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JFL This school shooting ad is based

So basically the message is that any lonely ugly white guy should be singled out and isolated and arrested for being a potential shooter.

That is effectively what's going to happen.

It's not what social scientists or law enforcement says is the correct response, but sooner or later, high school administrators will fuck it up. They'll let their subconscious biases get in the way of an objective risk assessment. School administrators are generally retarded; everything they touch inevitably turns to shit.

It's not uncommon to hear stories about students being falsely presumed as a "threat" by overzealous school officials, even when the student in question was guilty of nothing more than being a neuroatypical victim of bullying.

For adults, it's easier for them to take out all their anger on one kid and judge him and his hobbies as "irredeemably evil" than to take all the myriad steps necessary to deal with mental health, bullying, and access to firearms. It's still insane, to me, that some Americans have a certain moral panic surrounding trench coats and first-person shooters.
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Damn this guy was truecel

If he wasn't short, jaw + cheekbone/zygomatic augmentation (his chin is good tho), gymmaxxing and a good haircut (since he got a full head of pretty decent hair) would increase his chances of ascension dramatically, in spite of his horseface. The reason he went ER wasn't because he was subhuman, it was the bullying that pushed him to do it.
Very interesting. I haven't heard anyone in burgerland talk about anything other than banning guns or giving everyone guns or some bullshit like that. Never hear people talk about why people wanna shoot up a school in the first place. At least this ad actually has some sense in it
Imagine having to ban guns for everyone because people can't treat each other with decency:feelsclown:
If the only attention you get is bullying then why be so surprised that the person ends up fucked up.
This is literally the US' way of dealing with shooters no joke. Literally punish and isolate the bullying victims rather than dealing with the bullies themselves, who the schools usually hand prestigious positions and accolades.
You can't change the hierarchy and how hierarchy works. People at the bottom just do get treated like shit.

At least they stopped to virtue signale
I'm glad they were willing to show things from the shooters point of view.
Looks like he was just a normal votER in the school election to me

Dancing Triangle
Scapegoat mentality, just identify the school shooter and all your problems go away!

Mob mentally says they would rather crucify one person over fixing the evil in their hearts. Which is interesting because Jesus got crucified because some yids did not like what he was saying because they wanted to keep holding religious power so they told the roman emperor that Jesus was a threat. The Romans compiled with the demands because they did not want to jews to chimpout.
based ugly shootercel takes revenge on normscum
Finally something different.
A surprisingly effective propaganda piece. I was half expecting the screen to go dark and gunshots and screaming to be heard.

If there are any youngcels still at school or college - you want to be friends with the mass shooter type. School shootings aren't a thing in the UK because Columbine never had the same cultural impact it did on the US. I used to have the schools biggest predators in my crew where i could use their talents and keep an eye on them.

Your average retard always goes straight to guns but never wants to ask the question WHY. What makes someone wake up one morning and decide to gun down a dozen people he went to school with. The education system has been virtually unchanged since the institution of public education and certainly since the 1970's but do you think anyone wants to talk serious reforms? No because the teaching unions and admins have the industry by the balls.
I have no clue what this ad is trying to say. Nobody is going to look at a lonely guy and think "potential shooter, I should stop him." This just makes shootings look awsome tbh.
Kid had it light compared to the shit i've went through since he mogs me alot, even the teachers had a go at me back then because of my appearance. Good video though, liked.
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Fuck sandyhookpromise.
"see the signs"

but it's his fault for having a bad personality
"see the signs"

but it's his fault for having a bad personality

It really is just another excuse to bully some people even more, and to get them transferred somewhere else
Protect your amendments americancels!
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!

You can see in the reflection he looks like ER
I'm glad they were willing to show things from the shooters point of view.
:feelskek: :feelsgah:
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FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!

You can see in the reflection he looks like ER

:feelskek: :feelsgah:

It's slightly disappointing they're reinforcing the stereotype that everyone who does this is a skinny white guy
What was this ad trying to prove? It makes school shootings look fucking BADASS

(((they))) are trying to glamorize it. I want to know why.
These PSAs were a meme back in 2016.

This video was inspirational if anything
I saw this thread while I still lurked here. Anyways that guy was a real idiot for saying look at me. He could have easily killed about 3 people or so if he just started shooting
No mention of position on social/sexual ladder in the study. Also no mention that the majority of school shooters are fatherless.

nevertheless, school shootings are so stupidly rare that it’s a waste of resources to even research them. Spectacles, yes. Statistically concerning, no. “B-but even one dead child is too many”. Massive cope. Like <20 or so kids die in school shootings yearly and there’s like 75m school age kids in the US.
And like the retarded cumskin he is he doesn't immediately open fire.

Cumskins JFL
I live in a country where weapons are banned, excepted for hunters and only if you can justify hunting lessons and zero previous mental issues since you're born.
Is there less bullying in France ? No. And as guys who were bullied don't do mass shootings, they just suicide. Government does nothing about this bullying issue.
Thinking the problem is weapon access is a myth. No bullying = no shooting, that's all. Lots of guys who were shot participated bullying the guy who killed them, at different levels.

I was bullied during years and there was no mass shooting. And guess what ? All those who bullied me are today totally fine in their lives. They fuck Stacies all year-long, had children, sent them to school with the exact same philosophy of bullying, made a ton of cash with their career, stood friends with their other bullying friends from school. Most of all, I asked many people they know about those times, and they have absolutely zero regrets doing this.

The problem is not weapon access, it's a national educationnal system who purposedly ignored all the warning signs of bullying happening just in front of them.
And if you tell them it happened, they frown at you and declare : What you describe can't happen in OUR school.

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