Arab woman making satire about how arabs are obsessed with blue eyed kids.
We don't really have many MENA where I live: It's mostly Spics & Blacks, with some Curries, few MENA, and very little to almost no Asians(mainly Pinoys)
Granted, my father knows a few due to his work: He once mentioned to me about one Sand guy(I forgot the specific type) whom was married to a Sand foid with very blue eyes- maybe she was mixed?
That guy wasn't no Chaddam Mogssein, but he was at least decent looking & was moneymaxxed, so I imagine that played a good role in securing her: Granted, my dad said he never actually saw her full face, since they were quite devoted & she covered up fully.
I love how she says "God loves you more than us", because that isn't even satire. God truly does love blue eyed people. Or any people with colored eyes. I have an indian co worker with hazel-green eyes, and sweet fuck, the mog is unreal.
I can somewhat relate to this here: I have an Atlantid pheno with golden-brown hair, yet I inherited my mothers Hazel-Brown eyes, with kind of an amber flair to them. My fathers side all have green or blue eyes, and on my Maternal Grandmothers(Central/North Italian) side, they all have hazel-brown, green, or blue eyes. Clearly, ANF/EEF genetics expressing themselves heavily, alongside the various Alpinid, Mediterranid, etc phenos
Also, my pheno has some Dinaric influence on it, I think: My infraorbital area is weak, which is something I notice is common amongst those types of phenos.
And that's a pajeet with colored eyes. White caucasions with colored eyes are almost divine beings. Even my own mom was like this despite how much she hates me being racist.
Wait, your parents are aware of your views, somewhat?
I kind of always assumed that for anything deemed "dissident" online: Blackpill/Incel, far right and/or far left "extremism," religious "extremism," etc. was kind of like being "in the game" in the sense you don't talk about it irl to anyone.
Previously in the past, I kind of tried to introduce my parens to the concept of the JQ, and that didn't go so well....fucking Gen-Xers.
They also gave me tons of redpilled/bluepilled advice -more so redpilled from my dad- so yeah, I don't think brining up some scientific-backed blackpills would work.
She told us how she literally prayed to God for my sister to LOSE her blue eyes she was born with becahse she didn't want my other 2 sisters to be jealous of her JFL
Jfl, classic foids.
"my son have bleu eyes mashallah"