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LifeFuel Men Are Waking Up to Foid Hypocrisy

The day we gave them rights is the day we fucked up as men this is what they give us in return after allowing then to fucking vote
"I just kind of assumed he had a regular social life yknow? Few good friends, a girl here and there"

The average foid will literally never be able to understand...

There is probably a deeper point to be made here, like on the way foids see the world, solipsism is probably the term I'm looking for...
There was this supposed blackpilled guy on YT who was talking about how foids' got a 'healthier' attitude towards men because of how quickly they move on.
it's healthy to be a cumdump in normalfags' eyes :feelsaww:

total normalfag death
In this Reddit post, some guy is talking about how his truecel little brother ended up killing himself.

TL;DR of the post -- His Her (it's apparently a foid, JFL!) little brother killed himself because he was extremely lonely due to not being desirable to women despite his self-improvement journey. He had a good personality, made people laugh, worked extremely hard, studied extremely hard, and showed kindness to everyone he knew. He ended up breaking down crying talking about how no girls want him and how lonely he feels. Later on, he hung himself.

He was 22, almost 23 in November.

I noticed something seemed off about 2 months ago and asked him what was going on. It was just us at the house, and he's usually a pretty stoic guy hell he loves to laugh and joke around. I really did not expect him to breakdown crying. I hadn't seen him cry since he was a little boy.

He talked about how ugly he felt, he felt so undesirable, one thing that stuck with me was him saying he was "so cold all the time". It was honestly really fucking hard for me not to cry. I was surprised because I just kind of assumed he had a regular social life yknow? Few good friends, a girl here and there, stuff like that.

I did notice he stopped going out as much a few years ago and he said he had to drop a lot of friends in the name of "self improvement" which I did see him improving himself A LOT these past few years and just kinda thought like "nice, good for him" but now I'm starting to wonder if he was doing all that in hopes of getting a girl.

This was all 2 months ago and I was still thinking about it but idk I guess maybe I thought he'd cry it out and kinda move on to the next part of the story or something? I really didn't know.

3 weeks ago my brother was found after hanging himself in his closet and from what I'm told his note mostly just referenced his struggles with dating and his appearance.

I don't understand. He was such a handsome young man, his hair was so full and beautiful with that amazing dark brown color to it, his eyes were so beautiful the way they'd switch between green and blue depending on how the light hit them, his voice was so pleasant to listen to, he was so funny he'd have you sore the next day from laughing, he was so smart he taught himself so many things he knew so much about history, culture, science, philosophy, always such a quick learner and such an incredibly hard worker. He was always the first to show up and the last to leave at every job he'd had. He was so kind helpful, giving our nieces and nephews $100 for their birthdays, learning how to braid hair for our nieces, always looking out for people who might need help. He was so balanced, strong yet gentle, capable yet humble, beautiful yet modest. He was such a good cook, even if it didn't turn out the best you could tell he cooked with love and passion. He did everything with a passion you very rarely see in people. Hell he even watched movies, read books, and listened to music with a passion. I remember as a kid he used to always tear up during movies and at songs. Hell, I remember when we were little and he cried at the end of kill bill 2. He even taught himself ASL (for our cousin in another state) and Japanese to damn near FLUENCY. I wanted to learn Spanish so bad in high school and couldn't get past the first grammar lesson. I was honestly in awe of him for that. This kid liked a challenge too, he'd be taking cold showers, sleeping without a blanket in the winter, doing pushups until he literally couldn't lift his arms, seeing how long he can study for, how much money could he make in a week. I think he liked seeing what he could withstand. He was so sentimental. Always believing everyone had so much intrinsic value and getting so upset when things were unfair. When our aunt's dog died he sat there with that dog for an entire day, never moving, just trying to comfort the dog on his last day. A comfort he was not given.

His funeral's on Sunday and I don't know if I'll be able to hold it together.

My family wants me to do the slideshow. I've picked the songs runaway train by soul asylum and yokan by a band called dir en grey (he loved both songs so much always sang or played them). It's so fucking hard looking at the pictures, hearing the melodies or lyrics. I feel like my lungs are bruised from trying to stifle my tears. What hurts even more is that there's less and less pictures of him as the years go on, and looking back, you can really start to see the happiness drain from his eyes, how the hell did we not see it. I can't stop crying for even 10 minutes. I feel like I'm literally suffocating. I just want to scream I'm so angry and sad at the same time. I'm never ever going to see my little brother ever again for the rest of my life. We went to my sister's and hearing the deep, endless sobbing of my nieces will be etched into my brain. Seeing a 4 and 8 year old grieve is unimaginable, they cry just like adults almost. I'm honestly terrified for both of them, especially the toddler, she has no other father figure in her life and he took so much pride in being there for her and she loved him more than anything in the world, even copying his mannerisms. And now she'll never see her uncle again, he won't be there when she graduates high school and college, or when she gets married, or when she has a baby of her own. He'll never be there to pick her up somewhere no questions asked, vet a boyfriend, help her with homework, help her move. He took so much pride in being a good male role model for them and now no matter how much these girls might need their uncle, he will never be there again. Ever.

I keep going back and forth between anger and agony, spending most of my time somewhere in the middle. He was the greatest person I ever knew and how did he die? How did he spend the last moments of his beautiful, precious life? Alone, in agony, in a dark closet. I didn't get to say goodbye to my little brother. All the meals I cooked for him, the days I took care of him when he was sick, all the babysitting, teaching him to drive, all of it.... and I don't even get a fucking goodbye. Just up and leave. How could you do this to me? To all of us? I fucking hate you.

I just don't understand, he was so beautiful. How the hell could he feel ugly? He wanted children so bad and I know they would've been so incredibly smart, kind, beautiful, and capable. Just like he was.

I'd like to share something he wrote that's really stuck with me. I'm considering getting it tattoo'd.

"When I'm too scared to sleep alone, would you stay up with me on the phone? On that road, watch me go. Oh man, I'm pretty far from home. Hold my head against your chest, I'll listen to your heart while you listen to my breath. On that road, watch me go. Oh man, I'm pretty far from home."

I love you so much, Luke.

The comments here are full of foids consoling the poster and saying that this was so unfortunate that this happened. Talking about how depression just 'irrationally strikes.' and doesn't make sense for why some people kill themselves.

However, men in the comment section aren't falling for the same BS anymore.

This is genuienly lifefuel, I felt relieved looking at the comments and seeing guys starting to wake up to women's evil nature and their hypocrisy. The best part? No foid is replying to them! They have nothing to say, because they know that it's the truth. Men as a collective are starting to move forward for once.

Rip to the guy. If there's an afterlife for him, I hope he gets what he wants there
I think the most you expose yourself with normies the most posibilities do you have to sui yourself.
Unfortunately, I didn't take student loans, is that alright?
The day we gave them rights is the day we fucked up as men this is what they give us in return after allowing then to fucking vote
Agreed. If women didn't have the right to vote, society would have already advanced so far.
In this Reddit post, some guy is talking about how his truecel little brother ended up killing himself.

TL;DR of the post -- His Her (it's apparently a foid, JFL!) little brother killed himself because he was extremely lonely due to not being desirable to women despite his self-improvement journey. He had a good personality, made people laugh, worked extremely hard, studied extremely hard, and showed kindness to everyone he knew. He ended up breaking down crying talking about how no girls want him and how lonely he feels. Later on, he hung himself.

He was 22, almost 23 in November.

I noticed something seemed off about 2 months ago and asked him what was going on. It was just us at the house, and he's usually a pretty stoic guy hell he loves to laugh and joke around. I really did not expect him to breakdown crying. I hadn't seen him cry since he was a little boy.

He talked about how ugly he felt, he felt so undesirable, one thing that stuck with me was him saying he was "so cold all the time". It was honestly really fucking hard for me not to cry. I was surprised because I just kind of assumed he had a regular social life yknow? Few good friends, a girl here and there, stuff like that.

I did notice he stopped going out as much a few years ago and he said he had to drop a lot of friends in the name of "self improvement" which I did see him improving himself A LOT these past few years and just kinda thought like "nice, good for him" but now I'm starting to wonder if he was doing all that in hopes of getting a girl.

This was all 2 months ago and I was still thinking about it but idk I guess maybe I thought he'd cry it out and kinda move on to the next part of the story or something? I really didn't know.

3 weeks ago my brother was found after hanging himself in his closet and from what I'm told his note mostly just referenced his struggles with dating and his appearance.

I don't understand. He was such a handsome young man, his hair was so full and beautiful with that amazing dark brown color to it, his eyes were so beautiful the way they'd switch between green and blue depending on how the light hit them, his voice was so pleasant to listen to, he was so funny he'd have you sore the next day from laughing, he was so smart he taught himself so many things he knew so much about history, culture, science, philosophy, always such a quick learner and such an incredibly hard worker. He was always the first to show up and the last to leave at every job he'd had. He was so kind helpful, giving our nieces and nephews $100 for their birthdays, learning how to braid hair for our nieces, always looking out for people who might need help. He was so balanced, strong yet gentle, capable yet humble, beautiful yet modest. He was such a good cook, even if it didn't turn out the best you could tell he cooked with love and passion. He did everything with a passion you very rarely see in people. Hell he even watched movies, read books, and listened to music with a passion. I remember as a kid he used to always tear up during movies and at songs. Hell, I remember when we were little and he cried at the end of kill bill 2. He even taught himself ASL (for our cousin in another state) and Japanese to damn near FLUENCY. I wanted to learn Spanish so bad in high school and couldn't get past the first grammar lesson. I was honestly in awe of him for that. This kid liked a challenge too, he'd be taking cold showers, sleeping without a blanket in the winter, doing pushups until he literally couldn't lift his arms, seeing how long he can study for, how much money could he make in a week. I think he liked seeing what he could withstand. He was so sentimental. Always believing everyone had so much intrinsic value and getting so upset when things were unfair. When our aunt's dog died he sat there with that dog for an entire day, never moving, just trying to comfort the dog on his last day. A comfort he was not given.

His funeral's on Sunday and I don't know if I'll be able to hold it together.

My family wants me to do the slideshow. I've picked the songs runaway train by soul asylum and yokan by a band called dir en grey (he loved both songs so much always sang or played them). It's so fucking hard looking at the pictures, hearing the melodies or lyrics. I feel like my lungs are bruised from trying to stifle my tears. What hurts even more is that there's less and less pictures of him as the years go on, and looking back, you can really start to see the happiness drain from his eyes, how the hell did we not see it. I can't stop crying for even 10 minutes. I feel like I'm literally suffocating. I just want to scream I'm so angry and sad at the same time. I'm never ever going to see my little brother ever again for the rest of my life. We went to my sister's and hearing the deep, endless sobbing of my nieces will be etched into my brain. Seeing a 4 and 8 year old grieve is unimaginable, they cry just like adults almost. I'm honestly terrified for both of them, especially the toddler, she has no other father figure in her life and he took so much pride in being there for her and she loved him more than anything in the world, even copying his mannerisms. And now she'll never see her uncle again, he won't be there when she graduates high school and college, or when she gets married, or when she has a baby of her own. He'll never be there to pick her up somewhere no questions asked, vet a boyfriend, help her with homework, help her move. He took so much pride in being a good male role model for them and now no matter how much these girls might need their uncle, he will never be there again. Ever.

I keep going back and forth between anger and agony, spending most of my time somewhere in the middle. He was the greatest person I ever knew and how did he die? How did he spend the last moments of his beautiful, precious life? Alone, in agony, in a dark closet. I didn't get to say goodbye to my little brother. All the meals I cooked for him, the days I took care of him when he was sick, all the babysitting, teaching him to drive, all of it.... and I don't even get a fucking goodbye. Just up and leave. How could you do this to me? To all of us? I fucking hate you.

I just don't understand, he was so beautiful. How the hell could he feel ugly? He wanted children so bad and I know they would've been so incredibly smart, kind, beautiful, and capable. Just like he was.

I'd like to share something he wrote that's really stuck with me. I'm considering getting it tattoo'd.

"When I'm too scared to sleep alone, would you stay up with me on the phone? On that road, watch me go. Oh man, I'm pretty far from home. Hold my head against your chest, I'll listen to your heart while you listen to my breath. On that road, watch me go. Oh man, I'm pretty far from home."

I love you so much, Luke.

The comments here are full of foids consoling the poster and saying that this was so unfortunate that this happened. Talking about how depression just 'irrationally strikes.' and doesn't make sense for why some people kill themselves.

However, men in the comment section aren't falling for the same BS anymore.

This is genuienly lifefuel, I felt relieved looking at the comments and seeing guys starting to wake up to women's evil nature and their hypocrisy. The best part? No foid is replying to them! They have nothing to say, because they know that it's the truth. Men as a collective are starting to move forward for once.

:feelshmm: That’s great. Perhaps it’s time for Gen Z to end misandry once and for all!
Wow. Just wow. His suicide note itself even talks about how it was because he knew he was undesirable to females and yet she still goes: 'Hmmm, maybe it was the money...'

God I hate foids so much. I wish she dies a horrible, painful death, and I'm not ashamed to say it.
Woman cannot stop gaslighting for once , very Suprised that some Man on Leddit out of all Places :feelskek: seem to get the point that Woman are huge gaslighters and will tell any Man to try harder and self improve . While she dosnt have to do shit to get her needs met ( Sex )

That the Guy still will be undesired after muh self improvement ( because of Retarded Woman Standarts that are based on Genetics ) is just the nasty sideeffect most guys arent aware yet ( Height / face cant be self improooved :feelsclown: )

It obviously takes more Man to figure that out , but still its something already .

@The Scarlet Prince @Friezacel @Mecoja @The Abyss @VersoffenerAssi @Skoga @Rotter @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Lebensmüder @Gott _mit _uns94 @Grodd @Emba @Stupid Clown @VideoGameCoper
@SmhChan @erenyeager @Hoppipolla @IncelKing
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Woman cannot stop gaslighting for once , very Suprised that some Man on Leddit out of all Places :feelskek: seem to get the point that Woman are huge gaslighters and will tell any Man to try harder and self improve . While she dosnt have to do shit to get her needs met ( Sex )

That the Guy still will be undesired after muh self improvement ( because of Retarded Woman Standarts that are bssed on Genetics ) is just the nasty sideeffect most guys arent aware yet ( Height / face cant be self improooved :feelsclown: )

It obviously takes more Man to figure that out , but still its something already .
Very true. It's refreshing to see that some men are starting to realize at least, and that contempt towards women is growing by the day.
Woman cannot stop gaslighting for once , very Suprised that some Man on Leddit out of all Places :feelskek: seem to get the point that Woman are huge gaslighters and will tell any Man to try harder and self improve . While she dosnt have to do shit to get her needs met ( Sex )

That the Guy still will be undesired after muh self improvement ( because of Retarded Woman Standarts that are based on Genetics ) is just the nasty sideeffect most guys arent aware yet ( Height / face cant be self improooved :feelsclown: )

It obviously takes more Man to figure that out , but still its something already .

@The Scarlet Prince @Friezacel @Mecoja @The Abyss @VersoffenerAssi @Skoga @Rotter @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Lebensmüder @Gott _mit _uns94 @Grodd @Emba @Stupid Clown @VideoGameCoper
@SmhChan @erenyeager @Hoppipolla @IncelKing
It's just so sad this guy rotted in extreme loneliness. He honestly was a good guy from what the brother said, and obviously the brother didn't even think he was ugly. He is another victim of gynocentrism and hypergamy. It's that simple and cruel. His looksmatch could have dated him and made his life worth living but she didn't.
I remember seeing that post, we're finally healing society
Based redditor amongst sea of cucks and w0men.
It's just so sad this guy rotted in extreme loneliness. He honestly was a good guy from what the brother said, and obviously the brother didn't even think he was ugly. He is another victim of gynocentrism and hypergamy. It's that simple and cruel. His looksmatch could have dated him and made his life worth living but she didn't.
If only Man are aware about how Biased / favoured Society is towards Woman by default .

And that its not his Fault for being not enough " Meanwhile a Fat Foid gets Sex on delivery via Apps etc and being Worshiped :feelskek: :feelsclown: go Figure .
Rip my inkwell bro
If only Man are aware about how Biased Society is towards Woman by default .

And that its not his Fault for being not enough " Meanwhile a Fat Foid gets Sex on delivery via Apps etc and being Worshiped :feelskek: :feelsclown: go Figure .
We need more men to be aware of the truth. Men that are average looking now are even deemed not good enough, and the face reveals people sent me here prove it. Absolutely ridiculous that I know a few normal looking dudes here with high post counts meanwhile their female looksmatch gets treated like a queen. Even ugly landehales far uglier than the worse looking truecel face reveal I saw get sex and relationships easier than I can order a pizza.

All we need is enough men to realize that they have to put in an insane amount of effort just to get anything while an ugly landwhale lives great by default. If enough men were awakened, then there would be legit societal changes happening
In this Reddit post, some guy is talking about how his truecel little brother ended up killing himself.

TL;DR of the post -- His Her (it's apparently a foid, JFL!) little brother killed himself because he was extremely lonely due to not being desirable to women despite his self-improvement journey. He had a good personality, made people laugh, worked extremely hard, studied extremely hard, and showed kindness to everyone he knew. He ended up breaking down crying talking about how no girls want him and how lonely he feels. Later on, he hung himself.

He was 22, almost 23 in November.

I noticed something seemed off about 2 months ago and asked him what was going on. It was just us at the house, and he's usually a pretty stoic guy hell he loves to laugh and joke around. I really did not expect him to breakdown crying. I hadn't seen him cry since he was a little boy.

He talked about how ugly he felt, he felt so undesirable, one thing that stuck with me was him saying he was "so cold all the time". It was honestly really fucking hard for me not to cry. I was surprised because I just kind of assumed he had a regular social life yknow? Few good friends, a girl here and there, stuff like that.

I did notice he stopped going out as much a few years ago and he said he had to drop a lot of friends in the name of "self improvement" which I did see him improving himself A LOT these past few years and just kinda thought like "nice, good for him" but now I'm starting to wonder if he was doing all that in hopes of getting a girl.

This was all 2 months ago and I was still thinking about it but idk I guess maybe I thought he'd cry it out and kinda move on to the next part of the story or something? I really didn't know.

3 weeks ago my brother was found after hanging himself in his closet and from what I'm told his note mostly just referenced his struggles with dating and his appearance.

I don't understand. He was such a handsome young man, his hair was so full and beautiful with that amazing dark brown color to it, his eyes were so beautiful the way they'd switch between green and blue depending on how the light hit them, his voice was so pleasant to listen to, he was so funny he'd have you sore the next day from laughing, he was so smart he taught himself so many things he knew so much about history, culture, science, philosophy, always such a quick learner and such an incredibly hard worker. He was always the first to show up and the last to leave at every job he'd had. He was so kind helpful, giving our nieces and nephews $100 for their birthdays, learning how to braid hair for our nieces, always looking out for people who might need help. He was so balanced, strong yet gentle, capable yet humble, beautiful yet modest. He was such a good cook, even if it didn't turn out the best you could tell he cooked with love and passion. He did everything with a passion you very rarely see in people. Hell he even watched movies, read books, and listened to music with a passion. I remember as a kid he used to always tear up during movies and at songs. Hell, I remember when we were little and he cried at the end of kill bill 2. He even taught himself ASL (for our cousin in another state) and Japanese to damn near FLUENCY. I wanted to learn Spanish so bad in high school and couldn't get past the first grammar lesson. I was honestly in awe of him for that. This kid liked a challenge too, he'd be taking cold showers, sleeping without a blanket in the winter, doing pushups until he literally couldn't lift his arms, seeing how long he can study for, how much money could he make in a week. I think he liked seeing what he could withstand. He was so sentimental. Always believing everyone had so much intrinsic value and getting so upset when things were unfair. When our aunt's dog died he sat there with that dog for an entire day, never moving, just trying to comfort the dog on his last day. A comfort he was not given.

His funeral's on Sunday and I don't know if I'll be able to hold it together.

My family wants me to do the slideshow. I've picked the songs runaway train by soul asylum and yokan by a band called dir en grey (he loved both songs so much always sang or played them). It's so fucking hard looking at the pictures, hearing the melodies or lyrics. I feel like my lungs are bruised from trying to stifle my tears. What hurts even more is that there's less and less pictures of him as the years go on, and looking back, you can really start to see the happiness drain from his eyes, how the hell did we not see it. I can't stop crying for even 10 minutes. I feel like I'm literally suffocating. I just want to scream I'm so angry and sad at the same time. I'm never ever going to see my little brother ever again for the rest of my life. We went to my sister's and hearing the deep, endless sobbing of my nieces will be etched into my brain. Seeing a 4 and 8 year old grieve is unimaginable, they cry just like adults almost. I'm honestly terrified for both of them, especially the toddler, she has no other father figure in her life and he took so much pride in being there for her and she loved him more than anything in the world, even copying his mannerisms. And now she'll never see her uncle again, he won't be there when she graduates high school and college, or when she gets married, or when she has a baby of her own. He'll never be there to pick her up somewhere no questions asked, vet a boyfriend, help her with homework, help her move. He took so much pride in being a good male role model for them and now no matter how much these girls might need their uncle, he will never be there again. Ever.

I keep going back and forth between anger and agony, spending most of my time somewhere in the middle. He was the greatest person I ever knew and how did he die? How did he spend the last moments of his beautiful, precious life? Alone, in agony, in a dark closet. I didn't get to say goodbye to my little brother. All the meals I cooked for him, the days I took care of him when he was sick, all the babysitting, teaching him to drive, all of it.... and I don't even get a fucking goodbye. Just up and leave. How could you do this to me? To all of us? I fucking hate you.

I just don't understand, he was so beautiful. How the hell could he feel ugly? He wanted children so bad and I know they would've been so incredibly smart, kind, beautiful, and capable. Just like he was.

I'd like to share something he wrote that's really stuck with me. I'm considering getting it tattoo'd.

"When I'm too scared to sleep alone, would you stay up with me on the phone? On that road, watch me go. Oh man, I'm pretty far from home. Hold my head against your chest, I'll listen to your heart while you listen to my breath. On that road, watch me go. Oh man, I'm pretty far from home."

I love you so much, Luke.

The comments here are full of foids consoling the poster and saying that this was so unfortunate that this happened. Talking about how depression just 'irrationally strikes.' and doesn't make sense for why some people kill themselves.

However, men in the comment section aren't falling for the same BS anymore.

This is genuienly lifefuel, I felt relieved looking at the comments and seeing guys starting to wake up to women's evil nature and their hypocrisy. The best part? No foid is replying to them! They have nothing to say, because they know that it's the truth. Men as a collective are starting to move forward for once.
Woman cannot stop gaslighting for once , very Suprised that some Man on Leddit out of all Places :feelskek: seem to get the point that Woman are huge gaslighters and will tell any Man to try harder and self improve . While she dosnt have to do shit to get her needs met ( Sex )

That the Guy still will be undesired after muh self improvement ( because of Retarded Woman Standarts that are based on Genetics ) is just the nasty sideeffect most guys arent aware yet ( Height / face cant be self improooved :feelsclown: )

It obviously takes more Man to figure that out , but still its something already .

@The Scarlet Prince @Friezacel @Mecoja @The Abyss @VersoffenerAssi @Skoga @Rotter @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Lebensmüder @Gott _mit _uns94 @Grodd @Emba @Stupid Clown @VideoGameCoper
@SmhChan @erenyeager @Hoppipolla @IncelKing
Sadly all the true comments which call out Redditors hipocrisy, there are by incels. Fucking bluepilled morrons still cant hold foids accountable for anything. Im not saying that foids should fuck with us (i am actually) but would it killed them to treat us as human beings and be nice to us? Without projecting their disgust and fear and portray us as evil?
I’m so glad that soycucks from Reddit finally start to swallow the Blackpill.Those foids that replied are just virtue signaling bags of filth that still hope that males wouldn’t do the blackpill so they’ll still be comfortable and degenerate
Just use your brothers suicide for updoots broooo :soy:.
Just use your brothers suicide for updoots broooo :soy:.
This post wasn’t karma farming. The guy’s brother must have felt so sad and sorry for him. Just venting. It’s clear the brother actually thought highly of his bro.
This post wasn’t karma farming. The guy’s brother must have felt so sad and sorry for him. Just venting. It’s clear the brother actually thought highly of his bro.
It's a foid.
It's a foid.
Oh. I figured it was written by a brother because it was actually somewhat empathetic seeming and caring about him. Rare time a femoid wasn’t a vile scummy POS and shitting on the guy I guess.

I didn’t read the whole thing though, so tell me if she said anything bad about him.
Oh. I figured it was written by a brother because it was actually somewhat empathetic seeming and caring about him. Rare time a femoid wasn’t a vile scummy POS and shitting on the guy I guess.

I didn’t read the whole thing though, so tell me if she said anything bad about him.
No, she didn't say anything particularly negative. I just posted it because I found it funny how her brother went through this and yet she 100% is the type of foid to tell you that your problems aren't real and that you just have bad personality.
No, she didn't say anything particularly negative. I just posted it because I found it funny how her brother went through this and yet she 100% is the type of foid to tell you that your problems aren't real and that you just have bad personality.
I see, and yeah, if it was any man other than blood related family members, she wouldn’t give two fucks about it and would have been one of the ones to drive him to suicide by denying him a relationship.

I guarantee if my mother didn’t have a son like me that she wouldn’t care at all about how lonely men can be. Poor guy though
Woman cannot stop gaslighting for once , very Suprised that some Man on Leddit out of all Places :feelskek: seem to get the point that Woman are huge gaslighters and will tell any Man to try harder and self improve . While she dosnt have to do shit to get her needs met ( Sex )

That the Guy still will be undesired after muh self improvement ( because of Retarded Woman Standarts that are based on Genetics ) is just the nasty sideeffect most guys arent aware yet ( Height / face cant be self improooved :feelsclown: )

It obviously takes more Man to figure that out , but still its something already .

@The Scarlet Prince @Friezacel @Mecoja @The Abyss @VersoffenerAssi @Skoga @Rotter @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Lebensmüder @Gott _mit _uns94 @Grodd @Emba @Stupid Clown @VideoGameCoper
@SmhChan @erenyeager @Hoppipolla @IncelKing
These men are a minority unfortunately. The top upvoted replies are all femoids gaslighting. Even on twatter most guys are gaslighting about how he should've just lifted more. Jfl
that's good to hear. The system must be broken.
These men are a minority unfortunately. The top upvoted replies are all femoids gaslighting. Even on twatter most guys are gaslighting about how he should've just lifted more. Jfl
Yea its Kinda fucked . Most guys dont have time to Research and introspect " and thats propably by Design. I was oblivious too at some point :feelskek:
Yea its Kinda fucked . Most guys dont have time to Research and introspect " and thats propably by Design. I was oblivious too at some point :feelskek:
Most guys are coping because they're on their "self improvement journey"
Most guys are coping because they're on their "self improvement journey"
Self improvement is a big fucking self Sabotage , only do it for the bare minimum to get lean , and dont have any expectations to get a Woman ( because you most likely wont )
It deeply pleases foids when an incel commits suicide.

That's a pretty good reason not to rope. Don't let those bitches be happy.
Woman cannot stop gaslighting for once , very Suprised that some Man on Leddit out of all Places :feelskek: seem to get the point that Woman are huge gaslighters and will tell any Man to try harder and self improve . While she dosnt have to do shit to get her needs met ( Sex )

That the Guy still will be undesired after muh self improvement ( because of Retarded Woman Standarts that are based on Genetics ) is just the nasty sideeffect most guys arent aware yet ( Height / face cant be self improooved :feelsclown: )

It obviously takes more Man to figure that out , but still its something already .

@The Scarlet Prince @Friezacel @Mecoja @The Abyss @VersoffenerAssi @Skoga @Rotter @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Lebensmüder @Gott _mit _uns94 @Grodd @Emba @Stupid Clown @VideoGameCoper
@SmhChan @erenyeager @Hoppipolla @IncelKing
The more men who realise foids are evil the quicker we can get rid of foids rights
Woman cannot stop gaslighting for once , very Suprised that some Man on Leddit out of all Places :feelskek: seem to get the point that Woman are huge gaslighters and will tell any Man to try harder and self improve . While she dosnt have to do shit to get her needs met ( Sex )

That the Guy still will be undesired after muh self improvement ( because of Retarded Woman Standarts that are based on Genetics ) is just the nasty sideeffect most guys arent aware yet ( Height / face cant be self improooved :feelsclown: )

It obviously takes more Man to figure that out , but still its something already .

@The Scarlet Prince @Friezacel @Mecoja @The Abyss @VersoffenerAssi @Skoga @Rotter @Swagpilled @OutcompetedByRoomba @Lebensmüder @Gott _mit _uns94 @Grodd @Emba @Stupid Clown @VideoGameCoper
@SmhChan @erenyeager @Hoppipolla @IncelKing
Get that shit outta here, these bitches saying it's such a shame would be calling this guy a nasty inkwell deserving of suffering if he saud all this & was still alive.
Yeah! Anyone with a brain should be able to tell blackpill going msm is a major fucking net-negative for men. Only possible solution is swiftly overpowering gynocracy physically.
correct. there are two possible scenarios - the one you describe, where things are restored to their right order for the benefit of all of us (and in my belief, for the benefit of humanity as a whole including women), and the other is the contineud descent into promiscuity, consumerism and nihlism. at least ai gfs are assured in the latter scenario i suppose
Men will always out-perform foids. It's just nature. There is no physical way that foids would be able to actually ever establish a society where men are second-class citizens. At least, once enough men wake up from the situation we're in, which is happening exponentially. I highly doubt Chad cares, either.
The most likely scenario is a total replacement of foids with artificial replacements. Easier to control and can be purpose built for the various tasks foids once filled. I don't even think the transition will be violent. One day we'll see a headline about how 50% of males are in relationships with AI partners/sexbots and then the next year we'll read about the artificial womb and the growing number of single fathers using surrogacy and artificial wombs to have kids. Then, sometime in the more distant future, we'll hear about the last human female on Earth dying and how our species has reached a new evolutionary stage previously unknown to us. The last part probably won't happen for another 200 to 300 years, but we are in the last stage of our co-evolutionary existence with females. There remain only a few things they are needed for, and the artificial solution for those things will happen before the end of the century. We are almost free boyos. :whitepill: Good riddance, honestly.
I want a fucking crusade against foids. We are at war with foids. Enslave them
Slavery is too kind and too much of a time and resource sink. We have alternatives available. Total replacement is the only solution I will accept.
We went to my sister's and hearing the deep, endless sobbing of my nieces will be etched into my brain. Seeing a 4 and 8 year old grieve is unimaginable, they cry just like adults almost. I'm honestly terrified for both of them, especially the toddler, she has no other father figure in her life and he took so much pride in being there for her and she loved him more than anything in the world, even copying his mannerisms. And now she'll never see her uncle again, he won't be there when she graduates high school and college, or when she gets married, or when she has a baby of her own. He'll never be there to pick her up somewhere no questions asked, vet a boyfriend, help her with homework, help her move. He took so much pride in being a good male role model for them and now no matter how much these girls might need their uncle, he will never be there again. Ever.
This paragraph makes me rage extra hard. What makes him a "good male" is his willingness to be a fucking draft horse for the females in the family and bail them out of bad situations that they themselves likely cause (and he likely warns against). I mean, check this shit out:
"vet a boyfriend".

The foid's are just as likely to consider his advice as misogyny than they are to heed the advice. When Pookie and Tyrone wanna hit, these little hoes ain't telling Luke about 'em. Who does this cunt think she is fooling?

His life was never meant to be his. These whores were planning to drain every last drop of him for their use. They are just mad the slave escaped before they could put him to real work.

Esthar Villar's "The Manipulated Man" should be required reading for every male. Females are absolute scum and they cannot be eliminated fast enough.
Total Foid Grape When?
God they are so fucking braindead, hopefully ai waifus are the future so every single living foid could be slaughtered like animala they are.
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