Youngcel themselves.

3) As a result a lot of oldcels get hurt by this because they suffered long enough. So I could see why a lot of them are bitter about it and they have the rights to feel this way. Normally, I see it the other way, there's a lot of Youngcels that shit on Oldcels, and those are whom I don't have sympathy for. On top of seeing them as disrespecting larping Incel cunts.
It's simpe: there should be separate threads for incels based on age.
Jfl at this moron. He is only 15...
Good for him let him waste his teens. Insecure ll b**
To echo the sentiments of others in this thread, we hate on you for your own good. You are ruining my mind by posting on here at such a young age.
To echo the sentiments of others in this thread, we hate on you for your own good. You are ruining my mind by posting on here at such a young age.

definitely, can't imagine being here at 15
You should be required to put your age in your avi details so that real incels/TFLers don't have to read the "WISDOM" about the dating market from a 16 yo who has never spoken to a woman before.

I agree, people act like youre going to turn 21 and all of the sudden magically turn attractive

I guess it's the same as having sex once and automatically turning noncel, RIGHT?
To echo the sentiments of others in this thread, we hate on you for your own good. You are ruining my mind by posting on here at such a young age.
Ruining your mind? You mean ruining his mind?
You should be required to put your age in your avi details so that real incels/TFLers don't have to read the "WISDOM" about the dating market from a 16 yo who has never spoken to a woman before.

Your testicles were once inside your body? That doesn't sound healthy, I'd get that checked out.
Your testicles were once inside your body? That doesn't sound healthy, I'd get that checked out.
As a fetus, that is the case for all males.
Your testicles were once inside your body? That doesn't sound healthy, I'd get that checked out.

Advice from someone whose life experience can be summed up as:

- going to class
- watching cartoons

You will regret the time you wasted here when you could have been living your youth. You are not incel. Just a lateblooming, NW1, 5+/10, decent-height white? guy, I'm guessing who prefers to wallow with real older incels/TFLers rather than admit that you are just average-looking and will have to put some effort in to get girls. Is there any proof that you're ugly? Can anyone confirm?
Advice from someone whose life experience can be summed up as:

- going to class
- watching cartoons

You will regret the time you wasted here when you could have been living your youth. You are not incel. Just a lateblooming, NW1, 5+/10, decent-height white? guy, I'm guessing who prefers to wallow with real older incels/TFLers rather than admit that you are just average-looking and will have to put some effort in to get girls. Is there any proof that you're ugly? Can anyone confirm?

You will regret the time you wasted here when you could have been living your youth. You are not incel.

you will have to put some effort in to get girls
Watch out, your inner blue-pilled PUA is showing.
Watch out, your inner blue-pilled PUA is showing.

No, because only Chad doesn't need any effort. Everyone else needs to work for it.
My problem is that i just can't take youngcels seriously who are 14 or 18 and claim to be doomed. They should atleast try improving themselves until they are 25 and start going towards 30.

How can you be sure of your incel status if you never tried to improve or put some effort into it? That's like saying im bad at playing piano without even having tried playing it for a while.

If you tried all of this for a while and still fail, only then can you claim to be a true incel.
Back then there wasn't r/incels so we have to go through things alone. Be bullied alone and grew up alone. No-one was there to say "hey, im going through the same thing you know" or "things will get better, I promise". No, you just get treated like shit for being ugly. Back then there was no blackpill. So you keep telling yourself everyday that things will get better. Nowadays, youngcels have it easy. Sure, they get treated like crap at school but here, we support them and make them feel better. So, you youngcels or millenials, in general, need to SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop complaining. Rant over.
puberty fucked up my life and im 15 trust me everyone i know but incels have at least dated someone i haven't its over

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