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TikTok Blackpill Megathread

This Indian woman is INSANE. Literally all of her videos are talking about skin color and unironically wishing for white people to go extinct. I'm not even joking on that last part. It's so obvious how insecure she is at her skin color

@Transcended Trucel

Those people have French fathers or mothers.
Wrong. Canarid phenotype is light haired, blue eyed woth pink skin tone and it is indigenous to North Africa

Amazigh are brown eyed, but they been marrying Euros already since the days of Spain
Yes, and how did that happen? Because amazigh mixed with Spanish, italians, slavic, and scandinavian slaves
Rice cuck has a mental breakdown because he saw one too many videos of white women saying they wouldn't date asian or indian men

Asian guy with white-passing Moroccan wife

Lifefuel for rice. I have noticed asian men do better with Sand women as compared to snow women. Wonder why?

I can't fucking believe this. How does a bald brown paki ascend with an Albanian woman? Like how?

Holy cringe. Unreal cringe. This is insane

Western woman and muslim woman both height shaming manlets. They're always the same.

Last video for now

There's so much going on in this. Where do I start? The asian guy not only has bleached blonde hair in a pathetic attempt to look like the sacred white man but the video is literally a cuckold role play of him getting his ass beaten to dearh by a black guy, basically playing into the stereotype of asian men being weak and black men being strong, and it ends with the asian girl attending his funeral with the black bull now being her new BF

@Zhou Chang-Xing life fuel?
This Indian woman is INSANE. Literally all of her videos are talking about skin color and unironically wishing for white people to go extinct. I'm not even joking on that last part. It's so obvious how insecure she is at her skin color

@Transcended Trucel

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I agree with her opinion. But she shouldn't reproduce either just like Indian men. She still carries the wretched cursed filthy curry blood too
I agree with her opinion. But she shouldn't reproduce either just like Indian men. She still carries the wretched cursed filthy curry blood too
Yeah, I actually do agree with some of her vids to be honest. One of them was how dalit woman was raped and murdered by people from a higher caste. But some of her vids that I didn't post definitely make it obvious she hates white people

She looks old anyways, she has whit ehair in some of the videos so if she hasn't had kids up until now she likely won't have any ever
Honestly this thread is bluepill. I would not want to associate with any of these "people". Completely rotted brains/low IQ.
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Tall female still wants an even taller chad. Imagine being 6'4 and still demanding more like holy fuck. Be humble already

You also gotta fucking love how the dumb bitch caption the vid with "tall girl problems". As if not being able to find gigachad is the worse thing that can happen to her. Meanwhile, short men suffer actual, life dehibilatating, dehumanizing lives.

This is one of the many reasons why I get angry when normies try and equate the """""""struggle"""""""" of tall women with the agony of being a manlet
She looks like fucking Erling Haaland. Fucking ugly foid.
everyone deserves to be raped tortures and killed
Tiktok is the most blackpilled place, bros are not blind and speak up and thots are chad only whores openly in unapologetic way.
Imagine losing your job which you do to perfection for literally no other reason than being black and not the blonde woman that some fatass richcel wanted for the job.

View: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81VS9mn/

Don't care foid only got the job in the beginning because she was a foid and the guy simped for her but guess what there is always another foid with a higher SMV
Don't care foid only got the job in the beginning because she was a foid and the guy simped for her but guess what there is always another foid with a higher SMV
Yeah I don't feel sorry for her. She still ended up marrying a cave demon anyways. She already bought into their system. Blackpill galore.
This is why men will always be second class citizens compared to women. Imagine being this brutally cucked and in the end you say well god wants me to take care of "my" kids so I'm just gonna keep doing it because I'm a good man. Vast majority of men have this mindset including most users here if we're being fr fr :soy:

View: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81qQpRr/
This Indian woman is INSANE. Literally all of her videos are talking about skin color and unironically wishing for white people

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All EE European countries like Bulgaria, Serbia,Czech republic,Slovakia, Slovenia,Finland etc but I guess she is too dumb to know these countries exist.

Also almost all inventions were made by the white men and the bad English colonizers advanced her shithole from the prehistoric age to a growing modern economy.
Imagine losing your job which you do to perfection for literally no other reason than being black and not the blonde woman that some fatass richcel wanted for the job.

View: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81VS9mn/

Alot racism towards blacks is just lookism due to most people considering them ugly. Brutal as fuck. Although admittedly that is not the only reason.
All EE European countries like Bulgaria, Serbia,Czech republic,Slovakia, Slovenia,Finland etc but I guess she is too dumb to know these countries exist.
What about them? Why you mention thos countries?
Also almost all inventions were made by the white men and the bad English colonizers advanced her shithole from the prehistoric age to a growing modern economy.
She'd probably be burned to death when her husband died if the big bad bongman hadnt banned that practice.

Even the ancient India they're so proud of was made by aryan invaders that looked like this. The best looking Indians often have more aryan mixture for a good reason



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eastern euros are mentally subhuman lol, the got dabbed on by turkroaches
Yes they are thr only europeans that can be said to be on the same racial level as anatolians, iranians, and levantines.

Even berbers in Andalusia had slavic slaves
What about them? Why you mention thos countries?
Last video she told white countries are only made up by colonizers aka every white nation which is false

View: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81qHATq/

Heightpill. Tall = celebrity by default. Ppl treat you like this everywhere you go. You get free shit etc. Guy has incel looks but his height cancels it.

Being 7'4 must be crazy lifefuel. You're so tall you'd make guys who are 6'6 look like manlets. JFL and yeah I agree. Being tall = instant celebrity treatment. I'd argue a tall guy with regular finances is more desirable than a rich celebrity manlet like Ed shareen
Over for scandicucks. Zoomalis are breeding blonde women all over the place and the hilarious part is that many of these half somalis are born with light skin and light hair

View: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2Snr7AJ/

It's so over for 1488cels. How the FUCK is a Nigerian womb able to produce thus? The lines between aryan and negro get blurring and blurring in scandinavia

View: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2SnB7AV/
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Arab chad rejects white woman, she has a mental breakdown that he didn't want her. It's hilarious how she made a 5 minute long tiktok crying about Chadsam rejecting her ye she's still trying to pretend she didn't care about the rejection

Honestly, lifefuel for sands tbh. Probably one of the few times I've seen a white woman losing her mind after being rejected by an ethnic man

View: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2Sn253W/

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