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It's Over This is what every foid thinks about ugly men

Some anonymous toilet actually wrote a very candid and transparent article on ugly guys, I'm sure many of you have read it in the past but this is my first time reading it and it was satisfying because it goes to show that we have all these toilets figured out, and they hate us because we can see right through them.

It was the whole point of feminism. Women didn't want to have to marry for financial support.

The problem is : being a provider has been the main incentive most men could give to women in order to convince them to marry them.

If marriage is based on physical attraction alone, then a huge dissymmetry happens as very few men are sexually attractive.

So if men can't attract women with resources or sex, then what is left ? They have to present themselves are pdeudo-friends (emotional tampons), comedians (jestermaxxing) or servants (yesm'ladymaxxing).
Or ERmaxxing.
"If you want genuine love or desire from a woman, she has to be turned on by you in a sexual way. Real attraction is entirely about looks, and ONLY looks." Correct and something most blue-pilled coping men fail to see.
It's true for the most part, but remains unsaid and unwritten by 99% of foids because they know they'd be called the shallow cunts that they are!

The thing about us sticking to our own kind isn't really an option though, as the uglier women can get the average guys that get rejected by the 5-7 range of women.
Written by a man. 90% sure.
This is not written by a girl.
Girls don’t write like this nor use that terminology.
This was so.obviously written by an incel it's not even funny. Even used some common phrases that are used frequently non the blackpill community.
At least she's honest. Most Femoids keep telling about personality and confidence. This is all useless without face and height.
This is not written by a girl.
Girls don’t write like this nor use that terminology.
high iq i thought the same

but tbh they do feel that way
This is not written by a girl.
Girls don’t write like this nor use that terminology.

btw when are you going to post another chadfish thread? are you still chadfishing?
Although old.

But I always love fresh 100% natrual unadulterated blackpill from whore's mouth.

Every incel should print this out like a large poster and hang in their walls
nah that's too long, we'd end up getting used to seeing the poster and not reading

we should hang a poster over our beds that says "IT NEVER BEGAN"
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Fruits of feminism, gentlemen.
This was not a problem when feminism did not exist.
That's the brutal truth
Some anonymous toilet actually wrote a very candid and transparent article on ugly guys, I'm sure many of you have read it in the past but this is my first time reading it and it was satisfying because it goes to show that we have all these toilets figured out, and they hate us because we can see right through them.

Women hate manlets most
Some anonymous toilet actually wrote a very candid and transparent article on ugly guys, I'm sure many of you have read it in the past but this is my first time reading it and it was satisfying because it goes to show that we have all these toilets figured out, and they hate us because we can see right through them.

When reading this I pictured the author as my oneitis of 15 years. She is currently dating a lead blood gang member and wouldn't take 20 minutes to save an autistic loser's life. Hell I could get shot just for speaking to her.

It's funny and ironic though when women cry and bitch about their own problems. Such hypocrisy and double standards here! Atleast this one's honest about her own behavior. Hard to feel bad when shooters kill women like jack off tissue or third world countries abuse them. Ngl tbh tbh.

Time to hit the joint.
This is why men go ER
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I usually give props for honesty but she went way too far and entered sadism territory. Today, I sinned, desiring disfiguration upon that woman.
This should be mandatory to read in all High schools.
No woman writes like this. It's a good parody of how they think but they aren't this self aware, they delude themselves. This was written by an incel.
I see. I hope you're right.
Some anonymous toilet actually wrote a very candid and transparent article on ugly guys, I'm sure many of you have read it in the past but this is my first time reading it and it was satisfying because it goes to show that we have all these toilets figured out, and they hate us because we can see right through them.

If i could choose to repress this gene or instinct, now it would be helpful with my older sistr, but i'd rather use it on a future wife, but only after 7 years of marriage, most normie relationships break off after 7 years, because after a 7 year mark, a foid re-decides if she is attracted to you or not, or so i think.
Not a foid but true nonetheless.
probably fake. Women are not self-aware or honest enough to write this

i saw one or two who admitted it but they must really be confident of themselves, like REALLY confident of not having a huge backslash after saying that
female brain is made to lie about it but of course there are some exceptions
at least it cut normies bs about looks
they probably think exactly like this if not worse but would never admit it.
Yep, this was a brutally blunt read. But yet again, I would rather a woman who’s honest about what she thinks of me rather than live a lie with a bitch who thinks she cares about me just to deceive and leave me heartbroken.

Also, I think it’s a woman who wrote that. I know that most females on the surface seem like they’re not capable of writing a whole paragraph like that, but given how they react in their true form, it’s probably a foid.
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This is why non-chads shouldn't contribute money to those whores with their taxes.
"What Im attracted to has nothing to do with my character teehee" Delusional lying cunt needs her skull bashed in
Some anonymous toilet actually wrote a very candid and transparent article on ugly guys, I'm sure many of you have read it in the past but this is my first time reading it and it was satisfying because it goes to show that we have all these toilets figured out, and they hate us because we can see right through them.

Every in denial normie should be forced to read this, this is what they think of you
The author is obviously baiting and writing what she knows will bring her the most attention. I'm not saying she doesn't believe in what she's writing, but when I read phrases such as "leave your genetic superiors alone" it's hard for me to believe that she isn't being as incendiary as possible just go get clout. Females seldom speak like this.

I might be wrong though. Still a messed up article for sure.
Imo it's very much possible that it was written by a stacy who is fed up with being approached by sub-8 guys.

We know that this is the daily life of the majority of foids, especially the upper 80% of foids who put in even minimal effort to look attractive to chads. They get IOI's all the time.
How is it so unbelieveable to think that foids exist that are brutally honest with themselves and don't care about social conventions when speaking anonymously?
No woman writes like this. Also this is very old and people all over psl agreed that this wasn't written by a woman.

Why is saying it was written by a man a cope when Twitter is full of authentic Nagasaki blackpill nukes that get posted here almost daily.

It was DEFINITELY written by a man
I hope you're right.

This must read content sections screws me up, I posted the same thing twice lol. Over for memory cels.
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Shit like this makes me want to die
Women are not entitled to not get raped and killed.
Do you know whats more depressing than being ugly and get no girl?
Looking average/hansome(accoarding to some friends) and not getting a girlfriend without knowing whats acutally wrong about you.
Plus seeing girls who prefer assholes who treating them like shit over a nice guy who would never do such things.
I hate this fucking world!
PS:Sorry for my bad grammar, i am no native english speaker but im working on it!
Do you know whats more depressing than being ugly and get no girl?
Looking average/hansome(accoarding to some friends) and not getting a girlfriend without knowing whats acutally wrong about you.
Plus seeing girls who prefer assholes who treating them like shit over a nice guy who would never do such things.
I hate this fucking world!
PS:Sorry for my bad grammar, i am no native english speaker but im working on it!
take some photos and videos of your face and side profile especially, just for yourself
look at them carefully and you'll know what's wrong
Hopefully she gets ER’d one day.
The singularitypill, a pill so black nothing not even light can escape

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