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Blackpill (ThugPill) Being Nice is Detrimental to Life Quality of Men (including sex life)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5861
  • Start date
The desire to expel unselfish members from the group.
Parks, Craig D.,Stone, Asako B.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 99(2), Aug 2010, 303-310
"An initial study investigating tolerance of group members who abuse a public good surprisingly showed that unselfish members (those who gave much toward the provision of the good but then used little of the good) were also targets for expulsion from the group...A fourth study suggested that the target is seen by some as establishing an undesirable behavior standard and by others as a rule breaker. Individuals who formed either perception expressed a desire for the unselfish person to be removed from the group."

To put it in simpler terms, being altruistic and friendly is just as likely to cause people to reject you as those who are completely selfish and purely look out for their needs only. The study found no significant difference. This contradicts the mainstream advice that having a "good personality" will cause people, including women, to like you. They will hate you just as much as someone who practically steals from them. This is also reflected in the workplace, as "agreeable" men (peaceful and friendly) are paid significantly less than their disagreeable counterparts.

"Overall, across the first three studies, men who are one standard deviation below the mean on agreeableness earn an average of 18.31% ($9,772) more than men one standard deviation above the mean on agreeableness. Meanwhile, the “disagreeableness premium” for women was only 5.47% ($1,828). Thus, the income premium for disagreeableness is more than three times stronger for men than for women."

So as we could see, the price of being nice when you are a man is a staggering 18% of your income throughout life. It is also far stronger in males than females. So this means that nice men in the first study would have been rejected even more often than the nice women. This suggests that nice men are rejected more often than men who are completely selfish and practically steal off of everyone. Now, let us focus more on the effects of being "mean" or "evil" on attracting a woman. "A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire" is a book by two neuroscientists that combines countless research by Alfred Kinsey and experiments found on the internet that has a data on over half a billion people to see what are the raw sexual desires of humanity. The book quotes quite a few unnerving conclusions of the sexuality of women based on many individual experiments:

“It turns out that killing people is an effective way to elicit the attention of many women: virtually every serial killer, including Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and David Berkowitz, have received love letters from large numbers of female fans” (p. 98).
“[Their] inner cavewoman knows Doormat Man would become Sabertooth Tiger Lunch in short order” (p .97).

Psychology Today had an article that confirmed and analyzed how women desire men who are violent, mean, and show criminal behavior, with much thanks to the book mentioned above.

"women demonstrate a strong erotic preference for dominant men. Or toward what’s now commonly referred to as alpha males—in the authors’ words, men who are 'strong, confident, [and] swaggering [as in 'cocky,' and the pun is intended].' Unfortunately, what these descriptors often imply is behavior sufficiently bearish, self-centered, and insensitive as to often cross the line into a physical, mental, and emotional abuse that can be downright brutal."
"there’s something in their native wiring that makes a great many of them susceptible to 'bad boys.'"
"many women (at least secretly, or subliminally) can’t help but be drawn toward cold-blooded, controlling, 'bad boys' whose dominance symbolizes quite the opposite of what in relationships they’re consciously seeking."
"many women experience as enticing the idea of surrendering to a powerful male figure because of its very riskiness. Curiously, such an acutely felt threat can actually be eroticized by women’s minds into exceptional sexual excitement so compelling that (at least on a fantasy level) it’s almost irresistible."

Sources: https://www.amazon.com/Billion-Wicked-Thoughts-Largest-Experiment/dp/0525952098
God-tier post



How the hell can anyone believe in a just world? How can anyone have hope for anything?
Nothing matters. We are all evil. Earth needs to end. Fuck everything. :feelsree:

My sophomore high school guidance counselor told me "Be yourself!" & "Be a gentleman!"
so in short being too nice, they abuse you like bullying
the saying be nice to everybody becomes RageFuel
Being "nice" is utterly useless and self-unprofitable, nothing new here.
Show this to those faggots at IT.
Should this be stickied?
Fake news. Womyn love supreme gentlemen.
Thanks for the great news.
Ehhhhhh, I wouldn't care about earning less money, the less I earn the less taxes I pay. Also I just realized that you need to be a serial killer to attract women like the examples posted in the article, so my retarded 1-year-old plan of killing my dad that failed wouldn't have netted me any pussy whatsoever and I would have ended up in jail where my physical safety would have been in jeopardy.

So I guess I just failed at being both things. A nice person isn't an attempted murderer, and a failed murderer isn't wetting any JB's panties. JFL at my pathetic, cringe inducing life.
No shit. You think our ancestors 50,000 years ago survived by being “nice”?
Being nice and them being nice to you in return is the ideal but it doesn't just work that way in real life
Have you ever been bullied but you didn't do anything wrong except by being nice to them?
Every bullied incel including I should know this obvious brutal blackpill
No shit. You think our ancestors 50,000 years ago survived by being “nice”?
Normies usually believe in Natural selection, but for some reason they think humans are exempt. "There's a girl for everyone" "Just be yourself and you will get a girl" "Of course you don't have a gf, you post mean things anonymously on the internet"
Being nice and them being nice to you in return is the ideal but it doesn't just work that way in real life
Have you ever been bullied but you didn't do anything wrong except by being nice to them?
Every bullied incel including I should know this obvious brutal blackpill
Civilization may as well be abolished. Parents should teach their kids, especially sons, to be rude and selfish. Niceness should be punished. It is for their own good. Morality is a man-made concept meant to act as crowd control to keep civilization at bay.
Normies usually believe in Natural selection, but for some reason they think humans are exempt. "There's a girl for everyone" "Just be yourself and you will get a girl" "Of course you don't have a gf, you post mean things anonymously on the internet"

Yeah, I’ve noticed that too. It’s popular amongst normies to celebrate Darwin, science, & evolution, but they don’t actually understand any of it.
If you don't hate society and women you're being willfully ignorant.
It's not being nice that women find unattractive - it's being MORAL.

Attractive (nice):
A man complimenting a girl = attractive
A man being social and superficially polite = attractive

Unattractive (moral):
A man reading the Bible and going to church = unattractive
A man volunteering at a nursing home = unattractive
A man pursuing a STEM field and contributing to the advancement of society = unattractive
A man remaining chaste before marriage = unattractive
Attractive (nice):
A man complimenting a girl = attractive
Depends on the man. The wrong man doing it will lead to a sexual harassment charge. Also you definitely have to do it right, appearing desperate is a major turn off.
God hates you, nature hates you and the society hates you. Don't value anything in this life because you are a subhuman trash in the eyes of everything.
It's not being nice that women find unattractive - it's being MORAL.

Attractive (nice):
A man complimenting a girl = attractive
A man being social and superficially polite = attractive

Unattractive (moral):
A man reading the Bible and going to church = unattractive
A man volunteering at a nursing home = unattractive
A man pursuing a STEM field and contributing to the advancement of society = unattractive
A man remaining chaste before marriage = unattractive
My morals are just a part of who I am. If it makes me even less desirable to women than I already am or have potential to earn less income, then so be it.
I don't wanna live in this pathetic planet anymore
How the hell can anyone believe in a just world? How can anyone have hope for anything?
Nothing matters. We are all evil. Earth needs to end. Fuck everything. :feelsree:

Starting to see why the Bible was invented? A moral code to desperately try to bring order to the innately immoral tendency of humans was probably not such a bad idea.
Starting to see why the Bible was invented? A moral code to desperately try to bring order to the innately immoral tendency of humans was probably not such a bad idea.

God hates you, nature hates you and the society hates you. Don't value anything in this life because you are a subhuman trash in the eyes of everything.
Starting to see why the Bible was invented? A moral code to desperately try to bring order to the innately immoral tendency of humans was probably not such a bad idea.
Yep, it is quite likely that the bible and other religions was all just books of hoax made to set up morals so civilization can me formed. After all, the threat of burning in Hell for eternity for not believing in it over hundreds of other religions or disobeying it? A little rough and aggressive.
If that was the case then the men who wrote the Bible were infinitely wise.
Yep, it is quite likely that the bible and other religions was all just books of hoax made to set up morals so civilization can me formed. After all, the threat of burning in Hell for eternity for not believing in it over hundreds of other religions or disobeying it? A little rough and aggressive.
If that was the case then the men who wrote the Bible were infinitely wise.


God is simply the universal iron laws of physics that noone can escape. Low IQ God is the man with the white beard that sends you to hell. High IQ God is the universal truth that determines the consequences of your actions (or the actions of your parents). The sons suffer the sins of their fathers.
Everything is fine, except for the fact that INCELS ARE THE REAL ALPHA-MALES but Incels are also gentlemen, so you'll be treated as shit no matter what.
You can do anything, just don't be ugly.
God is simply the universal iron laws of physics that noone can escape. Low IQ God is the man with the white beard that sends you to hell. High IQ God is the universal truth that determines the consequences of your actions (or the actions of your parents). The sons suffer the sins of their fathers.
I did always say I believe that the universe is God. That answers the question of "if a god can come out of nowhere, so can the universe, so therefore we don't need a god." Though I do ponder if it ever acts as the "low IQ" God because why would it even exist and come up out of nowhere? It is very futile, and clearly we don't have all the info so there are chances that there is more to it. But some scientists say that the universe will collapse many years later, which just makes me speechless.
Does the agreeableness study account for the career choices of nice guys vs jerks? Just saying, disagreeableness tends to correlate with extremely competitive and the most competitive work environments are among the highest paying. I mean, does the data show that asshole janitors earn on average 18% more than friendly janitors?
Show this to those faggots at IT.

They will ignore it just like how they ignore every other blackpill. At this point they are being willfully ignorant.
You can do anything, just be attractive. That's it.
I could be a known criminal/jerk and drug addict, and people will still be more friendly and nice to me compared to an ugly guy that does nothing. The ugly guy will get treated how the other guy should get treated. It's over ldar
Does the agreeableness study account for the career choices of nice guys vs jerks? Just saying, disagreeableness tends to correlate with extremely competitive and the most competitive work environments are among the highest paying. I mean, does the data show that asshole janitors earn on average 18% more than friendly janitors?
After skimming through and remembering parts from reading it I think it doesn't take it into account. Its not truly relevant, though. It highlights how nice guys aren't preferred for high paying positions. Does that really sound good? Basically you have to be selfish and rude to get better jobs.
When a bitch tries to blame our "mean" personalities for not having a gf, we should examine the personalities of the men they have sex with then see how nice and non-chad like they are.
When a bitch tries to blame our "mean" personalities for not having a gf, we should examine the personalities of the men they have sex with then see how nice and non-chad like they are.
There would be some guys with heavy beta traits in personality fucking femoids as well. Just good looking, 8/10 at least. Looks is all you need to get laid.
There would be some guys with heavy beta traits in personality fucking femoids as well. Just good looking, 8/10 at least. Looks is all you need to get laid.
Pretty much, but I'm still puzzled that really ugly guys can be thugs and get laid.
Pretty much, but I'm still puzzled that really ugly guys can be thugs and get laid.
We can still get laid running a thug game? That's hell of a LifeFuel for thugcels, tbh.
We can still get laid running a thug game? That's hell of a LifeFuel for thugcels, tbh.
You have to be low inhib and NT. And the standards for those two to run thug game well are very high. You probably don't have it if you ended up here.
You have to be low inhib and NT. And the standards for those two to run thug game well are very high. You probably don't have it if you ended up here.
After skimming through and remembering parts from reading it I think it doesn't take it into account. Its not truly relevant, though. It highlights how nice guys aren't preferred for high paying positions. Does that really sound good? Basically you have to be selfish and rude to get better jobs.
I'm not arguing that it is good or that I support it. I'm just saying that pay discrepancies exist for other reasons that happen to correlate to agreeableness. For example, the feminist pay gap myth is easily explained by the fact that women work less strenuous jobs and also work fewer hours and part-time more than men. In the case of men, are nice guys as likely to become business executives, wall street brokers, and high power lawyers? Are nicer guys going to enter jobs where they have to be mean or potentially hurt people as is often the case of positions of authority like bosses?

If you want to argue that there is an issue with the how society has been and is being shaped by these sorts of behaviors being rewarded, then I can at least agree with that in principle.
I'm not arguing that it is good or that I support it. I'm just saying that pay discrepancies exist for other reasons that happen to correlate to agreeableness. For example, the feminist pay gap myth is easily explained by the fact that women work less strenuous jobs and also work fewer hours and part-time more than men. In the case of men, are nice guys as likely to become business executives, wall street brokers, and high power lawyers? Are nicer guys going to enter jobs where they have to be mean or potentially hurt people as is often the case of positions of authority like bosses?

If you want to argue that there is an issue with the how society has been and is being shaped by these sorts of behaviors being rewarded, then I can at least agree with that in principle.
Well yes. But from my experience nice guys are more likely to do all the work in an effort to be promoted due to work ethic while the 'cool adults' are in better relations with the bosses and are thus given raises more often and are more likely to be promoted.
Well yes. But from my experience nice guys are more likely to do all the work in an effort to be promoted due to work ethic while the 'cool adults' are in better relations with the bosses and are thus given raises more often and are more likely to be promoted.
Right and that is what I was referring to in my second point that any system that rewards this sort of behavior over others is definitely an issue.

I mean how many generations of the worst people earning more and gaining more power/status in society does it take before the majority of the "elite" are among this group of people?

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