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Blackpill (ThugPill) Being Nice is Detrimental to Life Quality of Men (including sex life)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5861
  • Start date
The desire to expel unselfish members from the group.
Parks, Craig D.,Stone, Asako B.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 99(2), Aug 2010, 303-310
"An initial study investigating tolerance of group members who abuse a public good surprisingly showed that unselfish members (those who gave much toward the provision of the good but then used little of the good) were also targets for expulsion from the group...A fourth study suggested that the target is seen by some as establishing an undesirable behavior standard and by others as a rule breaker. Individuals who formed either perception expressed a desire for the unselfish person to be removed from the group."

To put it in simpler terms, being altruistic and friendly is just as likely to cause people to reject you as those who are completely selfish and purely look out for their needs only. The study found no significant difference. This contradicts the mainstream advice that having a "good personality" will cause people, including women, to like you. They will hate you just as much as someone who practically steals from them. This is also reflected in the workplace, as "agreeable" men (peaceful and friendly) are paid significantly less than their disagreeable counterparts.

"Overall, across the first three studies, men who are one standard deviation below the mean on agreeableness earn an average of 18.31% ($9,772) more than men one standard deviation above the mean on agreeableness. Meanwhile, the “disagreeableness premium” for women was only 5.47% ($1,828). Thus, the income premium for disagreeableness is more than three times stronger for men than for women."

So as we could see, the price of being nice when you are a man is a staggering 18% of your income throughout life. It is also far stronger in males than females. So this means that nice men in the first study would have been rejected even more often than the nice women. This suggests that nice men are rejected more often than men who are completely selfish and practically steal off of everyone. Now, let us focus more on the effects of being "mean" or "evil" on attracting a woman. "A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire" is a book by two neuroscientists that combines countless research by Alfred Kinsey and experiments found on the internet that has a data on over half a billion people to see what are the raw sexual desires of humanity. The book quotes quite a few unnerving conclusions of the sexuality of women based on many individual experiments:

“It turns out that killing people is an effective way to elicit the attention of many women: virtually every serial killer, including Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and David Berkowitz, have received love letters from large numbers of female fans” (p. 98).
“[Their] inner cavewoman knows Doormat Man would become Sabertooth Tiger Lunch in short order” (p .97).

Psychology Today had an article that confirmed and analyzed how women desire men who are violent, mean, and show criminal behavior, with much thanks to the book mentioned above.

"women demonstrate a strong erotic preference for dominant men. Or toward what’s now commonly referred to as alpha males—in the authors’ words, men who are 'strong, confident, [and] swaggering [as in 'cocky,' and the pun is intended].' Unfortunately, what these descriptors often imply is behavior sufficiently bearish, self-centered, and insensitive as to often cross the line into a physical, mental, and emotional abuse that can be downright brutal."
"there’s something in their native wiring that makes a great many of them susceptible to 'bad boys.'"
"many women (at least secretly, or subliminally) can’t help but be drawn toward cold-blooded, controlling, 'bad boys' whose dominance symbolizes quite the opposite of what in relationships they’re consciously seeking."
"many women experience as enticing the idea of surrendering to a powerful male figure because of its very riskiness. Curiously, such an acutely felt threat can actually be eroticized by women’s minds into exceptional sexual excitement so compelling that (at least on a fantasy level) it’s almost irresistible."

Sources: https://www.amazon.com/Billion-Wicked-Thoughts-Largest-Experiment/dp/0525952098
My sister-in-law was lying to me about the quality of her relationship w/ my brother. I dropped her like a bad habbit when she found out and she was so fucking confused. I explained it simply: "That's my brother. I'm not friends with you so I can fuck you. Don't fucking lie to me for attention."

She's still pretty buttblasted.
My sister-in-law was lying to me about the quality of her relationship w/ my brother. I dropped her like a bad habbit when she found out and she was so fucking confused. I explained it simply: "That's my brother. I'm not friends with you so I can fuck you. Don't fucking lie to me for attention."

She's still pretty buttblasted.
i've read this post 3 times and i have no idea what you are trying to say
You have to be low inhib and NT. And the standards for those two to run thug game well are very high. You probably don't have it if you ended up here.
Maybe we just haven't found our gangs yet.
Maybe we just haven't found our gangs yet.
And what gang exactly would you be in? Since you are Arab I guess ISIS/terrorist game for you.
And what gang exactly would you be in? Since you are Arab I guess ISIS/terrorist game for you.
View attachment 19545
What kind of jihadist has tattoos, how dare he claim to fight degeneracy. I was thinking of making an incel gang. To fuck with rosties and cucks.
This deserves to be in the archive.
I made them gang names. The two guys on the left are the rostie tea baggers, and the short guy is the framecel tinder hacker.
And Adam Lanza must be the Hitman/ER of the gang.
i've read this post 3 times and i have no idea what you are trying to say

I can see why she was "so fucking confused" about him.

Typo. She was crying on my shoulder for attention about made up shit and I called her out. Anyways, it's barely relevant other then pointing out I'm not nice.
Not really news, but nice to see there is scientific evidence to back it up.
Everyone knew the whole "nice guys are actually manipulative assholes meme" was bullshit made up by women to justify their lack of attraction to nice men. Now there is actual proof of it.
so there is some truth in PUA ???!
(negging, beahvior, alpha frame crap, etc.)
so there is some truth in PUA ???!
(negging, beahvior, alpha frame crap, etc.)
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JFL at guys act nice to get pussy. They are cucks.
If your nice people will see it as an opportunity to take advantage of you and they will see you as weak and beta. That does'nt mean you should start going around being an aggressive beta male because that would be even worse than being a calm beta male. An alpha male is confident and that stems from him getting all validation daily from the day he was born. While an incel gets no validation and loses confidence as time goes by, due to being ugly which in turn gives social anxiety and shyness. There is no such thing as bluepilled advice like "just be confident". Your "third eye" the eye that allways sees everything will subconciously give you either confidence or lack of confidence. If it sees you get validated you will get increasingly confident which allways happens to chad's. The opposite happens to incels. Normies have a normal level of confidence due to modest amounts of validation. Bad boys/alpha males/narcissists etc are chadlites/chads that due to massive amounts of validation got overly confident and narcissistic. Females are attracted to confidence which means they are attracted to bad boys/alpha males and narcissists, psychopaths and so on. Never be a nice guy, but you cant be an alpha,narcissist or bad boy if your bad looking, then you will just get thrown in jail.
God-tier post



How the hell can anyone believe in a just world? How can anyone have hope for anything?
Nothing matters. We are all evil. Earth needs to end. Fuck everything. :feelsree:

First posts best posts.

I for one am afraid of treating hoes like they deserve because I have so much pent-up anger against foids that if one happened to hit me in any way, I think I'd snap and beat the shit out of her. So I don't even start anything remotely confrontational with them.
To put it in simpler terms, being altruistic and friendly is just as likely to cause people to reject you as those who are completely selfish and purely look out for their needs only. The study found no significant difference. This contradicts the mainstream advice that having a "good personality" will cause people, including women, to like you. They will hate you just as much as someone who practically steals from them.

LOL women are backwards

Exactly like late Rapper 2pac said, he was super nice and respective and got friend-zoned repeatedly.

Became a greedy asshole and all the bitches came flocking. Need good looks to back it up but shows Females want criminals, criminals are greedy and show power and this triggers females biology to be with him...

Elliot Rodger got female fans after his rampage (not condoning to do this to get females)

How the hell can anyone believe in a just world? How can anyone have hope for anything?
Nothing matters. We are all evil. Earth needs to end. Fuck everything. :feelsree:


Women should be blamed for creating evil men because men see thats what women want and change themselves to get females.

Kids follow people they watch on youtube, movies and music and those men are driven like any other men to chase women and transform themselves to be more edgey and criminal like to get them
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High IQ post OP. People see being nice as a target for exploitation.
so there is some truth in PUA ???!
(negging, beahvior, alpha frame crap, etc.)
so there is some truth in PUA ???!
(negging, beahvior, alpha frame crap, etc.)
Yes, incels should have been aware that being NT and low inhib will absolutely increase your chances of being laid. Autism is obviously a death sentence if you are not chad. Just like how a haircut would technically help since it improves appearence if it is really bad. That doesn't mean everyone can get laid, however. You can't just tell an incel to become confident as if you are telling him to turn on a switch. That is like me kicking you in the balls and telling you to not feel pain. And its not like one thing alone will guarantee you sex. A turbo manlet or someone with very beta features will look like a joke trying to play thug game.
Cucks on suicide watch
Hopefully this is enough to blackpill some cucks enough to at least listen to this forum with an open mind. But I know vast majority will just straight up ignore this. Thats how they ended up bluepill anyways, not even living in this evil world is enough to blackpill them.
Hopefully this is enough to blackpill some cucks enough to at least listen to this forum with an open mind. But I know vast majority will just straight up ignore this. Thats how they ended up bluepill anyways, not even living in this evil world is enough to blackpill them.
Well, we can't force them to refuse their delusional bluepilled worldview. Without physical contact, at least.
Well, we can't force them to refuse their delusional bluepilled worldview. Without physical contact, at least.
Genetic engineering might be a thing in the future. That may be able to fix all the problems of humanity.
Still, though, that is a very far-fetched idea. Plus I prefer just nuking the world.
Plus I prefer just nuking the world.
No way, wipe off simple humanity without harming other species seems like a good idea. But how we gonna do it, there we have a problem.
No way, wipe off simple humanity without harming other species seems like a good idea. But how we gonna do it, there we have a problem.
Animals are just as evil as humans. They just aren't smart enough to reach our levels of destruction. Like dolphins go on mass killings and apes form their little tribes for advantage, for example.
Animals are just as evil as humans. They just aren't smart enough to reach our levels of destruction. Like dolphins go on mass killings and apes form their little tribes for advantage, for example.
I know they are. There's nothing that separates us, besides extremely high cognitive capacity in humans. But i still want to preserve this world as it is, just without humans. We are the only species about to destroy our home.
I know they are. There's nothing that separates us, besides extremely high cognitive capacity in humans. But i still want to preserve this world as it is, just without humans. We are the only species about to destroy our home.
Poison the entire food supply of the world, then. Or enact a poisonous gas on the world that only affects humans, just like poison that only affects roaches.
This blackpill should be spread everywhere.
It's over for Buddhacels.
Not really, in their bluepill world being nice and get used everytime is always a pleasure.
So it seems you're a filthy cucktears infiltrator huh? You must be crying hard right now you soyboy cuck
Chad vs. incel is the real wage gap.
Being nice makes you more likely to be friendzoned.
A shame I can’t use this knowledge to my advantage, or else I would end up looking like a try hard beta manlet. At least I’m black pilled enough to know to stay in my place, rather than making a fool of myself.
Being nice makes you more likely to be friendzoned.
No way for us, only for low-tier normies. Chad is desired no matter what he does, we are not desired, no matter what we do.
If your nice people will see it as an opportunity to take advantage of you and they will see you as weak and beta. That does'nt mean you should start going around being an aggressive beta male because that would be even worse than being a calm beta male. An alpha male is confident and that stems from him getting all validation daily from the day he was born. While an incel gets no validation and loses confidence as time goes by, due to being ugly which in turn gives social anxiety and shyness. There is no such thing as bluepilled advice like "just be confident". Your "third eye" the eye that allways sees everything will subconciously give you either confidence or lack of confidence. If it sees you get validated you will get increasingly confident which allways happens to chad's. The opposite happens to incels. Normies have a normal level of confidence due to modest amounts of validation. Bad boys/alpha males/narcissists etc are chadlites/chads that due to massive amounts of validation got overly confident and narcissistic. Females are attracted to confidence which means they are attracted to bad boys/alpha males and narcissists, psychopaths and so on. Never be a nice guy, but you cant be an alpha,narcissist or bad boy if your bad looking, then you will just get thrown in jail.
Good post tbh
Women are the devil's children tbh. The Bible was warned us about this. Why do you think eve was the one to eat fruit from the forbidden tree and not Adam. Women are corrupt/easy to corrupt
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Good post tbh
Women are the devil's children tbh. The Bible was warned us about this. Why do you think eve was the one to eat fruit from the forbidden tree and not Adam. Women are corrupt/easy to corrupt
Elders knew better how to properly treat women. But we seem to open the Pandora's box by giving them rights.
No way for us, only for low-tier normies. Chad is desired no matter what he does, we are not desired, no matter what we do.
This is true.
Personality only matters to a certain extent, in the sense that you have to pass a certain looks threshold for it to even matter in the sligthest. Even then it only has a minimal effect which can not be compared to looks. Actual incels and truecels on here, not including the fakecels and larpers, obviously do not pass this threshold, so really it doesn't matter what they do personality wise.
Even when personality matters, as this thread and other studies have scientifically proven, females are intristically attracted to thugs and bad boys.
Bad Boy Chad > Nice Guy Chad to femoids
Not really news, but nice to see there is scientific evidence to back it up.
Everyone knew the whole "nice guys are actually manipulative assholes meme" was bullshit made up by women to justify their lack of attraction to nice men. Now there is actual proof of it.

High IQ but dumbasses are still falling for that meme.

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