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It's Over This is what every foid thinks about ugly men

Some anonymous toilet actually wrote a very candid and transparent article on ugly guys, I'm sure many of you have read it in the past but this is my first time reading it and it was satisfying because it goes to show that we have all these toilets figured out, and they hate us because we can see right through them.

true we are genetic failures but bad genes from women also contribute to inceldom
Care to elaborate maybe?

Not raping a woman when you could do it with ease due to her inferior strength is a form of mercy and kindness they are not willing to show to us. If they were 20 cm taller than ugly males and had 60% higher upper body strength they would probably be out there breaking our necks whenever we attempted to chat them up.
Definitely written by a man. But still not too far from the truth
I'd love to hear the idiots from IT trying to explain this shit
Massive cope. People who say this are on their last straw before roping.

I think this was written by a too, its exactly what women think, but I don't expect a woman to be that honest under any context, because why would a woman do something that is to the benefit of men, a post like this only helps men, women don't need to post about not wanting ugly men to approach because like they pointed out in the article, they have laws and social norms to protect them (that goes double for the times we are in now after this article was written)

So it makes no sense for a woman to post such an article as if trying to "inform men" to make her life easier as if the article would be spread and cause some kind of cultural change that ugly men would obey

The thread is clearly some guy posting it for two reasons:
1. To vent
2. To potentially save other men from being blue pilled

I just can't see a woman being that honest when there is no direct benefit to her honesty, she doesn't need to say anything at all, the laws favor her, she screams once and white knights come rushing to beat you up for having the gall for being "assertive" (which is charming when Chad does it), etc

It would be a 1 in a billion rare occurrence if this was actually written by a woman, and what adds to it is how well written and detailed it is, it just doesn't sound "vapid" enough, its lacks the "cuntness" you'd expect from a woman usually ranting or speaking
I think this was written by a too, its exactly what women think, but I don't expect a woman to be that honest under any context, because why would a woman do something that is to the benefit of men, a post like this only helps men, women don't need to post about not wanting ugly men to approach because like they pointed out in the article, they have laws and social norms to protect them (that goes double for the times we are in now after this article was written)

So it makes no sense for a woman to post such an article as if trying to "inform men" to make her life easier as if the article would be spread and cause some kind of cultural change that ugly men would obey

The thread is clearly some guy posting it for two reasons:
1. To vent
2. To potentially save other men from being blue pilled

I just can't see a woman being that honest when there is no direct benefit to her honesty, she doesn't need to say anything at all, the laws favor her, she screams once and white knights come rushing to beat you up for having the gall for being "assertive" (which is charming when Chad does it), etc

It would be a 1 in a billion rare occurrence if this was actually written by a woman, and what adds to it is how well written and detailed it is, it just doesn't sound "vapid" enough, its lacks the "cuntness" you'd expect from a woman usually ranting or speaking
I know u and I have had our differences, but I’ll miss You if u go, please don’t rope brocel. You need to survive to see my 5’3 manlet friend update posts.
I think this was written by a too, its exactly what women think, but I don't expect a woman to be that honest under any context, because why would a woman do something that is to the benefit of men, a post like this only helps men, women don't need to post about not wanting ugly men to approach because like they pointed out in the article, they have laws and social norms to protect them (that goes double for the times we are in now after this article was written)

So it makes no sense for a woman to post such an article as if trying to "inform men" to make her life easier as if the article would be spread and cause some kind of cultural change that ugly men would obey

The thread is clearly some guy posting it for two reasons:
1. To vent
2. To potentially save other men from being blue pilled

I just can't see a woman being that honest when there is no direct benefit to her honesty, she doesn't need to say anything at all, the laws favor her, she screams once and white knights come rushing to beat you up for having the gall for being "assertive" (which is charming when Chad does it), etc

It would be a 1 in a billion rare occurrence if this was actually written by a woman, and what adds to it is how well written and detailed it is, it just doesn't sound "vapid" enough, its lacks the "cuntness" you'd expect from a woman usually ranting or speaking
I agree
Brutal suifuel, potent ragefuel.
The singularitypill, a pill so black nothing not even light can escape
This has been spread around so much but alr.

Do you know whats more depressing than being ugly and get no girl?
Looking average/hansome(accoarding to some friends) and not getting a girlfriend without knowing whats acutally wrong about you.
Plus seeing girls who prefer assholes who treating them like shit over a nice guy who would never do such things.
I hate this fucking world!
PS:Sorry for my bad grammar, i am no native english speaker but im working on it!
I thought so too, it's because mentalcel. Also, soy look, according to discordcels.
Extreme fucking ERfuel
Not raping a woman when you could do it with ease due to her inferior strength is a form of mercy and kindness they are not willing to show to us. If they were 20 cm taller than ugly males and had 60% higher upper body strength they would probably be out there breaking our necks whenever we attempted to chat them up.
Based and high IQ
If only more men saw this then maybe they would have hope and become blackpilled
This is not written by a woman, no woman is this honest
No woman writes like this. Also this is very old and people all over psl agreed that this wasn't written by a woman.

Why is saying it was written by a man a cope when Twitter is full of authentic Nagasaki blackpill nukes that get posted here almost daily.

It was DEFINITELY written by a man
Yeah, it may have been written by a dude, but a based dude nonetheless.
Yeah, it may have been written by a dude, but a based dude nonetheless.
Nah women think like this, only they are not obvious to publicly admit this tbh.
They are like: personalities, attituted,etcaetera.
But those are euphemisms, what matter is physical attraction.
People will buy a garish book instead of a dull one, even if they know that book is a piece of shit.
So the thing is not about believing in the blackpill or not, but rather that ignore every shitty apsect on life that undermine men's lives, which is everything in this fucking existence.
Not even women are safe of the fate of such fucked world, we are all going in hell...
This only makes me want to approach foids to make them feel uncomfortable and shitty about themselves just like one guy said it here in a thread a few days ago.
that article is a blackpill factory :feelskek:

every man needs to see this so they understand the nature of toilets.

The only thing they have to do is to watch national geographic or animal planet. In almost all social mammals the females are hypergamous. The soys will say god doesn't exist but they refuse to believe that human female sexuality is not hypergamic. Then they come up with outliers or pre 90s born non Chads that found gf's as proof the blackpill is wrong even though they know damn well those foids weren't as sexually/economically liberated and as free from social cultural stigmatization as 90s (and later) born western foids.
Who actually thought this was legit? Trollfuel for sure.
Wake up morons
Finally a woman who's got guts to convey in plain words what she thinks about most men. Fascist and full of entitlement, but she at least doesn't try to have it both ways like most of her kind do. And she even had enough courage to admit the true reason behind harassment law, namely to segregate ugly subhumans from their superior race: (any) women and chads. Subhumans are only allowed to work and pay taxes and are prohibited from approaching humans under penalty of criminal law.
All the morons saying this isn't written by a foid are fakecel copers or jusr naive. Women are literally men on thousand layers of psychopathic irony and deciet
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Imagine people think foids don't want chad in 2020
She sounds like another uggo herself. Got an advanced degree and good career yet still she is unmarried.. hasn't been able to find a 'hot guy' to marry her yet, and her ego is too huge for her to settle with an average guy.

She says 'she can marry a hot guy if she wants'.. ok well then why hasn't she been able to get one?
I prepared my mind before opening that, and it didn't make it any less brutal :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:
And after that, there still are people saying "you just have to be yourself", even when you have a 0% chance...
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seems a bit like rage-bait but it's accurate :feelsjuice:
It's brutal, it's just too fucking brutal...

It's fucking over guys.
Not surprised in the slightest some can be overt with there disdain some can be subtle.
I think the article was written by a man, still says what they think though.
Whoever wrote it
It's true.

The writer mentioned the short and the old, right? The confident too. Back then there was no one to tell me to be confident. But I was, to no avail.
Is it bad that I respect honesty even when it doesn't sound great? Lying is one of the things that bothers me most of all.

At least this girl is being honest I guess.

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