TheVman said:
That was cool. ripped was always a bro. this one is my favorite tho
god damn looks theory is so fucking true.
One time i was on tinder and i suprisingly matched with a female for once but she was the biggest bitch, i think she just matched me to insult me. She first made fun of my face, saying i looked like some cartoon thingo, and i was like oh is it because of my big nose? and i think she said something about me looking like a jew idk something like that
Then the convo went on for a bit and i made some remark about jews/ responding to whatever she said, and she straight out insulted me i was like WHAT THE FUCK
uve got chads on tinder who can say/ put whatever the fuck they want but when i made an apparently "racist" remark responding to what she said i get insulted. It wasnt even fucking racist , just LOL at my life.