Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

LifeFuel This Is My Final Thread, Goodbye (I Am Deleting My Account)

Never expected you to stay this long. It was a pleasure tbh , good luck with eveything
Damn I wish I asked for some moneymaxxing advice. I hope Pres lives a good happy life as I'd imagine money is a good cope.
This is exactly what I talk about in my signature. These guys are letting their ego get in the way of enjoying anything life has to offer.

"I will never pay a prostitute because Chad gets sex for free"

"I will NEET instead of chase a career because Chad becomes CEO for free"

"I will LDAR instead of enjoying life because Chad's life is way better"

It seems like holding onto their ego is their only way to cope with the realization that they're not a Chad and never will be.

They need to just accept their fate, lose their ego, have realistic expectations for their life. That's what I did, and my life only became 1000x better.
I used to hookermaxx but it's not a godly thing. Not everyone wants to avoid prostitutes because of ego.
How does sticking your dick in some random whores pussy substitute for any of those things? Can you even lead a meaningful life when all you're doing is making money and fucking random whores off the street with no family and no person to genuinely care for you ?
Life is probably meaningless. Love and validation are :bluepill: concepts - This is a crucial imperative to understanding the :blackpill:.

Every area of discourse or study that concerns the :blackpill: has already been covered. There's just about nothing that concerns the :blackpill: which hasn't already been covered.

If anyone who's thoroughly blackpilled, can afford to regularly slay whores via escortmaxxing or validated sex, it would be pointless for them to be on this forum. The only reason why a thoroughly blackpilled man will return to blackpill forums, is solely because of their lack of access to pussy.
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Can you name which users in question you talked to who are financially wealthy? I'm aware that @HiddenUzer is a Bitcoin millionaire but who else?
Can you name which users in question you talked to who are financially wealthy? I'm aware that @HiddenUzer is a Bitcoin millionaire but who else?
I know @PPEcel, @Defetivecuckachu, @Transcended Trucel, @Copexodius Maximus and @faded are richcels.
Good luck with your life brocel. I wealthmaxxed already and I’m right back here now. So it didn’t do much good for me.
What kind of wealthmaxx ?

I hardly believe your definition of it is the same as ours
How the hell do you think "money" is going to solve any of the problems at the core of inceldom? What exactly are you going to buy that will compensate for your lack of intimacy, relationships, feeling of wantedness, and sex?
You really include sex in the things, money can’t solve ? Lmfao

That is precisely what he get with money .

All the rest like lack of intimacy, feelings of wantedness is bullshit
Can you name which users in question you talked to who are financially wealthy? I'm aware that @HiddenUzer is a Bitcoin millionaire but who else?
@HiddenUzer wouldn’t be here if he was a bitcoin millionaire

Stop believing everything
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Brutal, hope I eventually get the chance to successfully wealthmaxx and achieve that lifestyle of fucking whores daily and not being some boring wageslave who is forced to clock in hours of his life just to pay the rent bill.
That was a really long post when you could have just said that you are starting a new job in a large globohomo company and don't wanna get doxxed.

Losing your job because your co-workers, HR, or manager find out that you have posted questionable hateful things online will not only devastate you financially, its also embarrassing.

As for me, I honestly don't care at this point. I know for almost certain that most Asian American dudes are incel and suffering. If they wanna persecute me even more they should look in the mirror and ask themselves what have they done to make the situation of Asian American men better. In fact, they make it worst and worst.
Until there's a line through your name, it doesn't matter what you say.
"I will never pay a prostitute because Chad gets sex for free"

"I will NEET instead of chase a career because Chad becomes CEO for free"

"I will LDAR instead of enjoying life because Chad's life is way better"

It seems like holding onto their ego is their only way to cope with the realization that they're not a Chad and never will be.
Pres made a thread about this: https://incels.is/threads/hard-to-s...ever-apply-it-to-other-things-in-life.308211/
How does sticking your dick in some random whores pussy substitute for any of those things? Can you even lead a meaningful life when all you're doing is making money and fucking random whores off the street with no family and no person to genuinely care for you ?
because most men on here are egoist who can’t enjoy sex unless a women loves/validates their existence. They are still bluepill at heart.

You sound bluepill, life is a single player game. But this is not very surprising from your average incel on this site especially 2022cels.
Good luck brother. I've been trying to wealthmaxx through getting a college career but it's been proven difficult.

Dunno if I'd ever leave here even if I succeeded in that aspect, as it will guarantee me some level of stability for sure, but will not help me succeed with women. Though I would be able to spend batshit insane amounts of money on copes.
@HiddenUzer Man frankly I don’t believe you , you telling me you have 1 million in BTC and you’re rotting here ?

Send me 20 k , not even that , 10 k in BTC through MetaMask and I will believe you

No way in hell a crypto millionaire would rot here
What kind of wealthmaxx ?

I hardly believe your definition of it is the same as ours
Having over 10 million. Only incel I know that is richer on the forum got banned, he was in the leagues of 100s of millions.
Thank you :feelsaww: for all you have done on this forum but will the posts you have made be deleted with your account or will I still be able to view your previous spots which are high iq imo?
Having over 10 million. Only incel I know that is richer on the forum got banned, he was in the leagues of 100s of millions.
No way jose, you mean you get 10 million?

Sorry man, I really try to believe some user most of the time , but you wouldn’t be here with 10 mil
No way jose, you mean you get 10 million?

Sorry man, I really try to believe some user most of the time , but you wouldn’t be here with 10 mil
No money for your face.
I believe I'm year or two away from my big wealthmaxxing break, but that's not why I'm leaving.

Over the last few days I felt less and less like logging in because:
1. I can no longer see any use to the forum.
2. The forum is pointless now because there's no gatekeeping and it's overrun by trolls, larps, spammers, etc (nobody takes it seriously)
3. I'm tired of just talking about shit, I've reached a point in my life where I "do" rather than "talk", so just coming on here to talk on and on about the same shit is boring and pointless to me.

I've already talked to a lot of users that are financially successful in my private messages and many have given me advice, course recommendations, specifics, etc (some I will need to get some income in order to start testing).

In other words, I've already gotten the most valuable information I could possibly get out of this forum, and now when I log in I am just met with the same boring posts over and over, one word threads, low enthusiasm, nobody talks about anything important, nobody is trying to get anywhere in life (for the most part), etc.

The funny thing is post nut clarity was the final nail in the coffin lol. I was already thinking about deleting all of my black pill related accounts and giving myself time to think it over, and then I masturbated and the moment I was done and I thought about logging in, I immediately just felt like deleting everything.

It's time to close this chapter on my life, good luck to all of my fellow wealthmaxxers out there, maybe our paths will cross at some point, but I'm done with this forum, and I'm done with this aspect of incel culture where all you do is spend hours and hours complaining online about the same shit over and over.

Whatever passion I had for this community is gone as the community is no longer worth that passion. It started off as something great but overtime the light that it had just grew dimmer and dimmer.

I'm going to be deleting all of my black pill related accounts entirely, everything. Wiping it clean the same way I plan on wiping away my current life clean to change my name and start a new one. Read my thread on the forum to know why.

TBH I imagine this going differently. I Imagined waiting till I was actually wealthmaxxed and then making some grand thread where I @ everyone on my ignore list and tell them to fuck off and then I @ everyone on my follow list and give them positive affirmations.

But ironically I find that I don't really give a fuck about anybody on my ignore list enough to even notify them lol, and for the people that are following me, you already know what you need to do.

I really wish this game of life was "multiplayer", but sadly it's a single player one. If I die tomorrow everyone else's life goes on. Existence itself only really exists for each individual on a personal level. As much as I'd like to take some people along with me for the ride, my experiences have shown me that your life can only be focused around yourself and your own goals, so it's best not to get too attached.

I just woke up and all my passion for this shit was gone. I don't feel any attachment to the forum anymore, or to the incel plight, now my only focus is building wealth to create the life I want for myself.

I think we all (well the actual incels, not the larps, fakecels and trolls) come here with a level of rage and anger, not because of what was done to us, but really because we have no guidance, we don't know how life actually works, and we don't have a plan or path in life. But if you spend enough time there, talk to the right people (productive serious incels that are focused on business, wealth, etc), and you avoid the LDAR retards, block all the trolls and larps, etc. You are going to find your path in life and come up with a plan, and over time, all of the rage dissipates.

I'm not saying anything stupid like you "stop hating". Hate is good, hate is useful, hate lets your know who your enemies are and where you stand in life. But hate needs to be controlled and directed, it can't just be haphazard outburts.

I have a clear path and plan for my life, so there's no longer any reason for me to be here.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. @PPEcel , I really don't know why you are still here. You have the money to go travel and live an amazing life, yet you choose to come here, it makes no sense to me. I half think you are just lying about the wealth you have and this is just some kind of persona, because if I had your finances, I'd already have reached the point where I am not mentally LONG BEFORE I EVEN CREATED THE ACCOUNT lol.

@Master good luck, but I don't think this forum is going anywhere important until you start enforcing a serious culture. How fucking funny would it be if me deleting my account like this and making a scene is what ultimately leads to the forum culture changing? :feelskek: (if that happens fuck you, you should have done it sooner lol).

Good bye and good luck to everyone.

On another note if you're looking for a good Isekai anime that going to leave you super depressed because of how immersive it is and how great the protagonists life is, watch "Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo". Most savage isekai protagonist ever though lol (you'll see why).

Gonna go delete my account and go watch it over again, it was entertaining.

I'm sure there's a lot I'm leaving un-said that just isn't coming to mind right now, in the end I'll be leaving this community with this video, as I think it best represents the plight of incel men, especially on this forum, and the mindset that a lot of incels have that will keep them perpetual failures in life:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGL1x40p46s

Don't become the guy in the montage for this video lol. Be logical, be strategic, distance yourself from your emotions and your ego. Your life will be way easier and much more enjoyable if you take a stoic approach and you are pragmatic.

I hope that my threads that remain will serve to help other incels on their journey. Though the name won't be attached because I deleted the account. I'm sure you guys will find some way to search the threads up (plus a lot of them are titled [Hard To Swallow Edition].

Escape this wretched place, and do not look back
Added to Ignored list...
Late twenties, I’am wageslaving , there is worst job than the one I’am doing but working with people suck as an incel

So man up (pure roastie vocabulary lmfao) and provide the 10k for your fellow incel , mr millionaire @Copexodius Maximus
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I did not necessarily agree with everything you wrote, but the quality of your content overall was top notch and your contributions to black pill is undeniable.
Good luck @BlkPillPres I hope you succeed at your wealthmaxxing endeavors.
Blackpill is real keep coping
Can I have ur acc
Nah I was just joking, o7

I read his posts when lurking, very thought out and intelligent goodbye.
Good luck! This forum is just cope. It's not going to help you escape inceldoom. Moneymaxxing is really the only legit way out. That's what I'm doing. Just wageslaving my ass off and socking away enough money to maybe hopefully retire one day, and then move to Vietnam or some place far from the shithole of western society.
IT would probably approve
What a loss to the community. I don't think this site can recover from the loss of quality in your absence. So many of your threads are just brilliant and had a substantial impact on my life and worldview. Good luck man.
Best of luck into the future man.

Wish you the best.
Having over 10 million. Only incel I know that is richer on the forum got banned, he was in the leagues of 100s of millions.
Who? I might actually take a bribe to bring him back
Another day another reminder of failure
If I had 10 mil I would buy my mom a big house. And myself a PS5. HOLY SHITi just realised the chadlite from my college is now associate in mckinsey at canada. He must be making this much:reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
@Transcended Trucel just end me already. I allow you to commit sepaku on me.
If I had 10 mil I would buy my mom a big house. And myself a PS5. HOLY SHITi just realised the chadlite from my college is now associate in mckinsey at canada. He must be making this much:reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
@Transcended Trucel just end me already. I allow you to commit sepaku on me.
Fucking over. That Chadlite fucker is probably earning half a million a year damn
Fucking over. That Chadlite fucker is probably earning half a million a year damn
I was wrong. seems 200k salary. But still pretty good
I was wrong. seems 200k salary. But still pretty good
Almost as nice as a googlefag:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:

Holy fucking shxncmsndkdhshsj these nighas be making dough while slayin puss all this time while poor nigga here can't even afford regular escort. Fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck. Everyone mogging fuck
Almost as nice as a googlefag:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:

Holy fucking shxncmsndkdhshsj these nighas be making dough while slayin puss all this time while poor nigga here can't even afford regular escort. Fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck. Everyone mogging fuck
Hopefully I can join those fuckers :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:.Sadly keep failing those nigger interviews. Fuck HIGH IQ nerrds and FUCKING H1B fuckers and filthy high IQ invading international students
Hopefully I can join those fuckers :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:.Sadly keep failing those nigger interviews. Fuck HIGH IQ nerrds and FUCKING H1B fuckers and filthy high IQ invading international students
I wouldn't have to think about cutting my budget for the laptop or think about buying a cheap gtx 1060 one or not buy it altogether to pay my debt back if I made 200k :cryfeels::cryfeels:

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