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It's Over This is what every foid thinks about ugly men

Some anonymous toilet actually wrote a very candid and transparent article on ugly guys, I'm sure many of you have read it in the past but this is my first time reading it and it was satisfying because it goes to show that we have all these toilets figured out, and they hate us because we can see right through them.

that is brutal as fuck
An article full of blackpills written by a female, funny.
At first I thought you inspected element but holy shit that article is so fucking ragefuel
that article is a blackpill factory :feelskek:

every man needs to see this so they understand the nature of toilets.
220px BatistaFireSquad

There must be discipline.
This is so much depressing to read. My last remaining shreds of hope left my soulless body with every word I read.
I hate it so much, yet I know that everything she wrote is true af. Every woman in this world thinks like this. ITS FUCKING OVER. :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
It's a disgrace, they're all so entitled & can get whatever they want, we're obsolete, the rules have changed & they have their own money from work & the government or simps on onlyfans if not.

Why contribute to this society, when the copes run dry there's nothing.

This was written by a man
The most important line of the article: "I have an advanced degree and make a pretty good living on my own, I don't need blah blah blah"

This. This is where it all went wrong. Letting women into college, letting women get jobs.
No woman writes like this. Also this is very old and people all over psl agreed that this wasn't written by a woman.

Why is saying it was written by a man a cope when Twitter is full of authentic Nagasaki blackpill nukes that get posted here almost daily.

It was DEFINITELY written by a man
Some anonymous toilet actually wrote a very candid and transparent article on ugly guys, I'm sure many of you have read it in the past but this is my first time reading it and it was satisfying because it goes to show that we have all these toilets figured out, and they hate us because we can see right through them.

I remember this. One of my earliest exposures to the blackpill.
This is so much depressing to read. My last remaining shreds of hope left my soulless body with every word I read.
I hate it so much, yet I know that everything she wrote is true af. Every woman in this world thinks like this. ITS FUCKING OVER. :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
AWALT brother , they are all like this.
This article is a must read for ant man.
No woman writes like this. Also this is very old and people all over psl agreed that this wasn't written by a woman.

Why is saying it was written by a man a cope when Twitter is full of authentic Nagasaki blackpill nukes that get posted here almost daily.

It was DEFINITELY written by a man
It's possible it was written by one of those FDS type foids. They write like this.
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Fuck that cunt. This should make non-chad men want to approach even more, to piss those whores off. It's awesome when they have their days ruined simply by a guy talking to them.
Article of shit I already knew, and still makes me want to die even more. Brutal. :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
And this is why it is perfectly acceptable to hate women.
I truly hope to God she gets her face rearranged by some psycho chad she brings home one night, or gets her face horribly disfigured in a crash.

Then she can will know what life on the wrong side of the gated fence is like.

And this is why it is perfectly acceptable to hate women.

tbh ngl ded srs

This was written by a man

Cope so powerful it bends space-time around it.
Should be titled “Blackpill: The Complete Edition”
Whoever typed that is speaking total truth. Even if it's a fucking foid, she is being upfront about it. Every 'non-chad' male needs to read that!

Wake the fuck up world!!
It’s a possible LARP, but it’s true all the same.
Nothing we didn't already know, but still brutal to see.
That's why toilets are the enemy. That's why we're in need of more heroes. Every ugly simp and bluepilled incel should read this crap. No it's not because "you haven't met the right one" - it's because you're subhuman. When will ugly men realize?

You're being treated like shit because of your looks. You're being denied a basic human need because of your looks. You're being disrespected because of your looks. Should I continue?

It's all about looks.
About what we all know and likely have already seen similar posts. Foids of all attractiveness hate ugly men. Short men. Everyone that isn't chad. They might use and resent a man who is a few notches away from that (chadlite uppertier normie) but he will always be her 3rd choice at best. Never approach these holes. Never help them. Stay the fuck away.
Forced prostitution please, so cunts like this will be banged with ugliest 0,1/10 truecels
Some anonymous toilet actually wrote a very candid and transparent article on ugly guys, I'm sure many of you have read it in the past but this is my first time reading it and it was satisfying because it goes to show that we have all these toilets figured out, and they hate us because we can see right through them.

Ive read this before

Not a single paragraph after a quick review this time around.
Too brutal - will not read.
This one is a classic, although it might be written by a man, I really can't tell apart the subtleties of sex difference in any language.
Some anonymous toilet actually wrote a very candid and transparent article on ugly guys, I'm sure many of you have read it in the past but this is my first time reading it and it was satisfying because it goes to show that we have all these toilets figured out, and they hate us because we can see right through them.

At least this woman is honest and self-aware of what she is doing. If every woman said this men wouldn't be so bluepilled today.
"But not all women..." :feelskek: :feelskek:
ALL women thinks this but they don't have balls(LMFAO) to say it in your face and most women are afraid of consequences of saying that in your face.

ALL women thinks this but they don't have balls(LMFAO) to say it in your face and most women are afraid of consequences of saying that in your face.

They are scared of getting killed which is based.
Finally a woman who's got guts to convey in plain words what she thinks about most men. Fascist and full of entitlement, but she at least doesn't try to have it both ways like most of her kind do. And she even had enough courage to admit the true reason behind harassment law, namely to segregate ugly subhumans from their superior race: (any) women and chads. Subhumans are only allowed to work and pay taxes and are prohibited from approaching humans under penalty of criminal law.
Won't click, il take your word for it.
This is why men go ER
This article is true whether it was written by a man or a woman
Imagine respecting women in 2020 :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
probably fake. Women are not self-aware or honest enough to write this
CuckTears won't touch this
Nothing we didn´t know already that is a big difference between men and women, a compliment from any female would stick with us for years while females get dozens if not hundreds a day and we men really are not that visual just to get the validation would make us feel so good.

One blackpill a day keeps delusion away. But this one is really strong.

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