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TikTok Blackpill Megathread

Africa is the most genetically diverse continent. This is probably just a white whore cuckolding her man.
Africa is genetically diverse because it has two races, blacks and MENA. Not because black people are all so different.
Africa is genetically diverse because it has two races, blacks and MENA. Not because black people are all so different.
There’s 3 not 2
Africa is genetically diverse because it has two races, blacks and MENA. Not because black people are all so different.
Also you are smoking crack if you think Cushites, Bantus, Nilotes and pygmies are similar to each other at all. Khoisan themselves are a completely separate race from the blacks as a whole.

@Made in Heaven follow me back on tiktok mf
Also you are smoking crack if you think Cushites, Bantus, Nilotes and pygmies are similar to each other at all. Khoisan themselves are a completely separate race from the blacks as a whole.

@Made in Heaven follow me back on tiktok mf

There equally/more similar to each other than Central Asians. Asia as a whole has more genetic variation than Africa.

Even if the phenotypes are drastically different the genetics are still similar.
Africa is genetically diverse because it has two races, blacks and MENA. Not because black people are all so different.
So how do you explain basically every source saying you're full of shit; could literally say the same "two races" (also bullshit and an asinine 'it's only because' point) thing that you said, but about Asia.
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View attachment 759705
There equally/more similar to each other than Central Asians. Asia as a whole has more genetic variation than Africa.

Even if the phenotypes are drastically different the genetics are still similar.
All studies show this isn’t true
What compels rices to be like this lol, did the a bombs buck break them that bad
Asians have always worshipped humans. They used to worship the alphas the Chinese Emperor and Japanese Emperor. But those both got mogged by whites who have now replaced their emperors as their new gods
Africa is genetically diverse because it has two races, blacks and MENA. Not because black people are all so different.
There are also some khoisan in the south
Also you are smoking crack if you think Cushites, Bantus, Nilotes and pygmies are similar to each other at all. Khoisan themselves are a completely separate race from the blacks as a whole.

@Made in Heaven follow me back on tiktok mf
Link it
The sand nigger is going through a psychotic episode. YOU WILL NEVER BE WHITE AND JBW IS NOT TRUE.
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Cope, nigger. You're wrong on both fronts
Not even denying the first one was right :feelskek:. YOU ARE A SANDNIGGER NOT WHITE AND JBW IS NOT TRUE I'M WHITE AND I WILL DIE A VIRGIN. Also question if your really are white and if JBW really is true why are you here?
Not even denying the first one was right :feelskek:. YOU ARE A SANDNIGGER NOT WHITE AND JBW IS NOT TRUE I'M WHITE AND I WILL DIE A VIRGIN. Also question if your really are white and if JBW really is true why are you here?
I'm a white sand nigger

JBW doesn't mean white men can't be jncels, retard. Learn thr actual meaning behind thr phrase
I'm a white sand nigger

JBW doesn't mean white men can't be jncels, retard. Learn thr actual meaning behind thr phrase
You use it to call whitecels volcels you literally did that to Saitama earlier in this same thread
i hate this thread so much but it's not because the content of the thread but because my internet connection is so deathnic it can't support playing all the jewtok videos at the same time. but based thread anyway
i hate this thread so much but it's not because the content of the thread but because my internet connection is so deathnic it can't support playing all the jewtok videos at the same time. but based thread anyway
Smae tbh but my laptop is shit and I refuse to buy one myself
You use it to call whitecels volcels you literally did that to Saitama earlier in this same thread
He is 5'7 with blonde hair and blue eyes, easily could get an ethnic GF. Assuming he is not autistic or ugly faced, then I'd agree.

However, even @Saitama agreed with me when I pointed out he would still have higher SMV than a 5'7 indian or 5'7 asian with comparable facial features. That's the point of JBW.
being white is EVERYTHING, you can be 4'11 deformed and still find love if you're white

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OShuaGG5Uaw&ab_channel=SquirmyandGrubs


The JBW deniers will say that is a cherry picked example and it kinda is I won't dispute it. BUT being white is EVERYTHING even though your own race hates you, there are still a plethora of races that will worship cumskins :feelspuke: , like gooks and currys. All these cumskins are really brain dead. Imagine denying JBW:feelstastyman: when there are literally thousands of studies that suggest that women of all races prefer white males. Don't confuse this with white worship, I hate every cumskin and I hate this clown world that we live in cuz they constantly glory these cumskins
I am a 3.5/10 moderate function autist with a retarded sounding voice. I get laughed at and ignored by everybody. Foids would rather mutilate there vaginas with a 1,000 degree knife than hold hands with me.
You knew what I meant by love :feelskek:, I didn't imply the disney fairytale shit
Ok than what did you mean? He isn't even getting pussy because he physically can't
Comments are a joke, Emily is now an Asian name? Ryan, Justin, Amy are all white names.
That's the fucking point Kek. These poor pathetic mongoloids have been so buck broken, so badly conquered by white people that they have mass delusionmaxxed as a whole into thinking they're white as a coping mechanism.
Funny enough they do the same thing they complain about:feelsclown:
That's the fucking point Kek. These poor pathetic mongoloids have been so buck broken, so badly conquered by white people that they have mass delusionmaxxed as a whole into thinking they're white as a coping mechanism.

complaining about not fitting the beauty standard and how hard they have to compete with average white women and then you check their boyfriends and guess what they so happen to be? I always see those people that say "white people should go extinct", they get degrees, and their masters on bs like "social racial construct", "gender inequality perpetuated by white men" and their partners are always_______.
Africa is the most genetically diverse continent. This is probably just a white whore cuckolding her man.
Oh I agree with that statement but the people there are pretty ugly
That's a Sicilian not an Italian.
That's an Italian. Cope
complaining about not fitting the beauty standard and how hard they have to compete with average white women and then you check their boyfriends and guess what they so happen to be? I always see those people that say "white people should go extinct", they get degrees, and their masters on bs like "social racial construct", "gender inequality perpetuated by white men" and their partners are always_______.
Ah ,yeah, 100%. I agree. They're just mad that they're not white, it's not any deeper than that. And they know that even when they get a white BF, their half breed children will never be ehite, be it a half asian, half indians, or half blacm. All shitskins, deathnics, niggers, swarthoids have a desire to have whiter and whiter genes. It's over

I remember seeing a tiktok of an indian whore literally crying and whining about how Australian white chads would always call her ugly and say they're not attracted to indian women. The kicker? She already HAD a white BF yet she was STILL upset at OTHER white men telling her they find indian women ugly. It really does go to show the mental conquest white men have over these subhumans. They are obsessed with white validation

Have you ever seen a white women upset that indian men don't find her attractive and making tiktoks about it? He'll fucking no.
That's an Italian. Cope

Ah ,yeah, 100%. I agree. They're just mad that they're not white, it's not any deeper than that. And they know that even when they get a white BF, their half breed children will never be ehite, be it a half asian, half indians, or half blacm. All shitskins, deathnics, niggers, swarthoids have a desire to have whiter and whiter genes. It's over

I remember seeing a tiktok of an indian whore literally crying and whining about how Australian white chads would always call her ugly and say they're not attracted to indian women. The kicker? She already HAD a white BF yet she was STILL upset at OTHER white men telling her they find indian women ugly. It really does go to show the mental conquest white men have over these subhumans. They are obsessed with white validation

Have you ever seen a white women upset that indian men don't find her attractive and making tiktoks about it? He'll fucking no.
Oh definitely the white chad is the best chad, the master chad! A lot of it also is because of money and the wish for security white men don't usually beat the crap out of foids all the time like non-white men do. We tend to treat women pretty well compared 2otherraces.
Oh definitely the white chad is the best chad, the master chad! A lot of it also is because of money and the wish for security white men don't usually beat the crap out of foids all the time like non-white men do. We tend to treat women pretty well compared 2otherraces.
I don't think white men not beating their women is a positive thing to brag about considering the absolute state of white whores these days. A little beatings are in order from time to time if she us being a slut.

And yes, the fact that white men are the richest in the world plays a part in it. But let's be real, looks >>>> money. White men are loved by ethnic women for their genes money is a far 2nd place. Otherwise, you wouldn't have all these high salary asian doctors still be incels and/or marrying used up noodlewhores who got spit roasted by broke chads
I don't think white men not beating their women is a positive thing to brag about considering the absolute state of white whores these days. A little beatings are in order from time to time if she us being a slut.

And yes, the fact that white men are the richest in the world plays a part in it. But let's be real, looks >>>> money. White men are loved by ethnic women for their genes money is a far 2nd place. Otherwise, you wouldn't have all these high salary asian doctors still be incels and/or marrying used up noodlewhores who got spit roasted by broke chads
And nonwhite still go to the West knowing how degenerate it is. It's almost like they ask further own self destruction how sad.
Smae tbh but my laptop is shit and I refuse to buy one myself

He is 5'7 with blonde hair and blue eyes, easily could get an ethnic GF. Assuming he is not autistic or ugly faced, then I'd agree.

However, even @Saitama agreed with me when I pointed out he would still have higher SMV than a 5'7 indian or 5'7 asian with comparable facial features. That's the point of JBW.

Tall female still wants an even taller chad. Imagine being 6'4 and still demanding more like holy fuck. Be humble already

You also gotta fucking love how the dumb bitch caption the vid with "tall girl problems". As if not being able to find gigachad is the worse thing that can happen to her. Meanwhile, short men suffer actual, life dehibilatating, dehumanizing lives.

This is one of the many reasons why I get angry when normies try and equate the """""""struggle"""""""" of tall women with the agony of being a manlet
Turkroach breaks his legs to go from 5'2 turbi manlet to 5'7 manlet

Turkroach breaks his legs to go from 5'2 turbi manlet to 5'7 manlet

Lifefuel for ricecels. The kid even looks white

This man is half palestinian half Filipino hapa yet he still looks caucssion. This just further proves my point that MENA hapas produce whiter-looking kids on average as compared to Europran hapas precisely because MENAs have more dominating genes

View: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM266Jt9e/
@Med Amine

At least 3 or 4 couples in this vid are of MENA men with White women


This guy's Algerian lmao

This girl is syrian

And here is ANOTHER syrian

Here's a Moroccan

View: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM26MDT83/
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It's always so hilarious to me when an ugly, man-looking black woman gets with a white chad. 10 bucks says this guy is a closet homo because no straight man would be attracted to a female like that

Like at least this white eguy got with an actually good looking black woman

Also, JBW once more. Death fuel for nigcels

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