I think this was written by a too, its exactly what women think, but I don't expect a woman to be that honest under any context, because why would a woman do something that is to the benefit of men, a post like this only helps men, women don't need to post about not wanting ugly men to approach because like they pointed out in the article, they have laws and social norms to protect them (that goes double for the times we are in now after this article was written)
So it makes no sense for a woman to post such an article as if trying to "inform men" to make her life easier as if the article would be spread and cause some kind of cultural change that ugly men would obey
The thread is clearly some guy posting it for two reasons:
1. To vent
2. To potentially save other men from being blue pilled
I just can't see a woman being that honest when there is no direct benefit to her honesty, she doesn't need to say anything at all, the laws favor her, she screams once and white knights come rushing to beat you up for having the gall for being "assertive" (which is charming when Chad does it), etc
It would be a 1 in a billion rare occurrence if this was actually written by a woman, and what adds to it is how well written and detailed it is, it just doesn't sound "vapid" enough, its lacks the "cuntness" you'd expect from a woman usually ranting or speaking